added readme

This commit is contained in:
Andre Herniques 2023-06-12 13:18:07 +01:00
parent d0463a9289
commit ba8bd22858
3 changed files with 221 additions and 189 deletions

32 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# My NeoVim configuration
## Requirements
- NeoVim
- [Packer](
To install packer run
git clone --depth 1 ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim
To run LSP (autocomplete) you will also need the server for that language.
Currently, the languages servers that are configured are:
- bash (bashls)
- c/c++ (ccls)
- prisma (prismals)
- python (pylsp)
- rust (rust_analyzer)
- svelte (sveltelsp)
- tex (ltex)
- ts (tsserver)
- vlang (vls)
- zig (zls)
## Some useful shortcuts
- ' f': Find files uses fuzzy finding to search for files in the folder you are currently are
- ' /': Search the files using grep
- '<C-F>': Open file structure
- 'gd': Goto definition
- 'K': Show call signature
- ']d': Goto next error
- '[d': Goto previous error

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@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ vim.opt.background = 'dark'
-- vim.g.cyberpunk_cursorline='black' -- vim.g.cyberpunk_cursorline='black'
-- vim.cmd('colorscheme ayu') -- vim.cmd('colorscheme ayu')
-- vim.cmd('colorscheme night_owl_light') vim.cmd('colorscheme night_owl_light')
-- vim.cmd('colorscheme eva01') -- vim.cmd('colorscheme eva01')
-- vim.cmd('colorscheme cyberpunk') -- vim.cmd('colorscheme cyberpunk')
-- vim.cmd('colorscheme catppuccin-latte') -- vim.cmd('colorscheme catppuccin-latte')
vim.cmd('colorscheme oxocarbon') -- vim.cmd('colorscheme oxocarbon')
-- examples for your init.lua -- examples for your init.lua

View File

@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ keymap("n", "]E", function()
require("lspsaga.diagnostic").goto_next({ severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR }) require("lspsaga.diagnostic").goto_next({ severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR })
end, { silent = true }) end, { silent = true })
keymap("n","<leader>o", "<cmd>LSoutlineToggle<CR>",{ silent = true }) -- keymap("n","<leader>o", "<cmd>LSoutlineToggle<CR>",{ silent = true })
keymap("n", "K", "<cmd>Lspsaga hover_doc<CR>", { silent = true }) keymap("n", "K", "<cmd>Lspsaga hover_doc<CR>", { silent = true })
keymap("n", "<A-d>", "<cmd>Lspsaga open_floaterm<CR>", { silent = true }) keymap("n", "<A-d>", "<cmd>Lspsaga open_floaterm<CR>", { silent = true })
keymap("n", "<A-d>", "<cmd>Lspsaga open_floaterm lazygit<CR>", { silent = true }) keymap("n", "<A-d>", "<cmd>Lspsaga open_floaterm lazygit<CR>", { silent = true })