
65 lines
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IMG= flow.epsi flow-simple.epsi
DEPS= preamble.tex macros.tex
MSC= msc-ns.pdf
2023-02-12 21:39:52 +00:00
# There are two main targets:
# scyther-manual.pdf
# Produced the version of the manual that is immediately copied to its
# target destination in ../gui; this is the static copy we want in the
# repository anyway.
# scyther-manual-draft.pdf
# This is more of a development output, which also shows personal todo
# notes. It enables the `draftversion` setting in the latex build.
all: scyther-manual.pdf scyther-manual-draft.pdf
dot -Tps $< >$(addsuffix '.ps',$(basename $@))
ps2epsi $(addsuffix '.ps',$(basename $@))
msc-%.pdf: msc-%.tex $(DEPS)
latex -jobname msc-file "\input{mscstart.tex}\input{$<}\input{mscend.tex}"
dvips -t a3 msc-file.dvi -o
ps2eps -f
\rm -f
epstopdf msc-file.eps
mv msc-file.pdf `basename $< tex`pdf
mv msc-file.eps `basename $< tex`eps
scyther-manual.pdf: scyther-manual.tex biblio.bib $(IMG) $(DEPS) $(MSC)
pdflatex scyther-manual.tex
makeindex scyther-manual
bibtex scyther-manual
pdflatex scyther-manual.tex
pdflatex scyther-manual.tex
cp scyther-manual.pdf ../gui/
SDRAFT= --jobname=scyther-manual-draft "\def\draftversion{yes}\input{scyther-manual}"
scyther-manual-draft.pdf: scyther-manual.tex biblio.bib $(IMG) $(DEPS) $(MSC)
pdflatex $(SDRAFT)
makeindex scyther-manual
bibtex scyther-manual
pdflatex $(SDRAFT)
pdflatex $(SDRAFT)
\rm -f *.aux
\rm -f *.log
\rm -f *.bbl
\rm -f *.blg
\rm -f *.ind
\rm -f $(addsuffix '.ps',$(basename $(IMG)))
realclean: clean
\rm -f $(IMG)
\rm -f $(MSC)
\rm -f scyther-manual-draft.pdf
\rm -f scyther-manual.pdf