
223 lines
4.8 KiB

package aug
import (
type ResizeModule struct {
height int64
width int64
func newResizeModule(h, w int64) *ResizeModule {
return &ResizeModule{h, w}
// Forward implements ts.Module for RandRotateModule
// NOTE. input tensor must be uint8 (Byte) dtype otherwise panic!
func (rs *ResizeModule) Forward(x *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
dtype := x.DType()
if dtype != gotch.Uint8 {
err := fmt.Errorf("Invalid dtype. Expect uint8 (Byte) dtype. Got %v\n", dtype)
device := x.MustDevice()
var xCPU *ts.Tensor
if device != gotch.CPU {
xCPU = x.MustTo(device, false)
} else {
xCPU = x.MustShallowClone()
out, err := vision.Resize(xCPU, rs.width, rs.height)
if err != nil {
return out.MustTo(device, true)
func WithResize(h, w int64) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
rs := newResizeModule(h, w)
o.resize = rs
// TODO.
type RandomResizedCrop struct{}
type DownSample struct{}
func newDownSample(p float64) *DownSample {
return &DownSample{}
// Forward implements ts.Module for RandRotateModule
// NOTE. input tensor must be uint8 (Byte) dtype otherwise panic!
func (rs *DownSample) Forward(x *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
dtype := x.DType()
if dtype != gotch.Uint8 {
err := fmt.Errorf("Invalid dtype. Expect uint8 (Byte) dtype. Got %v\n", dtype)
device := x.MustDevice()
h := x.MustSize()[1]
w := x.MustSize()[2]
var xCPU *ts.Tensor
if device != gotch.CPU {
xCPU = x.MustTo(device, false)
} else {
xCPU = x.MustShallowClone()
out, err := vision.Resize(xCPU, w/2, h/2)
if err != nil {
return out.MustTo(device, true)
type ZoomIn struct {
v float64 // v should be [0, 0.5]
func newZoomIn(v float64) *ZoomIn {
return &ZoomIn{v: v}
func WithZoomIn(v float64) Option {
if v < 0 || v > 0.5 {
err := fmt.Errorf("Invalid input value. Expect value in range [0, 0.5]. Got %v\n", v)
return func(o *Options) {
ds := newZoomIn(v)
o.zoomIn = ds
// Forward implements ts.Module for RandRotateModule
// NOTE. input tensor must be uint8 (Byte) dtype otherwise panic!
func (rs *ZoomIn) Forward(x *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
dtype := x.DType()
if dtype != gotch.Uint8 {
err := fmt.Errorf("Invalid dtype. Expect uint8 (Byte) dtype. Got %v\n", dtype)
device := x.MustDevice()
h := x.MustSize()[1]
w := x.MustSize()[2]
var xCPU *ts.Tensor
if device != gotch.CPU {
xCPU = x.MustTo(device, false)
} else {
xCPU = x.MustShallowClone()
var out *ts.Tensor
var err error
r := randPvalue()
switch {
case r < rs.v:
cropW := int64(rs.v) * w
cropH := int64(rs.v) * h
newW := w - cropW
newH := h - cropH
// img =, size=(new_w,new_h), bleed=v/2, method=Image.BILINEAR)
fitImg := fitImg(xCPU, newW, newH)
// return img.resize((w,h), resample=Image.BILINEAR)
out, err = vision.Resize(fitImg, w, h)
if err != nil {
out = x.MustShallowClone()
return out.MustTo(device, true)
// TODO.
func fitImg(x *ts.Tensor, w, h int64) *ts.Tensor {
panic("Not implemented")
type ZoomOut struct {
v float64 // v should be [0, 0.5]
func newZoomOut(v float64) *ZoomOut {
return &ZoomOut{v: v}
func WithZoomOut(v float64) Option {
if v < 0 || v > 0.5 {
err := fmt.Errorf("Invalid input value. Expect value in range [0, 0.5]. Got %v\n", v)
return func(o *Options) {
ds := newZoomOut(v)
o.zoomOut = ds
// Forward implements ts.Module for RandRotateModule
// NOTE. input tensor must be uint8 (Byte) dtype otherwise panic!
func (rs *ZoomOut) Forward(x *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
dtype := x.DType()
if dtype != gotch.Uint8 {
err := fmt.Errorf("Invalid dtype. Expect uint8 (Byte) dtype. Got %v\n", dtype)
device := x.MustDevice()
var xCPU *ts.Tensor
if device != gotch.CPU {
xCPU = x.MustTo(device, false)
} else {
xCPU = x.MustShallowClone()
Fimg := Byte2FloatImage(xCPU)
fmt.Printf("Fimg size: %v\n", Fimg.MustSize())
h := float64(Fimg.MustSize()[1])
w := float64(Fimg.MustSize()[2])
padW := int64(rs.v * w)
padH := int64(rs.v * h)
fmt.Printf("padH: %v - padW: %v\n", padH, padW)
// img = np.pad(img, [(pad_h//2,pad_h//2), (pad_w//2,pad_w//2), (0,0)], mode='reflect')
padding := []int64{padH / 2, padH / 2, padW / 2, padW / 2, 0, 0}
fmt.Printf("padding: %+v\n", padding)
padImg := pad(Fimg, padding, "reflection")
// return img.resize((w,h), resample=Image.BILINEAR)
out, err := vision.Resize(padImg, int64(w), int64(h))
if err != nil {
return out.MustTo(device, true)