#!/usr/bin/python # # Convert scyther dot output to a printable PDF and display it # # This is a simple hack to be able to quickly use the graphical output # of Scyther if one only has graphviz, but not elementtree and wxPython. # # Note 1: only works under Linux currently, because of silly assumptions # on temporary directories and pdf viewers. # # Note 2: this code assumes that both scyther-linux and dot can be found in the # environment (i.e. PATH variable) # import os,sys,commands import os.path tempcount = 0 def generateTemp(extension='tmp'): # We need a temporary file to hold the generated postscript stuff before # it is converted to pdf global tempcount tempcount = tempcount + 1 tmp = '/tmp/output_dot_%s_%i.%s' % (os.getpid(),tempcount,extension) try: os.unlink(tmp) except: pass return tmp def scyther_to_dotfile(): """ Run Scyther, return dotfile name """ scythername = "scyther-linux" args = " ".join(sys.argv[1:]) tmpdotfile = generateTemp('dot') command = "%s --plain --dot-output %s > %s" % (scythername, args, tmpdotfile) output = commands.getoutput(command) return (output,tmpdotfile) def dotfile_to_pdffile(dotfile,outfile=None): """ Generate a PDF file (name is returned) from an input dotfile name """ tmp = generateTemp('ps') # First split the input per digraph and call dot with -Gsize arguments to make # it fit to a landscape page dotdata = open(dotfile, "r") f = None for line in dotdata.xreadlines(): if (line.find('digraph') == 0): f = os.popen("dot -Gsize='11.0,8.0' -Gratio=fill -Tps >>%s" % (tmp),'w') print >>f, line dotdata.close() if not f: return None f.close() if not outfile: outfile = generateTemp('pdf') # Now convert the resulting stuff to a pdf os.system('ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -g7014x5300 -r600 %s %s' % (tmp,outfile)) #os.system('ps2pdf -g8300x6250 -r600 %s %s' % (tmp,outf)) # And remove the temp file os.unlink(tmp) return outfile def main(): (output,dotfile) = scyther_to_dotfile() print output pdffile = dotfile_to_pdffile(dotfile) os.unlink(dotfile) if pdffile: commands.getoutput("kpdf %s" % pdffile) os.unlink(pdffile) else: print "No graphs generated." main()