#!/usr/bin/python # # Compare heuristics # import sys from optparse import OptionParser import scythertest # Parse def parse(scout): """Parse Scyther output for heuristics tests in: A single Scyther output string (including newlines) out: ra: number of failed claims rb: number of bounded proofs of claims rc: number of complete proofs of claims nc: number of processed claims (should be the sum of the previous) st: number of states traversed """ ra = 0 rb = 0 rp = 0 nc = 0 st = 0 for l in scout.splitlines(): data = l.split() if len(data) > 4 and data[0] == 'claim': # determine claim status tag = data[4] if tag == 'Fail': ra = ra + 1 nc = nc + 1 elif tag == 'Ok': nc = nc + 1 if l.rfind("proof of correctness") != -1: rp = rp + 1 else: rb = rb + 1 # now count the states for d in data: if d.startswith("states="): st = st + int(d[7:]) return (ra,rb,rp,nc,st) def test_goal_selector(goalselector, options,branchbound): """Test with a given goal selector in: goalselector: as in Scyther docs. options: options record (formatted as in optparse module) out: (attacks,bounds,proofs,claims,np,states) attacks: number of failed claims bounds: number of bounded proofs proofs: number of complete proofs np: number of protocols tested states: total number of states explored. """ import protocollist scythertest.set_extra_parameters("--count-states --heuristic=" + str(goalselector)) result = str(goalselector) plist = protocollist.from_literature() np = len(plist) attacks = 0 bounds = 0 proofs = 0 claims = 0 states = 0 for p in plist: (status,scout) = scythertest.default_test([p], \ int(options.match), \ int(options.bounds)) (ra,rb,rp,nc,st) = parse(scout) attacks = attacks + ra bounds = bounds + rb proofs = proofs + rp claims = claims + nc states = states + st if (bounds * states) > branchbound: return (-1,0,0,0,0,0) return (attacks,bounds,proofs,claims,np,states) # Max class maxor: """Class for a dynamic maximum determination and corresponding formatting """ def __init__(self,dir=0,mymin=99999999, mymax=-99999999): """Init in: dir: bit 0 is set : notify of increase bit 1 is set : notify of decrease mymin: initial minimum mymax: initial maximum """ self.dir = dir self.min = mymin self.max = mymax if dir & 1: self.data = mymax else: self.data = mymin def get(self): return self.data def reg(self,d): """Store a new data element in: element to be stored out: formatted element, plus increase/decrease notifications according to initial settings. """ self.data = d res = "" if self.min >= d: if (self.dir & 2): res = res + "-" self.min = d if self.max <= d: if (self.dir & 1): res = res + "+" self.max = d if res == "": return res else: return "[" + res + "]" # Main code def main(): parser = OptionParser() scythertest.default_options(parser) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() scythertest.process_default_options(options) print "G-sel\tAttack\tBound\tProof\tClaims\tScore1\tScore2\tStates\tBnd*Sts" print ramax = maxor(1) rbmax = maxor(2) rpmax = maxor(1) score1max = maxor(1) score2max = maxor(1) statesmax = maxor(2) boundstatesmax = maxor(2) for g in range(1,15): (ra,rb,rp,nc,np,st) = test_goal_selector(g, options, boundstatesmax.get()) res = str(g) if ra < 0: # Error: not well bounded res += "\tWent over bound, stopped investigation." else: # Scores: bounds are negative score1 = ra + rp - rb score2 = ra + (3 * rp) - (2 * rb) boundstates = rb * st def shows (res, mx, data): return res + "\t" + str(data) + mx.reg(data) res = shows (res, ramax, ra) res = shows (res, rbmax, rb) res = shows (res, rpmax, rp) res = res + "\t" + str(nc) res = shows (res, score1max, score1) res = shows (res, score2max, score2) res = shows (res, statesmax, st) res = shows (res, boundstatesmax, boundstates) res += "\t<%i>" % np print res print print "Goal selector scan completed." # Only if main stuff if __name__ == '__main__': main()