#include #include #include "terms.h" #include "substitutions.h" #include "memory.h" /* substitutions in terms */ Substitution makeSubstitution (Term from, Term to) { Substitution subs; subs = memAlloc (sizeof (struct substitution)); subs->from = from; subs->to = to; return subs; } void substitutionDelete (Substitution subs) { if (subs == NULL) return; memFree (subs, sizeof (struct substitution)); } void substitutionDestroy (Substitution subs) { if (subs == NULL) return; termDelete (subs->from); termDelete (subs->to); memFree (subs, sizeof (struct substitution)); } /* termSubstitute Yields a new (deep copy) term of a term, according to the substitution. To remove the old term, use termDelete. Be sure to use termNormalize on it afterwards!! */ Term termSubstitute (Term term, Substitution subs) { if (term == NULL) return NULL; if (isTermEqual (term, subs->from)) { return termDuplicate (subs->to); } else { if (!isTermLeaf (term)) { if (isTermEncrypt (term)) { return makeTermEncrypt (termSubstitute (term->op, subs), termSubstitute (term->key, subs)); } else { return makeTermTuple (termSubstitute (term->op1, subs), termSubstitute (term->op2, subs)); } } else { return termDuplicate (term); } } } /* termlistSubstitute. Makes a new list, deep copies of the terms. To remove the old termlist, use termlistDestroy TODO */ Termlist termlistSubstitute (Termlist tl, Substitution subs) { if (tl == NULL) return NULL; else { Termlist tls = termlistSubstitute (tl->next, subs); //return termlistAdd(termlistSubstitute(tl->next, subs), // termSubstitute(tl->term, subs)); return tls; } } void substitutionPrint (Term t, Substitution subs) { printf ("Substituting "); termPrint (subs->from); printf (" by "); termPrint (subs->to); printf (" in "); termPrint (t); printf ("\n"); } /* termSubstituteList Not very efficient at the moment. Recursing through the term might be a lot easier. However, this works. */ Term termSubstituteList (Term term, Substitutionlist sl) { Term newt; Term oldt; if (sl == NULL) return termDuplicate (term); if (term == NULL) return NULL; newt = termSubstitute (term, sl->subst); sl = sl->next; while (sl != NULL) { oldt = newt; newt = termSubstitute (oldt, sl->subst); termDelete (oldt); sl = sl->next; } return newt; } Substitutionlist makeSubstitutionList (Substitution subs) { Substitutionlist sl; sl = memAlloc (sizeof (struct substitutionlist)); sl->subst = subs; sl->next = NULL; return sl; } Substitutionlist substitutionlistAdd (Substitutionlist sl, Term from, Term to) { return substitutionlistConcat (sl, makeSubstitutionList (makeSubstitution (from, to))); } void substitutionlistDestroy (Substitutionlist sl) { if (sl != NULL) { substitutionDelete (sl->subst); substitutionlistDestroy (sl->next); memFree (sl, sizeof (struct substitutionlist)); } } void substitutionlistAnnihilate (Substitutionlist sl) { if (sl != NULL) { substitutionDestroy (sl->subst); substitutionlistDestroy (sl->next); memFree (sl, sizeof (struct substitutionlist)); } } Substitutionlist substitutionlistConcat (Substitutionlist sl1, Substitutionlist sl2) { Substitutionlist scan; if (sl1 == NULL) return sl2; scan = sl1; while (scan->next != NULL) scan = scan->next; scan->next = sl2; return sl1; } /* substitute over termlist */ Termlist substitutionBatch (Termlist tl, Substitutionlist sl) { if (tl == NULL) return NULL; if (sl == NULL) return termlistDuplicate (tl); Termlist newtl = NULL; while (tl != NULL) { newtl = termlistAdd (newtl, termSubstituteList (tl->term, sl)); tl = tl->next; } return newtl; } /* substitute over roledef */ Roledef substitutionRoledef (Roledef rdorig, Substitutionlist sl) { Roledef rd, rdscan; rd = roledefDuplicate (rdorig); rdscan = rd; while (rdscan != NULL) { rdscan->from = termSubstituteList (rdscan->from, sl); rdscan->to = termSubstituteList (rdscan->to, sl); rdscan->message = termSubstituteList (rdscan->message, sl); rdscan = rdscan->next; } return rd; } /* substitute over knowledge structure */ Knowledge substitutionKnowledge (Knowledge know, Substitutionlist sl) { /* TODO this is wrong anyway, because it does not respect the knowledge invariants. We should remove the variables occurring on the left, and add to the knowledge the new stuff */ Termlist repres, repres2; Knowledge know2 = emptyKnowledge (); knowledgeSetInverses (know2, knowledgeGetInverses (know)); repres = knowledgeSet (know); repres2 = substitutionBatch (repres, sl); knowledgeAddTermlist (know2, repres2); termlistDelete (repres2); termlistDelete (repres); return know2; } void substitutionlistPrint (Substitutionlist sl) { int i = 1; if (sl == NULL) printf ("[empty substitutionlist]\n"); else { while (sl != NULL) { printf ("%i: ", i); termPrint (sl->subst->from); printf (" -> "); termPrint (sl->subst->to); printf ("\n"); i++; sl = sl->next; } } }