import * as fs from 'fs'; import process from 'process'; import { Severity, type Dialog } from './lsp'; import { OperationCanceledException } from 'typescript'; type ParseResultConversion = { length: number, original_length?: number, original_position: number, position: number, type: 'text' | 'h1' | 'h2' }; type ParseResult = { text: string, originalString: string, conversions: ParseResultConversion[], } // Returns the number of character skiped // This puts the i at the \n so it's skiped function parseComment(text: string, curPos: number): number { for (let i = curPos + 1; i < text.length; i++) { const char = text[i]; if (char === '\n') { return i - curPos; } } return text.length - curPos; } function createPartition(text: string, startPos: number, curPos: number, result: string, ignoreLast: number = 0): [ParseResultConversion[], string] | null { curPos = curPos - ignoreLast; if (startPos >= curPos || text.substring(startPos, curPos + 1).match(/^\s*$/)) { return null; } var t = text.substring(startPos, curPos + 1); if (!t.includes('\n')) { return [[{ length: curPos - startPos, position: result.length, original_position: startPos, type: 'text', }], t]; } const split = t.split('\n'); let nt = ""; const convs: ParseResultConversion[] = []; let n = startPos; let pos = result.length; for (const line of split) { let nLine = line.replace(/^\s*/, ''); n += line.length - nLine.length; nt += nLine + '\n'; convs.push({ length: nLine.length, original_position: n, position: pos, type: 'text' }); pos += nLine.length + 1; n += nLine.length + 1; } return [convs, nt]; } function isChar(charCode: number): boolean { return (charCode >= 92 && charCode <= 122) || (charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 90) || charCode == 42; } function readBalanced(endChar: string, startChar: string, text: string, curPos: number): number { let bal = 1; for (let i = curPos; i < text.length; i++) { const char = text[i]; if (char == endChar) { if (bal == 1) { return i - curPos + 1; } else { bal -= 1; } } else if (char == startChar) { bal += 1; } } throw new Error("Can not find end of balance read") } function isWhiteSpace(char: string): boolean { return [' ', '\t', '\n'].includes(char); } function parseCommand(text: string, curPos: number, result: string): [number, ParseResultConversion, string] | [number] { if (text.length - 1 == curPos) { throw new Error("The latex file has the wrong format the file can not end with a empty command"); } if (text[curPos + 1] === '\\') { return [2, { length: 1, position: result.length, original_position: curPos + 1, type: 'text' }, '\\']; } else if (text[curPos + 1] === '%') { return [2, { length: 1, position: result.length, original_position: curPos + 1, type: 'text' }, '%']; } else if (text[curPos + 1] === '_') { return [2, { length: 1, position: result.length, original_position: curPos + 1, type: 'text' }, '_']; } let commandName = ""; let commandNameFinished = false; // TODO store the location of the opts and args let options = []; let args = []; let findEnd = false; let len = 0; for (let i = curPos + 1; i < text.length; i++) { const char = text[i]; if (isChar(char.charCodeAt(0))) { if (!commandNameFinished) { commandName += char; } else { len = i; findEnd = true; break; } } else if (char === '[') { commandNameFinished = true; const len = readBalanced(']', '[', text, i + 1); options.push(text.substring(i + 1, i + len)) i += len; } else if (char === '{') { commandNameFinished = true; const len = readBalanced('}', '{', text, i + 1); args.push(text.substring(i + 1, i + len)) i += len; } else if (isWhiteSpace(char)) { len = i; findEnd = true; break; } else { if (char == '.' || char == ',') { if (commandNameFinished) { len = i; findEnd = true; break; } } console.log(text.substring(i - 20, i + 20)); console.log('Char:' + char.charCodeAt(0)); throw new Error("TODO handle not char chars in the parse command function"); } } if (!findEnd) { throw new Error("Could not end of the command"); } //console.log("Parsed '" + text.substring(curPos, len) + "'") //console.log("Ranged '" + text.substring(curPos - 5 , len + 5) + "'") len = len - curPos; switch (commandName) { case 'documentclass': case 'usepackage': case 'graphicspath': case 'hypersetup': case 'pagestyle': case 'fancyhead': case 'fancyfoot': case 'renewcommand': case 'setlength': case 'addbibresource': case 'date': case 'maketitle': case 'newpage': case 'tableofcontents': case 'includegraphics': case 'appendix': case 'printbibliography': case 'vspace*': case 'pagebreak': case 'today': case 'label': return [len]; case 'title': case 'author': case 'end': case 'ref': case 'caption': case 'footnote': console.log("TODO: add way to check the " + commandName) return [len]; case 'cite': console.log("TODO check if it exists on the bibliography"); console.log(`Find cite for '${args[0]}'`); let toAdd = "[0]" return [len, { length: toAdd.length, original_length: len, original_position: curPos, position: result.length, type: 'text' }, toAdd]; // return [len]; case 'begin': switch (args[0]) { case 'verbatim': const find = '\end{verbatim}'; let endPos = text.indexOf(find, curPos) + find.length; len = endPos - curPos; break default: console.log("Do not know how to handle " + args[0]) } return [len]; case 'item': if (args[0]) { return [len, { length: 2 + args[0].length + 1, original_length: len, original_position: curPos + commandName.length, position: result.length, type: 'text' }, "— " + args[0] + '\n']; } return [len, { length: 2, original_length: len, original_position: curPos, position: result.length, type: 'text' }, "— "]; case 'section*': case 'section': return [len, { length: args[0].length + 1, original_length: len, original_position: curPos + 2 + commandName.length, position: result.length, type: 'h1', }, args[0] + '\n'] case 'subsection*': case 'subsection': return [len, { length: args[0].length + 1, original_length: len, original_position: curPos + 2 + commandName.length, position: result.length, type: 'h2', }, args[0] + '\n'] default: console.log("Command name: " + commandName + " options: " + options + " args: " + args); throw new Error("TODO handle this case " + commandName); } } function readUntil(text: string, char: string, curPos: number): number { for (let i = curPos; i < text.length; i++) { if (text[i] === char) { return i - curPos; } } throw new Error("Could not find matching pair"); } export function parseLsp(text: string): ParseResult { const result: ParseResult = { text: '', originalString: text, conversions: [], }; let conversionStartPosition = 0; for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { let char = text[i]; if (char === '%') { //console.log("Found comment"); const possiblePartition = createPartition(text, conversionStartPosition, i - 1, result.text); if (possiblePartition) { const [conv, toAdd] = possiblePartition; result.conversions = result.conversions.concat(conv) result.text += toAdd; } const len = parseComment(text, i); i += len; // Skip the begining \n conversionStartPosition = i + 1; } else if (char === '\\') { //console.log("Found command") const possiblePartition = createPartition(text, conversionStartPosition, i - 1, result.text); console.log(possiblePartition) if (possiblePartition) { const [conv, toAdd] = possiblePartition; result.conversions = result.conversions.concat(conv); result.text += toAdd; } const res = parseCommand(text, i, result.text); if (res.length === 1) { const [len] = res; i += len; } else { const [len, conv, toAdd] = res; result.conversions.push(conv); result.text += toAdd; i += len; } conversionStartPosition = i + 1; } else if (char === '$') { console.log('Found math expr') if (text[i + 1] === '$') { throw new Error("Handle double math expression"); } const possiblePartition = createPartition(text, conversionStartPosition, i - 1, result.text); if (possiblePartition) { const [conv, toAdd] = possiblePartition; result.conversions = result.conversions.concat(conv); result.text += toAdd; } const len = readUntil(text, '$', i + 1); let to_add = 'mathexpr' + (text[i + len + 1] === ' ' ? ' ' : ''); result.conversions = result.conversions.concat( [{ length: to_add.length, position: result.text.length, original_position: i, type: 'text', }] ); result.text += to_add; i += len + 1; conversionStartPosition = i + 1; } else if (char == '`' || char == "'") { console.log('Found coutes') if (text[i + 1] !== char) { continue; } const possiblePartition = createPartition(text, conversionStartPosition, i - 1, result.text); if (possiblePartition) { const [conv, toAdd] = possiblePartition; result.conversions = result.conversions.concat(conv); result.text += toAdd; } let to_add = '"'; if (char == '`') { to_add = "“" } else if (char == "'") { to_add = "”" } result.conversions = result.conversions.concat( [{ length: to_add.length, position: result.text.length, original_position: i, type: 'text', }] ); result.text += to_add; i += 1; conversionStartPosition = i + 1; } else { //console.log(char); } } result.text = result.text.replace(/``/g, "''"); return result; } function getLineAndChar(lineIndex: number[], offset: number): [number, number] { let l = 0; let r = lineIndex.length; while (r >= l) { const i = Math.floor((r + l) / 2); //console.log(i, l ,r, offset, lineIndex[i]); if (lineIndex[i + 1] < offset) { l = i + 1; continue; } if (lineIndex[i] > offset) { r = i - 1; continue; } return [i, offset - lineIndex[i]]; } return [-1, -1]; } function getOriginalPostion(res: ParseResult, offset: number): number { let l = 0; let r = res.conversions.length; while (r >= l) { const i = Math.floor((r + l) / 2); const conv = res.conversions[i]; if (conv.position > offset) { r = i - 1; continue; } if (conv.position + conv.length < offset) { l = i + 1; continue; } return conv.original_position + (offset - conv.position); } return -1; } function buildLineIndex(file: string) { const lines = file.split('\n'); let i = 0; const lineIndex = [0]; for (const line of lines) { i += line.length + 1; lineIndex.push(i); } return lineIndex; } type Match = { message: string, shortMessage: string, offset: number, length: number, replacements: { value: string }[], context: { text: string, offset: number, length: number }, sentence: string, rule: { id: string, subId: string, description: string, urls: { value: string }[], issueType: string, category: { id: string, name: string } } } export async function diagnosticsRequests(res: ParseResult): Promise { const formData = new URLSearchParams(); formData.set('text', res.text); formData.set('language', 'en-GB'); formData.set('username', process.env.USERNAME_MY_LTEX ?? ''); formData.set('apiKey', process.env.APIKEY_MY_LTEX ?? ''); formData.set('level', 'picky'); const rawRes = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', }, body: formData, }); if (rawRes.status !== 200) { console.log("Error:" + (await (await rawRes.blob()).text())) process.exit(2); } const body = await rawRes.json(); return body.matches; } export type GetDiagnosticsReturn = (Dialog & { replacements: string[], rule_id: string, word?: string }); export async function getDiagnostics(file: string): Promise { const res = parseLsp(file); fs.writeFileSync('/tmp/latex-lsp-res', res.text) const matches = await diagnosticsRequests(res); const lineIndex = buildLineIndex(file); const diags = []; for (const i of matches) { const match: Match = i; const original_position = getOriginalPostion(res, match.offset); if (original_position == -1) { console.log("Could not find the original position") continue; } let word: string | undefined = undefined; if ("MORFOLOGIK_RULE")) { word = file.substring(original_position, original_position + match.length); } const [startLine, startChar] = getLineAndChar(lineIndex, original_position); const [endLine, endChar] = getLineAndChar(lineIndex, original_position + match.length); const range = { start: { line: startLine, character: startChar }, end: { line: endLine, character: endChar }, } diags.push({ range, severity: Severity.Error, message: match.message, replacements: => a.value), rule_id:, word, }) } return diags; }