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2005-07-01 13:32:00 +01:00
# Buttyan Nagy Vajda protocol 2 (4-party)
# Modelled after the description in the paper
# "Efficient multi-party challenge-response protocols for entity
# authentication"
# Note:
# Does not seem to reach the claim. I don't know why yet. TODO
# investigate.
secret k: Function;
# protocol intruderhelp(Swap)
# {
# role Swap
# {
# var T: Ticket;
# var A,B: Agent;
# read_1(Swap,Swap, { T }k(A,B) );
# send_2(Swap,Swap, { T }k(B,A) );
# }
# }
protocol bunava24(A,B,C,D)
role A
const ra: Nonce;
var rb,rc,rd: Nonce;
var Tacd, Tabd: Ticket;
send_1(A,B, ra);
read_4(D,A, rd,
{ D, { C, { B,ra }k(A,B) }k(A,C) }k(A,D)
# send_5(A,B,
# { A, rd }k(A,D),
# { A, Tacd }k(A,C),
# { A, Tabd }k(A,B)
# );
claim_A1(A, Niagree);
claim_A2(A, Nisynch);
role B
const rb: Nonce;
var ra,rc,rd: Nonce;
var Tbad, Tbac: Ticket;
read_1(A,B, ra);
send_2(B,C, rb,
{ B,ra }k(A,B)
# read_5(A,B,
# Tbad,
# Tbac,
# { A, { D, { C,rb }k(B,C) }k(B,D) }k(A,B)
# );
# send_6(B,C,
# { B, Tbad }k(B,D),
# { B, Tbac }k(B,C)
# );
# claim_B1(B, Niagree);
# claim_B2(B, Nisynch);
role C
const rc: Nonce;
var ra,rb,rd: Nonce;
var Tcab,Tcbd: Ticket;
read_2(B,C, rb, Tcab );
send_3(C,D, rc,
{ C, rb }k(B,C),
{ C, Tcab }k(A,C)
# read_6(B,C,
# Tcbd,
# { B, { A,{ D,rc }k(C,D) }k(A,C) }k(B,C)
# );
# send_7(C,D,
# { C, Tcbd }k(C,D)
# );
# claim_C1(C, Niagree);
# claim_C2(C, Nisynch);
role D
const rd: Nonce;
var ra,rb,rc: Nonce;
var Tdbc,Tdac: Ticket;
read_3(C,D, rc, Tdbc, Tdac );
send_4(D,A, rd,
{ D, rc }k(C,D),
{ D, Tdbc }k(B,D),
{ D, Tdac }k(A,D)
# read_7(C,D,
# { C, { B,{ A,rd }k(A,D) }k(B,D) }k(C,D)
# );
# claim_D1(D, Niagree);
# claim_D2(D, Nisynch);
const Alice,Bob,Charlie,Eve: Agent;
untrusted Eve;
const ne: Nonce;
compromised k(Alice,Eve);
compromised k(Bob,Eve);
compromised k(Charlie,Eve);
compromised k(Eve,Alice);
compromised k(Eve,Bob);
compromised k(Eve,Charlie);
# General scenario
run bunava24.A(Agent,Agent,Agent,Agent);
run bunava24.B(Agent,Agent,Agent,Agent);
run bunava24.C(Agent,Agent,Agent,Agent);
run bunava24.D(Agent,Agent,Agent,Agent);
run bunava24.A(Agent,Agent,Agent,Agent);
run bunava24.B(Agent,Agent,Agent,Agent);
run bunava24.C(Agent,Agent,Agent,Agent);
run bunava24.D(Agent,Agent,Agent,Agent);