Goncalves Henriques, Andre (UG - Computer Science) 9257404edd Move the name of the module
2024-04-21 15:15:00 +01:00

309 lines
7.4 KiB

package ts
import (
// Iter2 is an iterator over a pair of tensors which have the same first dimension
// size.
// The typical use case is to iterate over batches. Each batch is a pair
// containing a (potentially random) slice of each of the two input
// tensors.
type Iter2 struct {
xs *Tensor
ys *Tensor
batchIndex int64
batchSize int64
totalSize int64
device gotch.Device
returnSmallLastBatch bool
// NewIter2 returns a new iterator.
// This takes as input two tensors which first dimension must match. The
// returned iterator can be used to range over mini-batches of data of
// specified size.
// An error is returned if `xs` and `ys` have different first dimension
// sizes.
// # Arguments
// * `xs` - the features to be used by the model.
// * `ys` - the targets that the model attempts to predict.
// * `batch_size` - the size of batches to be returned.
func NewIter2(xs, ys *Tensor, batchSize int64) (*Iter2, error) {
var (
iter *Iter2
err error
totalSize := xs.MustSize()[0]
if ys.MustSize()[0] != totalSize {
err = fmt.Errorf("Different dimension for the two inputs: %v - %v", xs.MustSize(), ys.MustSize())
return nil, err
// xsClone, err := xs.ZerosLike(false)
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// xsClone.Copy_(xs)
// ysClone, err := ys.ZerosLike(false)
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// ysClone.Copy_(ys)
iter = &Iter2{
xs: xs.MustShallowClone(),
ys: ys.MustShallowClone(),
// xs: xsClone,
// ys: ysClone,
batchIndex: 0,
batchSize: batchSize,
totalSize: totalSize,
returnSmallLastBatch: false,
return iter, nil
// MustNewIter2 returns a new iterator.
// This takes as input two tensors which first dimension must match. The
// returned iterator can be used to range over mini-batches of data of
// specified size.
// Panics if `xs` and `ys` have different first dimension sizes.
// # Arguments
// * `xs` - the features to be used by the model.
// * `ys` - the targets that the model attempts to predict.
// * `batch_size` - the size of batches to be returned.
func MustNewIter2(xs, ys *Tensor, batchSize int64) *Iter2 {
iter, err := NewIter2(xs, ys, batchSize)
if err != nil {
return iter
// Shuffle shuffles the dataset.
// The iterator would still run over the whole dataset but the order in
// which elements are grouped in mini-batches is randomized.
func (it *Iter2) Shuffle() {
index := MustRandperm(it.totalSize, gotch.Int64, gotch.CPU)
it.xs = it.xs.MustIndexSelect(0, index, true)
it.ys = it.ys.MustIndexSelect(0, index, true)
// ToDevice transfers the mini-batches to a specified device.
func (it *Iter2) ToDevice(device gotch.Device) *Iter2 {
it.device = device
return it
// ReturnSmallLastBatch when set, returns the last batch even if smaller than the batch size.
func (it *Iter2) ReturnSmallLastBatch() *Iter2 {
it.returnSmallLastBatch = true
return it
type Iter2Item struct {
Data *Tensor
Label *Tensor
// Next implements iterator for Iter2
func (it *Iter2) Next() (item Iter2Item, ok bool) {
start := it.batchIndex * it.batchSize
size := it.batchSize
if it.totalSize-start < it.batchSize {
size = it.totalSize - start
if (size <= 0) || (!it.returnSmallLastBatch && size < it.batchSize) {
// err = fmt.Errorf("Last small batch error")
return item, false
} else {
it.batchIndex += 1
// Indexing
narrowIndex := NewNarrow(start, start+size)
return Iter2Item{
Data: it.xs.Idx(narrowIndex),
Label: it.ys.Idx(narrowIndex),
}, true
func (it *Iter2) Drop() {
// TextData represent text data in tensor of runes (uint8)
// and its corresponding string
type TextData struct {
Data *Tensor // frequency (occurence) of byte value from input text
CharForLabel []rune // unique rune values from input text
// TextDataIter is a text data interator
type TextDataIter struct {
Data *Tensor
SeqLen int64
BatchIndex int64
BatchSize int64
Indexes *Tensor
IndexesLen int64
// NewTextData creates a text dataset from a file
// It reads text input from file to `[]byte` buffer
// - Loops over each byte
// - first byte will be labelled `0`
// - next byte if exist will be labelled with existing label (index), otherwise
// will labelled with new label(index)
// Data: tensor of labels
// CharForLabel: []rune (unique runes from text input)
func NewTextData(filename string) (*TextData, error) {
filePath, err := filepath.Abs(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r, err := os.Open(filePath)
buffer, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var labelForChar map[byte]uint8 = make(map[byte]uint8, 0)
var charForLabel []rune
var dataIndexes []uint8
for _, runeVal := range buffer {
if len(labelForChar) == 0 {
labelForChar[runeVal] = 0
dataIndexes = append(dataIndexes, 0)
charForLabel = append(charForLabel, rune(runeVal))
} else {
label, ok := labelForChar[runeVal]
if !ok {
newLabel := uint8(len(labelForChar))
labelForChar[runeVal] = newLabel
dataIndexes = append(dataIndexes, newLabel)
charForLabel = append(charForLabel, rune(runeVal))
} else {
dataIndexes = append(dataIndexes, label)
data := MustOfSlice(dataIndexes)
return &TextData{
Data: data,
CharForLabel: charForLabel,
}, nil
func (tdi *TextDataIter) Progress() float32 {
startIndex := (tdi.BatchIndex * tdi.BatchSize)
availableIndices := tdi.IndexesLen
progress := float32(startIndex) / float32(availableIndices)
return progress
// Labels returns the number of different `character` (rune) used by the dataset.
func (td *TextData) Labels() (retVal int64) {
return int64(len(td.CharForLabel))
// Data returns a shallow copy of the data.
func (td *TextData) CloneData() *Tensor {
return td.Data.MustShallowClone()
// LabelForChar returns a corresponding `char` (rune) for
// specified label input
func (td *TextData) LabelForChar(label int64) rune {
return td.CharForLabel[int(label)]
// IterShuffle returns a batch iterator over the dataset.
// Each sample is made of seq_len characters.
func (td *TextData) IterShuffle(seqLen int64, batchSize int64) *TextDataIter {
indexesLen := td.Data.MustSize()[0] - seqLen + 1
return &TextDataIter{
Data: td.Data.MustShallowClone(),
SeqLen: seqLen,
BatchIndex: 0,
BatchSize: batchSize,
Indexes: MustRandperm(indexesLen, gotch.Int64, gotch.CPU),
IndexesLen: indexesLen,
// Next implements iterator for TextDataIter
func (tdi *TextDataIter) Next() (*Tensor, bool) {
start := tdi.BatchIndex * tdi.BatchSize
size := min(tdi.BatchSize, tdi.IndexesLen-start)
if size < tdi.BatchSize {
return nil, false
tdi.BatchIndex += 1
narrowIdx := NewNarrow(start, start+size)
indexesTs := tdi.Indexes.Idx(narrowIdx)
indexes := indexesTs.Int64Values()
var batch []*Tensor
for _, idx := range indexes {
narrowIdx := NewNarrow(idx, idx+tdi.SeqLen)
idxTs := tdi.Data.Idx(narrowIdx)
batch = append(batch, idxTs)
retVal := MustStack(batch, 0)
// Delete intermediate tensors
for _, xs := range batch {
return retVal, true
func min(v1, v2 int64) int64 {
if v1 < v2 {
return v1
return v2