
291 lines
8.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-03-13 20:59:50 +00:00
use ws281x_rpi::Ws2812Rpi;
use crate::{DBPool, animations::Animation};
use std::error::Error;
use smart_leds::{RGB8, SmartLedsWrite};
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct LocalLedConfiguration {
tag: Option<String>,
start: usize,
end: usize
pub struct LigthSetting {
start: Option<usize>,
end: Option<usize>,
tags: Option<String>,
color: RGB8,
pub struct KeyFrame {
duration: u64,
settings: Vec<LigthSetting>
pub struct RenderAnimation {
key_frames: Vec<KeyFrame>,
priority: u32,
name: String,
current_frame: usize,
start_time: u64,
reset: bool,
pub struct Render {
conn: DBPool,
num_leds: u32,
ws: Option<Ws2812Rpi>,
last: Vec<RGB8>,
animations: Vec<RenderAnimation>,
local_led_config: Vec<LocalLedConfiguration>,
fn try_into_usize (input: Option<u32>) -> Option<usize> {
if input.is_none() {return None;}
let t: Result<usize, _> = input.unwrap().try_into();
if t.is_err() {return None;}
return t.ok();
impl Render {
pub fn new(conn: DBPool) -> Result<Render, Box<dyn Error>> {
let mut render = Render {
num_leds: 0,
ws: None,
animations: vec![],
local_led_config: vec![],
last: vec![],
return Ok(render);
pub fn load_config(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
println!("Load config");
// GPIO Pin 10 is SPI
// Other modes and PINs are available depending on the Raspberry Pi revision
// Additional OS configuration might be needed for any mode.
// Check for more information.
const PIN: i32 = 18;
let conn = self.conn.get()?;
let stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT ledcount, tags from configuration;");
if stmt.is_err() || stmt.as_ref().ok().is_none() {
Err(format!("Something went wrong while reading the database {:?}", stmt.as_ref().err()))?;
let mut stmt = stmt?;
struct Data {
ledcount: u32,
tag: String
let version_iter = stmt.query_map([], |row| {
Ok(Data {
ledcount: row.get(0)?,
tag: row.get(1)?
if version_iter.is_err() || version_iter.as_ref().ok().is_none() {
Err(format!("Something went wrong while reading the database {:?}", version_iter.as_ref().err()))?;
let version_iter = version_iter.ok().unwrap();
let mut current_pos = 0;
let mut local_led_config = Vec::new();
for data in version_iter {
let data = data?;
let tag = if data.tag.is_empty() { None } else { Some(data.tag) };
let start = current_pos;
let end = current_pos + data.ledcount;
current_pos = end;
let start: Result<usize, _> = start.try_into();
let end: Result<usize, _> = end.try_into();
if start.is_err() || start.ok().is_none() || end.is_err() || end.ok().is_none() {
println!("Skiping loading configuration");
let start = start.ok().unwrap();
let end = end.ok().unwrap();
local_led_config.push(LocalLedConfiguration {
self.num_leds = current_pos;
println!("Loaded: {} leds, with config: {:?}", self.num_leds, local_led_config);
self.local_led_config = local_led_config; = Some(Ws2812Rpi::new(current_pos as i32, PIN).unwrap());
pub fn add_animation(&mut self, animation: Animation) {
println!("Added animation");
let mut key_frames = Vec::new();
for frame in animation.get_frames().iter() {
let mut light_settings = Vec::new();
for setting in frame.get_settings() {
light_settings.push(LigthSetting {
tags: setting.get_tags(),
start: try_into_usize(setting.get_start()),
end: try_into_usize(setting.get_end()),
color: RGB8::new(setting.get_r(), setting.get_g(), setting.get_b()),
key_frames.push(KeyFrame { duration: frame.get_duration().into(), settings: light_settings })
let new_animation = RenderAnimation {
priority: animation.get_priority(),
name: animation.get_name(),
current_frame: 0,
start_time: 0,
reset: animation.get_repeat(),
self.animations.sort_by(|a,b| a.priority.partial_cmp(&b.priority).unwrap())
pub fn blank(&mut self) {
self.animations = Vec::new();
pub fn remove_animation(&mut self, animation_name: String) {
self.animations = self.animations.clone().into_iter().filter(|ani| !<Vec<RenderAnimation>>();
pub fn proccess_settings (&mut self, data: &mut Vec<RGB8>, settings: &Vec<LigthSetting>) {
fn load_led_into_light (data: &mut Vec<RGB8>, color: RGB8, start: usize, end: usize) {
for i in start..=end {
data[i] = color;
for setting in settings {
if setting.tags.is_some() {
let tags = setting.tags.as_ref().unwrap().to_string();
let tags = tags.split(",");
let tags_fn = |t: String| tags.clone().into_iter().any(|tag| tag.eq(&t));
for config in self.local_led_config.clone() {
if config.tag.is_some() && tags_fn(config.tag.unwrap()) {
load_led_into_light(data, setting.color, config.start, config.end);
if setting.start.is_some() && setting.end.is_some() {
load_led_into_light(data, setting.color, setting.start.unwrap(), setting.end.unwrap());
pub fn render(&mut self) {
if { return; }
let mut data = vec![RGB8::default(); self.num_leds.try_into().unwrap()];
let time = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Time went backwards").as_secs();
let mut to_clean: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
let animations = self.animations.clone().iter_mut().map(|animation| {
let mut animation = animation.to_owned();
let mut start_time = animation.start_time;
if start_time == 0 {
animation.start_time = time;
animation.current_frame = 0;
self.proccess_settings(&mut data, &animation.key_frames[0].settings);
return animation;
while start_time + animation.key_frames[animation.current_frame].duration < time {
start_time += animation.key_frames[animation.current_frame].duration;
animation.start_time = start_time;
if animation.current_frame + 1 >= animation.key_frames.len() {
if animation.reset {
animation.start_time = time;
animation.current_frame = 0;
self.proccess_settings(&mut data, &animation.key_frames[0].settings);
} else {
return animation;
animation.current_frame += 1;
let cf = animation.current_frame;
self.proccess_settings(&mut data, &animation.key_frames[cf].settings);
return animation;
self.animations = animations;
to_clean.iter().for_each(|i| self.remove_animation(i.to_string()));
if self.last.is_empty() || !self.last.clone().iter().eq(data.clone().iter()) {
let err =;
if err.is_err() || err.ok().is_none() {
println!("Failed to write data");
self.last = data;