#include #include #include #include "symbol.h" #include "memory.h" /* Symbol processor. Stores symbols for the lexical scanner. Can later print them. Implementation uses a hashtable, the size of which is defined in symbols.h. */ /* accessible for externals */ int globalError; //!< If >0, stdout output goes to stderr (for e.g. terms) /* external declarations */ extern int yylineno; /* global declarations */ //! Symbol hash table. Symbol symbtab[HASHSIZE]; //! List of available (freed) symbol blocks. Symbol symb_list; //! List of all allocated symbol blocks. Symbol symb_alloc; /* main code */ //! Open symbols code. void symbolsInit (void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) symbtab[i] = NULL; symb_list = NULL; symb_alloc = NULL; globalError = 0; } //! Close symbols code. void symbolsDone (void) { Symbol s; while (symb_alloc != NULL) { s = symb_alloc; symb_alloc = s->allocnext; memFree (s, sizeof (struct symbol)); } } //! Create a memory block for a symbol. /** * Internal memory management is used. *@return A pointer to a memory block of size struct. */ Symbol get_symb (void) { Symbol t; if (symb_list != NULL) { t = symb_list; symb_list = symb_list->next; } else { t = (Symbol) memAlloc (sizeof (struct symbol)); t->allocnext = symb_alloc; symb_alloc = t; } return t; } //! Declare a symbol to be freed. void free_symb (Symbol s) { if (s == NULL) return; s->next = symb_list; symb_list = s; } //! Return the index in the hash table for the string. int hash (char *s) { int hv = 0; int i; for (i = 0; s[i] != EOS; i++) { int v = (hv >> 28) ^ (s[i] & 0xf); hv = (hv << 4) | v; } hv = hv & 0x7fffffff; return hv % HASHSIZE; } //! Insert a string into the hash table. void insert (Symbol s) { int hv; if (s == NULL) return; /* illegal insertion of empty stuff */ hv = hash (s->text); s->next = symbtab[hv]; symbtab[hv] = s; } //! Find a string in the hash table. Symbol lookup (char *s) { int hv; Symbol t; if (s == NULL) return NULL; hv = hash (s); t = symbtab[hv]; while (t != NULL) { if (strcmp (t->text, s) == 0) break; else t = t->next; } return t; } //! Print a symbol. void symbolPrint (Symbol s) { if (s == NULL) return; /* TODO maybe action depending on type? */ eprintf ("%s", s->text); } //! Insert a string into the symbol table, if it wasn't there yet. /** * Also sets line numbers and type. *\sa T_SYSCONST */ Symbol symbolSysConst (char *str) { Symbol symb; symb = lookup (str); if (symb == NULL) { symb = get_symb (); symb->lineno = yylineno; symb->type = T_SYSCONST; symb->text = str; } return symb; } //! Print out according to globalError /** * Input is comparable to printf, only depends on globalError. This should be used by any function trying to do output. *\sa globalError */ void eprintf (char *fmt, ... ) { va_list args; va_start (args, fmt); if (globalError == 0) vfprintf (stdout, fmt, args); else vfprintf (stderr, fmt, args); va_end (args); }