- More refactoring for Arachne. Slowly we're getting somewhere.

This commit is contained in:
ccremers 2006-01-02 19:19:23 +00:00
parent e592a0a432
commit a5acc4984a
3 changed files with 463 additions and 602 deletions

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@ -506,57 +506,6 @@ get_semitrace_length ()
return length;
//! Check whether a binding (goal) is selectable
is_goal_selectable (const Binding b)
if (b != NULL)
if (!b->blocked && !b->done)
return 1;
return 0;
//! Count selectable goals
count_selectable_goals ()
List bl;
int n;
n = 0;
bl = sys->bindings;
while (bl != NULL)
Binding b;
b = (Binding) bl->data;
if (is_goal_selectable (b))
bl = bl->next;
return n;
//! Return first selectable goal in the list
* The return list entry is either NULL, or a selectable goal.
first_selectable_goal (List bl)
while (bl != NULL && !is_goal_selectable ((Binding) bl->data))
bl = bl->next;
return bl;
//! Count intruder events
countIntruderActions ()
@ -1385,162 +1334,6 @@ iterate_outgoing_arrows (void (*func) (), const int run, const int ev)
//! Display the current semistate using LaTeX output format.
* This is not as nice as we would like it. Furthermore, the function is too big, and needs to be split into functional parts that
* will allow the generation of dot code as well.
latexSemiState ()
static int attack_number = 0;
int run;
Protocol p;
int *ranks;
int maxrank, maxline;
// Open graph
eprintf ("\\begin{msc}{Attack on ");
p = (Protocol) sys->current_claim->protocol;
termPrint (p->nameterm);
eprintf (", role ");
termPrint (sys->current_claim->rolename);
eprintf (", claim type ");
termPrint (sys->current_claim->type);
eprintf ("}\n%% Attack number %i\n", attack_number);
eprintf ("\n");
// Needed for the bindings later on: create graph
goal_graph_create (); // create graph
if (warshall (graph, nodes) == 0) // determine closure
("%% This graph was not completely closed transitively because it contains a cycle!\n");
ranks = memAlloc (nodes * sizeof (int));
maxrank = graph_ranks (graph, ranks, nodes); // determine ranks
// Convert ranks to lines
maxline = ranks_to_lines (ranks, nodes);
// Draw headings (boxes)
run = 0;
while (run < sys->maxruns)
if (sys->runs[run].protocol != INTRUDER)
eprintf ("\\declinst{r%i}{}{run %i}\n", run, run);
eprintf ("\\nextlevel\n\n");
// Draw all events (according to ranks)
int myline;
myline = 0;
while (myline < maxline)
int count;
int run;
count = 0;
run = 0;
while (run < sys->maxruns)
if (sys->runs[run].protocol != INTRUDER)
int ev;
ev = 0;
while (ev < sys->runs[run].step)
if (myline == ranks[node_number (run, ev)])
Roledef rd;
void outgoing_arrow (const int run2, const int ev2)
Roledef rd2;
int delta;
rd2 = roledef_shift (sys->runs[run2].start, ev2);
eprintf ("\\mess{");
// Print the term
// Maybe, if more than one outgoing, and different send/reads, we might want to change this a bit.
if (rd->type == SEND)
if (rd2->type == CLAIM)
if (rd2->type == READ)
if (isTermEqual(rd->message, rd2->message))
eprintf(" \\longrightarrow ");
roledefPrint (rd);
eprintf (" $\\longrightarrow$ ");
roledefPrint (rd2);
eprintf ("}{r%i}{r%i}", run, run2);
delta = ranks[node_number (run2, ev2)] - myline;
if (delta != 0)
eprintf ("[%i]", delta);
eprintf ("\n");
// We have found an event on this line
// We only need to consider reads and claims, but for fun we just consider everything.
rd = roledef_shift (sys->runs[run].start, ev);
iterate_outgoing_arrows (outgoing_arrow, run, ev);
eprintf ("\\action{");
roledefPrint (rd);
eprintf ("}{r%i}\n", run);
eprintf ("\\nextlevel\n");
// clean memory
memFree (ranks, nodes * sizeof (int)); // ranks
// close graph
eprintf ("\\nextlevel\n\\end{msc}\n\n");
//! Print the current semistate
printSemiState ()
@ -1613,392 +1406,6 @@ printSemiState ()
eprintf ("!! - open: %i -\n", open);
//! Give an indication of the amount of consequences binding a term has
* Given a term, returns a float. 0: maximum consequences, 1: no consequences.
termBindConsequences (Term t)
Termlist openVariables;
openVariables = termlistAddVariables (NULL, t);
if (openVariables == NULL)
// No variables, no consequences
return 1;
// For each run event in the semitrace, check whether it contains any
// of the open variables.
int totalCount;
int affectedCount;
int run;
totalCount = 0;
affectedCount = 0;
run = 0;
while (run < sys->maxruns)
Roledef rd;
int step;
rd = sys->runs[run].start;
step = 0;
while (step < sys->runs[run].length)
Termlist tl;
tl = openVariables;
while (tl != NULL)
if ((rd->type == READ || rd->type == SEND)
&& termSubTerm (rd->message, tl->term))
// This run event contains the open variable
tl = NULL;
tl = tl->next;
rd = rd->next;
termlistDelete (openVariables);
if (totalCount > 0)
// Valid computation
return (float) (totalCount - affectedCount) / totalCount;
// No consequences, ensure no division by 0
return 1;
//! Determine whether a term is an open nonce variable
* Does not explore subterms
isOpenNonceVar (Term t)
t = deVar (t);
if (realTermVariable (t))
return inTermlist (t->stype, TERM_Nonce);
return 0;
//! Count unique open variables in term
count_open_variables (const Term t)
Termlist tl;
int n;
tl = NULL;
termlistAddVariables (tl, t);
n = 0;
while (tl != NULL)
if (!inTermlist (tl->next, t))
if (isOpenNonceVar (t))
n = n + 1;
tl = tl->next;
termlistDelete (tl);
return n;
//! Athena-like factor
* Lower is better (more nonce variables)
term_noncevariables_level (const Term t)
int onv;
const int enough = 2;
onv = count_open_variables (t);
if (onv >= enough)
return 0;
return 1 - (onv / enough);
// Larger logical componentents
//! Selector to select the first tuple goal.
* Basically to get rid of -m2 tuple goals.
* Nice iteration, I'd suppose
select_tuple_goal ()
List bl;
Binding tuplegoal;
bl = sys->bindings;
tuplegoal = NULL;
while (bl != NULL && tuplegoal == NULL)
Binding b;
b = (Binding) bl->data;
// Ignore done stuff
if (!b->blocked && !b->done)
if (isTermTuple (b->term))
tuplegoal = b;
bl = bl->next;
return tuplegoal;
//! Goal selection
* Selects the most constrained goal.
* First selection is on level; thus, keys are selected first.
* Because the list starts with the newest terms, and we use <= (as opposed to <), we
* ensure that for goals with equal constraint levels, we select the oldest one.
* --select-goal has two distint interpretations. If it is 0 or greater, it a
* selection mask. If it is smaller than 0, it is some special tactic.
* selection masks for --select-goal
* 1: constrain level of term
* 2: key or not
* 4: consequences determination
* 8: select also single variables (that are not role variables)
* 16: single variables are better
* special tactics for --select-goal
* -1: random goal selection
select_goal_masked ()
List bl;
Binding best;
float min_constrain;
int mode;
// mode bits local storage
mode = switches.arachneSelector;
// Find the most constrained goal
if (switches.output == PROOF)
indentPrint ();
eprintf ("Listing open goals that might be chosen: ");
min_constrain = FLT_MAX;
bl = sys->bindings;
best = NULL;
while (bl != NULL)
Binding b;
b = (Binding) bl->data;
// Only if not done and not blocked
if (is_goal_selectable (b))
int allow;
Term gterm;
allow = 0;
gterm = deVar (b->term);
if (mode & 8)
// check for singular variable
if (realTermVariable (gterm))
// singular variable only if it is not a role name variable
allow = !gterm->roleVar;
// not a singular variable, allow
allow = 1;
// Normally (mode & 8 == 0) we ignore any singular variables
allow = !realTermVariable (gterm);
if (allow)
float buf_constrain;
int buf_weight;
int smode;
void adapt (const int w, const float fl)
buf_constrain = buf_constrain + w * fl;
buf_weight = buf_weight + w;
void erode (const int w, const float fl)
if (smode & 1)
adapt (w, fl);
smode = smode / 2;
// buf_constrain is the addition of the factors before division by weight
buf_constrain = 0;
buf_weight = 0;
if (switches.output == PROOF && best != NULL)
eprintf (", ");
// We will shift this mode variable
smode = mode;
// Determine buf_constrain levels
// Bit 0: 1 constrain level
erode (1, term_constrain_level (b->term));
// Bit 1: 2 key level (inverted)
erode (1, 0.5 * (1 - b->level));
// Bit 2: 4 consequence level
erode (1, termBindConsequences (b->term));
// Bit 3: 8 single variables first
erode (1, 1 - isTermVariable (b->term));
// Bit 4: 16 nonce variables level (Cf. what I think is in Athena)
erode (1, term_noncevariables_level (b->term));
// Define legal range
if (smode > 0)
error ("--goal-select mode %i is illegal", mode);
// Weigh result
if (buf_weight == 0 || buf_constrain <= min_constrain)
min_constrain = buf_constrain;
best = b;
if (switches.output == PROOF)
eprintf ("*");
if (switches.output == PROOF)
termPrint (b->term);
if (mode & 2)
eprintf ("[%i]", b->level);
eprintf ("<%.2f>", buf_constrain);
bl = bl->next;
if (switches.output == PROOF)
if (best == NULL)
eprintf ("none");
eprintf ("\n");
return best;
//! Goal selection special case -1: random
* Simply picks an open goal randomly. Has to be careful to skip singular stuff etc.
select_goal_random ()
int n;
n = count_selectable_goals ();
if (n > 0)
int choice;
List bl;
// Choose a random goal between 0 and n
choice = rand () % n;
// Fetch it
bl = sys->bindings;
while (choice >= 0)
bl = first_selectable_goal (bl);
if (bl == NULL)
error ("Random chooser selected a NULL goal.");
return (Binding) bl->data;
return NULL;
//! Goal selection function, generic
select_goal ()
if (switches.arachneSelector >= 0)
// Masked
return select_goal_masked ();
// Special cases
switch (switches.arachneSelector)
case -1:
return select_goal_random ();
error ("Unknown value (<0) for --goal-select.");
//! Check if a binding duplicates an old one: if so, simply connect
bind_old_goal (const Binding b_new)
@ -2825,14 +2232,7 @@ arachneOutputAttack ()
if (switches.latex == 1)
latexSemiState ();
dotSemiState (sys);
dotSemiState (sys);
// End wrapper
@ -2883,6 +2283,39 @@ property_check ()
return flag;
//! Selector to select the first tuple goal.
* Basically to get rid of -m2 tuple goals.
* Nice iteration, I'd suppose
select_tuple_goal ()
List bl;
Binding tuplegoal;
bl = sys->bindings;
tuplegoal = NULL;
while (bl != NULL && tuplegoal == NULL)
Binding b;
b = (Binding) bl->data;
// Ignore done stuff
if (!b->blocked && !b->done)
if (isTermTuple (b->term))
tuplegoal = b;
bl = bl->next;
return tuplegoal;
//! Main recursive procedure for Arachne
iterate ()
@ -2942,7 +2375,7 @@ iterate ()
* Check whether its a final state (i.e. all goals bound)
b = select_goal ();
b = select_goal (sys);
if (b == NULL)

src/heuristic.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
*@file heuristic.c
* Heuristics code for Arachne method
#include <float.h>
#include "binding.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "specialterm.h"
#include "switches.h"
#define length step
//! Check whether a binding (goal) is selectable
is_goal_selectable (const Binding b)
if (b != NULL)
if (!b->blocked && !b->done)
return 1;
return 0;
//! Count selectable goals
count_selectable_goals (const System sys)
List bl;
int n;
n = 0;
bl = sys->bindings;
while (bl != NULL)
Binding b;
b = (Binding) bl->data;
if (is_goal_selectable (b))
bl = bl->next;
return n;
//! Return first selectable goal in the list
* The return list entry is either NULL, or a selectable goal.
first_selectable_goal (List bl)
while (bl != NULL && !is_goal_selectable ((Binding) bl->data))
bl = bl->next;
return bl;
//! Give an indication of the amount of consequences binding a term has
* Given a term, returns a float. 0: maximum consequences, 1: no consequences.
termBindConsequences (const System sys, Term t)
Termlist openVariables;
openVariables = termlistAddVariables (NULL, t);
if (openVariables == NULL)
// No variables, no consequences
return 1;
// For each run event in the semitrace, check whether it contains any
// of the open variables.
int totalCount;
int affectedCount;
int run;
totalCount = 0;
affectedCount = 0;
run = 0;
while (run < sys->maxruns)
Roledef rd;
int step;
rd = sys->runs[run].start;
step = 0;
while (step < sys->runs[run].length)
Termlist tl;
tl = openVariables;
while (tl != NULL)
if ((rd->type == READ || rd->type == SEND)
&& termSubTerm (rd->message, tl->term))
// This run event contains the open variable
tl = NULL;
tl = tl->next;
rd = rd->next;
termlistDelete (openVariables);
if (totalCount > 0)
// Valid computation
return (float) (totalCount - affectedCount) / totalCount;
// No consequences, ensure no division by 0
return 1;
//! Determine whether a term is an open nonce variable
* Does not explore subterms
isOpenNonceVar (Term t)
t = deVar (t);
if (realTermVariable (t))
return inTermlist (t->stype, TERM_Nonce);
return 0;
//! Count unique open variables in term
count_open_variables (const Term t)
Termlist tl;
int n;
tl = NULL;
termlistAddVariables (tl, t);
n = 0;
while (tl != NULL)
if (!inTermlist (tl->next, t))
if (isOpenNonceVar (t))
n = n + 1;
tl = tl->next;
termlistDelete (tl);
return n;
//! Athena-like factor
* Lower is better (more nonce variables)
term_noncevariables_level (const Term t)
int onv;
const int enough = 2;
onv = count_open_variables (t);
if (onv >= enough)
return 0;
return 1 - (onv / enough);
//! Goal selection
* Selects the most constrained goal.
* First selection is on level; thus, keys are selected first.
* Because the list starts with the newest terms, and we use <= (as opposed to <), we
* ensure that for goals with equal constraint levels, we select the oldest one.
* --select-goal has two distint interpretations. If it is 0 or greater, it a
* selection mask. If it is smaller than 0, it is some special tactic.
* selection masks for --select-goal
* 1: constrain level of term
* 2: key or not
* 4: consequences determination
* 8: select also single variables (that are not role variables)
* 16: single variables are better
* special tactics for --select-goal
* -1: random goal selection
select_goal_masked (const System sys)
List bl;
Binding best;
float min_constrain;
int mode;
// mode bits local storage
mode = switches.arachneSelector;
// Find the most constrained goal
if (switches.output == PROOF)
indentPrint ();
eprintf ("Listing open goals that might be chosen: ");
min_constrain = FLT_MAX;
bl = sys->bindings;
best = NULL;
while (bl != NULL)
Binding b;
b = (Binding) bl->data;
// Only if not done and not blocked
if (is_goal_selectable (b))
int allow;
Term gterm;
allow = 0;
gterm = deVar (b->term);
if (mode & 8)
// check for singular variable
if (realTermVariable (gterm))
// singular variable only if it is not a role name variable
allow = !gterm->roleVar;
// not a singular variable, allow
allow = 1;
// Normally (mode & 8 == 0) we ignore any singular variables
allow = !realTermVariable (gterm);
if (allow)
float buf_constrain;
int buf_weight;
int smode;
void adapt (const int w, const float fl)
buf_constrain = buf_constrain + w * fl;
buf_weight = buf_weight + w;
void erode (const int w, const float fl)
if (smode & 1)
adapt (w, fl);
smode = smode / 2;
// buf_constrain is the addition of the factors before division by weight
buf_constrain = 0;
buf_weight = 0;
if (switches.output == PROOF && best != NULL)
eprintf (", ");
// We will shift this mode variable
smode = mode;
// Determine buf_constrain levels
// Bit 0: 1 constrain level
erode (1, term_constrain_level (b->term));
// Bit 1: 2 key level (inverted)
erode (1, 0.5 * (1 - b->level));
// Bit 2: 4 consequence level
erode (1, termBindConsequences (sys, b->term));
// Bit 3: 8 single variables first
erode (1, 1 - isTermVariable (b->term));
// Bit 4: 16 nonce variables level (Cf. what I think is in Athena)
erode (1, term_noncevariables_level (b->term));
// Define legal range
if (smode > 0)
error ("--goal-select mode %i is illegal", mode);
// Weigh result
if (buf_weight == 0 || buf_constrain <= min_constrain)
min_constrain = buf_constrain;
best = b;
if (switches.output == PROOF)
eprintf ("*");
if (switches.output == PROOF)
termPrint (b->term);
if (mode & 2)
eprintf ("[%i]", b->level);
eprintf ("<%.2f>", buf_constrain);
bl = bl->next;
if (switches.output == PROOF)
if (best == NULL)
eprintf ("none");
eprintf ("\n");
return best;
//! Goal selection special case -1: random
* Simply picks an open goal randomly. Has to be careful to skip singular stuff etc.
select_goal_random (const System sys)
int n;
n = count_selectable_goals (sys);
if (n > 0)
int choice;
List bl;
// Choose a random goal between 0 and n
choice = rand () % n;
// Fetch it
bl = sys->bindings;
while (choice >= 0)
bl = first_selectable_goal (bl);
if (bl == NULL)
error ("Random chooser selected a NULL goal.");
return (Binding) bl->data;
return NULL;
//! Goal selection function, generic
select_goal (const System sys)
if (switches.arachneSelector >= 0)
// Masked
return select_goal_masked (sys);
// Special cases
switch (switches.arachneSelector)
case -1:
return select_goal_random (sys);
error ("Unknown value (<0) for --goal-select.");

src/heuristic.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#include "system.h"
#include "binding.h"
Binding select_goal (const System sys);