#include #include #include "tac.h" #include "terms.h" #include "termlists.h" #include "runs.h" #include "knowledge.h" #include "symbols.h" #include "substitutions.h" #include "compiler.h" /* Simple sys pointer as a global. Yields cleaner code although it's against programming standards. It is declared as static to hide it from the outside world, and to indicate its status. Other modules will just see a nicely implemented sys parameter of compile, so we can always change it later if somebody complains. Which they won't. */ static System sys; /* Forward declarations. */ void tacProcess (Tac tc); void levelInit (void); void levelDone (void); Term symbolDeclare (Symbol s, int isVar); void levelTacDeclaration (Tac tc, int isVar); Term levelFind (Symbol s, int i); Term symbolFind (Symbol s); Term tacTerm (Tac tc); Termlist tacTermlist (Tac tc); #define levelDeclareVar(s) levelTacDeclaration(s,1) #define levelDeclareConst(s) levelTacDeclaration(s,0) #define levelVar(s) symbolDeclare(s,1) #define levelConst(s) symbolDeclare(s,0) /* externally used: * TERM_Function in termlists.c for inversekeys * TERM_Type in runs.c for type determination. */ Term TERM_Agent; Term TERM_Function; Term TERM_Hidden; Term TERM_Type; Term TERM_Nonce; Term TERM_Agent; Term TERM_Claim; Term CLAIM_Secret; Term CLAIM_Nisynch; /* * Global stuff */ //! Levels of scope: global, protocol, role #define MAXLEVELS 3 static Termlist leveltl[MAXLEVELS]; static int level; static int maxruns; static Protocol thisProtocol; static Role thisRole; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //! Compile the tac into the system /** *@todo Currently, the semantics assume all labels are globally unique, but this is not enforced yet. There should be some automatic renaming when compositing protocols. *\sa oki_nisynch */ void compile (System mysys, Tac tc, int maxrunsset) { int i; /* Init globals */ maxruns = maxrunsset; /* transfer to global static variable */ sys = mysys; /* init levels */ for (i = 0; i < MAXLEVELS; i++) leveltl[i] = NULL; level = -1; levelInit (); /* Init system constants */ #define langhide(x,y) x = levelConst(symbolSysConst(" _" y "_ ")) #define langtype(x,y) x->stype = termlistAdd(x->stype,y); #define langcons(x,y,z) x = levelConst(symbolSysConst(y)); langtype(x,z) langhide (TERM_Type, "Type"); langhide (TERM_Hidden, "Hidden"); langhide (TERM_Claim, "Claim"); langcons (TERM_Agent, "Agent", TERM_Type); langcons (TERM_Function, "Function", TERM_Type); langcons (TERM_Nonce, "Nonce", TERM_Type); langcons (CLAIM_Secret, "Secret", TERM_Claim); langcons (CLAIM_Nisynch, "Nisynch", TERM_Claim); /* process the tac */ tacProcess (tc); /* cleanup */ levelDone (); } //! Print error line number. /** *@todo This is obsolete, and should all go to stderr */ void errorTac (int lineno) { printf (" on line %i.\n", lineno); exit (1); } //! Enter nested scope. void levelInit (void) { level++; if (level >= MAXLEVELS) { error ("level is increased too much."); } leveltl[level] = NULL; } //! Leave nested scope. void levelDone (void) { if (level < 0) { error ("level is decreased too much."); } leveltl[level] = NULL; level--; } Term levelDeclare (Symbol s, int isVar, int level) { Term t; t = levelFind (s, level); if (t == NULL) { /* new! */ if (isVar) { t = makeTermType (VARIABLE, s, -(level + 1)); sys->variables = termlistAdd (sys->variables, t); } else { t = makeTermType (GLOBAL, s, -(level + 1)); } leveltl[level] = termlistAdd (leveltl[level], t); /* add to relevant list */ switch (level) { case 0: sys->locals = termlistAdd (sys->locals, t); break; case 1: thisProtocol->locals = termlistAdd (thisProtocol->locals, t); break; case 2: thisRole->locals = termlistAdd (thisRole->locals, t); break; } } return t; } Term symbolDeclare (Symbol s, int isVar) { return levelDeclare (s, isVar, level); } Term levelFind (Symbol s, int level) { Termlist tl; tl = leveltl[level]; while (tl != NULL) { if (isTermLeaf (tl->term)) { if (tl->term->left.symb == s) { return tl->term; } } tl = tl->next; } return NULL; } Term symbolFind (Symbol s) { int i; Term t; i = level; while (i >= 0) { t = levelFind (s, i); if (t != NULL) return t; i--; } return NULL; } void defineUsertype (Tac tcdu) { Tac tc; Term t; Term tfind; tc = tcdu->t1.tac; if (tc == NULL) { error ("Empty usertype declaration on line %i.", tcdu->lineno); } while (tc != NULL && tc->op == TAC_STRING) { /* check whether this term is already declared in the same way * (i.e. as a type) */ tfind = levelFind (tc->t1.sym, 0); if (tfind == NULL) { /* this is what we expected: this type is not declared yet */ t = levelDeclare (tc->t1.sym, 0, 0); t->stype = termlistAdd (NULL, TERM_Type); } else { /* oi!, there's already one. Let's hope is is a type too. */ if (inTermlist (tfind->stype, TERM_Type)) { /* phew. warn anyway */ printf ("WARNING: double declaration of usertype "); termPrint (tfind); printf ("\n"); } else { /* that's not right! */ error ("Conflicting definitions in usertype definition on line %i.", tc->lineno); } } tc = tc->next; } } void levelTacDeclaration (Tac tc, int isVar) { Tac tscan; Termlist typetl = NULL; Term t; tscan = tc->t2.tac; if (!isVar && tscan->next != NULL) { error ("Multiple type definition for constant on line %i.", tscan->lineno); } while (tscan != NULL && tscan->op == TAC_STRING) { /* apparently there is type info, termlist? */ t = levelFind (tscan->t1.sym, 0); if (t == NULL) { /* not declared, that is unacceptable. */ error ("Undeclared type on line %i.", tscan->lineno); } else { if (!inTermlist (t->stype, TERM_Type)) { error ("Non-type constant in type declaration on line %i.", tscan->lineno); } } typetl = termlistAdd (typetl, t); tscan = tscan->next; } /* parse all constants and vars */ tscan = tc->t1.tac; while (tscan != NULL) { t = symbolDeclare (tscan->t1.sym, isVar); t->stype = typetl; tscan = tscan->next; } } void commEvent (int event, Tac tc) { /* Add an event to the roledef, send or read */ Term fromrole = NULL; Term torole = NULL; Term msg = NULL; Term label = NULL; Term claim = NULL; Term claimbig = NULL; int n = 0; Tac trip; /* Construct label, if any */ if (tc->t1.sym == NULL) { label = NULL; } else { label = levelFind (tc->t1.sym, level - 1); if (label == NULL) { /* effectively, labels are bound to the protocol */ level--; label = levelConst (tc->t1.sym); level++; } } trip = tc->t2.tac; switch (event) { case READ: case SEND: /* now parse triplet info */ if (trip == NULL || trip->next == NULL || trip->next->next == NULL) { error ("Problem with %i event on line %i.", event, tc->lineno); } fromrole = tacTerm (trip); torole = tacTerm (trip->next); msg = tacTerm (tacTuple ((trip->next->next))); break; case CLAIM: /* now parse tuple info */ if (trip == NULL || trip->next == NULL) { error ("Problem with %i event on line %i.", event, tc->lineno); } fromrole = tacTerm (trip); claimbig = tacTerm (tacTuple ((trip->next))); /* check for several types */ claim = tupleProject (claimbig, 0); torole = claim; /* check for obvious flaws */ if (claim == NULL) { error ("Invalid claim specification on line %i.", tc->lineno); } if (!inTermlist (claim->stype, TERM_Claim)) { printf ("ERROR: unknown claim type "); termPrint (claim); errorTac (trip->next->lineno); } /* unfold parameters to msg */ msg = NULL; n = tupleCount (claimbig) - 1; if (n < 1) { /* no parameters */ n = 0; } else { /* n parameters */ msg = deVar (claimbig)->right.op2; if (tupleCount (msg) != n) { error ("Problem with claim tuple unfolding at line %i.", trip->next->lineno); } } /* handles all claim types differently */ if (claim == CLAIM_Secret) { if (n == 0) { error ("Secrecy claim requires a list of terms to be secret on line %i.",trip->next->lineno); } break; } if (claim == CLAIM_Nisynch) { if (n != 0) { error ("NISYNCH claim requires no parameters at line %i.", trip->next->lineno); } break; } /* hmm, no handler yet */ printf ("ERROR: No know handler for this claim type: "); termPrint (claim); printf (" "); errorTac (trip->next->lineno); break; } /* and make that event */ thisRole->roledef = roledefAdd (thisRole->roledef, event, label, fromrole, torole, msg); } int normalDeclaration (Tac tc) { switch (tc->op) { case TAC_VAR: levelDeclareVar (tc); if (level < 2 && tc->t3.tac == NULL) knowledgeAddTermlist (sys->know, tacTermlist (tc->t1.tac)); break; case TAC_CONST: levelDeclareConst (tc); if (level < 2 && tc->t3.tac == NULL) knowledgeAddTermlist (sys->know, tacTermlist (tc->t1.tac)); break; case TAC_SECRET: levelDeclareConst (tc); break; case TAC_COMPROMISED: knowledgeAddTermlist (sys->know, tacTermlist (tc->t1.tac)); break; case TAC_INVERSEKEYS: knowledgeAddInverse (sys->know, tacTerm (tc->t1.tac), tacTerm (tc->t2.tac)); break; default: /* abort with false */ return 0; } return 1; } void roleCompile (Term nameterm, Tac tc) { Role r; /* make new (empty) current protocol with name */ r = roleCreate (nameterm); thisRole = r; /* add protocol to list */ r->next = thisProtocol->roles; thisProtocol->roles = r; /* parse the content of the role */ levelInit (); while (tc != NULL) { switch (tc->op) { case TAC_READ: commEvent (READ, tc); break; case TAC_SEND: commEvent (SEND, tc); break; case TAC_CLAIM: commEvent (CLAIM, tc); break; default: if (!normalDeclaration (tc)) { printf ("ERROR: illegal command %i in role ", tc->op); termPrint (thisRole->nameterm); printf (" "); errorTac (tc->lineno); } break; } tc = tc->next; } levelDone (); } void runInstanceCreate (Tac tc) { /* create an instance of an existing role * tac1 is the dot-separated reference to the role. * tac2 is the list of parameters to be filled in. */ Protocol p; Role r; Symbol psym, rsym; Termlist instParams; /* check whether we can still do it */ if (sys->maxruns >= maxruns) return; /* first, locate the protocol */ psym = tc->t1.tac->t1.sym; p = sys->protocols; while (p != NULL && p->nameterm->left.symb != psym) p = p->next; if (p == NULL) { printf ("Trying to create a run of a non-declared protocol "); symbolPrint (psym); printf (" "); errorTac (tc->lineno); } /* locate the role */ rsym = tc->t1.tac->t2.sym; r = p->roles; while (r != NULL && r->nameterm->left.symb != rsym) r = r->next; if (r == NULL) { printf ("Protocol "); symbolPrint (psym); printf (" has no role called "); symbolPrint (rsym); printf (" "); errorTac (tc->lineno); } /* we now know what we are instancing, equal numbers? */ instParams = tacTermlist (tc->t2.tac); if (termlistLength (instParams) != termlistLength (p->rolenames)) { printf ("Run instance has different number of parameters than protocol "); termPrint (p->nameterm); printf (" "); errorTac (tc->lineno); } /* equal numbers, so it seems to be safe */ roleInstance (sys, p, r, instParams); /* after creation analysis */ /* AC1: untrusted agents */ /* first: determine whether the run is untrusted, * by checking whether one of the untrusted agents occurs * in the run instance */ if (untrustedAgent (sys, instParams)) { /* nothing yet */ /* claims handle this themselves */ /* some reduction might be possible, by cutting of the last few actions * of such an untrusted run */ /* but most of it might be handled dynamically */ } /* AC2: originator assumption for CLP ? */ /* TODO */ } void protocolCompile (Symbol prots, Tac tc, Tac tcroles) { Protocol pr; Term t; if (levelFind (prots, level) != NULL) { printf ("ERROR: Double declaration of protocol "); symbolPrint (prots); printf (" "); errorTac (tc->lineno); } /* make new (empty) current protocol with name */ pr = protocolCreate (levelConst (prots)); thisProtocol = pr; /* add protocol to list */ pr->next = sys->protocols; sys->protocols = pr; levelInit (); /* add the role names */ pr->rolenames = NULL; while (tcroles != NULL) { pr->rolenames = termlistAppend (pr->rolenames, levelConst (tcroles->t1.sym)); tcroles = tcroles->next; } /* parse the content of the protocol */ while (tc != NULL) { switch (tc->op) { case TAC_UNTRUSTED: sys->untrusted = termlistConcat (sys->untrusted, tacTermlist (tc->t1.tac)); break; case TAC_ROLE: t = levelFind (tc->t1.sym, level); if (t != NULL) { roleCompile (t, tc->t2.tac); } else { printf ("ERROR: undeclared role "); symbolPrint (tc->t1.sym); printf (" in protocol "); termPrint (pr->nameterm); errorTac (tc->t1.sym->lineno); } break; default: if (!normalDeclaration (tc)) { printf ("ERROR: illegal command %i in protocol ", tc->op); termPrint (thisProtocol->nameterm); errorTac (tc->lineno); } break; } tc = tc->next; } levelDone (); } void tacProcess (Tac tc) { while (tc != NULL) { switch (tc->op) { case TAC_PROTOCOL: protocolCompile (tc->t1.sym, tc->t2.tac, tc->t3.tac); break; case TAC_UNTRUSTED: sys->untrusted = termlistConcat (sys->untrusted, tacTermlist (tc->t1.tac)); break; case TAC_RUN: runInstanceCreate (tc); break; case TAC_USERTYPE: defineUsertype (tc); break; default: if (!normalDeclaration (tc)) { printf ("ERROR: illegal command %i at the global level.\n", tc->op); errorTac (tc->lineno); } break; } tc = tc->next; } } Term tacTerm (Tac tc) { switch (tc->op) { case TAC_ENCRYPT: return makeTermEncrypt (tacTerm (tc->t1.tac), tacTerm (tc->t2.tac)); case TAC_TUPLE: return makeTermTuple (tacTerm (tc->t1.tac), tacTerm (tc->t2.tac)); case TAC_STRING: { Term t = symbolFind (tc->t1.sym); if (t == NULL) { printf ("Undeclared symbol "); symbolPrint (tc->t1.sym); errorTac (tc->lineno); } return t; } default: return NULL; } } Termlist tacTermlist (Tac tc) { Termlist tl = NULL; while (tc != NULL) { tl = termlistAppend (tl, tacTerm (tc)); tc = tc->next; } return tl; }