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package aug
import (
func gaussianKernel1D(ks int64, sigma float64, dtype gotch.DType, device gotch.Device) *ts.Tensor {
ksHalf := (ks - 1) / 2
x := ts.MustLinspace(ts.IntScalar(-ksHalf), ts.IntScalar(ksHalf), ks, dtype, device)
// pdf = torch.exp(-0.5 * (x / sigma).pow(2))
pdf := x.MustDivScalar(ts.FloatScalar(sigma), true).MustPowTensorScalar(ts.IntScalar(2), true).MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(0.5), true).MustExp(true)
// kernel1d = pdf / pdf.sum()
pdfSum := pdf.MustSum(dtype, false)
kernel1d := pdf.MustDiv(pdfSum, true)
return kernel1d
func gaussianKernel2D(ks []int64, sigma []float64, dtype gotch.DType, device gotch.Device) *ts.Tensor {
kernel1dX := gaussianKernel1D(ks[0], sigma[0], dtype, device)
kernel1dY := gaussianKernel1D(ks[1], sigma[1], dtype, device)
// dimX := kernel1dX.MustSize()
kernel1dX.MustUnsqueeze_(0) // kernel1d_x[None, :]
dimY := kernel1dY.MustSize()
kernel1dY.MustUnsqueeze_(int64(len(dimY))) // kernel1d_y[:, None]
kernel2d := kernel1dY.MustMm(kernel1dX, true)
return kernel2d
func containsDType(dtype gotch.DType, dtypes []gotch.DType) bool {
for _, dt := range dtypes {
if dtype == dt {
return true
return false
func castSqueezeIn(x *ts.Tensor, reqDtypes []gotch.DType) (*ts.Tensor, bool, bool, gotch.DType) {
needSqueeze := false
xdim := x.MustSize()
var img *ts.Tensor
if len(xdim) < 4 {
img = x.MustUnsqueeze(0, false)
needSqueeze = true
} else {
img = x.MustShallowClone()
outDtype := x.DType()
needCast := false
if !containsDType(outDtype, reqDtypes) {
needCast = true
reqDType := reqDtypes[0]
img1 := img.MustTotype(reqDType, true)
return img1, needCast, needSqueeze, outDtype
return img, needCast, needSqueeze, outDtype
func castSqueezeOut(x *ts.Tensor, needCast, needSqueeze bool, outDType gotch.DType) *ts.Tensor {
var (
squeezeTs, castTs *ts.Tensor
switch needSqueeze {
case true:
squeezeTs = x.MustSqueezeDim(0, false)
case false:
squeezeTs = x.MustShallowClone()
switch needCast {
case true:
// it is better to round before cast
if containsDType(outDType, []gotch.DType{gotch.Uint8, gotch.Int8, gotch.Int16, gotch.Int, gotch.Int64}) {
roundTs := squeezeTs.MustRound(true)
castTs = roundTs.MustTotype(outDType, true)
} else {
castTs = squeezeTs.MustTotype(outDType, true)
case false:
castTs = squeezeTs.MustShallowClone()
return castTs
func gaussianBlur(x *ts.Tensor, ks []int64, sigma []float64) *ts.Tensor {
// dtype := gotch.Float
dtype := x.DType()
if x.DType() == gotch.Float || x.DType() == gotch.Double {
dtype = x.DType()
device := x.MustDevice()
kernel := gaussianKernel2D(ks, sigma, dtype, device)
xdim := x.MustSize()
kdim := kernel.MustSize()
// kernel = kernel.expand(img.shape[-3], 1, kernel.shape[0], kernel.shape[1])
kexpand := kernel.MustExpand([]int64{xdim[len(xdim)-3], 1, kdim[0], kdim[1]}, true, true)
kdtype := kexpand.DType()
img, needCast, needSqueeze, outDType := castSqueezeIn(x, []gotch.DType{kdtype})
// padding = (left, right, top, bottom)
// padding = [kernel_size[0] // 2, kernel_size[0] // 2, kernel_size[1] // 2, kernel_size[1] // 2]
left := ks[0] / 2
right := ks[0] / 2
top := ks[1] / 2
bottom := ks[1] / 2
padding := []int64{left, right, top, bottom}
// F.pad()
// img = torch_pad(img, padding, mode="reflect")
imgPad := img.MustReflectionPad2d(padding, true) // deleted img
imgPadDim := imgPad.MustSize()
// img = conv2d(img, kernel, groups=img.shape[-3])
// ref.
imgConv2d := ts.MustConv2d(imgPad, kexpand, ts.NewTensor(), []int64{1}, []int64{0}, []int64{1}, imgPadDim[len(imgPadDim)-3])
// img = _cast_squeeze_out(img, need_cast, need_squeeze, out_dtype)
out := castSqueezeOut(imgConv2d, needCast, needSqueeze, outDType)
return out
func isTorchImage(x *ts.Tensor) bool {
return x.Dim() >= 2
func assertImageTensor(x *ts.Tensor) {
if !isTorchImage(x) {
err := fmt.Errorf("Input tensor is not a torch image.")
func imageChanNum(x *ts.Tensor) int64 {
ndim := x.Dim()
switch {
case ndim == 2:
return 1
case ndim > 2:
return x.MustSize()[0]
err := fmt.Errorf("imageChanNum - Input should be 2 or more. Got %v", ndim)
return 0
func contains(item int64, list []int64) bool {
for _, i := range list {
if item == i {
return true
return false
func assertChannels(x *ts.Tensor, permitted []int64) {
c := imageChanNum(x)
if !contains(c, permitted) {
err := fmt.Errorf("Input image tensor permitted channels are %+v, but found %v", permitted, c)
func blend(img1, img2 *ts.Tensor, ratio float64) *ts.Tensor {
dtype := img1.DType()
bound := 255.0
// (ratio * img1 + (1.0 - ratio) * img2).clamp(0, bound).to(img1.dtype)
i1 := img1.MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(ratio), false)
i2 := img2.MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(1.0-ratio), false)
sumTs := i1.MustAdd(i2, true)
out := sumTs.MustClamp(ts.FloatScalar(0), ts.FloatScalar(bound), true).MustTotype(dtype, true)
return out
// brightness should be in range 0.25 - 1.25 for visible view
func adjustBrightness(x *ts.Tensor, brightness float64) *ts.Tensor {
if brightness < 0 {
err := fmt.Errorf("adjustBrightness - brightness factor (%v) is not non-negative.", brightness)
assertChannels(x, []int64{1, 3})
zeros := x.MustZerosLike(false)
out := blend(x, zeros, brightness)
return out
// randVal generates a value from uniform values from 0 to x
func randVal(from, to float64) float64 {
v := ts.MustEmpty([]int64{1}, gotch.Float, gotch.CPU)
v.MustUniform_(from, to)
randVal := v.Float64Values()[0]
return randVal
func getMinMax(x float64) (float64, float64) {
from := 0.0
if 1-x > 0 {
from = 1 - x
to := 1 + x
return from, to
func rgb2Gray(x *ts.Tensor, outChanOpt ...int64) *ts.Tensor {
var outChannels int64 = 1
if len(outChanOpt) > 0 {
outChannels = outChanOpt[0]
ndim := x.Dim()
if ndim < 3 {
err := fmt.Errorf("Input image tensor should have at least 3 dimensions, but found %v", ndim)
assertChannels(x, []int64{3})
if !contains(outChannels, []int64{1, 3}) {
err := fmt.Errorf("Number of output channels should be either 1 or 3")
rgbTs := x.MustUnbind(-3, false)
r := rgbTs[0]
g := rgbTs[1]
b := rgbTs[2]
// This implementation closely follows the TF one:
// l_img = (0.2989 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b).to(img.dtype)
rmul := r.MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(0.2989), true)
gmul := g.MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(0.587), true)
bmul := b.MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(0.114), true)
addTs := rmul.MustAdd(gmul, true).MustAdd(bmul, true)
lImg := addTs.MustTotype(x.DType(), true).MustUnsqueeze(-3, true)
if outChannels == 3 {
return lImg.MustExpand(x.MustSize(), true, true)
return lImg
func adjustContrast(x *ts.Tensor, contrast float64) *ts.Tensor {
if contrast < 0 {
err := fmt.Errorf("adjustContrast - contrast factor (%v) is not non-negative.", contrast)
assertChannels(x, []int64{3})
grayTs := rgb2Gray(x).MustTotype(x.DType(), true)
mean := grayTs.MustMeanDim([]int64{-3, -2, -1}, true, gotch.Float, true).MustTotype(x.DType(), true)
out := blend(x, mean, contrast)
return out
func adjustSaturation(x *ts.Tensor, sat float64) *ts.Tensor {
if sat < 0 {
err := fmt.Errorf("adjustSaturation - saturation factor (%v) is not non-negative.", sat)
assertChannels(x, []int64{3})
grayTs := rgb2Gray(x).MustTotype(x.DType(), true)
out := blend(x, grayTs, sat)
return out
func rgb2HSV(x *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
rgbTs := x.MustUnbind(-3, false)
r := rgbTs[0]
g := rgbTs[1]
b := rgbTs[2]
// # Implementation is based on
// # src/libImaging/Convert.c#L330
// maxc = torch.max(img, dim=-3).values
// minc = torch.min(img, dim=-3).values
maxC := x.MustAmax([]int64{-3}, false, false)
minC := x.MustAmin([]int64{-3}, false, false)
// # The algorithm erases S and H channel where `maxc = minc`. This avoids NaN
// # from happening in the results, because
// # + S channel has division by `maxc`, which is zero only if `maxc = minc`
// # + H channel has division by `(maxc - minc)`.
// #
// # Instead of overwriting NaN afterwards, we just prevent it from occuring so
// # we don't need to deal with it in case we save the NaN in a buffer in
// # backprop, if it is ever supported, but it doesn't hurt to do so.
// eqc = maxc == minc
eqC := maxC.MustEqTensor(minC, false)
// cr = maxc - minc
cr := maxC.MustSub(minC, false)
// # Since `eqc => cr = 0`, replacing denominator with 1 when `eqc` is fine.
ones := maxC.MustOnesLike(false)
// s = cr / torch.where(eqc, ones, maxc)
condMaxC := ones.MustWhereSelf(eqC, maxC, false)
s := cr.MustDiv(condMaxC, false)
// # Note that `eqc => maxc = minc = r = g = b`. So the following calculation
// # of `h` would reduce to `bc - gc + 2 + rc - bc + 4 + rc - bc = 6` so it
// # would not matter what values `rc`, `gc`, and `bc` have here, and thus
// # replacing denominator with 1 when `eqc` is fine.
// cr_divisor = torch.where(eqc, ones, cr)
// rc = (maxc - r) / cr_divisor
// gc = (maxc - g) / cr_divisor
// bc = (maxc - b) / cr_divisor
crDivisor := ones.MustWhereSelf(eqC, cr, true) // delete ones
rc := maxC.MustSub(r, false).MustDiv(crDivisor, true)
gc := maxC.MustSub(g, false).MustDiv(crDivisor, true)
bc := maxC.MustSub(b, false).MustDiv(crDivisor, true)
// hr = (maxc == r) * (bc - gc)
rSub := bc.MustSub(gc, false)
hr := maxC.MustEqTensor(r, false).MustMul(rSub, true)
// hg = ((maxc == g) & (maxc != r)) * (2.0 + rc - bc)
maxcCond1 := maxC.MustNotEqualTensor(r, false)
hgMul := rc.MustSub(bc, false).MustAddScalar(ts.FloatScalar(2.0), true)
hg := maxC.MustEqTensor(g, false).MustLogicalAnd(maxcCond1, true).MustMul(hgMul, true)
// hb = ((maxc != g) & (maxc != r)) * (4.0 + gc - rc)
maxcCond2 := maxC.MustNotEqualTensor(r, false)
hbMul := gc.MustSub(rc, false).MustAddScalar(ts.FloatScalar(4.0), true)
hb := maxC.MustNotEqualTensor(g, false).MustLogicalAnd(maxcCond2, true).MustMul(hbMul, true)
// h = (hr + hg + hb)
h1 := hr.MustAdd(hg, false).MustAdd(hb, true)
// h = torch.fmod((h / 6.0 + 1.0), 1.0)
h2 := h1.MustDivScalar(ts.FloatScalar(6.0), true).MustAddScalar(ts.FloatScalar(1.0), true) // delete h1
h3 := h2.MustFmod(ts.FloatScalar(1.0), true) // delete h2
// torch.stack((h, s, maxc), dim=-3)
out := ts.MustStack([]*ts.Tensor{h3, s, maxC}, -3)
// Delete intermediate tensors
return out
func hsv2RGB(x *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
hsvTs := x.MustUnbind(-3, false)
h := hsvTs[0]
s := hsvTs[1]
v := hsvTs[2]
// i = torch.floor(h * 6.0)
i := h.MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(6.0), false).MustFloor(true)
// f = (h * 6.0) - i
f := h.MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(6.0), false).MustSub(i, true)
// p = torch.clamp((v * (1.0 - s)), 0.0, 1.0)
x1 := s.MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(-1), false).MustAddScalar(ts.FloatScalar(1.0), true)
p := v.MustMul(x1, false).MustClamp(ts.FloatScalar(0.0), ts.FloatScalar(1.0), true)
// q = torch.clamp((v * (1.0 - s * f)), 0.0, 1.0)
x2 := s.MustMul(f, false).MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(-1), true).MustAddScalar(ts.FloatScalar(1.0), true)
q := v.MustMul(x2, false).MustClamp(ts.FloatScalar(0.0), ts.FloatScalar(1.0), true)
//t = torch.clamp((v * (1.0 - s * (1.0 - f))), 0.0, 1.0)
// step1. s * (1.0 - f)
sub1 := f.MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(-1), false).MustAddScalar(ts.FloatScalar(1.0), true).MustMul(s, true)
// step 2: v *(1.0 - step1)
x3 := sub1.MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(-1), true).MustAddScalar(ts.FloatScalar(1.0), true).MustMul(v, true) // deleted sub1
t := x3.MustClamp(ts.FloatScalar(0.0), ts.FloatScalar(1.0), true) // deleted x3
// i =
i = i.MustTotype(gotch.Int, true)
//i = i % 6
iremainder := i.MustRemainder(ts.IntScalar(6), true) // delete i
// torch.arange(6, device=i.device).view(-1, 1, 1)
x4 := ts.MustArange(ts.FloatScalar(6), gotch.Float, iremainder.MustDevice()).MustView([]int64{-1, 1, 1}, true)
// mask = i.unsqueeze(dim=-3) == torch.arange(6, device=i.device).view(-1, 1, 1)
mask := iremainder.MustUnsqueeze(-3, true).MustEqTensor(x4, true).MustTotype(x.DType(), true) // delete iremainder
// a1 = torch.stack((v, q, p, p, t, v), dim=-3)
// a2 = torch.stack((t, v, v, q, p, p), dim=-3)
// a3 = torch.stack((p, p, t, v, v, q), dim=-3)
// a4 = torch.stack((a1, a2, a3), dim=-4)
a1 := ts.MustStack([]*ts.Tensor{v, q, p, p, t, v}, -3)
a2 := ts.MustStack([]*ts.Tensor{t, v, v, q, p, p}, -3)
a3 := ts.MustStack([]*ts.Tensor{p, p, t, v, v, q}, -3)
a4 := ts.MustStack([]*ts.Tensor{a1, a2, a3}, -4)
out := ts.MustEinsum("...ijk, ...xijk -> ...xjk", []*ts.Tensor{mask, a4}, []int64{0, 1})
// Delete intermediate tensors
return out
// ref.
func adjustHue(x *ts.Tensor, hue float64) *ts.Tensor {
if hue < -0.5 || hue > 0.5 {
err := fmt.Errorf("hue factor (%v) is not in [-0.5, 0.5]", hue)
assertChannels(x, []int64{1, 3})
if c := imageChanNum(x); c == 1 {
out := x.MustShallowClone()
return out
imgFl := x.MustTotype(gotch.Float, false).MustDivScalar(ts.FloatScalar(255.0), true)
hsvImg := rgb2HSV(imgFl)
hsvTs := hsvImg.MustUnbind(-3, true)
h := hsvTs[0]
s := hsvTs[1]
v := hsvTs[2]
// h = (h + hue_factor) % 1.0
hAdj := h.MustAddScalar(ts.FloatScalar(hue), false).MustRemainder(ts.FloatScalar(1.0), true)
hsvAdj := ts.MustStack([]*ts.Tensor{hAdj, s, v}, -3)
imgHueAdj := hsv2RGB(hsvAdj)
out := imgHueAdj.MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(255.0), true)
return out
func adjustGamma(x *ts.Tensor, gamma float64, gainOpt ...int64) *ts.Tensor {
// var gain int64 = 1
// if len(gainOpt) > 0 {
// gain = gainOpt[0]
// }
return x
func RGB2HSV(x *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
return rgb2HSV(x)
func HSV2RGB(x *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
return hsv2RGB(x)
func pad(x *ts.Tensor, padding []int64, paddingMode string) *ts.Tensor {
switch paddingMode {
case "reflection":
return x.MustReflectionPad2d(padding, false)
case "constant":
return x.MustConstantPadNd(padding, false)
case "replicate":
return x.MustReplicationPad2d(padding, false)
case "circular":
// TODO:
// ref:
log.Fatal("Unsupported circular padding.")
log.Fatalf("Unrecognized padding mode %q\n", paddingMode)
return nil
func getImageSize(x *ts.Tensor) (width, height int64) {
dim := x.MustSize()
return dim[len(dim)-1], dim[len(dim)-2]
func makeSlice(from, to int64) []int64 {
n := from - to
var out []int64 = make([]int64, n)
for i := 0; i < int(n); i++ {
out[i] = from + int64(i)
return out
func crop(x *ts.Tensor, top, left, height, width int64) *ts.Tensor {
// return img[..., top:top + height, left:left + width]
dim := x.MustSize()
c := dim[0]
var chans []*ts.Tensor = make([]*ts.Tensor, c)
hNar := ts.NewNarrow(top, top+height)
wNar := ts.NewNarrow(left, left+width)
for i := 0; i < int(c); i++ {
cx := x.Idx(ts.NewSelect(int64(i)))
x1 := cx.Idx(hNar)
x1T := x1.MustT(true)
x2 := x1T.Idx(wNar)
out := x2.MustT(true)
chans[i] = out
cropTs := ts.MustStack(chans, 0)
for i := range chans {
return cropTs
// Crops the given image at the center.
// If the image is torch Tensor, it is expected
// to have [..., H, W] shape, where ... means an arbitrary number of leading dimensions.
// If image size is smaller than output size along any edge, image is padded with 0 and then center cropped.
func centerCrop(x *ts.Tensor, size []int64) *ts.Tensor {
imgW, imgH := getImageSize(x)
cropH, cropW := size[0], size[1]
var paddedImg *ts.Tensor
if cropW > imgW || cropH > imgH {
// (crop_width - image_width) // 2 if crop_width > image_width else 0,
// (crop_width - image_width + 1) // 2 if crop_width > image_width else 0,
var left, top, right, bottom int64 = 0, 0, 0, 0
if cropW > imgW {
left = (cropW - imgW) / 2
right = (cropW - imgW + 1) / 2
// (crop_height - image_height) // 2 if crop_height > image_height else 0,
// (crop_height - image_height + 1) // 2 if crop_height > image_height else 0,
if cropH > imgH {
top = (cropH - imgH) / 2
bottom = (cropH - imgH + 1) / 2
// floatX := x.MustTotype(gotch.Float, false)
// paddedImg = pad(floatX, []int64{left, right, top, bottom}, "reflection")
// floatX.MustDrop()
paddedImg = pad(x, []int64{left, right, top, bottom}, "constant")
imgW, imgH = getImageSize(paddedImg)
if cropW == imgW && cropH == imgH {
return paddedImg
} else {
paddedImg = x.MustShallowClone()
// cropTop := int64(math.Floor(float64(imgH-cropH) / 2.0))
// cropLeft := int64(math.Floor(float64(imgW-cropW) / 2.0))
cropTop := (imgH - cropH) / 2
cropLeft := (imgW - cropW) / 2
out := crop(paddedImg, cropTop, cropLeft, cropH, cropW)
return out
// cutout erases the input Tensor Image with given value
// Args:
// img (Tensor Image): Tensor image of size (C, H, W) to be erased
// i (int): i in (i,j) i.e coordinates of the upper left corner.
// j (int): j in (i,j) i.e coordinates of the upper left corner.
// h (int): Height of the erased region.
// w (int): Width of the erased region.
// v: Erasing value.
func cutout(x *ts.Tensor, top, left, height, width int64, rgbVal []int64) *ts.Tensor {
output := x.MustZerosLike(false)
dim := output.MustSize()
for i := 0; i < int(dim[0]); i++ {
cIdx := ts.NewSelect(int64(i))
hNar := ts.NewNarrow(top, top+height)
wNar := ts.NewNarrow(left, left+width)
srcIdx := []ts.TensorIndexer{cIdx, hNar, wNar}
view := output.Idx(srcIdx)
oneTs := view.MustOnesLike(false)
vTs := oneTs.MustMulScalar(ts.IntScalar(rgbVal[i]), true)
// output.Print()
return output
func hflip(x *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
return x.MustFlip([]int64{-1}, false)
func vflip(x *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
return x.MustFlip([]int64{-2}, false)
// Ref.
// Ref.
func getRotMat(theta float64) (*ts.Tensor, error) {
grid := []float64{math.Cos(theta), -1 * (math.Sin(theta)), 0, math.Sin(theta), math.Cos(theta), 0}
t, err := ts.NewTensorFromData(grid, []int64{2, 3})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return t, nil
func rotImg(x *ts.Tensor, theta float64, dtype gotch.DType) (*ts.Tensor, error) {
rotMat, err := getRotMat(theta)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
size := x.MustSize()
mat := rotMat.MustUnsqueeze(0, true).MustTotype(dtype, true).MustRepeat([]int64{size[0], 1, 1}, true)
grid := ts.MustAffineGridGenerator(mat, size, true).MustTo(x.MustDevice(), true)
out, err := ts.GridSampler(x, grid, 1, 1, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func applyGridTransform(x, gridInput *ts.Tensor, mode string, fillValue []float64) *ts.Tensor {
dtype := gridInput.DType()
img, needCast, needSqueeze, outDtype := castSqueezeIn(x, []gotch.DType{dtype})
imgDim := img.MustSize()
gridDim := gridInput.MustSize()
var grid *ts.Tensor
if imgDim[0] > 1 {
// Apply same grid to a batch of images
// grid = grid.expand(img.shape[0], grid.shape[1], grid.shape[2], grid.shape[3])
grid = gridInput.MustExpand([]int64{imgDim[0], gridDim[1], gridDim[2], gridDim[3]}, true, false)
} else {
grid = gridInput.MustShallowClone()
// Append a dummy mask for customized fill colors, should be faster than grid_sample() twice
// dummy = torch.ones((img.shape[0], 1, img.shape[2], img.shape[3]), dtype=img.dtype, device=img.device)
// img =, dummy), dim=1)
dummy := ts.MustOnes([]int64{img.MustSize()[0], 1, img.MustSize()[2], img.MustSize()[3]}, img.DType(), img.MustDevice())
imgCat := ts.MustCat([]*ts.Tensor{img, dummy}, 1)
// imgSample := gridSample(imgCat, grid, mode, "zeros", false)
var (
modeInt int64 = 0
paddingMode int64 = 0
imgSample := ts.MustGridSampler(imgCat, grid, modeInt, paddingMode, false)
// TODO.
// Fill with required color
// mask = img[:, -1:, :, :] # N * 1 * H * W
// img = img[:, :-1, :, :] # N * C * H * W
// mask = mask.expand_as(img)
// len_fill = len(fill) if isinstance(fill, (tuple, list)) else 1
// fill_img = torch.tensor(fill, dtype=img.dtype, device=img.device).view(1, len_fill, 1, 1).expand_as(img)
// if mode == 'nearest':
// mask = mask < 0.5
// img[mask] = fill_img[mask]
// else: # 'bilinear'
// img = img * mask + (1.0 - mask) * fill_img
image := imgSample.MustNarrow(0, 0, 1, false).MustNarrow(1, 0, 3, true)
mask := imgSample.MustNarrow(0, 0, 1, false).MustNarrow(1, -1, 1, true).MustExpandAs(image, true)
fillImg := ts.MustOfSlice(fillValue).MustTotype(image.DType(), true).MustTo(image.MustDevice(), true).MustView([]int64{1, 3, 1, 1}, true).MustExpandAs(image, true)
// img = img * mask + (1.0 - mask) * fill_img
addTs := mask.MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(-1), false).MustAddScalar(ts.FloatScalar(1.0), true).MustMul(fillImg, true)
imgOut := image.MustMul(mask, true).MustAdd(addTs, true)
// out := castSqueezeOut(imgSample, needCast, needSqueeze, outDtype)
out := castSqueezeOut(imgOut, needCast, needSqueeze, outDtype)
return out
// Helper function to get the coefficients (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) for the perspective transforms.
// In Perspective Transform each pixel (x, y) in the original image gets transformed as,
// (x, y) -> ( (ax + by + c) / (gx + hy + 1), (dx + ey + f) / (gx + hy + 1) )
// Args:
// - startpoints (list of list of ints): List containing four lists of two integers corresponding to four corners
// “[top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left]“ of the original image.
// - endpoints (list of list of ints): List containing four lists of two integers corresponding to four corners
// “[top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left]“ of the transformed image.
// Returns:
// - octuple (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) for transforming each pixel.
func perspectiveCoeff(startPoints, endPoints [][]int64) []float64 {
size := int64(2 * len(startPoints))
aMat := ts.MustZeros([]int64{size, 8}, gotch.Float, gotch.CPU)
for i := 0; i < len(startPoints); i++ {
p1 := endPoints[i]
p2 := startPoints[i]
// a_matrix[2 * i, :] = torch.tensor([p1[0], p1[1], 1, 0, 0, 0, -p2[0] * p1[0], -p2[0] * p1[1]])
val1 := ts.MustOfSlice([]int64{p1[0], p1[1], 1, 0, 0, 0, -p2[0] * p1[0], -p2[0] * p1[1]})
// a_matrix[2 * i + 1, :] = torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, p1[0], p1[1], 1, -p2[1] * p1[0], -p2[1] * p1[1]])
val2 := ts.MustOfSlice([]int64{0, 0, 0, p1[0], p1[1], 1, -p2[1] * p1[0], -p2[1] * p1[1]})
idx1 := ts.NewSelect(int64(2 * i))
aMatView1 := aMat.Idx(idx1)
idx2 := ts.NewSelect(int64(2*i + 1))
aMatView2 := aMat.Idx(idx2)
var startData []int64
for _, p := range startPoints {
startData = append(startData, p[0], p[1])
// bMat := ts.MustOfSlice(startPoints).MustTotype(gotch.Float, true).MustView([]int64{8}, true)
bMat := ts.MustOfSlice(startData).MustTotype(gotch.Float, true).MustView([]int64{8}, true)
// res := bMat.MustLstsq(aMat, true)
// Ref.
solution, residuals, rank, singularValues := bMat.MustLinalgLstsq(aMat, nil, "gels", true)
outputTs := solution.MustSqueezeDim(1, true)
output := outputTs.Float64Values()
return output
func perspectiveGrid(coef []float64, ow, oh int64, dtype gotch.DType, device gotch.Device) *ts.Tensor {
// src/libImaging/Geometry.c#L394
// x_out = (coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2]) / (coeffs[6] * x + coeffs[7] * y + 1)
// y_out = (coeffs[3] * x + coeffs[4] * y + coeffs[5]) / (coeffs[6] * x + coeffs[7] * y + 1)
theta1 := ts.MustOfSlice([]float64{
}).MustTotype(dtype, true).MustTo(device, true).MustView([]int64{1, 2, 3}, true)
theta2 := ts.MustOfSlice([]float64{
}).MustTotype(dtype, true).MustTo(device, true).MustView([]int64{1, 2, 3}, true)
d := 0.5
baseGrid := ts.MustEmpty([]int64{1, oh, ow, 3}, dtype, device)
// x_grid = torch.linspace(d, ow * 1.0 + d - 1.0, steps=ow, device=device)
endX := float64(ow) + d - 1.0
xGrid := ts.MustLinspace(ts.FloatScalar(d), ts.FloatScalar(endX), ow, dtype, device)
// y_grid = torch.linspace(d, oh * 1.0 + d - 1.0, steps=oh, device=device).unsqueeze_(-1)
endY := float64(oh) + d - 1.0
yGrid := ts.MustLinspace(ts.FloatScalar(d), ts.FloatScalar(endY), oh, dtype, device)
// base_grid[..., 0].copy_(x_grid)
// base_grid[..., 1].copy_(y_grid)
// base_grid[..., 2].fill_(1)
baseDim := baseGrid.MustSize()
for i := 0; i < int(baseDim[1]); i++ {
view := baseGrid.MustSelect(0, 0, false).MustSelect(0, int64(i), true).MustSelect(1, 0, true)
for i := 0; i < int(baseDim[2]); i++ {
view := baseGrid.MustSelect(0, 0, false).MustSelect(1, int64(i), true).MustSelect(1, 1, true)
for i := 0; i < int(baseDim[2]); i++ {
view := baseGrid.MustSelect(0, 0, false).MustSelect(1, int64(i), true).MustSelect(1, 2, true)
// view.Fill_(ts.FloatScalar(1.0)) // NOTE. THIS CAUSES MEMORY LEAK!!!
oneTs := view.MustOnesLike(false)
// rescaled_theta1 = theta1.transpose(1, 2) / torch.tensor([0.5 * ow, 0.5 * oh], dtype=dtype, device=device)
divTs := ts.MustOfSlice([]float64{0.5 * float64(ow), 0.5 * float64(oh)}).MustTotype(dtype, true).MustTo(device, true)
rescaledTheta1 := theta1.MustTranspose(1, 2, true).MustDiv(divTs, true)
outputGrid1 := baseGrid.MustView([]int64{1, oh * ow, 3}, false).MustBmm(rescaledTheta1, true)
// output_grid2 = base_grid.view(1, oh * ow, 3).bmm(theta2.transpose(1, 2))
rescaledTheta2 := theta2.MustTranspose(1, 2, true)
outputGrid2 := baseGrid.MustView([]int64{1, oh * ow, 3}, false).MustBmm(rescaledTheta2, true)
outputGrid := outputGrid1.MustDiv(outputGrid2, true).MustSubScalar(ts.FloatScalar(1.0), true).MustView([]int64{1, oh, ow, 2}, true)
return outputGrid
func perspective(x *ts.Tensor, startPoints, endPoints [][]int64, mode string, fillValue []float64) *ts.Tensor {
coef := perspectiveCoeff(startPoints, endPoints)
// assertGridTransformInputs(x, nil, mode, fillValue, []string{"nearest", "bilinear"}, coef)
dim := x.MustSize()
ow, oh := dim[len(dim)-1], dim[len(dim)-2]
device := x.MustDevice()
grid := perspectiveGrid(coef, ow, oh, gotch.Float, device)
output := applyGridTransform(x, grid, mode, fillValue)
return output
// Apply affine transformation on the image keeping image center invariant.
// If the image is torch Tensor, it is expected
// to have [..., H, W] shape, where ... means an arbitrary number of leading dimensions.
// Args:
// - img (Tensor): image to transform.
// - angle (number): rotation angle in degrees between -180 and 180, clockwise direction.
// - translate (sequence of integers): horizontal and vertical translations (post-rotation translation)
// - scale (float): overall scale
// - shear (float or sequence): shear angle value in degrees between -180 to 180, clockwise direction.
// If a sequence is specified, the first value corresponds to a shear parallel to the x axis, while
// the second value corresponds to a shear parallel to the y axis.
// - interpolation (InterpolationMode): Desired interpolation enum defined by
// :class:`torchvision.transforms.InterpolationMode`. Default is “InterpolationMode.NEAREST“.
// If input is Tensor, only “InterpolationMode.NEAREST“, “InterpolationMode.BILINEAR“ are supported.
// - fill (sequence or number, optional): Pixel fill value for the area outside the transformed
// image. If given a number, the value is used for all bands respectively.
func affine(img *ts.Tensor, angle float64, translations []int64, scale float64, shear []float64, interpolationMode string, fillValue []float64) *ts.Tensor {
var translateF []float64
for _, v := range translations {
translateF = append(translateF, float64(v))
matrix := getInverseAffineMatrix([]float64{0.0, 0.0}, angle, translateF, scale, shear)
// dtype := gotch.Float
dtype := img.DType()
device := img.MustDevice()
dim := img.MustSize()
theta := ts.MustOfSlice(matrix).MustTotype(dtype, true).MustTo(device, true).MustReshape([]int64{1, 2, 3}, true)
// grid will be generated on the same device as theta and img
w := dim[len(dim)-1]
h := dim[len(dim)-2]
ow := w
oh := h
// grid = _gen_affine_grid(theta, w=shape[-1], h=shape[-2], ow=shape[-1], oh=shape[-2])
grid := genAffineGrid(theta, w, h, ow, oh)
// grid := ts.MustEmpty([]int64{1, 512, 512, 2}, dtype, device)
out := applyGridTransform(img, grid, interpolationMode, fillValue)
return out
// Helper method to compute inverse matrix for affine transformation
// As it is explained in PIL.Image.rotate
// We need compute INVERSE of affine transformation matrix: M = T * C * RSS * C^-1
// where T is translation matrix: [1, 0, tx | 0, 1, ty | 0, 0, 1]
// C is translation matrix to keep center: [1, 0, cx | 0, 1, cy | 0, 0, 1]
// RSS is rotation with scale and shear matrix
// RSS(a, s, (sx, sy)) =
// = R(a) * S(s) * SHy(sy) * SHx(sx)
// = [ s*cos(a - sy)/cos(sy), s*(-cos(a - sy)*tan(x)/cos(y) - sin(a)), 0 ]
// [ s*sin(a + sy)/cos(sy), s*(-sin(a - sy)*tan(x)/cos(y) + cos(a)), 0 ]
// [ 0 , 0 , 1 ]
// where R is a rotation matrix, S is a scaling matrix, and SHx and SHy are the shears:
// SHx(s) = [1, -tan(s)] and SHy(s) = [1 , 0]
// [0, 1 ] [-tan(s), 1]
// Thus, the inverse is M^-1 = C * RSS^-1 * C^-1 * T^-1
func getInverseAffineMatrix(center []float64, angle float64, translate []float64, scale float64, shear []float64) []float64 {
// convert to randiants
rot := angle * math.Pi / 180
sx := shear[0] * math.Pi / 180
sy := shear[1] * math.Pi / 180
cx, cy := center[0], center[1]
tx, ty := translate[0], translate[1]
// RSS without scaling
// a = math.cos(rot - sy) / math.cos(sy)
a := math.Cos(rot-sy) / math.Cos(sy)
// b = -math.cos(rot - sy) * math.tan(sx) / math.cos(sy) - math.sin(rot)
b := -math.Cos(rot-sy)*math.Tan(sx)/math.Cos(sy) - math.Sin(rot)
// c = math.sin(rot - sy) / math.cos(sy)
c := math.Sin(rot-sy) / math.Cos(sy)
// d = -math.sin(rot - sy) * math.tan(sx) / math.cos(sy) + math.cos(rot)
d := -math.Sin(rot-sy)*math.Tan(sx)/math.Cos(sy) + math.Cos(rot)
// Inverted rotation matrix with scale and shear
// det([[a, b], [c, d]]) == 1, since det(rotation) = 1 and det(shear) = 1
// matrix = [d, -b, 0.0, -c, a, 0.0]
var matrix []float64 = []float64{d, -b, 0.0, -c, a, 0.0}
// matrix = [x / scale for x in matrix]
var mat []float64
for _, v := range matrix {
mat = append(mat, v/scale)
// Apply inverse of translation and of center translation: RSS^-1 * C^-1 * T^-1
// matrix[2] += matrix[0] * (-cx - tx) + matrix[1] * (-cy - ty)
mat[2] += mat[0]*(-cx-tx) + mat[1]*(-cy-ty)
// matrix[5] += matrix[3] * (-cx - tx) + matrix[4] * (-cy - ty)
mat[5] += mat[3]*(-cx-tx) + mat[4]*(-cy-ty)
// Apply center translation: C * RSS^-1 * C^-1 * T^-1
// matrix[2] += cx
mat[2] += cx
// matrix[5] += cy
mat[5] += cy
return mat
// AffineGridGenerator.cpp#L18
// Difference with AffineGridGenerator is that:
// 1) we normalize grid values after applying theta
// 2) we can normalize by other image size, such that it covers "extend" option like in PIL.Image.rotate
func genAffineGrid(theta *ts.Tensor, w, h, ow, oh int64) *ts.Tensor {
d := 0.5
dtype := theta.DType()
device := theta.MustDevice()
// base_grid = torch.empty(1, oh, ow, 3, dtype=theta.dtype, device=theta.device)
x := ts.MustEmpty([]int64{oh, ow, 3}, dtype, device)
startX := float64(-ow)*0.5 + d
endX := float64(ow)*0.5 + d - 1.0
xGrid := ts.MustLinspace(ts.FloatScalar(startX), ts.FloatScalar(endX), ow, dtype, device)
startY := float64(-oh)*0.5 + d
endY := float64(oh)*0.5 + d - 1.0
yGrid := ts.MustLinspace(ts.FloatScalar(startY), ts.FloatScalar(endY), oh, dtype, device).MustUnsqueeze(-1, true)
oneGrid := ts.MustOnes([]int64{ow}, dtype, device)
// base_grid[..., 0].copy_(x_grid)
// base_grid[..., 1].copy_(y_grid)
// base_grid[..., 2].fill_(1)
xview := x.MustTranspose(2, 0, false).MustSelect(0, 0, true).MustTranspose(0, 1, true)
yview := x.MustTranspose(2, 0, false).MustSelect(0, 1, true).MustTranspose(0, 1, true)
oview := x.MustTranspose(2, 0, false).MustSelect(0, 2, true).MustTranspose(0, 1, true)
// rescaled_theta1 = theta1.transpose(1, 2) / torch.tensor([0.5 * ow, 0.5 * oh], dtype=dtype, device=device)
divTs := ts.MustOfSlice([]float64{0.5 * float64(w), 0.5 * float64(h)}).MustTotype(dtype, true).MustTo(device, true)
rescaledTheta := theta.MustTranspose(1, 2, false).MustDiv(divTs, true)
// output_grid = base_grid.view(1, oh * ow, 3).bmm(rescaled_theta)
outputGrid := x.MustView([]int64{1, oh * ow, 3}, true).MustBmm(rescaledTheta, true).MustView([]int64{1, oh, ow, 2}, true)
return outputGrid
// randPvalue generates a random propability value [0, 1]
func randPvalue() float64 {
var min, max float64 = 0.0, 1.0
r := min + rand.Float64()*(max-min)
return r
func getImageChanNum(x *ts.Tensor) int64 {
dim := x.MustSize()
switch {
case len(dim) == 2:
return 1
case len(dim) > 2:
return dim[len(dim)-3]
log.Fatalf("Input image tensor should have dim of 2 or more. Got %v\n", len(dim))
log.Fatalf("Input image tensor should have dim of 2 or more. Got %v\n", len(dim))
return -1
// solarize solarizes an RGB/grayscale image by inverting all pixel values above a threshold.
// Args:
// - img (Tensor): Image to have its colors inverted.
// If img is torch Tensor, it is expected to be in [..., 1 or 3, H, W] format,
// where ... means it can have an arbitrary number of leading dimensions.
// - threshold (float): All pixels equal or above this value are inverted.
func solarize(img *ts.Tensor, threshold float64) *ts.Tensor {
dim := img.MustSize()
if len(dim) < 3 {
log.Fatalf("Input image tensor should have at least 3 dimensions. Got %v", len(dim))
assertChannels(img, []int64{1, 3})
invertedImg := invert(img)
// return torch.where(img >= threshold, inverted_img, img)
conditionTs := img.MustGe(ts.FloatScalar(threshold), false)
out := img.MustWhereSelf(conditionTs, invertedImg, false)
return out
// invert inverts image tensor.
func invert(img *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
dim := img.MustSize()
if len(dim) < 3 {
log.Fatalf("Input image tensor should have at least 3 dimensions. Got %v", len(dim))
assertChannels(img, []int64{1, 3})
var bound int64 = 255
// return bound - img
out := img.MustMulScalar(ts.IntScalar(-1), false).MustAddScalar(ts.IntScalar(bound), true)
return out
func posterize(img *ts.Tensor, bits uint8) *ts.Tensor {
dim := img.MustSize()
if len(dim) < 3 {
log.Fatalf("Input image tensor should have at least 3 dimensions. Got %v\n", len(dim))
dtype := img.DType()
if dtype != gotch.Uint8 {
log.Fatalf("Only dtype uint8 image tensors are supported. Got %v", dtype)
assertChannels(img, []int64{1, 3})
// mask = -int(2**(8 - bits)) # JIT-friendly for: ~(2 ** (8 - bits) - 1)
// or mask := -int64(1<<(uint8(8) - bits))
mask := -int64(math.Exp2(float64(uint8(8) - bits)))
out := img.MustBitwiseAnd(ts.IntScalar(mask), false)
return out
func autocontrast(img *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
dim := img.MustSize()
if len(dim) < 3 {
log.Fatalf("Input image tensor should have at least 3 dimensions. Got %v\n", len(dim))
// NOTE. image tensor expected to be float dtype [0,1]
var bound float64 = 1.0
dtype := img.DType()
// minimum = img.amin(dim=(-2, -1), keepdim=True).to(dtype)
minTs := img.MustAmin([]int64{-2, -1}, true, false).MustTotype(dtype, true)
// maximum = img.amax(dim=(-2, -1), keepdim=True).to(dtype)
maxTs := img.MustAmax([]int64{-2, -1}, true, false).MustTotype(dtype, true)
// eq_idxs = torch.where(minimum == maximum)[0]
// NOTE. Eq(minTs, maxTs) give [n, c, 1, 1] or [channels, 1, 1]
eqIdx := minTs.MustEqTensor(maxTs, false).MustSqueezeDim(-1, true).MustSqueezeDim(-1, true).MustTotype(gotch.Int64, true)
// minimum[eq_idxs] = 0
minTsView := minTs.MustIndexSelect(0, eqIdx, false)
zerosTs := minTsView.MustZerosLike(false)
// maximum[eq_idxs] = bound
maxTsView := maxTs.MustIndexSelect(0, eqIdx, false)
boundTs := maxTsView.MustOnesLike(false).MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(bound), true)
// scale = bound / (maximum - minimum)
scale := maxTs.MustSub(minTs, false).MustPowTensorScalar(ts.IntScalar(-1), true).MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(bound), true)
// return ((img - minimum) * scale).clamp(0, bound).to(img.dtype)
out := img.MustSub(minTs, false).MustMul(scale, true).MustClamp(ts.IntScalar(0), ts.FloatScalar(bound), true).MustTotype(dtype, true)
return out
func adjustSharpness(img *ts.Tensor, factor float64) *ts.Tensor {
if factor < 0 {
log.Fatalf("Sharpness factor should not be negative. Got %v", factor)
assertChannels(img, []int64{1, 3})
dim := img.MustSize()
var out *ts.Tensor
if (dim[len(dim)-1]) <= 2 || (dim[len(dim)-2] <= 2) {
out = img.MustShallowClone()
return out
// return _blend(img, _blurred_degenerate_image(img), sharpness_factor)
img1 := blurredDegenerateImage(img)
out = blend(img, img1, factor)
return out
func blurredDegenerateImage(img *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
dtype := gotch.Float
device := img.MustDevice()
dim := img.MustSize()
// kernel = torch.ones((3, 3), dtype=dtype, device=img.device)
kernel := ts.MustOnes([]int64{3, 3}, dtype, device)
// kernel[1, 1] = 5.0
kernelView := kernel.MustNarrow(1, 1, 1, false).MustNarrow(0, 1, 1, true)
centerVal := kernelView.MustOnesLike(false).MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(5.0), true)
kernelView.Copy_(centerVal) // center kernel value
// kernel /= kernel.sum()
kernelSum := kernel.MustSum(dtype, false)
kernelS := kernel.MustDiv(kernelSum, false)
// kernel = kernel.expand(img.shape[-3], 1, kernel.shape[0], kernel.shape[1])
kdim := kernelS.MustSize()
kdtype := kernelS.DType()
kernelExp := kernelS.MustExpand([]int64{dim[len(dim)-3], 1, kdim[0], kdim[1]}, true, false)
// result_tmp, need_cast, need_squeeze, out_dtype = _cast_squeeze_in(img, [kernel.dtype, ])
resTmp, needCast, needSqueeze, outDtype := castSqueezeIn(img, []gotch.DType{kdtype})
// result_tmp = conv2d(result_tmp, kernel, groups=result_tmp.shape[-3])
stride := []int64{1, 1}
padding := []int64{0, 0}
dilation := []int64{1, 1}
resTmpDim := resTmp.MustSize()
group := resTmpDim[len(resTmpDim)-3]
// resTmp1 shape: [1, 3, h, w]
resTmp1 := ts.MustConv2d(resTmp, kernelExp, ts.NewTensor(), stride, padding, dilation, group)
// result_tmp = _cast_squeeze_out(result_tmp, need_cast, need_squeeze, out_dtype)
// resTmp2 shape: [3, h, w]
resTmp2 := castSqueezeOut(resTmp1, needCast, needSqueeze, outDtype)
// result = img.clone()
// NOTE. out := img.MustShallowClone() doesn't work!
out := img.MustZerosLike(false)
// result[..., 1:-1, 1:-1] = result_tmp
hDim := int64(len(dim) - 2) // second last dim
wDim := int64(len(dim) - 1) // last dim
outView := out.MustNarrow(hDim, 1, dim[len(dim)-2]-2, false).MustNarrow(wDim, 1, dim[len(dim)-1]-2, true)
return out
func equalize(img *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
shape := img.MustSize()
ndim := len(shape)
dtype := img.DType()
if ndim < 3 || ndim > 4 {
log.Fatalf("Input image should have 3 or 4 dimensions. Got %v", ndim)
if dtype != gotch.Uint8 {
log.Fatalf("Only dtype uint8 image tensors are supported. Got %v", dtype)
assertChannels(img, []int64{1, 3})
// single image
if ndim == 3 {
out := equalizeSingleImage(img)
return out
// batched images
var images []*ts.Tensor
for i := 0; i < int(shape[0]); i++ {
x := img.MustSelect(0, int64(i), false)
o := equalizeSingleImage(x)
images = append(images, o)
out := ts.MustStack(images, 0)
for _, x := range images {
return out
func equalizeSingleImage(img *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
dim := img.MustSize()
var scaledChans []*ts.Tensor = make([]*ts.Tensor, int(dim[0]))
for i := 0; i < int(dim[0]); i++ {
cTs := img.MustSelect(0, int64(i), false)
scaledChan := scaleChannel(cTs)
scaledChans[i] = scaledChan
out := ts.MustStack(scaledChans, 0)
for _, x := range scaledChans {
return out
func scaleChannel(imgChan *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
// hist = torch.histc(, bins=256, min=0, max=255)
// NOTE. Use `Bincount` so that result similar to Pytorch. If use `Histc`, results are different!!!
device := imgChan.MustDevice()
var histo *ts.Tensor
if device == gotch.CPU {
histo = imgChan.MustFlatten(0, -1, false).MustBincount(ts.NewTensor(), 256, true)
} else {
histo = imgChan.MustTotype(gotch.Float, false).MustHistc(256, true)
// nonzero_hist = hist[hist != 0]
nonzeroHistoIdx := histo.MustNonzero(false).MustFlatten(0, -1, true)
nonzeroHisto := histo.MustIndexSelect(0, nonzeroHistoIdx, false)
// step = torch.div(nonzero_hist[:-1].sum(), 255, rounding_mode='floor')
histoLen := nonzeroHisto.MustSize()[0]
step := nonzeroHisto.MustNarrow(0, 0, histoLen-1, true).MustSum(gotch.Float, true).MustFloorDivideScalar(ts.FloatScalar(255.0), true)
stepVal := step.Float64Values()[0]
if stepVal == 0 {
out := imgChan.MustShallowClone()
return out
// lut = torch.div(torch.cumsum(hist, 0) + torch.div(step, 2, rounding_mode='floor'), step, rounding_mode='floor')
halfStep := step.MustFloorDivideScalar(ts.FloatScalar(2.0), false)
lut := histo.MustCumsum(0, histo.DType(), true).MustAdd(halfStep, true).MustFloorDivide(step, true)
// lut = torch.nn.functional.pad(lut, [1, 0])[:-1].clamp(0, 255)
lutLen := lut.MustSize()[0]
lut = lut.MustConstantPadNd([]int64{1, 0}, true).MustNarrow(0, 0, lutLen, true).MustClamp(ts.FloatScalar(0), ts.FloatScalar(255.0), true)
// return lut[].to(torch.uint8)
// can't index using 2d index. Have to flatten and then reshape
// result = torch.gather(build_lut(histo, step), 0, im.flatten().long())
// result = result.reshape_as(im)
flattenImg := imgChan.MustFlatten(0, -1, false).MustTotype(gotch.Int64, true)
out := lut.MustIndexSelect(0, flattenImg, true).MustReshapeAs(imgChan, true).MustTotype(gotch.Uint8, true)
return out
// Normalize a float tensor image with mean and standard deviation.
// Args:
// - tensor (Tensor): Float tensor image of size (C, H, W) or (B, C, H, W) to be normalized.
// - mean (sequence): Sequence of means for each channel.
// - std (sequence): Sequence of standard deviations for each channel.
// Returns:
// - Tensor: Normalized Tensor image.
func normalize(img *ts.Tensor, mean, std []float64) *ts.Tensor {
for _, v := range std {
if v == 0 {
log.Fatalf("One of std (%v) is zero. This is invalid as it leads to division by zero.", std)
dim := img.MustSize()
// dtype := img.DType()
device := img.MustDevice()
if len(dim) < 3 {
log.Fatalf("Expected tensor to be a tensor image of size (..., C, H, W). Got tensor.size() =%v", dim)
meanTs := ts.MustOfSlice(mean).MustTotype(gotch.Float, true).MustTo(device, true)
stdTs := ts.MustOfSlice(std).MustTotype(gotch.Float, true).MustTo(device, true)
var mTs, sTs *ts.Tensor
meanSize := meanTs.MustSize()
stdSize := stdTs.MustSize()
switch len(meanSize) {
case 1:
mTs = meanTs.MustView([]int64{-1, 1, 1}, true)
case 3:
mTs = meanTs.MustShallowClone()
log.Fatalf("mean must be 1 or 3 elements. Got %v\n", len(mean))
switch len(stdSize) {
case 1:
sTs = stdTs.MustView([]int64{-1, 1, 1}, true)
case 3:
sTs = stdTs.MustShallowClone()
log.Fatalf("std must be 1 or 3 elements. Got %v\n", len(std))
out := img.MustSub(mTs, false).MustDiv(sTs, true)
return out
// Byte2FloatImage converts uint8 dtype image tensor to float dtype.
// It's panic if input image is not uint8 dtype.
func Byte2FloatImage(x *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
dtype := x.DType()
if dtype != gotch.Uint8 {
err := fmt.Errorf("Input tensor is not uint8 dtype (%v)", dtype)
return x.MustDivScalar(ts.FloatScalar(255.0), false)
// Float2ByteImage converts float dtype image to uint8 dtype image.
// It's panic if input is not float dtype tensor.
func Float2ByteImage(x *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
dtype := x.DType()
if dtype != gotch.Float && dtype != gotch.Double {
err := fmt.Errorf("Input tensor is not float dtype (%v)", dtype)
return x.MustMulScalar(ts.IntScalar(255), false).MustTotype(gotch.Uint8, true)