2022-03-12 18:20:20 +11:00

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package vision
import (
nn ""
// ResNet implementation.
// See "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition" He et al. 2015
func layerZero(p *nn.Path) ts.ModuleT {
conv1 := conv2dNoBias(p.Sub("conv1"), 3, 64, 7, 3, 2)
bn1 := nn.BatchNorm2D(p.Sub("bn1"), 64, nn.DefaultBatchNormConfig())
layer0 := nn.SeqT()
layer0.AddFn(nn.NewFunc(func(xs *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
return xs.MustRelu(false)
layer0.AddFn(nn.NewFunc(func(xs *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
return xs.MustMaxPool2d([]int64{3, 3}, []int64{2, 2}, []int64{1, 1}, []int64{1, 1}, false, false)
return layer0
func basicLayer(path *nn.Path, cIn, cOut, stride, cnt int64) ts.ModuleT {
layer := nn.SeqT()
layer.Add(newBasicBlock(path.Sub("0"), cIn, cOut, stride))
for blockIndex := 1; blockIndex < int(cnt); blockIndex++ {
layer.Add(newBasicBlock(path.Sub(fmt.Sprint(blockIndex)), cOut, cOut, 1))
return layer
func conv2d(p *nn.Path, cIn, cOut, ksize, padding, stride int64) *nn.Conv2D {
config := nn.DefaultConv2DConfig()
config.Stride = []int64{stride, stride}
config.Padding = []int64{padding, padding}
return nn.NewConv2D(p, cIn, cOut, ksize, config)
func conv2dNoBias(p *nn.Path, cIn, cOut, ksize, padding, stride int64) *nn.Conv2D {
config := nn.DefaultConv2DConfig()
config.Bias = false
config.Stride = []int64{stride, stride}
config.Padding = []int64{padding, padding}
return nn.NewConv2D(p, cIn, cOut, ksize, config)
func downSample(path *nn.Path, cIn, cOut, stride int64) ts.ModuleT {
if stride != 1 || cIn != cOut {
seq := nn.SeqT()
seq.Add(conv2dNoBias(path.Sub("0"), cIn, cOut, 1, 0, stride))
seq.Add(nn.BatchNorm2D(path.Sub("1"), cOut, nn.DefaultBatchNormConfig()))
return seq
return nn.SeqT()
type basicBlock struct {
Conv1 *nn.Conv2D
Bn1 *nn.BatchNorm
Conv2 *nn.Conv2D
Bn2 *nn.BatchNorm
Downsample ts.ModuleT
func newBasicBlock(path *nn.Path, cIn, cOut, stride int64) *basicBlock {
conv1 := conv2dNoBias(path.Sub("conv1"), cIn, cOut, 3, 1, stride)
bn1 := nn.BatchNorm2D(path.Sub("bn1"), cOut, nn.DefaultBatchNormConfig())
conv2 := conv2dNoBias(path.Sub("conv2"), cOut, cOut, 3, 1, 1)
bn2 := nn.BatchNorm2D(path.Sub("bn2"), cOut, nn.DefaultBatchNormConfig())
downsample := downSample(path.Sub("downsample"), cIn, cOut, stride)
return &basicBlock{conv1, bn1, conv2, bn2, downsample}
func (bb *basicBlock) ForwardT(x *ts.Tensor, train bool) *ts.Tensor {
c1 := bb.Conv1.ForwardT(x, train)
bn1Ts := bb.Bn1.ForwardT(c1, train)
relu := bn1Ts.MustRelu(true)
c2 := bb.Conv2.ForwardT(relu, train)
bn2Ts := bb.Bn2.ForwardT(c2, train)
dsl := bb.Downsample.ForwardT(x, train)
dslAdd := dsl.MustAdd(bn2Ts, true)
res := dslAdd.MustRelu(true)
return res
func resnet(p *nn.Path, nclasses int64, c1, c2, c3, c4 int64) nn.FuncT {
seq := nn.SeqT()
layer0 := layerZero(p)
layer1 := basicLayer(p.Sub("layer1"), 64, 64, 1, 3)
layer2 := basicLayer(p.Sub("layer2"), 64, 128, 2, 4)
layer3 := basicLayer(p.Sub("layer3"), 128, 256, 2, 6)
layer4 := basicLayer(p.Sub("layer4"), 256, 512, 2, 3)
if nclasses > 0 {
// With final layer
linearConfig := nn.DefaultLinearConfig()
fc := nn.NewLinear(p.Sub("fc"), 512, nclasses, linearConfig)
return nn.NewFuncT(func(x *ts.Tensor, train bool) *ts.Tensor {
output := seq.ForwardT(x, train)
avgpool := output.MustAdaptiveAvgPool2d([]int64{1, 1}, true)
fv := avgpool.FlatView()
retVal := fv.ApplyOpt(ts.WithModule(fc))
return retVal
} else {
// no final layer
return nn.NewFuncT(func(x *ts.Tensor, train bool) *ts.Tensor {
output := seq.ForwardT(x, train)
avgpool := output.MustAdaptiveAvgPool2d([]int64{1, 1}, true)
retVal := avgpool.FlatView()
return retVal
type bottleneckBlock struct {
Conv1 *nn.Conv2D
Bn1 *nn.BatchNorm
Conv2 *nn.Conv2D
Bn2 *nn.BatchNorm
Conv3 *nn.Conv2D
Bn3 *nn.BatchNorm
Downsample ts.ModuleT
// ForwardT implements ModuleT for bottleneckBlock.
func (b *bottleneckBlock) ForwardT(xs *ts.Tensor, train bool) *ts.Tensor {
c1 := xs.Apply(b.Conv1)
bn1 := c1.ApplyT(b.Bn1, train)
relu1 := bn1.MustRelu(true)
c2 := relu1.Apply(b.Conv2)
bn2 := c2.ApplyT(b.Bn2, train)
relu2 := bn2.MustRelu(true)
c3 := relu2.Apply(b.Conv3)
bn3 := c3.ApplyT(b.Bn3, train)
dsl := xs.ApplyT(b.Downsample, train)
add := dsl.MustAdd(bn3, true)
res := add.MustRelu(true)
return res
// Bottleneck versions for ResNet 50, 101, and 152.
func newBottleneckBlock(path *nn.Path, cIn, cOut, stride, e int64) *bottleneckBlock {
eDim := e * cOut
conv1 := conv2d(path.Sub("conv1"), cIn, cOut, 1, 0, 1)
bn1 := nn.BatchNorm2D(path.Sub("bn1"), cOut, nn.DefaultBatchNormConfig())
conv2 := conv2d(path.Sub("conv2"), cOut, cOut, 3, 1, stride)
bn2 := nn.BatchNorm2D(path.Sub("bn2"), cOut, nn.DefaultBatchNormConfig())
conv3 := conv2d(path.Sub("conv3"), cOut, eDim, 1, 0, 1)
bn3 := nn.BatchNorm2D(path.Sub("bn3"), eDim, nn.DefaultBatchNormConfig())
downsample := downSample(path.Sub("downsample"), cIn, eDim, stride)
return &bottleneckBlock{
Conv1: conv1,
Bn1: bn1,
Conv2: conv2,
Bn2: bn2,
Conv3: conv3,
Bn3: bn3,
Downsample: downsample,
func bottleneckLayer(path *nn.Path, cIn, cOut, stride, cnt int64) ts.ModuleT {
layer := nn.SeqT()
layer.Add(newBottleneckBlock(path.Sub("0"), cIn, cOut, stride, 4))
for blockIndex := 1; blockIndex < int(cnt); blockIndex++ {
layer.Add(newBottleneckBlock(path.Sub(fmt.Sprint(blockIndex)), (cOut * 4), cOut, 1, 4))
return layer
func bottleneckResnet(path *nn.Path, nclasses int64, c1, c2, c3, c4 int64) ts.ModuleT {
conv1 := conv2d(path.Sub("conv1"), 3, 64, 7, 3, 2)
bn1 := nn.BatchNorm2D(path.Sub("bn1"), 64, nn.DefaultBatchNormConfig())
layer1 := bottleneckLayer(path.Sub("layer1"), 64, 64, 1, c1)
layer2 := bottleneckLayer(path.Sub("layer2"), 4*64, 128, 2, c2)
layer3 := bottleneckLayer(path.Sub("layer3"), 4*128, 256, 2, c3)
layer4 := bottleneckLayer(path.Sub("layer4"), 4*256, 512, 2, c4)
seq := nn.SeqT()
if nclasses > 0 {
// With final layer
linearConfig := nn.DefaultLinearConfig()
fc := nn.NewLinear(path.Sub("fc"), 4*512, nclasses, linearConfig)
return nn.NewFuncT(func(x *ts.Tensor, train bool) *ts.Tensor {
output := seq.ForwardT(x, train)
avgpool := output.MustAdaptiveAvgPool2d([]int64{1, 1}, true)
fv := avgpool.FlatView()
retVal := fv.ApplyOpt(ts.WithModule(fc))
return retVal
} else {
// no final layer
return nn.NewFuncT(func(x *ts.Tensor, train bool) *ts.Tensor {
output := seq.ForwardT(x, train)
avgpool := output.MustAdaptiveAvgPool2d([]int64{1, 1}, true)
retVal := avgpool.FlatView()
return retVal
// ResNet18 creates a ResNet-18 model.
func ResNet18(path *nn.Path, numClasses int64) nn.FuncT {
return resnet(path, numClasses, 2, 2, 2, 2)
// ResNet18 creates a ResNet-18 model without final fully connfected layer.
func ResNet18NoFinalLayer(path *nn.Path) nn.FuncT {
return resnet(path, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2)
// ResNet34 creates a ResNet-34 model.
func ResNet34(path *nn.Path, numClasses int64) nn.FuncT {
return resnet(path, numClasses, 3, 4, 6, 3)
// ResNet34 creates a ResNet-34 model without final fully connfected layer.
func ResNet34NoFinalLayer(path *nn.Path) nn.FuncT {
return resnet(path, 0, 3, 4, 6, 3)
// ResNet50 creates a ResNet-50 model.
func ResNet50(path *nn.Path, numClasses int64) ts.ModuleT {
return bottleneckResnet(path, numClasses, 3, 4, 6, 3)
// ResNet50 creates a ResNet-50 model without final fully connfected layer.
func ResNet50NoFinalLayer(path *nn.Path) ts.ModuleT {
return bottleneckResnet(path, 0, 3, 4, 6, 3)
// ResNet101 creates a ResNet-101 model.
func ResNet101(path *nn.Path, numClasses int64) ts.ModuleT {
return bottleneckResnet(path, numClasses, 3, 4, 23, 3)
// ResNet101 creates a ResNet-101 model without final fully connfected layer.
func ResNet101NoFinalLayer(path *nn.Path) ts.ModuleT {
return bottleneckResnet(path, 0, 3, 4, 23, 3)
// ResNet152 creates a ResNet-152 model.
func ResNet152(path *nn.Path, numClasses int64) ts.ModuleT {
return bottleneckResnet(path, numClasses, 3, 8, 36, 3)
// ResNet150 creates a ResNet-150 model without final fully connfected layer.
func ResNet150NoFinalLayer(path *nn.Path) ts.ModuleT {
return bottleneckResnet(path, 0, 3, 8, 36, 3)