diff --git a/src/Makefile-fallback b/src/Makefile-fallback
deleted file mode 100644
index 22694f2..0000000
--- a/src/Makefile-fallback
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# Scyther Makefile
-# DEBUG or optimization settings: uncomment a single line:
-CFLAGS = -g3 -D DEBUG # default usage, for e.g. with valgrind
-#CFLAGS = -g3 -D DEBUG -pg # for code profiling with gprof
-#CFLAGS = -O3 -static -finline-functions -fomit-frame-pointer
-# Compiler and linkage
-CC = gcc
-# Note that these paths must include the path to the argtable library.
-CPPFLAGS = -I/scratch/ccremers/include -I/usr/local/include -Wall
-LDFLAGS = -L/scratch/ccremers/lib -L/usr/local/lib
-LOADLIBS = -lfl
-LDLIBS = -largtable2
-# Module set for the modelchecker
-MODULES=memory.o terms.o termlists.o symbols.o knowledge.o runs.o modelchecker.o \
-report.o debug.o mgu.o substitutions.o \
-match_basic.o \
-match_clp.o constraints.o \
-output.o latex.o \
-varbuf.o tracebuf.o attackminimize.o \
-tac.o parser.o compiler.o
-# Dependencies
-all: scyther tags
-${Target}.o: ${Target}.c
- $(CC) $(OPTIONS) ${Target}.c -c
-scanner.c: scanner.lex
- flex scanner.lex
- cp lex.yy.c scanner.c
-tok.h: parser.c
-parser.c: parser.y
- bison -d -v parser.y
- cp parser.tab.c parser.c
- cmp -s parser.tab.h tok.h || cp parser.tab.h tok.h
-tags: *.c *.h
- ctags *.c *.h
-modules: $(MODULES)
-scyther: scanner.o $(MODELCHECKER)
-ptestmain.o scanner.o : tok.h
-# Cleanup
- rm -f *.o
- rm -f scyther
- rm -f scanner.c
- rm -f parser.c
- rm -f tok.h
-# Clean and rebuild: 'make new'
- make clean
- make all
-# Make doxygen reference manuals. (in ../refman)
-refman: doxyconfig
- doxygen doxyconfig
diff --git a/src/bugs.txt b/src/bugs.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 98e77b0..0000000
--- a/src/bugs.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
---+++ Crititcal Bugs
- * soph segfaults at no switch or -r4 (-r3 is okay??) using non-debug version.
- * './scyther -a ../spdl/nsl3.spdl --increment-runs' segfaults. The main reason is that the Archne engine uses runs in a different way.
- Maybe it is best to disable --increment rules for non-ModelChecker verification.
----+++ Bugs
- * Problem with goal bindings: instantiation of variable with a tuple might
- introduce a tuple goal, which is forbidden. We must find a way to deal with this. This typically occurs in type flaw searches.
- * Arachne seems to trip over claims with empty prec sets. Maybe we
- simply should not test these.
- * Splice/AS does not work well because priority key search stumbles over the
- public key search stuff. That is a flaw in the heuristic: we should not look
- for anything that is in the intruder knowledge already. In fact, it is a
- problem with branching. We should not look for PK(X), even if X is a
- variable. Priority should go to keys of which the constructor is not in M_0,
- maybe that heuristic works.
- However, there seems to be an infinite loop for this in the algorithm, which
- I did not anticipate. Investigate!
- Maybe self-loops are the problem. This has to do with tuple alternation
- decoding. Consider re-introducing explicit intruder strands OR self-loop
- pruning.
----+++ Would like to have
----++++ ArachneEngine
- * There is no good test on the correct workings of
- add_goals/destruction of these. We can test this if after
- termination, we have 0 goals; for this we need to store the
- initially added goals as well. Furthermore, we can generate an
- error when <0 goals occur.
- * Consider where in Arachne dependency graph is used. If this is only for
- pruning states, we can construct it there only. However, the base 'role
- defs/bindings' graph might be re-used.
- * Add switch for arachne to prune encryption levels when using -m2.
- * To store attacks for arachne, maybe the following is needed:
- * The roles for each run
- * The variable bindings for all (local) variables
- * The goal bindings
- * Agent terms must have keylevel 0; enforce this!
- * Select_goal should consider, for singular variables, whether their
- type can be found in M_0. If so, the goal can be ignored.
- * Fix 'never sent secrets' list, that are e.g. secret keys of regular agents
- and such. The intruder can never learn these, we need this for pruning.
- If a goal is such a term, we prune. Investigate how this can be incorporated.
- Investigate also whether this actually makes a difference.
- * Make 'generate_trace_bindings' to create the bindings for a given trace.
- Note that there can be multiple solutions; for now, simply try to take the
- shortest one.
----++++ ModelChecker
- * For secrecy, one trusted agent and one untrusted agent suffices.
- Implement this in the modelchecker.
- * Implement delayed protocol compiler (on run demand only) for the modelchecker?
----++++ Misc
- * Make different error codes for compilation error/ other error. This can be
- useful for scripts. However, it might shift some constants for the Elegast
- scripts.
- * Rewrite termMguTerm such that it iterates and adapt all functions
- using it. This is to allow for associative tupling later.
- * Fix constants in intruder knowledge. Auto add single one of each type,
- when typed expl. Add single constant when untyped. Fix this also in
- semantics, and add proof to establish sufficiency.
- * Fix function handling (signatures).
- * Move initial intruder knowledge maybe into the title of the MSC.
- * Implement run knowledge, and use this in protocol compiler.
- * Introduce 'Ticket' default type in the compiler, along with some
- handling for that.
- * The 'choose' operator must always be typed, I think. Yes.
- * The woolam-ce is incorrect because it is illegal to have a variable
- term in a key that is read, by CMV semantics. I don't know what it
- means for CE semantics (yet).
- * Idea: run bla.bla(params) [compromised [,] ];
- 1. These local terms are given to the intruder. Technically this
- should only happen _after_ they are first sent in the run. Maybe add
- this to send semantics: if termOccurs(sendterm, compromisedterm) then
- add compromisedterm to M, remove compromisedterm from list of terms to
- compromise.
- 1. All claims in the run are ignored (add untrusted flag to run)
- Alternative: run x.x(x) untrusted; or just compromised, to give up
- all constants.
- Note this is not sufficient yet, because it does not consider any
- partner runs. Maybe declare a 'compromised' section first; other runs
- will only activate after these have completed. Note this is much more
- expensive.
- * Woolam-ce gives nothing. But then again, it's a wrong impl.
- * Global/protocol variables should not exist in the current system.
- * run nsl.initiator(alice, all Agent) constructs?
- * 'all' would generate the roles with the corresponding type.
- * or maybe for clarity/complexity control: use 'runs' for constructs
- with 'all' in it.
- * Maybe function application ought to be a different basic term type.
- * After role construction, msc consistency can be checked.
- * Reduce knowledge to a simple term list? That would simplify a number
- of things, and also allow for easier addition of stuff.
- * How is % notation handled in Casper?
- * Vernam encryption?
----++++ ConstraintLogic (and thus obsolete)
- * CLP: variables in keys must be branched: maybe even in three situations
- (have key and contents, have inverse key and content, nothing)
- * How should claims behave (trusted/untrusted) wrt uninstantiated
- agents? Branch again? That's what is causing the nsl3-var problem.
- * Constraints might be a part of a knowledge thing, because with we
- might now have a number of local knowledge sets, each with their own
- constraint sets. That doesn't make it easier though :( and will cause
- some performance loss I suppose. Each local set has to remain
- solveable as well.
- * Issue: how do untrusted claims work in the context of an intruder?
- Claim must be checked if it can be solved such that at least one of
- the agents is trusted.
diff --git a/src/compile.txt b/src/compile.txt
index 71e32d5..d472837 100644
--- a/src/compile.txt
+++ b/src/compile.txt
@@ -6,13 +6,19 @@ Needed:
If you don't know what this is, please stop reading.
- scons
- A Python script set to replace the make etc. toolchain.
+ cmake
+ A Makefile generator, available on almost any platform.
For cross-compilation (Windows):
GCC variant to compile for windows + w32 binutils.
- Use 'scons arch=windows' to generate the binary.
+The best is to simply execute:
+ ./build.sh
+This should compile everything for your platform and will copy the
+binaries into the correct location.
diff --git a/src/language.txt b/src/language.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a3e84ba..0000000
--- a/src/language.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-language := ()*
-def := ( | | | )
-//directive :=
-//dir_require := require ;
-protocol := protocol ( ) { * } optsc
-protocolname :=
-intruderknow := public ;
-roledef := role { } optsc
-rolename :=
-actions := (;)+
-action := ( | | )
-decl := ( | )+
-const := const [ : ];
-var := var [ : ];
-read := read [_