#!/usr/bin/python # # Scyther caching mechanism # # Uses md5 hashes to store previously calculated results. # # (c)2005 Cas Cremers # # # TODO: # # - Maybe it is an idea to time the output. If Scyther takes less # than a second, we don't need to cache the output. That would # reduce the required cache size significantly. # import md5 import commands import os import sys from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, gettempdir #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # How to cal Scyther #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # scyther should reside in $PATH def scythercall (argumentstring, inputfile): clstring = "scyther " + argumentstring + " " + inputfile (status,scout) = commands.getstatusoutput(clstring) return (status,scout) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cached evaluation #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # cached results # input: a large string (consisting of read input files) # argstring: a smaller string def evaluate (argumentstring, inputstring): def cacheid(): m = md5.new() # # Determine scyther version # (status, scout) = scythercall ("--version", "") # if status == 1 or status < 0: # # some problem # print "Problem with determining scyther version!" # os.exit() # # Add version to hash # m.update (scout) # Add inputfile to hash m.update (inputstring) # Add arguments to hash m.update (argumentstring) # Return a readable ID (good for a filename) return m.hexdigest() # Ensure directory def ensureDirectory (path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) # Ensure directories for a file def ensureDirectories (filename): for i in range(1,len(filename)): if filename[i] == '/': np = i+1 ensureDirectory(filename[:np]) # Determine the unique filename for this test id = cacheid() filename = "scyther/cache-" + id[:3] + "/res-" + id[3:] + ".txt" cachefile = gettempdir() + "/" + filename ensureDirectories(cachefile) # Does it already exist? if os.path.exists(cachefile): # Great: return the cached results f = open(cachefile,'r') res = f.read() f.close() return (0,res) else: # Hmm, we need to compute this result h = NamedTemporaryFile() h.write(inputstring) h.flush() (status, scout) = scythercall (argumentstring, h.name) h.close() # Write cache file even if it's wrong f = open(cachefile,'w') f.write(scout) f.close() return (status,scout) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parsing Output #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse output def parse(scout): results = {} lines = scout.splitlines() for line in lines: data = line.split() if len(data) > 6 and data[0] == 'claim': claim = " ".join(data[1:4]) tag = data[6] value = -1 if tag == 'failed:': value = 0 if tag == 'correct:': value = 1 if value == -1: raise IOError, 'Scyther output for ' + commandline + ', line ' + line + ' cannot be parsed.' results[claim] = value return results #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default tests #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Yield default protocol list (from any other one) def default_protocols(plist): return ['../spdl/spdl-defaults.inc'] + plist # Yield arguments, given a bound type: # 0: fast # 1: thorough # def default_arguments(plist,match,bounds): n = len(plist) # These bounds assume at least two protocols, otherwise # stuff breaks. if n < 2: nmin = 2 else: nmin = n timer = 1 maxruns = 2 maxlength = 10 if bounds == 0: timer = nmin**2 maxruns = 2*nmin maxlength = 2 + maxruns * 3 elif bounds == 1: timer = nmin**3 maxruns = 3*nmin maxlength = 2 + maxruns * 4 else: print "Don't know bounds method", bounds sys.exit() args = "--arachne --timer=%i --max-runs=%i --max-length=%i" % (timer, maxruns, maxlength) matching = "--match=" + str(match) allargs = "--summary " + matching + " " + args return allargs # Yield test results def default_test(plist, match, bounds): pl = default_protocols(plist) args = default_arguments(plist,match,bounds) input = "" for fn in pl: if len(fn) > 0: f = open(fn, "r") input = input + f.read() f.close() # Use Scyther (status,scout) = evaluate(args,input) return (status,scout) # Test, check for status, yield parsed results def default_parsed(plist, match, bounds): (status,scout) = default_test(plist, match, bounds) if status == 1 or status < 0: # Something went wrong print "*** Error when checking [", plist, match, bounds, "]" print sys.exit() return parse(scout)