URGENT - TO BE DONE - Config file should use Python's confParse module. - Save preferences in local file on close. WOULD LIKE TO HAVE - Font selector for graphs. - Nice graph scaling for all platforms (now only supported under Linux using the Python Imaging Library through postscript; currently wxPython does not support any cross-platform vector format out of the box, as SVG is still only a non-default build option.) - Support for using an external editor. - toggle for 'watch file'. - toggle for 'auto-verify on change' or something like that. - Ideally we somehow color the correct/incorrect tags in the editor. - Line numbering is needed for the editor window otherwise you cannot interpret attacks. Probably use wx.Py editor things. - Scyther executable should be able to be set by means of preferences. IN AN IDEAL WORLD... - Use Python modules to generate the attack graphs from the XML, also allow for eg. ASCII output.