#!/usr/bin/env python import sys ALLPROTS = set() ALLCLAIMS = set() # prot x role x claim PREFIX = None # Required prefix FFUNC = (lambda p: True) # Filter function def reset(): global ALLPROTS global ALLCLAIMS global PREFIX global FFUNC ALLPROTS = set() ALLCLAIMS = set() PREFIX = None FFUNC = (lambda p: True) def skipLine(l): if len(l) == 0: return True skippable = ["%","\\begin","\\end","Protocol"] for skstr in skippable: if l.startswith(skstr): return True return False def stripRowEnd(l): # Assume ends with \\, split by dtl endstr = "\\\\" if not l.endswith(endstr): print "Error: some line does not end with \\\\" print ">>%s<<" % (l) sys.exit(-1) return l[:-len(endstr)] def splitStrip(l,sp): dtl = l.split(sp) for i in range(0,len(dtl)): dtl[i] = dtl[i].strip() return dtl def roleClaim(dtl): rcdt = dtl.split() assert(rcdt[0].endswith(":")) role = rcdt[0][:-1] claim = rcdt[1] return (role,claim[:20]) def scanAttackFile(fn): global ALLPROTS fp = open("gen-%s-mpaattacks.tex" % (fn),"r") attackmap = {} prot = None role = None claim = None for rawline in fp.xreadlines(): l = rawline.strip() if skipLine(l): continue l = stripRowEnd(l) dtl = splitStrip(l,"&") # New protocol if len(dtl[0]) > 0: prot = dtl[0] # New role if len(dtl[1]) > 0: (role,claim) = roleClaim(dtl[1]) # Claims list # Assume starts with '[' and ends with ']' assert(dtl[2].startswith("[")) assert(dtl[2].endswith("]")) attl = ((dtl[2])[1:-1]).split(",") for i in range(0,len(attl)): x = attl[i].strip() assert(x.startswith("'")) assert(x.endswith("'")) attl[i] = x[1:-1] ak = (prot,role,claim) if ak not in attackmap.keys(): attackmap[ak] = set() attackmap[ak].add(tuple(attl)) # Add to allprots set ALLPROTS.add(prot) for p in attl: ALLPROTS.add(prot) fp.close() return attackmap def shorten(prot): """ Shorten protocol name """ cutting = ["isoiec-","9798-"] for ct in cutting: if prot.startswith(ct): prot = prot[len(ct):] return prot.replace("-udkey","-ud") def prettyclaim(cl): """ Rewrite if needed """ return cl.replace("Commit","Agreement") def mpaTable(attackmap): """ construct table for MPA attacks """ counter = 1 s = "" s += "\\begin{longtable}{|l|lll|l|}\n" s += "\\hline\n" for kk in sorted(ALLCLAIMS): if kk not in attackmap.keys(): continue (prot,role,claim) = kk ats = str(attackmap[kk]) sl = "%i & %s & %s & %s & %s \\\\ \n" % (counter,prot,role,claim,ats) s += sl counter = counter + 1 s += "\\hline\n" s += "\\end{longtable}\n" return s def rotated(headl): """ Add rotated headers """ for i in range(0,len(headl)): headl[i] = "\\begin{sideways} %s \\end{sideways}\n" % (headl[i]) return " & ".join(headl) def baseprot(prot): return shorten(prot)[:5] def mpaTable2(attackmap,tabtype="tabular",options=""): """ construct table for MPA attacks Second attempt """ # To find the number of columns, we first need to find all protocols involved in two-protocol attacks involved = set() for kk in attackmap.keys(): for atl in attackmap[kk]: # convert tuple back to list att = list(atl) if len(att) == 1: # This attack involves one *additional* protocol, so is a two-protocol attack involved.add(att[0]) colheads = sorted(involved) attcols = "" last = None for hd in colheads: prm = baseprot(hd) if last == prm: attcols += "@{\hspace{2mm}}c" else: last = prm attcols += "|c" #attcols = "c" * len(involved) counter = 1 s = "" #s += "\\clearpage \n" s += "\\begin{%s}%s{|l|ll|%s|}\n" % (tabtype,options,attcols) s += "\\hline\n" s += rotated(["No","Prot","Claim"]) for hd in colheads: s += "& \\begin{sideways}%s\\end{sideways} " % (shorten(hd)) s += "\\\\ \n" s += "\\hline\n" last = None for kk in sorted(ALLCLAIMS): if kk not in attackmap.keys(): continue (prot,role,claim) = kk prm = baseprot(prot) if last != prm: last = prm s += "\\hline\n" sl = "" sl += "%i & %s & %s %s " % (counter,shorten(prot),role,claim) for ch in colheads: se = tuple([ch]) if se in attackmap[kk]: sl += "& $\\bullet$ " else: sl += "& $\\circ$ " sl += "\\\\ \n" s += sl counter = counter + 1 s += "\\hline\n" s += "\\end{%s}\n" % (tabtype) return s def mpaTable3(attackmaps,tabtype="tabular",options=""): """ construct table for MPA attacks attmaps = sequence of (attackmap, symbol) Symbol of the first matching is displayed Second attempt """ global FFUNC # To find the number of columns, we first need to find all protocols involved in two-protocol attacks # Also populate "allkeys" involved = set() allkeys = set() for (attackmap,symbs) in attackmaps: for kk in attackmap.keys(): allkeys.add(kk) for atl in attackmap[kk]: # convert tuple back to list att = list(atl) if len(att) == 1: # This attack involves one *additional* protocol, so is a two-protocol attack if FFUNC: if not FFUNC(att[0]): continue involved.add(att[0]) colheads = sorted(involved) attcols = "" last = None for hd in colheads: prm = baseprot(hd) if last == prm: attcols += "@{\hspace{2mm}}c" else: last = prm attcols += "|c" #attcols = "c" * len(involved) counter = 1 s = "" #s += "\\clearpage \n" s += "\\begin{%s}%s{|l|ll|%s|}\n" % (tabtype,options,attcols) s += "\\hline\n" s += rotated(["No","Prot","Claim"]) for hd in colheads: s += "& \\begin{sideways}%s\\end{sideways} " % (shorten(hd)) s += "\\\\ \n" s += "\\hline\n" last = None for kk in sorted(ALLCLAIMS): if kk not in attackmap.keys(): continue (prot,role,claim) = kk prm = baseprot(prot) if last != prm: last = prm s += "\\hline\n" sl = "" sl += "%i & %s & %s %s " % (counter,shorten(prot),role,prettyclaim(claim)) for ch in colheads: se = tuple([ch]) sl += "& " for (attackmap,symb) in attackmaps: if kk in attackmap.keys(): if se in attackmap[kk]: sl += symb break sl += "\\\\ \n" s += sl counter = counter + 1 s += "\\hline\n" s += "\\end{%s}\n" % (tabtype) return s def scanClaimList(fn): """ Simply gather claims """ global ALLPROTS global ALLCLAIMS global FFUNC fp = open("gen-%s-claims.txt" % (fn),"r") claimmap = {} for rawline in fp.xreadlines(): l = rawline.strip() if skipLine(l): continue dtl = splitStrip(l,"; ") filename = dtl[0] prot = dtl[1] if FFUNC: if not FFUNC(prot): continue label = dtl[2] (role,claim) = roleClaim(dtl[3]) ALLCLAIMS.add((prot,role,claim)) ALLPROTS.add(prot) fp.close() return claimmap def scanClaimFile(fn): """ Construct claimmap prot -> roles -> claims """ global ALLPROTS global ALLCLAIMS global FFUNC fp = open("gen-%s-correctclaims.tex" % (fn),"r") claimmap = {} for rawline in fp.xreadlines(): l = rawline.strip() if skipLine(l): continue l = stripRowEnd(l) dtl = splitStrip(l,"&") prot = dtl[0] if FFUNC: if not FFUNC(prot): continue if prot not in claimmap.keys(): claimmap[prot] = {} cll = splitStrip(dtl[1],";") for dt in cll: (role,claim) = roleClaim(dt) if role not in claimmap[prot].keys(): claimmap[prot][role] = set() claimmap[prot][role].add(claim) ALLCLAIMS.add((prot,role,claim)) ALLPROTS.add(prot) fp.close() return claimmap def getRoleClaims(rcmap): rc = set() for role in rcmap.keys(): for claim in rcmap[role]: rc.add((role,claim)) return rc def typeScanMatrix(cml,onlyChanged = False): global ALLPROTS """ Scan for the influence of typing. Input: [(txt1,cm1),(txt2,cm2),...] """ s = "" s += "\\begin{longtable}{|l|lll|%s|}\n" % ("c" * len(cml)) s += "\\hline\n" s += "No & Prot & Role & Claim " for (txt,cm) in cml: s += "& %s " % (txt) s += "\\\\\n" s += "\\hline\n" goodverdict = "$\\circ$" badverdict = "$\\bullet$" counter = 1 for (prot,role,claim) in sorted(ALLCLAIMS): # Header sl = "%i & %s & %s & %s " % (counter,prot,role,claim) alltrue = True for (txt,cm) in cml: verdict = badverdict if prot in cm.keys(): if role in cm[prot].keys(): if claim in cm[prot][role]: verdict = goodverdict if verdict == badverdict: alltrue = False sl += "& %s " % (verdict) sl += "\\\\\n" if alltrue == True: if onlyChanged == True: continue s += sl counter = counter + 1 s += "\\hline\n" s += "\\end{longtable}\n" return s def typeScanMatrix2(cml,onlyChanged = False,additive = False): global ALLPROTS """ Scan for the influence of typing. Input: [(txt1,cm1),(txt2,cm2),...] """ s = "" s += "\\begin{longtable}{|l|lll||c|}\n" s += "\\hline\n" s += "No & Prot & Claim & Attacks" s += "\\\\\n" s += "\\hline\n" s += "\\hline\n" goodverdict = "$\\circ$" badverdict = "$\\bullet$" last = None counter = 1 for (prot,role,claim) in sorted(ALLCLAIMS): if baseprot(prot) != last: last = baseprot(prot) s += "\\hline\n" # Header sl = "%i & %s & %s %s " % (counter,prot,role,prettyclaim(claim)) alltrue = True res = "" for (txt,cm) in cml: verdict = badverdict if prot in cm.keys(): if role in cm[prot].keys(): if claim in cm[prot][role]: verdict = goodverdict if verdict == badverdict: alltrue = False if additive: res += txt else: res = txt sl += "& %s " % (res) sl += "\\\\\n" if alltrue == True: if onlyChanged == True: continue s += sl counter = counter + 1 s += "\\hline\n" s += "\\end{longtable}\n" return s def typeScanMatrix3(hd1,hd2,cml,f,onlyChanged = False,tabletype="longtable"): global ALLPROTS """ Scan for the influence of typing. Input: f is given as input a sequence of Bool (attack = False) of length len(cml), should return string. """ s = "" s += "\\begin{%s}{|l|ll||%s|}\n" % (tabletype,hd1) s += "\\hline\n" s += rotated(["No","Protocol","Claim"]) + " & " + rotated(hd2) s += "\\\\\n" s += "\\hline\n" s += "\\hline\n" goodverdict = "$\\circ$" badverdict = "$\\bullet$" last = None counter = 1 for (prot,role,claim) in sorted(ALLCLAIMS): if baseprot(prot) != last: last = baseprot(prot) s += "\\hline\n" # Header sl = "%i & %s & %s %s " % (counter,prot,role,prettyclaim(claim)) alltrue = True res = "" resl = [] for cm in cml: verdict = badverdict if prot in cm.keys(): if role in cm[prot].keys(): if claim in cm[prot][role]: verdict = goodverdict if verdict == badverdict: alltrue = False resl.append(False) else: resl.append(True) sl += "& %s " % (f(resl)) sl += "\\\\\n" if alltrue == True: if onlyChanged == True: continue s += sl counter = counter + 1 s += "\\hline\n" s += "\\end{%s}\n" % (tabletype) return s def docWrapper(s,title=None,author=None): pref = "" pref += "\\documentclass{article}\n" pref += "\\usepackage{a4}\n" pref += "\\usepackage{geometry}\n" pref += "\\usepackage{longtable}\n" pref += "\\usepackage{rotating}\n" pref += "\\begin{document}\n" if title or author: if title: pref += "\\title{%s}\n" % (title) if author: pref += "\\author{%s}\n" % (author) pref += "\\maketitle\n" post = "" post += "\\end{document}\n" return pref + s + post def secWrapper(s,title,level=0): """ level : 0 section 1 subsection 2 subsub... """ pref = "\\" + "sub" * level + "section{" + title + "}\n\n" post = "\n" return pref + s + post def sizeWrapper(s, width="!", height="!"): if (width != "!") or (height != "!"): s = "\\resizebox{%s}{%s}{ \n%s}\n" % (width,height,s) return s def fileWrite(fn,s): fp = open("%s.tex" % (fn), "w") fp.write(s) fp.close() def docWrite(fn,tex,author=None,title=None): fileWrite(fn, docWrapper(tex,author=author,title=title)) def docMake(fn,tex,author=None,title=None): import commands docWrite(fn,tex,author,title) cmd = "pdflatex %s" % (fn) commands.getoutput(cmd) def f1(resl): txtl = [] for t in resl: if t == True: txtl.append(" ") else: txtl.append("$\\bullet$") return " & ".join(txtl) def pb(tl,width): nl = [] for t in tl: nl.append("\\parbox{%s}{%s}" % (width,t)) return nl def makeReport(fn,includefiles=False): scanClaimList(fn + "-aa-t") cISOaat = scanClaimFile(fn + "-aa-t") cISOaab = scanClaimFile(fn + "-aa-b") cISOaau = scanClaimFile(fn + "-aa-u") cISOiut = scanClaimFile(fn + "-iu-t") cISOiub = scanClaimFile(fn + "-iu-b") cISOiuu = scanClaimFile(fn + "-iu-u") cISOext = scanClaimFile(fn + "-ex-t") cISOexb = scanClaimFile(fn + "-ex-b") cISOexu = scanClaimFile(fn + "-ex-u") tex = "" #tex += secWrapper(typeScanMatrix([("typed",cISOaat),("basic",cISOaab),("untyped",cISOaau)],onlyChanged = False),title="Normal mode (Alice-Alice communication allowed)") #tex += secWrapper(typeScanMatrix([("typed",cISOiut),("basic",cISOiub),("untyped",cISOiuu)],onlyChanged = True),title="Disallow Alice-Alice initiators") #tex += secWrapper(typeScanMatrix([("typed",cISOext),("basic",cISOexb),("untyped",cISOexu)],onlyChanged = True),title="Disallow Alice-Alice communications") orders = [cISOaab, cISOaat, cISOiub, cISOiut] sectex = typeScanMatrix3("c|c|c|c",pb(["No type checks\\\\Alice-talks-to-Alice initators","Type checks\\\\Alice-talks-to-Alice initators","No type checks\\\\No Alice-talks-to-Alice initators","Type checks\\\\No Alice-talks-to-Alice initators"],"49mm"), orders,f1,onlyChanged = True) mpatex = sizeWrapper(mpaTable3([ (scanAttackFile(fn + "-ex-t"),"$\\bullet$"), (scanAttackFile(fn + "-aa-b"),"$\\circ$") ]),width="\\textwidth") if includefiles == True: fileWrite("../gen-att-" + fn,sectex) fileWrite("../gen-mpa-" + fn,mpatex) tex += secWrapper(sectex,title="Attacks found") tex += secWrapper(mpatex,title="MPA attacks") docMake(fn,tex,author="Cas Cremers",title="test report %s" % (fn)) def filterPrefix(prot): """ Returns true iff the protocol name is okay to be considered """ if PREFIX: if not prot.startswith(PREFIX): return False return True def filterPrefixBD(prot): """ Returns true iff the protocol name is okay to be considered """ if PREFIX: if not prot.startswith(PREFIX): return False if prot.endswith("-ud"): return False if prot.endswith("-udkey"): return False return True def filterCombo(prot): """ Returns true iff the protocol name is okay to be considered """ if prot.find("-sig-child") >= 0: return False return True def filterISOsymmBD(prot): """ Returns true iff the protocol name is okay to be considered """ if prot.endswith("-ud"): return False if prot.endswith("-udkey"): return False if prot.startswith("isoiec-9798-2"): return True if prot.startswith("isoiec-9798-4"): return True return False if __name__ == "__main__": #reset() #PREFIX = "isoiec-9798-2" #makeReport(PREFIX) includefiles = True reset() FFUNC = filterCombo PREFIX = "ike1" makeReport(PREFIX,includefiles=includefiles) reset() FFUNC = filterCombo PREFIX = "ike2" makeReport(PREFIX,includefiles=includefiles) reset() FFUNC = filterCombo PREFIX = "ike0" makeReport(PREFIX,includefiles=includefiles)