#!/usr/bin/python """ Preferences window and logic for saving and loading such things. Thus, some default things can be set here. init loads stuff save save the settings after some changes set(k,v) get(k) Currently used: match maxruns scyther scytheroptions """ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Import externals """ import wx import os.path import sys from time import localtime,strftime #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Import scyther-gui components """ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Globals """ """ Locations of preferences. The last one is supposedly writable. """ prefname = "scythergui-config" preflocs = [] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Preferences(dict): def parse(self,line): line = line.strip() """ Skip comments """ if not line.startswith("#"): split = line.find("=") if split != -1: key = line[:split].strip() data = line[(split+1):] self[key] = data.decode("string_escape") print "Read %s=%s" % (key,self[key]) def load(self,file=""): if file == None: self["test1"] = "Dit is met een ' en een \", en dan\nde eerste dinges" self["test2"] = "En dit de tweede" elif file == "": """ Test default locations """ for f in preflocs: self.load(os.path.join(f,prefname)) else: """ Read this file """ if os.path.isfile(file): fp = open(file,"r") for l in fp.readlines(): self.parse(l) fp.close() def show(self): print "Preferences:" for k in self.keys(): print "%s=%s" % (k, self[k]) def save(self): print "Saving preferences" prefpath = preflocs[-1] if not os.access(prefpath,os.W_OK): os.makedirs(prefpath) savename = os.path.join(prefpath,prefname) fp = open(savename,"w") fp.write("# Scyther-gui configuration file.\n#\n") date = strftime("%c",localtime()) fp.write("# Last written on %s\n" % (date)) fp.write("# Do not edit - any changes will be overwritten by Scyther-gui\n\n") l = list(self.keys()) l.sort() for k in l: fp.write("%s=%s\n" % (k, self[k].encode("string_escape"))) fp.close() def init(): """ Load the preferences from a file, if possible """ global prefs,preflocs sp = wx.StandardPaths.Get() confdir = sp.GetConfigDir() confdir += "/scyther" print confdir userconfdir = sp.GetUserConfigDir() userconfdir += "/" if sys.platform.startswith("lin"): userconfdir += "." userconfdir += "scyther" print userconfdir preflocs = [confdir,userconfdir] prefs = Preferences() prefs.load("") def get(key,alt=None): global prefs if prefs.has_key(key): return prefs[key] else: return alt def set(key,value): global prefs prefs[key]=value return def save(): global prefs prefs.save()