#!/usr/bin/python #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Import externals """ import wx import os.path #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Import scyther-gui components """ import Settingswindow import Scytherthread import Icon #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Some constants """ ID_VERIFY = 100 ID_AUTOVERIFY = 101 ID_STATESPACE = 102 ID_CHECK = 103 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MainWindow(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, opts, args): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(None, size=(600,800)) self.opts = opts self.args = args self.dirname = os.path.abspath('.') self.filename = 'noname.spdl' self.load = False # test if opts.test: self.filename = 'scythergui-default.spdl' self.load = True # if there is an argument (file), we load it if len(args) > 0: filename = args[0] if filename != '' and os.path.isfile(filename): self.filename = filename self.load = True Icon.ScytherIcon(self) self.CreateInteriorWindowComponents() self.CreateExteriorWindowComponents() aTable = wx.AcceleratorTable([ (wx.ACCEL_ALT, ord('X'), wx.ID_EXIT), (wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('Q'), wx.ID_EXIT), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_F1, ID_VERIFY), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_F2, ID_STATESPACE), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_F5, ID_CHECK), (wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_F6, ID_AUTOVERIFY), ]) self.SetAcceleratorTable(aTable) self.claimlist = [] self.pnglist = [] #self.SetTitle(self.title) self.firstCommand() def CreateInteriorWindowComponents(self): ''' Create "interior" window components. In this case it is just a simple multiline text control. ''' ## Make zoom buttons #sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) #buttons = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) #bt = wx.Button(self,ID_VERIFY) #buttons.Add(bt,0) #self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnVerify, bt) #bt = wx.Button(self,ID_STATESPACE) #buttons.Add(bt,0) #self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnStatespace, bt) #sizer.Add(buttons, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT) # Top: input self.top = wx.Notebook(self,-1) self.control = wx.TextCtrl(self.top, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE) if self.load: textfile = open(os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename), 'r') self.control.SetValue(textfile.read()) os.chdir(self.dirname) textfile.close() self.top.AddPage(self.control,"Protocol description") self.settings = Settingswindow.SettingsWindow(self.top,self) self.top.AddPage(self.settings,"Verification parameters") #sizer.Add(self.top,1,wx.EXPAND,1) #self.SetSizer(sizer) def CreateExteriorWindowComponents(self): ''' Create "exterior" window components, such as menu and status bar. ''' self.CreateMenus() self.SetTitle() def CreateMenu(self, bar, name, list): fileMenu = wx.Menu() for id, label, helpText, handler in list: if id == None: fileMenu.AppendSeparator() else: item = fileMenu.Append(id, label, helpText) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, handler, item) bar.Append(fileMenu, name) # Add the fileMenu to the MenuBar def CreateMenus(self): menuBar = wx.MenuBar() self.CreateMenu(menuBar, '&File', [ (wx.ID_OPEN, '&Open', 'Open a new file', self.OnOpen), (wx.ID_SAVE, '&Save', 'Save the current file', self.OnSave), (wx.ID_SAVEAS, 'Save &As', 'Save the file under a different name', self.OnSaveAs), (None, None, None, None), (wx.ID_EXIT, 'E&xit\tCTRL-Q', 'Terminate the program', self.OnExit)]) self.CreateMenu(menuBar, '&Verify', [(ID_VERIFY, '&Verify protocol\tF1','Verify the protocol in the buffer using Scyther', self.OnVerify) , (ID_STATESPACE, 'Generate &statespace\tF2','TODO' , self.OnStatespace) , (None, None, None, None), (ID_CHECK, '&Check protocol\tF5','TODO', self.OnCheck) , (ID_AUTOVERIFY, 'Verify &automatic claims\tF6','TODO', self.OnAutoVerify) ]) self.CreateMenu(menuBar, '&Help', [(wx.ID_ABOUT, '&About', 'Information about this program', self.OnAbout) ]) self.SetMenuBar(menuBar) # Add the menuBar to the Frame def SetTitle(self): # MainWindow.SetTitle overrides wx.Frame.SetTitle, so we have to # call it using super: super(MainWindow, self).SetTitle('Scyther: %s'%self.filename) # Helper methods: def defaultFileDialogOptions(self): ''' Return a dictionary with file dialog options that can be used in both the save file dialog as well as in the open file dialog. ''' return dict(message='Choose a file', defaultDir=self.dirname, wildcard='*.spdl') def askUserForFilename(self, **dialogOptions): dialog = wx.FileDialog(self, **dialogOptions) if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: userProvidedFilename = True self.filename = dialog.GetFilename() self.dirname = dialog.GetDirectory() self.SetTitle() # Update the window title with the new filename else: userProvidedFilename = False dialog.Destroy() return userProvidedFilename # Event handlers: def OnAbout(self, event): msg = "Scyther" msg += "\n" msg += "\nScyther and Scyther GUI" msg += "\ndeveloped by Cas Cremers 2004-2006" msg += "\n" msg += "\nCredits: Gijs Hollestelle (Python wrapper around Scyther XML)" dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self,msg, 'About scyther-gui', wx.OK) dialog.ShowModal() dialog.Destroy() def OnExit(self, event): self.Close() # Close the main window. def OnSave(self, event): textfile = open(os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename), 'w') textfile.write(self.control.GetValue()) textfile.close() def OnOpen(self, event): if self.askUserForFilename(style=wx.OPEN, **self.defaultFileDialogOptions()): textfile = open(os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename), 'r') self.control.SetValue(textfile.read()) textfile.close() def OnSaveAs(self, event): if self.askUserForFilename(defaultFile=self.filename, style=wx.SAVE, **self.defaultFileDialogOptions()): self.OnSave(event) os.chdir(self.dirname) def RunScyther(self, mode): s = Scytherthread.ScytherRun(self,mode) def OnVerify(self, event): self.RunScyther("verify") def OnAutoVerify(self, event): self.RunScyther("autoverify") def OnStatespace(self, event): self.RunScyther("statespace") def OnCheck(self, event): self.RunScyther("check") def firstCommand(self): if self.opts.command: # Trigger a command automatically self.Show(True) self.RunScyther(self.opts.command) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------