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# Generate tests
ls -1 *.spdl | ./ 1 >
# get the fails of the singletons
grep -h failed combined1*.txt | awk '{ print $2, $4 }' | sort | uniq >fails1.txt
# get the fails of the combos
# find version
find -name "combined3*.txt" -exec grep -h failed {} \; >tempfile.txt
cat tempfile.txt | awk '{ print $2, $4 }' | sort | uniq >fails3.txt
# find any jewels
cat fails1.txt fails2.txt | sort | uniq -u >jewels2.txt
# relocate such a jewel
grep -l "nsl3.*Nisynch_6.*failed" *.txt
# fully automatic relocate
cat jewels2.txt | awk '{ system("grep -l \"" $1 ".*" $2 ".*failed\" combined2*.txt") }' >bad2-combos.txt
cat jewels3.txt | awk '{ system("find -name \"combined3*.txt\" -exec grep -l \\\" $1 \".*\" $2 \".*failed\" {} \\\"\;") }' >bad3-combos.txt
# Instance
find -name "combined3*.txt" -exec grep -l "wmfbrutus.*Secret_3.*failed" {} \;
# remove empty regular files
find -empty -type f | xargs -n 1 rm
# Show an attack on a combo file
cat file1.spdl file2.spdl | ../src/scyther -a - | dot -Tps | ggv -