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%% MSC Macro Package
%% file msc.sty
%% LaTeX macros to draw message sequence charts
%% Copyright 2002 V. Bos and S. Mauw
% This program may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 1999/12/01 or later.
% This program consists of the files
% msc.sty
% manual.tex
% refman.tex
% biblio.bib
% maintenance.tex
% Address:
% Eindhoven University of Technology
% P.O. Box 513
% 5600 MB Eindhoven
% The Netherlands
% Email:,
% Updates via:
% and via CTAN directory: macros/latex/contrib/msc/
% RCS version: $Id: msc.sty,v 1.15 2004/03/15 11:58:33 vbos Exp $
\def\mscdate{2005/05/26}% update this whenever this file changes
\def\mscversion{1.14b}% update this whenever a new version is ready
\ProvidesPackage{msc}[\mscdate, v\mscversion]
\typeout{msc version \mscversion. (\mscdate)}
% mscunit: the unit of msc lengths
% msc lengths
% First the customizable lengths:
\newlength{\actionheight}% height of action symbols
\newlength{\actionwidth}% width of action symbol
\newlength{\bottomfootdist}% distance between bottom of foot symbol and frame
\newlength{\msccommentdist}% distance of comment to its instance
\newlength{\conditionheight}% height of condition symbols
\newlength{\conditionoverlap}% overlap of condition symbol
\newlength{\envinstdist}% distance between environments and nearest instance line
\newlength{\firstlevelheight}% height of level just below head symbols
\newlength{\hmscconditionheight}% height of hmsc condition symbol
\newlength{\hmscconditionwidth}% width of hmsc condition symbol
\newlength{\hmscconnectionradius}% radius of hmsc connection symbols
\newlength{\hmscreferenceheight}% height of hmsc reference symbol
\newlength{\hmscreferencewidth}% width of hmsc reference symbol
\newlength{\hmscstartsymbolwidth}% width of hmsc start symbol
\newlength{\inlineoverlap}% overlap of inline symbol
\newlength{\instbarwidth}% default width of vertical instance bars
\newlength{\instdist}% distance between (vertical) instance lines
\newlength{\instfootheight}% height of foot symbols
\newlength{\instheadheight}% height of head symbols
\newlength{\instwidth}% width of header and foot symbols
\newlength{\labeldist}% distance between labels and message lines or head symbol boxes
\newlength{\lastlevelheight}% height of level just above foot symbols
\newlength{\leftnamedist}% distance between left of frame and (top of) msc title
\newlength{\levelheight}% height of a level
\newlength{\lostsymbolradius}% radius of the lost and found symbols
\newlength{\markdist}% distance between mark and its instance
\newlength{\measuredist}% user definable length for horizontal measure distance
\newlength{\measuresymbolwidth}% width of measure symbols
\newlength{\mscdocreferenceheight}% minimal height of mscdoc reference
\newlength{\mscdocreferencewidth}% minimal width of mscdoc reference
\newlength{\referenceoverlap}% overlap of reference symbol
\newlength{\regionbarwidth}% width of region bars
\newlength{\selfmesswidth}% length of horizontal arms of self messages
\newlength{\stopwidth}% width of the stop symbol
\newlength{\timerwidth}% width of the timer symbols
\newlength{\topheaddist}% distance between top of head symbols and frame
\newlength{\topnamedist}% distance between top of frame and (top of) msc title
% Now the internal lengths
\newlength{\msc@commentdist}% distance of comment to its instance
% internal box
% some internal offsets
% Command to change the footer color (legal values are black, gray,
% lightgray, and white)
% And some internal counters
% \messlabelpos defines the position of message labels.
% The default value is "l" (left) other value(s) are "r" (right)
% \msc@timerpos is the internal variant of \timerpos
% This internal variant is used by the actual drawing commands for self messages
% \msc@settimerpos sets the internal \mes@timerpos
\ifthenelse{\not\(\equal{#1}{l} \or \equal{#1}{r}\)}{%
\msc@unknowntimerposerr{#1}}{% else
% \dummyinst{#1} (\dummyinst*{#1}) declares a dummy msc-instance and does not
% draws its head symbol nor its instance axis until an instance create/start is
% encountered. The starred version declares a fat instance.
% #1: nickname that can be used in \mess -like commands
\ifthenelse{\value{mscinstcnt}=2}{% Aha: this is the first msc instance, so, add the
\addtolength{\msc@currentwidth}{\envinstdist}% left \envinstdist to \msc@currentwidth
}{%not the first instance , so add the instdist to the \mec@currentwidth
}% and update x-pos of right environment
% make an instance with empty inside name and empty above name:
% make y-pos undefined, to make sure that no instance line will be drawn
\msc@setinstypos{#2}{undefined}% --added sm
}{% else: nickname #2 already defined!
% \declinst[*] declares a new msc-instance and draws its head symbol
% the starred versions makes a fat instance.
% #1: nickname that can be used in \mess
% #2: name of the instance (above instance head symbol)
% #3: name of the instance (inside instance head symbol)
% Some commands are defined as well (INSTNR is the arabic
% representation of the instance number):
% \instabname#1: `above name' of instance with nickname #1
% \instinname#1: `inside name' of instance with nickname #1
% \instnicknameINSTNR: returns the nickname of instance INSTNR
% \instxposINSTNR: returns the x-position of instance with nickname #1
% \instyposINSTNR: returns the last y-position of instance with nickname #1
% \instlinestyle#1: the line style (dashed or solid) of instance with nickname #1
\def\msc@declinstnostar#1#2#3{% user command to declare instances
% define above name and inside name
\expandafter\def\csname instabname#1\endcsname{#2}% `above name'
\expandafter\def\csname instinname#1\endcsname{#3}% `inside name'
% draw the instance header symbol
% redefine the instance's y position
\def\msc@declinststar#1#2#3{% user command to declare instances
% define above name and inside name
\expandafter\def\csname instabname#1\endcsname{#2}% `above name'
\expandafter\def\csname instinname#1\endcsname{#3}% `inside name'
% draw the instance header symbol
% redefine the instance's y position
% \msc@declinst: internal command to declare instances.
% Some commands are defined as well (INSTNR is the arabic
% representation of the instance number):
% \instabnameINSTNR: returns the instance above name of #1
% \instnicknameINSTNR: returns the nickname of instance #1
% \instxposINSTNR: returns the x-position of instance with nickname #1
% \instyposINSTNR: returns the last y-position of instance with nickname #1
% \instlinestyle#1: the line style (dashed or solid) of instance with nickname #1
% \instregionstyle#1: the region style (normal, coregion, suspension, or activation)
\def\msc@declinst#1#2#3#4{% internal command to declare instances
\expandafter\def\csname instabname#1\endcsname{#2}% `above name'
\expandafter\def\csname instinname#1\endcsname{#3}% `inside name'
\expandafter\def\csname instbarwidth#1\endcsname{#4}% width of the vertical instance bar
% the x position of an instance, \instxpos#1, is stored as a string, not as
% a TeX-length, since that would use up too much of TeX limited number of
% length-registers.
% However, this means we first have to calculate the x-pos, and then
% assign the string representation of the result to \instxpos#1:
\expandafter\edef\csname instxpos#1\endcsname{\the\tmp@X}%
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\instbarwidth < #4}}%
\expandafter\def\csname instisfat#1\endcsname{true}%
\expandafter\edef\csname instlxpos#1\endcsname{\the\tmp@X}%
\expandafter\edef\csname instrxpos#1\endcsname{\the\tmp@X}%
\expandafter\def\csname instisfat#1\endcsname{false}%
\expandafter\edef\csname instlxpos#1\endcsname{\the\tmp@X}%
\expandafter\edef\csname instrxpos#1\endcsname{\the\tmp@X}%
\expandafter\def\csname instnickname\arabic{mscinstcnt}\endcsname{#1}%
\expandafter\edef\csname instypos#1\endcsname{\the\tmp@Y}%
\expandafter\def\csname instlinestyle#1\endcsname{solid}%
\expandafter\def\csname instfootcolor#1\endcsname{\msc@footcolor}%
\expandafter\def\csname instregionstyle#1\endcsname{normal}%
}{% else, #1 already defined
% \msc@instnickname gets the nickname of msc instance with number #1
% (This macro is used in \msc@drawinstancelevels)
\csname instnickname\arabic{#1}\endcsname%
% \msc@instabname gets the above name of instance #1
\csname instabname#1\endcsname%
% \msc@instinname gets the inside name of instance #1
\csname instinname#1\endcsname%
% \msc@instxpos gets the x position (i.e., horizontal position) of the
% msc instance with nickname #1.
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\expandafter\csname instxpos#1\endcsname}%
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\expandafter\csname instlxpos#1\endcsname}%
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\expandafter\csname instrxpos#1\endcsname}%
% \msc@setinstxpos sets the (l/r) x position of instance with nickname #1 to
% the string #2
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\expandafter\edef\csname instxpos#1\endcsname{#2}%
\expandafter\edef\csname instlxpos#1\endcsname{#2}%
\expandafter\edef\csname instrxpos#1\endcsname{#2}%
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\expandafter\edef\csname instlxpos#1\endcsname{#2}%
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\expandafter\edef\csname instrxpos#1\endcsname{#2}%
% \msc@instypos gets the last y position (i.e., vertical position) of the
% msc instance with nickname #1.
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname instypos#1\endcsname}%
% \msc@setinstypos sets the last y position of instance with nickname #1 to
% the string #2
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\expandafter\edef\csname instypos#1\endcsname{#2}%
% Change \instlinestyle command of msc instance with nickname #1 into #2
% #2 should be one of: solid, dashed, or dotted
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\ifthenelse{\not\(\equal{#2}{solid} \or
\equal{#2}{dashed} \or
\equal{#2}{dotted}\)}{% unknown linestyle
\expandafter\def\csname instlinestyle#1\endcsname{#2}%
% \msc@instlinestyle returns the linestyle of instance with nickname #1
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname instlinestyle#1\endcsname}%
% Change the foot color for instance with nickname #1 into #2
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\expandafter\def\csname instfootcolor#1\endcsname{#2}%
% \msc@instfootcolor returns the color of the footer of instance with nicknam #1
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname instfootcolor#1\endcsname}%
% Change \instregionstyle command of msc instance with nickname #1 into #2
% #2 should be one of: normal, coregion, suspension, or activation
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\ifthenelse{\not\(\equal{#2}{normal} \or
\equal{#2}{coregion} \or
\equal{#2}{suspension} \or
{% unknown region style
\expandafter\def\csname instregionstyle#1\endcsname{#2}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{suspension} \or \equal{#2}{activation}}
}{% new region style is normal or coregion
% \msc@instregionstyle returns the region style of instance with nickname #1
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname instregionstyle#1\endcsname}%
% \msc@instbarwidth returns the width of the bar of instance with nickname #1
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname instbarwidth#1\endcsname}%
% \msc@setinstbarwidth sets the width of the bar of instance with nickname #1
% to the string #2
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\expandafter\edef\csname instbarwidth#1\endcsname{#2}%
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\instbarwidth < #2}}%
{\expandafter\def\csname instisfat#1\endcsname{true}}%
{\expandafter\def\csname instisfat#1\endcsname{false}}%
%\msc@isfateinst returns one of the strings `true' of `false', indicating if
% the instance with nickname #1 is a fat instance.
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname instisfat#1\endcsname}%
% \changeinstbarwidth changes the instance width of instance with nickname #1 to
% the length #2
{% else, #1 is defined
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\tmp@Xb > \instbarwidth}}%
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\tmp@Xb > \instbarwidth}}%
% DUMMY INSTANCES (start and stop)
% Start a dummy inst
% \inststart{#1}{#2}{#3}
% #1: nickname of stared instance
% #2: name of the instance (above instance head symbol)
% #3: name of the instance (inside instance head symbol)
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
% set the above and inside names
\expandafter\def\csname instabname#1\endcsname{#2}% `above name'
\expandafter\def\csname instinname#1\endcsname{#3}% `inside name'
% draw the instance header symbol
% redefine the instance's y position
% \inststop{#1}
% #1: nick name of instance
% Draws the footer of #1 at current level.
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
% \create creates a new msc-instance and draws its head symbol
% #1: text above creation message
% #2: nickname of creating instance
% #3: nickname of created instance
% #4: name of the instance (above instance head symbol)
% #5: name of the instance (inside instance head symbol)
% Some commands are defined as well (INSTNR is the arabic
% representation of the instance number):
% \instabname#3: `above name' of instance with nickname #3
% \instinname#3: `inside name' of instance with nickname #3
% \instlinestyle#3: the line style (dashed or solid) of instance with nickname #3
\msc@instundefinederr{\mess@sender}}{% else, \mess@sender is defined
\msc@instundefinederr{\mess@receiver}}{% else, \mess@receiver is defined
\expandafter\def\csname instabname\mess@receiver\endcsname{#3}% `above name'
\expandafter\def\csname instinname\mess@receiver\endcsname{#4}% `inside name'
% draw the instance header symbol
\setlength{\tmp@X}{\msc@instxpos{\mess@receiver}}% x-center head box
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{\msc@currentheight}% y-center head box
\setlength{\tmp@Xa}{-0.5\instwidth+\tmp@X}% x-upperleft head box
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\tmp@Xa+\instwidth}% x-lowerright head box
\setlength{\tmp@Yb}{\tmp@Ya+\instheadheight}% y-lowerright head box
% redefine the instance's y position
% draw creation arrow
% \inlineestart creates an inline expression at the current level
% [#1]: left overlap
% [#2]: right overlap
% #3: nickname of the inline
% #4: text of the inline
% #5: first instance of the inline
% #6: final instance of the inline
% \inlineend draws and ends the inline expression with nickname #1
% \inlineseparator draws a ``separator'' (horizontal dashed line) through
% inline expression with nickname #1
\msc@inlundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
% internal commands to implement the inline expressions:
% #1: left overlap
% #2: right overlap
% #3: nickname of the inline
% #4: text of the inline
% #5: first instance of the inline
% #6: final instance of the inline
\@ifundefined{mscinst#5}{% #5 is not an instance nickname
\@ifundefined{mscinst#6}{% #6 is not an instance nickname
\expandafter\def\csname inltext#3\endcsname{\raisebox{\depth}[\totalheight][0pt]{#4}}%
\expandafter\edef\csname inlulx#3\endcsname{\the\tmp@X}%
\expandafter\edef\csname inluly#3\endcsname{\the\msc@currentheight}%
\expandafter\edef\csname inllrx#3\endcsname{\the\tmp@X}%
\expandafter\edef\csname inllry#3\endcsname{undefined}%
% two additional instances are defined
\msc@declinst{#3left}{\relax}{\relax}{\the\instbarwidth}% left of inline
\msc@setinstypos{#3left}{undefined}% no instance line drawing
\msc@declinst{#3right}{\relax}{\relax}{\the\instbarwidth}% left of inline
\msc@setinstypos{#3right}{undefined}% no instance line drawing
}{% nickname #3 already defined
% \msc@inlulx gets the upper-left x-position of inline with nickname #1.
\msc@inlundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname inlulx#1\endcsname%
% \msc@inluly gets the upper-left y-position of inline with nickname #1.
\msc@inlundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname inluly#1\endcsname%
% \msc@inllrx gets the lower-right x-position of inline with nickname #1.
\msc@inlundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname inllrx#1\endcsname%
% \msc@inllry gets the lower-right y-position of inline with nickname #1.
\msc@inlundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname inllry#1\endcsname%
% \msc@inltext gets the text of inline with nickname #1
\msc@inlundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname inltext#1\endcsname%
% \msc@inlineend completes the inline with nickname #1
% (the bottom line is solid)
\msc@inlundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\expandafter\edef\csname inllry#1\endcsname{\the\msc@currentheight}%
%% Debug info:
% \typeout{(\tmp@Xa,-\tmp@Ya)(\tmp@Xb,-\tmp@Yb)}%
% \msc@inlineends completes the inline with nickname #1
% (the bottom line is dashed)
\msc@inlundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\expandafter\edef\csname inllry#1\endcsname{\the\msc@currentheight}%
%% Debug info:
% \typeout{(\tmp@Xa,-\tmp@Ya)(\tmp@Xb,-\tmp@Yb)}%
% first the solid part of the inline expression:
% then the dashed bottom line:
% \referencestart creates an msc reference at the current level
% [#1] : left overlap
% [#2] : right overlap
% #3: nickname of the reference
% #4: text of the reference
% #5: first instance of the reference
% #6: final instance of the reference
% \referenceend draws and ends the reference with nickname #1
% internal commands to implement references:
% #1: left overlap
% #2: right overlap
% #3: nickname of the reference
% #4: text of the reference
% #5: first instance of the reference
% #6: final instance of the reference
\@ifundefined{mscinst#5}{% #5 is not an instance nickname
\@ifundefined{mscinst#6}{% #6 is not an instance nickname
\expandafter\def\csname reftext#3\endcsname{#4}%
\expandafter\edef\csname refulx#3\endcsname{\the\tmp@X}%
\expandafter\edef\csname refuly#3\endcsname{\the\msc@currentheight}%
\expandafter\edef\csname reflrx#3\endcsname{\the\tmp@X}%
\expandafter\edef\csname reflry#3\endcsname{undefined}%
\expandafter\def\csname reffirst#3\endcsname{#5}%
\expandafter\def\csname reffinal#3\endcsname{#6}%
% two additional instances are defined
\msc@declinst{#3left}{\relax}{\relax}{\the\instbarwidth}% left of reference
\msc@setinstypos{#3left}{undefined}% no instance line drawing
\msc@declinst{#3right}{\relax}{\relax}{\the\instbarwidth}% left of reference
\msc@setinstypos{#3right}{undefined}% no instance line drawing
}{% nickname #3 already defined
% \msc@refulx gets the upper-left x-position of reference with nickname #1.
\msc@refundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname refulx#1\endcsname%
% \msc@refuly gets the upper-left y-position of reference with nickname #1.
\msc@refundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname refuly#1\endcsname%
% \msc@reflrx gets the lower-right x-position of reference with nickname #1.
\msc@refundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname reflrx#1\endcsname%
% \msc@reflry gets the lower-right y-position of reference with nickname #1.
\msc@refundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname reflry#1\endcsname%
% \msc@reftext gets the text of reference with nickname #1
\msc@refundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname reftext#1\endcsname%
% \msc@reftext gets the nickname of the first instance of the reference with nickname #1
\msc@refundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname reffirst#1\endcsname%
% \msc@reftext gets the nickname of the final instance of the reference with nickname #1
\msc@refundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\csname reffinal#1\endcsname%
% \msc@drawreference completes the reference with nickname #1
\msc@refundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\expandafter\edef\csname reflry#1\endcsname{\the\msc@currentheight}%
%% Debug info:
% \typeout{(\tmp@Xa,-\tmp@Ya)(\tmp@Xb,-\tmp@Yb)}%
\psframe[dimen=middle,framearc=0.25](\tmp@Xa,-\tmp@Ya)(\tmp@Xb,-\tmp@Yb)% note: rounded corners
\ifthenelse{\value{tmpcnt} < \value{mscinstcnt}}{%
% Debug info:
% \typeout{(drawtoref) checking \msc@instnickname{tmpcnt}}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{\msc@instnickname{tmpcnt}}{\msc@reffirst{#1}}}{% first instance found
% Debug info:
% \typeout{first found: \msc@instnickname{tmpcnt}}%
#2{#1}}{% else, keep on looking
\msc@reffindfirst{#1}{#2}}}{% done ! all instances checked
\ifthenelse{\value{tmpcnt} < \value{mscinstcnt}}{%
% Debug info:
% \typeout{(drawtorefaux) checking \msc@instnickname{tmpcnt}}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{\msc@instnickname{tmpcnt}}{\msc@reffinal{#1}}}{% final instance found
% Debug info:
% \typeout{final found: \msc@instnickname{tmpcnt}}%
}{% else, non-final
}{% done ! all instances checked
\ifthenelse{\value{tmpcnt} < \value{mscinstcnt}}{%
% Debug info:
% \typeout{(drawtorefaux) checking \msc@instnickname{tmpcnt}}
\ifthenelse{\equal{\msc@instnickname{tmpcnt}}{\msc@reffinal{#2}}}{% final instance found
% Debug info:
% \typeout{final found: \msc@instnickname{tmpcnt}}%
}{% else, non-final
}{% done ! all instances checked
% \coregionstart starts a coregion on instance #1 (nickname) in the current level.
% \coregionend ends a coregion on instance #1 (nickname) in the current level.
% REGIONS (normal, coregion, suspension, and activation)
% \regionstart{#1}{#2}
% starts a region
% #1: region style: normal, coregion, suspension, or activation
% #2: nickname: nick name of the instance
\msc@instundefinederr{#2}}{% else, #2 is defined
% \regionend{#1}
% ends the region of instance with nickname #1
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
% \messarrowscale sets the arrow scale
% \msc@setleveloffset sets the internal level offset
% \mess has one optional argument to define the position of
% the label of a self message.
\newcommand{\mess@B}[2][\ifx\mess@sender\mess@receiver \selfmess@position\else t\fi]{%
\newcommand{\mess@D}[1][\ifx\mess@sender\mess@receiver 1\else 0\fi]{%
\msc@instundefinederr{\mess@sender}}{% else, sender is defined
\msc@instundefinederr{\mess@receiver}}{% else, receiver is defined
\ifthenelse{\equal{\selfmess@position}{l} \or%
\setlength{\tmp@Xa}{\msc@instlxpos{\mess@sender} - \selfmesswidth}%
}{% ELSE
\setlength{\tmp@Xa}{\msc@instrxpos{\mess@sender} + \selfmesswidth}%
\setlength{\tmp@Yb}{\msc@currentheight + (\levelheight * \mess@leveloffset)}%
\setlength{\tmp@Xc}{\msc@instlxpos{\mess@sender} - \mess@instanceoffset}%
}{% ELSE
\setlength{\tmp@Xc}{\msc@instrxpos{\mess@sender} + \mess@instanceoffset}%
{% THEN message arrow
}{% ELSE order arrow
\setlength{\tmp@Yd}{.5\tmp@Yb + .5\tmp@Ya}%
}{% ELSE
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\msc@instxpos{\mess@sender} < \msc@instxpos{\mess@receiver}}}%
\setlength{\tmp@Yb}{\msc@currentheight + (\levelheight * \mess@leveloffset)}%
{% THEN message arrow
}{%ELSE order arrow
\setlength{\tmp@Xd}{.5\tmp@Xb + .5\tmp@Xa}%
\setlength{\tmp@Yd}{.5\tmp@Yb + .5\tmp@Ya}%
\(\equal{\mess@sender}{\mess@receiver} \and \(\equal{\mess@labelposition}{l} \or%
\(\not\(\equal{\mess@sender}{\mess@receiver}\) \and \(\equal{\mess@labelposition}{t} \or%
}{% THEN
\setlength{\tmp@X}{\tmp@Xa + (\tmp@Xb - \tmp@Xa)*\real{\mess@labelplacement}}%
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{\tmp@Ya + (\tmp@Yb - \tmp@Ya)*\real{\mess@labelplacement}}%
}{% ELSE
\setlength{\tmp@X}{\tmp@Xa + (\tmp@Xb - \tmp@Xa)*\real{\mess@labelplacement}}%
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{\tmp@Yb + (\tmp@Ya - \tmp@Yb) + (\tmp@Yb - \tmp@Ya)*\real{\mess@labelplacement}}%
}{% ELSE
\setlength{\tmp@X}{\tmp@Xb + (\tmp@Xa - \tmp@Xb) + (\tmp@Xb - \tmp@Xa)*\real{\mess@labelplacement}}%
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{\tmp@Ya + (\tmp@Yb - \tmp@Ya)*\real{\mess@labelplacement}}%
}{% ELSE
\setlength{\tmp@X}{\tmp@Xb + (\tmp@Xa - \tmp@Xb) + (\tmp@Xb - \tmp@Xa)*\real{\mess@labelplacement}}%
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{\tmp@Yb + (\tmp@Ya - \tmp@Yb) + (\tmp@Yb - \tmp@Ya)*\real{\mess@labelplacement}}%
}{% ELSE \tmpXa = \tmp@Xb (self message)
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{\tmp@Ya + (\tmp@Yb - \tmp@Ya)*\real{\mess@labelplacement}}%
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{\tmp@Yb + (\tmp@Ya - \tmp@Yb) + (\tmp@Yb - \tmp@Ya)*\real{\mess@labelplacement}}}%
}{% ELSE
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\tmp@Xa < \tmp@Xb}}%
{% THEN W->E
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\tmp@Ya < \tmp@Yb}}%
}{% ELSE
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\tmp@Ya > \tmp@Yb}}%
{% THEN SW -> NE
}{% ELSE W->E
}{% ELSE
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\tmp@Xa > \tmp@Xb}}%
{% THEN E -> W
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\tmp@Ya < \tmp@Yb}}%
{% THEN NE -> SW
}{% ELSE
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\tmp@Ya > \tmp@Yb}}%
{% THEN SE -> NW
}{% ELSE E -> W
}{% ELSE \tmp@Xa = \tmp@Xb (self message)
% Genralized orders
% \order[pos]{sender}{receiver}[leveloffset][instanceoffset]
\def\mess@labelposition{\ifx\mess@sender\mess@receiver l\else t\fi}%
\newcommand{\order@B}[1][\ifx\mess@sender\mess@receiver 1\else 0\fi]{%
% LOST and FOUND messages
% \lost[pos]{label}[labelpos]{gate}{sender}[placement]
% \found[pos]{label}[labelpos]{gate}{sender}[placement]
% \@lostfound draws lost and found messages
\msc@instundefinederr{\mess@sender}}{% else, \mess@sender is defined
{% THEN put lost/found message left
\setlength{\tmp@Xa}% start of arrow
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}% end of arrow
\setlength{\tmp@X}% label position
{\tmp@Xb + (\tmp@Xa - \tmp@Xb) * \real{\mess@labelplacement}}%
\setlength{\tmp@Xc}% circle position
}{% ELSE
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}% end of arrow
\setlength{\tmp@Xa}% start of arrow
\setlength{\tmp@X}% label position
{\tmp@Xa + (\tmp@Xb - \tmp@Xa) * \real{\mess@labelplacement}}%
\setlength{\tmp@Xc}% circle position
\setlength{\tmp@Xd}% gate position
}{% ELSE, lost/found message right
\setlength{\tmp@Xa}% start of arrow
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}% end of arrow
\setlength{\tmp@X}% label position
{\tmp@Xa + (\tmp@Xb - \tmp@Xa) * \real{\mess@labelplacement}}%
\setlength{\tmp@Xc}% circle position
}{% ELSE
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}% end of arrow
\setlength{\tmp@Xa}% start of arrow
\setlength{\tmp@X}% label position
{\tmp@Xb + (\tmp@Xa - \tmp@Xb) * \real{\mess@labelplacement}}%
\setlength{\tmp@Xc}% circle position
\setlength{\tmp@Xd}% gate position
}{% ELSE
}{% ELSE
% \settimer has one optional argument to define the position of
% the label of a self message.
% \timeout has one optional argument to define the position of
% the label of a self message.
% \stoptimer has one optional argument to define the position of
% the label of a self message.
% \settimeout has one optional argument to define the position of
% the label of a self message.
% \setstoptimer has one optional argument to define the position of
% the label of a self message.
\msc@setleveloffset{2}% default level-offset value for combined timers
% \@timer draws timers
% #1: type of the timer (set/timeout/stop)
% #2: label
% #3: nickname of the instance
\msc@instundefinederr{#3}}{% else, #3 is defined
\ifthenelse{\equal{\msc@timerpos}{l}}{% point left of axis
}{ % else point right of axis
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{timeout}}{% draw an arrow
}{ % else draw a line without arrow head
\setlength{\tmp@X}{\tmp@Xb}% This looks clumsy - sm
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{settimeout}}{% draw second part of settimeout
\ifthenelse{\equal{\msc@timerpos}{l}}{% point left of axis
}{ % else point right of axis
}{ % else not settimeout
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{setstoptimer}}{% draw second part of setstoptimer
\ifthenelse{\equal{\msc@timerpos}{l}}{% point left of axis
}{% point right of axis
}{% not a fat instance
}{ % else no second part needed
% \msc@drawtimer draws the timer symbols
% #1: type of the timer (set/timeout/stop)
% #2: x-coordinate of center of timer
% #3: y-coordinate of center of timer
% #4: place text left (l) or right (r)
% #5: text added to the timer
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{stop}}{% draw reset symbol
}{% else draw set/timeout symbol
\ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{l}}{% place label left
}{% else place label right
% \msc@drawinstancehead draws the head of the instance
% #1: nickname of the instance
% \msc@drawinstanceheadsymbol draw the head symbol of instance #1 at y-pos #2
\setlength{\tmp@X}{\msc@instxpos{#1}}% x-center head box
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{#2 + 0.5\instheadheight}% center of head symbol
\setlength{\tmp@Xa}{-0.5\instwidth+\tmp@X}% x-upperleft head box
\setlength{\tmp@Ya}{#2}% y-upperleft head box
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\tmp@Xa+\instwidth}% x-lowerright head box
\setlength{\tmp@Yb}{#2 + \instheadheight}% y-lowerright head box
}{% else, no head symbol drawing%
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
\ifthenelse{\equal{\msc@instypos{#1}}{undefined}}{% y-pos undefined: no line needed
}{% else
{% fat instance
\psline[linestyle=dashed,dash=7pt 7pt](\tmp@Xa,-\tmp@Ya)(\tmp@Xa,-\tmp@Yb)%
\psline[linestyle=dashed,dash=7pt 7pt](\tmp@Xb,-\tmp@Ya)(\tmp@Xb,-\tmp@Yb)%
{% normal region:
{% normal instance (not fat)
\setlength{\tmp@Xa}{\msc@instxpos{#1} - 0.5\tmp@X}%
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\msc@instxpos{#1} + 0.5\tmp@X}%
\psline[linestyle=dashed,dash=7pt 7pt](\tmp@Xa,-\tmp@Ya)(\tmp@Xa,-\tmp@Yb)%
\psline[linestyle=dashed,dash=7pt 7pt](\tmp@Xb,-\tmp@Ya)(\tmp@Xb,-\tmp@Yb)%
\setlength{\tmp@Xa}{\msc@instxpos{#1} - 0.5\tmp@X}%
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\msc@instxpos{#1} + 0.5\tmp@X}%
{% normal region
% \msc@drawinstancefoot draws the last level and foot of the instance
% #1: nickname of the instance
% \msc@drawinstancefootsymbol draws a footer symbol for instance #1 at y-pos #2.
\setlength{\tmp@Yb}{#2 + \instfootheight}%
}{% else, no foot symbol drawing%
% \nextlevel incresaes \msc@currentheight by #1 * \levelheight
% (optional) #1: a nonnegative integer number (defaults to 1)
\ifthenelse{\value{tmpcnt} < \value{mscinstcnt}}{%
% Only draw the instancefoot if the instypos is defined (not ``undefined'')
% This signals a previous instance stop.
\msc@drawinstancefooters}{% else nothing
% \action puts an action symbol on the instance with nickname #2.
% The action symbol will be placed on the current level and the text #1
% is centered inside the action symbol.
\msc@instundefinederr{#2}}{% else, #2 is defined
% first, draw the instance line as far as possible
% then, draw the action symbol
% if #2's bar width is greater than the action width, the width of this
% action will be the instnce bar width.
% redefine the instance's y position
% \stop ends the instance with nickname #1.
\msc@instundefinederr{#1}}{% else, #1 is defined
% first, draw the instance line as far as possible
% close the instance axis if it is a fat instance
{% else it is not fat
% then, draw the stop symbol
% redefine the instance's y position
% ``undefined'' means that the instance axis will not be drawn any further
% \condition puts a condition symbol over the given instances
% #1: name to be put inside the condition symbol
% #2: comma-separated list of instance nicknames, such that:
% - The first instance nickname is supposed to be the leftmost
% instance of the condition
% - The last instance nickname is supposed to be the rightmost
% instance of the condition
% debugging info:
% \message{(msc: condition: \msc@firstconditioninst...\msc@lastconditioninst)}%
\msc@instundefinederr{\msccondition@rg}}{% else, \msccondition@rg is defined
% debugging info:
% \message{(msc: condition instance "\msccondition@rg")}%
}{\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\msc@instxpos{\msc@firstconditioninst} > \msc@instxpos{\msccondition@rg}}}{%
}{\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\msc@instxpos{\msc@lastconditioninst} < \msc@instxpos{\msccondition@rg}}}{%
% now, draw the instance line as far as possible
% \setlength{\tmp@X}{\msc@instxpos{\msccondition@rg}}%
% \setlength{\tmp@Ya}{\msc@instypos{\msccondition@rg}}%
% \setlength{\tmp@Yb}{\msc@currentheight+\msc@headoffset}%
% \psline[linestyle=\msc@instlinestyle{\msccondition@rg}](\tmp@X,-\tmp@Ya)(\tmp@X,-\tmp@Yb)%
% and redefine the instance's y position
% \msc@drawcondition draw the condition symbol
% #1: condition-text
\setlength{\tmp@Xc}{#4+ .6#5 - .6#3}%
\setlength{\tmp@Yc}{.5#3 + .5#5}%
\setlength{\tmp@Xc}{#2- .6#5 + .6#3}%
\setlength{\tmp@Xc}{.5#2 + .5#4}%
\setlength{\tmp@Yc}{.5#3 + .5#5}%
% \gate[hpos][vpos]{text}{nickname}[h-offset]
% \gate*[hpos][vpos]{text}{nickname}[h-offset]
% (starred version puts a dot at the position of the gate on the instance line)
% hpos: optional horizontal position argument l(eft) or r(ight). default: l
% vpos: optional vertical position argument t(op), c(enter) or b(ottom). default: t
% text: text to be placed at the gate
% nickname: nickname of the instance to which the gate belongs
\msc@instundefinederr{#3}}{% else, #3 is defined
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{\msc@currentheight - \labeldist}%
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{\msc@currentheight + \labeldist}%
% \msccomment[#1]{#2}{#3}
% #1: position l/r or a distance
% #2: text
% #3: instance nick name
{% else, #3 is defined
\setlength{\tmp@Ya}{\tmp@Y + .5\ht\tmp@box}%
\setlength{\tmp@Yb}{\tmp@Y - .5\ht\tmp@box}%
% \message{( a: \the\tmp@Ya, b: \the\tmp@Yb)}
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\msc@commentdist < 0pt}}%
{% comment left from instance #3
\setlength{\tmp@Xa}{\tmp@X + \msc@commentdist}
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\tmp@Xa - \tmp@Xb}
{% comment right from instance #3
\setlength{\tmp@Xa}{\tmp@X + \msc@commentdist}
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\tmp@Xa + \tmp@Xb}
% \mark[#1]{#2}{#3}
% #1: placement: tl,bl,tr,br
% #2: text
% #3: instance nick name
{% else, #3 is defined
\setlength{\tmp@Xa}{\tmp@X - \markdist}
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\tmp@Xa - \wd\tmp@box - 2\labeldist}
\setlength{\tmp@Ya}{\msc@currentheight - .5\markdist}
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\tmp@Xa - \labeldist - .5\wd\tmp@box}
\setlength{\tmp@Xa}{\tmp@X - \markdist}
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\tmp@Xa - \wd\tmp@box - 2\labeldist}
\setlength{\tmp@Ya}{\msc@currentheight + .5\markdist}
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\tmp@Xa - \labeldist - .5\wd\tmp@box}
\setlength{\tmp@Xa}{\tmp@X + \markdist}
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\tmp@Xa + \wd\tmp@box + 2\labeldist}
\setlength{\tmp@Ya}{\msc@currentheight - .5\markdist}
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\tmp@Xa + \labeldist + .5\wd\tmp@box}
\setlength{\tmp@Xa}{\tmp@X + \markdist}
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\tmp@Xa + \wd\tmp@box + 2\labeldist}
\setlength{\tmp@Ya}{\msc@currentheight + .5\markdist}
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\tmp@Xa + \labeldist + .5\wd\tmp@box}
\newlength{\msc@measuredist}% internal length for horizontal measure distance
% \measure[*][#1]{#2}{#3}{#4}[#5]
% *: the starred version puts the top measure mark above and the bottom measure mark
% below the measure position.
% #1: placement: l (left) r (right), or distance (negative or positive) to closest of #3 or #4
% #2: name
% #3: instance nick name
% #4: instance nick name
% #5: (vertical) offset
\setlength{\tmp@Yb}{\tmp@Ya + #5\levelheight}
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{.5\tmp@Ya + .5\tmp@Yb}
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\msc@instxpos{#3} < \msc@instxpos{#4}}}
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\msc@measuredist < 0pt}}
{% left from instances
\setlength{\tmp@X}{\tmp@Xa + \msc@measuredist}
{% right from instances
\setlength{\tmp@X}{\tmp@Xb + \msc@measuredist}
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\msc@measuredist < 0pt}}
{% left from instances
\setlength{\tmp@X}{\tmp@Xb + \msc@measuredist}
{% right from instances
\setlength{\tmp@X}{\tmp@Xa + \msc@measuredist}
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\msc@measuredist < 0pt}}
{% left from instances
{% right from instances
% \measurestart[*][#1]{#2}{#3}{#4}
% *: unstarred/starred version draws downward/upward triangle
% #1: placement: l (left) r (right), or distance (negative or positive) to #3
% #2: name
% #3: instance nick name
% #4: gate name
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\msc@measuredist < 0pt}}
{% left from instance
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\tmp@Xa + \msc@measuredist}
\setlength{\tmp@Yb}{\tmp@Ya + #5\levelheight}
\setlength{\tmp@X}{\tmp@Xb - \labeldist - 0.5\measuresymbolwidth}
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{.5\tmp@Ya + .5\tmp@Yb}
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{\tmp@Yb + \labeldist}
{% right from instance
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\tmp@Xa + \msc@measuredist}
\setlength{\tmp@Yb}{\tmp@Ya + #5\levelheight}
\setlength{\tmp@X}{\tmp@Xb + \labeldist + 0.5\measuresymbolwidth}
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{.5\tmp@Ya + .5\tmp@Yb}
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{\tmp@Yb + \labeldist}
% \measureend[*][#1]{#2}{#3}{#4}
% *: unstarred/starred version draws upward/downward triangle
% #1: placement: l (left) r (right), or distance (negative or positive) to #3
% #2: name
% #3: instance nick name
% #4: gate name
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\msc@measuredist < 0pt}}
{% left from instance
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\tmp@Xa + \msc@measuredist}
\setlength{\tmp@Yb}{\tmp@Ya - #5\levelheight}
\setlength{\tmp@X}{\tmp@Xb - \labeldist - 0.5\measuresymbolwidth}
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{.5\tmp@Ya + .5\tmp@Yb}
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{\tmp@Yb - \labeldist}
{% right from instance
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{\tmp@Xa + \msc@measuredist}
\setlength{\tmp@Yb}{\tmp@Ya - #5\levelheight}
\setlength{\tmp@X}{\tmp@Xb + \labeldist + 0.5\measuresymbolwidth}
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{.5\tmp@Ya + .5\tmp@Yb}
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{\tmp@Yb - \labeldist}
% measure symbols
% sin(pi/3) =~ 0.866025403784
% draw an upward triangle with 60-degree (pi/3) angles and base at (#1,#2)
% sin(pi/3) =~ 0.866025403784
% draw a downward triangle with 60-degree (pi/3) angles and base at (#1,#2)
% \drawmscframe draws a frame of the right size around the msc
% This command also set the value of \msc@totalsizebox
}{% no frame drawing
% \msckeyword is the keyword representation of msc
% This keyword can be changed by the \setmsckeyword command (or by \renewcommand{\msckeyword}{...}):
% Commands to switch internal options that control the drawing of header and footer symbols
% A similar command to control drawing of the msc-frame
{\msckeywordstyle{\msckeyword}{} \msc@title}%
% \msc@title stores the title given in \begin{msc}{title}
% \msc@titlejustification says how the title should be justified
% Justification is relative to the total width of the msc
% l: left (default)
% c: centered
% r: right
% the msc-environment
\message{(\msckeyword: '#2'}%
% define the artificial left and right environment instances
\begin{pspicture}(0,0)% we draw the msc in a picture of size 0x0
\psset{dash=4pt 4pt}% sets the hashed linestyle style
% If there is at least one instance, the current width is
% set to the xpos of the NEXT msc instance. There is at least one instance,
% if mscinstcnt >= 2. So, in that case, we have to
% substract one \instdist from the current width.
%\ifthenelse{\value{mscinstcnt}<2}{% no user defined instances, so, relax
% \relax%
%}{% mscinstcnt >= 2
% \addtolength{\msc@currentwidth}{-\instdist}%
% Now we compute the final current width: one extra \envinstdist:
% Debug info:
%\typeout{msc size: \the\msc@totalwidth x\the\msc@totalheight}%
% the \mscbox now contains a box of 0x0, however the actual width and
% height are stored in \msc@total{width,height}. We use these lengths
% to adjust the width and height of the \mscbox
% Now the \mscbox can be scaled (by \mscscalefactor) and `printed':
{% DEBUG: use this \fbox stuf to check the bounding box
% #1: diagram type (msc, mscdoc, hmsc)
% #2: llx
% #3: lly
% #4: urx
% #5: ury
% #6: justification (l, c, r)
% #7: typeset title
\setlength{\tmp@X}{#4 - #2 - 2\leftnamedist}%
\def\MSC@dosettitle{\parbox[t]{\tmp@X}{\raggedright #7}}%
\def\MSC@dosettitle{\parbox[t]{\tmp@X}{\centering #7}}%
\def\MSC@dosettitle{\parbox[t]{\tmp@X}{\raggedleft #7}}%
\setlength{\tmp@Y}{#5 - \topnamedist}%
\setlength{\tmp@Xb}{#2 + \leftnamedist}%
% MSC documents
% \mscdockeyword is the keyword representation of msc
% This keyword can be changed by the \setmscdockeyword command (or by \renewcommand{\mscdockeyword}{...}):
{\mscdockeywordstyle{\mscdockeyword}{} \mscdoc@title}%
\message{( \mscdockeyword: '#2'}%
\def\txt{\vbox to \tmp@Y{\vss\hbox to \tmp@X{\hss{}##1\hss}\vss}}%
{% DEBUG: use this \fbox stuf to check the bounding box
% This keyword can be changed by the \sethmsckeyword command (or by \renewcommand{\hmsckeyword}{...}):
% User command to draw a segmented line between two nodes (buggy).
% NOTE: this implementation is not complete yet. The optional arrows argument
% only makes sense for forward arrows (and even then in a limited way).
% usage: \ncsegline[settings]{arrows}{#1}[(x0,y0)...(xn,xy)]{#2}
% settings (optional): pstricks settings for lines
% arrows(optional): pstricks-style arrow defintions
% #1: start node
% (x0,y0)...(xn,yn) (optional): sequence of intermediate points
% #2: end node
% \message{(arrow: `#2')}%
% \message{(no arrow `#2')}%
% \message{(line seg)}%
% User command to draw hmsc start symbols
% usage: \hmscstartsymbol{#1}(#2,#3)
% #1: nickname
% #2: x-coordinate
% #3: y-coordinate
% sin(pi/3) =~ 0.866025403784
%\message{(hmsc start symbol: #1)}%
% User command to draw hmsc end symbols
% usage: \hmscendsymbol{#1}(#2,#3)
% #1: nickname
% #2: x-coordinate
% #3: y-coordinate
% sin(pi/3) =~ 0.866025403784
%\message{(hmsc end symbol: #1)}%
% User command to draw a hmsc condition
% usage: \hmsccondition{#1}{#2}(#3,#4)
% #1: nickname
% #2: text
% #3: x-coordinate
% #4: y-coordinate
\def\ctxt{\vbox to \tmp@Y{\vss\hbox to \tmp@X{\hss{}#2\hss}\vss}}%
% User command to draw a hmsc reference
% usage: \hmscreference{#1}{#2}(#3,#4)
% #1: nickname
% #2: text
% #3: x-coordinate
% #4: y-coordinate
\def\rtxt{\vbox to \tmp@Y{\vss\hbox to \tmp@X{\hss{}#2\hss}\vss}}%
% User command to draw hmsc connections
% usage: \hmscconnection{#1}(#2,#3)
% #1: nickname
% #2: x-coordinate
% #3: y-coordinate
% User command to draw arrows between hmsc-objects
% Usage: \arrow{#1}[(x0,y0)...(xn,yn)]{#2}
% #1: start hmsc object
% (x0,y0)...(xn,yn) (optional): sequence of intermediate points
% #2: end hmsc object
% User environment to draw hmsc's
% Usage: \begin{hmsc}{#1}(llx,lly((urx,ury)...\end{hmsc}
{\hmsckeywordstyle{\hmsckeyword}{} \hmsc@title}%
% \setlength{\tmp@X}{\hmsc@llx + \leftnamedist}%
% \setlength{\tmp@Y}{\hmsc@ury - \topnamedist}%
% \rput[tl](\tmp@X,\tmp@Y){%
% \hmsckeywordstyle{\hmsckeyword}{} \hmsc@title%
% }%
{\message{( \hmsckeyword: '#2'}%
%\rput[tl](\tmp@X,\tmp@Y){\raisebox{\depth}[\totalheight][0pt]{\hmsckeywordstyle{\hmsckeyword} \hmsc@name}}%
{% DEBUG: use this \fbox stuf to check the bounding box
% Initialisation of the msc package
% \set@mscvalueslarge
% the lengths
% some numeric parameters
% \set@mscvaluesnormal
% switch to a smaller font
% the lengths
% some numeric parameters
% \set@mscvaluessmall
% switch to a smaller font
% the lengths
% some numeric parameters
% \setmscvalues assigns compatible values to all msc-parameters
% Currently, three sets of values are supported: large, normal
% and small.
% initialisation of the msc-parameters
% Error and help messages
% We use the standard LaTeX2e facilities to generate error and help
% messages (for more info, see file lterror.dtx of LaTeX2e distribution).
% nickname already defined
\PackageError{msc}{% error message
nickname #1 already defined}{% help text
You tried to use the nickname '#1' for a new\MessageBreak
msc object (instance, reference, inline expression, etc.),\MessageBreak
but the nickname is already assigned to another msc object.\MessageBreak
press <enter> to continue (the new msc object will be ignored).}%
% no such msc instance error
\PackageError{msc}{% error message
undefined msc instance: #1}{% help text
You used '#1' as an msc instance nickname, but\MessageBreak
there is no msc instance with that nickname.}%
% unknown linestyle error
\PackageError{msc}{% error message
unknown linestyle: #1}{% help text
Known msc linestyles are "solid", "dashed", and "dotted".\MessageBreak
You used '#1'.}%
% unknown region style error
\PackageError{msc}{% error message
unknown region style: #1}{% help text
Known msc region styles are "normal", "coregion", "suspension", and "activation".\MessageBreak
You used '#1'.}%
% unknown self message label position error
\PackageError{msc}{% error message
unknown position for self message: #1}{% help text
Known positions are "l" (left), "r" (right).\MessageBreak
You used '#1'.}%
% unknown self message label position error
\PackageError{msc}{% error message
unknown timer position: #1}{% help text
Known timer positions are "l" (left), "r" (right).\MessageBreak
You used '#1'.}%
% unknown self message label position error
\PackageError{msc}{% error message
unknown set of msc-values: #1}{% help text
Known sets of msc-values are "normal" and "small".\MessageBreak
You used '#1'.}%
% no such msc reference error
\PackageError{msc}{% error message
undefined reference: #1}{% help text
You used '#1' as a reference nickname, but\MessageBreak
there is no reference with that nickname.}%
% no such msc inline error
\PackageError{msc}{% error message
undefined inline expression: #1}{% help text
You used '#1' as a inline expression nickname, but\MessageBreak
there is no inline expression with that nickname.}%
% inline first right from last error
\PackageError{msc}{% error message
first instance right from final instance\MessageBreak in inline expression #1}{% help text
In the definition of inline expression '#1', you probably switched\MessageBreak
the first msc instance, '#2', and the final msc instance, '#3',\MessageBreak
since the first is located right from the final.}%
% reference first rightt from last error
\PackageError{msc}{% error message
first instance right from final instance\MessageBreak in reference #1}{% help text
In the definition of msc reference '#1', you probably switched\MessageBreak
the first msc instance, '#2', and the final msc instance, '#3',\MessageBreak
since the first is located right from the final.}%
illegal mark placement specifier: #1}{% help text
The four mark placement specifiers are:\MessageBreak
tl (top-left)\MessageBreak
bl (bottom-left)\MessageBreak
tr (top-right)\MessageBreak
br (bottom-right)}
illegal label position specifier: #1}{% help text
Valid label position specifiers are:\MessageBreak
t (top)\MessageBreak
b (bottom)}
illegal label position: #1}{% help text
Valid label positions are:\MessageBreak
t (top)\MessageBreak
b (bottom)\MessageBreak
l (left)\MessageBreak
r (right)}
in lost/found message: illegal label position: #1}{% help text
Valid label position are:\MessageBreak
t (top)\MessageBreak
b (bottom)}
illegal title placement specifier: #1}{% help text
Valid title placement specifiers are:\MessageBreak
l (left)\MessageBreak
c (center)\MessageBreak
r (right)}
\PackageError{msc}{% error message
nickname #1 already defined}{% help text
You tried to use the nickname '#1' for a new\MessageBreak
hmsc object (startsymbol, endsymbol, reference, etc.),\MessageBreak
but the nickname is already assigned to another hmsc object.\MessageBreak
press <enter> to continue (the new hmsc object will be ignored).}%
% no such msc hmsc object error
\PackageError{msc}{% error message
undefined hmsc object: #1}{% help text
You used '#1' as an hmsc object nickname, but\MessageBreak
there is no hmsc object with that nickname.}%
% hmsc unknown connection type
\PackageError{msc}{% error message
Unknown HMSC connection type: #1}{% help text
Known HMSC connection types are straight, rounded, and curved.}%
% hmsc missing y coordinate in arrow specification
\PackageError{msc}{% error message
Missing Y coordinate in arrow specification. You typed:\MessageBreak
which is parsed as the incomplete list of points:\MessageBreak
Remove the final X coordinate or add an Y coordinate}{%
The points specifying an HMSC arrow should be given as a comma separated\MessageBreak
list of X, Y coordinates. Furthermore, each X coordinate should\MessageBreak
be followed by a Y coordinate.}%
% remarks
% Issuing pstricks drawing-commands inside a TeX-group in a pspicture environment
% can result in ill-positioned objects.
% messages from/to the right environment should be defined after the last
% instance is declared with \declinst