2023-05-08 18:41:49 +01:00

283 lines
7.2 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

vim.opt.termguicolors = true
vim.g.indentLine_char = ""
vim.g.indentLine_first_char = ""
vim.g.indentLine_showFirstIndentLevel = 1
vim.g.indentLine_setColors = 0
vim.opt.cursorline = true
-- vim.g.cyberpunk_cursorline='black'
-- vim.cmd('colorscheme ayu')
-- vim.cmd('colorscheme night_owl_light')
-- vim.cmd('colorscheme eva01')
-- vim.cmd('colorscheme cyberpunk')
vim.cmd('colorscheme catppuccin-latte')
-- examples for your init.lua
-- disable netrw at the very start of your init.lua (strongly advised)
vim.g.loaded_netrw = 1
vim.g.loaded_netrwPlugin = 1
-- setup with some options
require("nvim-tree").setup{ -- BEGIN_DEFAULT_OPTS
auto_reload_on_write = true,
create_in_closed_folder = false,
disable_netrw = false,
hijack_cursor = false,
hijack_netrw = true,
hijack_unnamed_buffer_when_opening = false,
ignore_buffer_on_setup = false,
open_on_setup = false,
open_on_setup_file = false,
open_on_tab = false,
ignore_buf_on_tab_change = {},
sort_by = "name",
root_dirs = {},
prefer_startup_root = false,
sync_root_with_cwd = false,
reload_on_bufenter = false,
respect_buf_cwd = false,
on_attach = "disable",
remove_keymaps = false,
select_prompts = false,
view = {
adaptive_size = false,
centralize_selection = false,
width = 30,
hide_root_folder = false,
side = "left",
preserve_window_proportions = false,
number = false,
relativenumber = false,
signcolumn = "yes",
mappings = {
custom_only = false,
list = {
-- user mappings go here
float = {
enable = false,
quit_on_focus_loss = true,
open_win_config = {
relative = "editor",
border = "rounded",
width = 30,
height = 30,
row = 1,
col = 1,
renderer = {
add_trailing = false,
group_empty = false,
highlight_git = false,
full_name = false,
highlight_opened_files = "none",
root_folder_modifier = ":~",
indent_width = 2,
indent_markers = {
enable = false,
inline_arrows = true,
icons = {
corner = "",
edge = "",
item = "",
bottom = "",
none = " ",
icons = {
webdev_colors = true,
git_placement = "before",
padding = " ",
symlink_arrow = "",
show = {
file = true,
folder = true,
folder_arrow = true,
git = true,
glyphs = {
default = "",
symlink = "",
bookmark = "",
folder = {
arrow_closed = "",
arrow_open = "",
default = "",
open = "",
empty = "",
empty_open = "",
symlink = "",
symlink_open = "",
git = {
unstaged = "🙄",
staged = "🥺",
unmerged = "🫢",
renamed = "📛",
untracked = "💫",
deleted = "🗑️",
ignored = "🤷",
special_files = { "Cargo.toml", "Makefile", "README.md", "readme.md" },
symlink_destination = true,
hijack_directories = {
enable = true,
auto_open = true,
update_focused_file = {
enable = false,
update_root = false,
ignore_list = {},
ignore_ft_on_setup = {},
system_open = {
cmd = "",
args = {},
diagnostics = {
enable = true,
show_on_dirs = false,
debounce_delay = 50,
icons = { error = "☣️ ", warning = "😞", hint = "❤️ ", info = " " }
filters = {
dotfiles = false,
custom = {},
exclude = {},
filesystem_watchers = {
enable = true,
debounce_delay = 50,
git = {
enable = true,
ignore = true,
show_on_dirs = true,
timeout = 400,
actions = {
use_system_clipboard = true,
change_dir = {
enable = true,
global = false,
restrict_above_cwd = false,
expand_all = {
max_folder_discovery = 300,
exclude = {},
file_popup = {
open_win_config = {
col = 1,
row = 1,
relative = "cursor",
border = "shadow",
style = "minimal",
open_file = {
quit_on_open = false,
resize_window = true,
window_picker = {
enable = true,
exclude = {
filetype = { "notify", "packer", "qf", "diff", "fugitive", "fugitiveblame" },
buftype = { "nofile", "terminal", "help" },
remove_file = {
close_window = true,
trash = {
cmd = "gio trash",
require_confirm = true,
live_filter = {
prefix = "[FILTER]: ",
always_show_folders = true,
log = {
enable = false,
truncate = false,
types = {
all = false,
config = false,
copy_paste = false,
dev = false,
diagnostics = false,
git = false,
profile = false,
watcher = false,
notify = {
threshold = vim.log.levels.INFO,
local hls = {
PmenuSel = { bg = "#282C34", fg = "NONE" },
Pmenu = { fg = "#C5CDD9", bg = "#22252A" },
CmpItemAbbrDeprecated = { fg = "#7E8294", bg = "NONE", strikethrough = true },
CmpItemAbbrMatch = { fg = "#82AAFF", bg = "NONE", bold = true },
CmpItemAbbrMatchFuzzy = { fg = "#82AAFF", bg = "NONE", bold = true },
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CmpItemKindEvent = { fg = "#EED8DA", bg = "#B5585F" },
CmpItemKindText = { fg = "#C3E88D", bg = "#9FBD73" },
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CmpItemKindKeyword = { fg = "#C3E88D", bg = "#9FBD73" },
CmpItemKindConstant = { fg = "#FFE082", bg = "#D4BB6C" },
CmpItemKindConstructor = { fg = "#FFE082", bg = "#D4BB6C" },
CmpItemKindReference = { fg = "#FFE082", bg = "#D4BB6C" },
CmpItemKindFunction = { fg = "#EADFF0", bg = "#A377BF" },
CmpItemKindStruct = { fg = "#EADFF0", bg = "#A377BF" },
CmpItemKindClass = { fg = "#EADFF0", bg = "#A377BF" },
CmpItemKindModule = { fg = "#EADFF0", bg = "#A377BF" },
CmpItemKindOperator = { fg = "#EADFF0", bg = "#A377BF" },
CmpItemKindVariable = { fg = "#C5CDD9", bg = "#7E8294" },
CmpItemKindFile = { fg = "#C5CDD9", bg = "#7E8294" },
CmpItemKindUnit = { fg = "#F5EBD9", bg = "#D4A959" },
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CmpItemKindTypeParameter = { fg = "#D8EEEB", bg = "#58B5A8" },
for key, value in pairs(hls) do
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, key, value)