2022-03-12 18:20:20 +11:00

110 lines
3.0 KiB

package nn
import (
type lossFnOptions struct {
ClassWeights []float64
Reduction int64 // 0: "None", 1: "mean", 2: "sum"
IgnoreIndex int64
PosWeight int64 // index of the weight attributed to positive class. Used in BCELoss
type LossFnOption func(*lossFnOptions)
func WithLossFnWeights(vals []float64) LossFnOption {
return func(o *lossFnOptions) {
o.ClassWeights = vals
func WithLossFnReduction(val int64) LossFnOption {
return func(o *lossFnOptions) {
o.Reduction = val
func WithLossFnIgnoreIndex(val int64) LossFnOption {
return func(o *lossFnOptions) {
o.IgnoreIndex = val
func WithLossFnPosWeight(val int64) LossFnOption {
return func(o *lossFnOptions) {
o.PosWeight = val
func defaultLossFnOptions() *lossFnOptions {
return &lossFnOptions{
ClassWeights: nil,
Reduction: 1, // "mean"
IgnoreIndex: -100,
PosWeight: -1,
// CrossEntropyLoss calculates cross entropy loss.
// Ref.
// - logits: tensor of shape [B, C, H, W] corresponding the raw output of the model.
// - target: ground truth tensor of shape [B, 1, H, W]
// - posWeight: scalar representing the weight attributed to positive class.
// This is especially useful for an imbalanced dataset
func CrossEntropyLoss(logits, target *ts.Tensor, opts ...LossFnOption) *ts.Tensor {
options := defaultLossFnOptions()
for _, o := range opts {
var ws *ts.Tensor
device := logits.MustDevice()
dtype := logits.DType()
if len(options.ClassWeights) > 0 {
ws = ts.MustOfSlice(options.ClassWeights).MustTotype(dtype, true).MustTo(device, true)
} else {
ws = ts.NewTensor()
reduction := options.Reduction
ignoreIndex := options.IgnoreIndex
logSm := logits.MustLogSoftmax(-1, gotch.Float, false)
loss := logSm.MustNllLoss(target, ws, reduction, ignoreIndex, true)
return loss
// BCELoss calculates a binary cross entropy loss.
// - logits: tensor of shape [B, C, H, W] corresponding the raw output of the model.
// - target: ground truth tensor of shape [B, 1, H, W]
// - posWeight: scalar representing the weight attributed to positive class.
// This is especially useful for an imbalanced dataset
func BCELoss(logits, target *ts.Tensor, opts ...LossFnOption) *ts.Tensor {
options := defaultLossFnOptions()
for _, o := range opts {
var ws *ts.Tensor
device := logits.MustDevice()
dtype := logits.DType()
if len(options.ClassWeights) > 0 {
ws = ts.MustOfSlice(options.ClassWeights).MustTotype(dtype, true).MustTo(device, true)
} else {
ws = ts.NewTensor()
reduction := options.Reduction
var posWeight *ts.Tensor
if options.PosWeight >= 0 {
posWeight = ts.MustOfSlice([]int64{options.PosWeight})
} else {
posWeight = ts.NewTensor()
loss := logits.MustSqueeze(false).MustBinaryCrossEntropyWithLogits(target, ws, posWeight, reduction, true)
return loss