#!/usr/bin/python # # Scyther interface # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Import externals """ import os import os.path import sys import StringIO #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Import scyther components """ import XMLReader from Misc import * #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Globals """ bindir="." #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setBinDir(dir): global bindir bindir = dir def getBinDir(): global bindir return bindir #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Scyther(object): def __init__ ( self): global bindir # Where is my executable? # # Auto-detect platform and infer executable name from that # prefix = os.path.abspath(bindir) if "linux" in sys.platform: """ linux """ self.program = os.path.join(prefix,"scyther") elif "darwin" in sys.platform: """ OS X """ # Preferably, we test for architecture (PPC/Intel) until we # know how to build a universal binary self.program = os.path.join(prefix,"scyther-osx") elif sys.platform.startswith('win'): """ Windows """ # TODO hardcoded for now, bad self.program = os.path.join(prefix,"Scyther.exe") if not os.path.isfile(self.program): print "I can't find the Scyther executable at %s" % (self.program) else: """ Unsupported""" print "ERROR: I'm sorry, the %s platform is unsupported at the moment" % (sys.platform) sys.exit() # Init self.spdl = None self.inputfile = None self.options = "" self.claims = None self.errors = None self.errorcount = 0 self.run = False self.output = None # defaults self.xml = True # this results in a claim end, otherwise we simply get the output def setInput(self,spdl): self.spdl = spdl self.inputfile = None def setFile(self,filename): self.inputfile = filename self.spdl = "" fp = open(filename,"r") for l in fp.readlines(): self.spdl += l fp.close() def addFile(self,filename): self.inputfile = None if not self.spdl: self.spdl = "" fp = open(filename,"r") for l in fp.readlines(): self.spdl += l fp.close() def verify(self): # Run Scyther on temp file self.cmd = "\"%s\"" % self.program if self.xml: self.cmd += " --dot-output --xml-output --plain" self.cmd += " " + self.options (stdin,stdout,stderr) = os.popen3(self.cmd) if self.spdl: stdin.write(self.spdl) stdin.close() # In the order below, or stuff breaks (hangs), as described at # http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2000-September/009460.html # # TODO this is annoying: we would like to determine progress # from the error output (maybe this can also be done by flushing # the XML at certain points...) output = stdout.read() errlines = stderr.readlines() # filter out any non-errors (say maybe only claim etc) and count # them. self.errors = [] for l in errlines: if not l.startswith("claim\t"): self.errors.append(l.strip()) self.errorcount = len(self.errors) # close stdout.close() stderr.close() if self.xml: self.validxml = False if len(output) > 0: if output.startswith(""): self.validxml = True if self.validxml: xmlfile = StringIO.StringIO(output) reader = XMLReader.XMLReader() self.claims = reader.readXML(xmlfile) else: # no xml output... store whatever comes out self.claims = [] self.output = output result = self.claims else: self.output = output result = self.output self.run = True return result def getClaim(self,claimid): if self.claims: for cl in self.claims: if cl.id == claimid: return cl return None def __str__(self): if self.run: if self.errorcount > 0: return "%i errors:\n%s" % (self.errorcount, "\n".join(self.errors)) else: if self.xml and self.validxml: s = "Verification results:\n" for cl in self.claims: s += str(cl) + "\n" return s else: return self.output else: return "Scyther has not been run yet."