2021-07-23 00:54:41 +10:00

357 lines
8.4 KiB

package vision
import (
ts ""
const (
batchNormMomentum float64 = 0.99
batchNormEpsilon float64 = 1e-3
type BlockArgs struct {
KernelSize int64
NumRepeat int64
InputFilters int64
OutputFilter int64
ExpandRatio int64
SeRatio float64
Stride int64
func ba(k, r, i, o, er int64, sr float64, s int64) *BlockArgs {
return &BlockArgs{
KernelSize: k,
NumRepeat: r,
InputFilters: i,
OutputFilter: o,
ExpandRatio: er,
SeRatio: sr,
Stride: s,
func blockArgs() (retVal []BlockArgs) {
return []BlockArgs{
*ba(3, 1, 32, 16, 1, 0.25, 1),
*ba(3, 2, 16, 24, 6, 0.25, 2),
*ba(5, 2, 24, 40, 6, 0.25, 2),
*ba(3, 3, 40, 80, 6, 0.25, 2),
*ba(5, 3, 80, 112, 6, 0.25, 1),
*ba(5, 4, 112, 192, 6, 0.25, 2),
*ba(3, 1, 192, 320, 6, 0.25, 1),
type params struct {
Width float64
Depth float64
Res int64
Dropout float64
func (p *params) roundRepeats(repeats int64) int64 {
return int64(math.Ceil(p.Depth * float64(repeats)))
func (p *params) roundFilters(filters int64) int64 {
var divisor int64 = 8
filF := p.Width * float64(filters)
filI := int64(filF + float64(divisor)/2.0)
newFilters := int64(math.Max(float64(divisor), float64(filI/divisor*divisor)))
if float64(newFilters) < (0.9 * filF) {
newFilters += int64(divisor)
return newFilters
// Conv2D with same padding
func enConv2d(vs *nn.Path, i, o, k int64, c *nn.Conv2DConfig, train bool) ts.ModuleT {
conv2d := nn.NewConv2D(vs, i, o, k, c)
s := c.Stride
return nn.NewFunc(func(xs *ts.Tensor) *ts.Tensor {
size := xs.MustSize()
ih := size[2]
iw := size[3]
oh := (ih + s[0] - 1) / s[0]
ow := (iw + s[0] - 1) / s[0]
var padH int64 = 0
if (((oh - 1) * s[0]) + k - ih) > 0 {
padH = ((oh - 1) * s[0]) + k - ih
var padW int64 = 0
if (((ow - 1) * s[0]) + k - iw) > 0 {
padW = ((ow - 1) * s[0]) + k - iw
var res *ts.Tensor
if padW > 0 || padH > 0 {
zeroP2D := xs.MustZeroPad2d(padW/2, padW-padW/2, padH/2, padH-padH/2, false)
res = zeroP2D.ApplyT(conv2d, train)
return res
} else {
res = xs.ApplyT(conv2d, train)
return res
func newParams(width, depth float64, res int64, dropout float64) *params {
return &params{
func b0() *params {
return newParams(1.0, 1.0, 224, 0.2)
func b1() *params {
return newParams(1.0, 1.1, 240, 0.2)
func b2() *params {
return newParams(1.1, 1.2, 260, 0.3)
func b3() *params {
return newParams(1.2, 1.4, 300, 0.3)
func b4() *params {
return newParams(1.4, 1.8, 380, 0.4)
func b5() *params {
return newParams(1.6, 2.2, 456, 0.4)
func b6() *params {
return newParams(1.8, 2.6, 528, 0.5)
func b7() *params {
return newParams(2.0, 3.1, 600, 0.5)
func block(p *nn.Path, args BlockArgs) ts.ModuleT {
inp := args.InputFilters
oup := args.InputFilters * args.ExpandRatio
finalOup := args.OutputFilter
bn2d := nn.DefaultBatchNormConfig()
bn2d.Momentum = 1.0 - batchNormMomentum
bn2d.Eps = batchNormEpsilon
convConfigNoBias := nn.DefaultConv2DConfig()
convConfigNoBias.Bias = false
depthwiseConvConfig := nn.DefaultConv2DConfig()
depthwiseConvConfig.Stride = []int64{args.Stride, args.Stride}
depthwiseConvConfig.Groups = oup
depthwiseConvConfig.Bias = false
expansion := nn.SeqT()
if args.ExpandRatio != 1 {
expansion.Add(enConv2d(p.Sub("_expand_conv"), inp, oup, 1, convConfigNoBias, false))
expansion.Add(nn.BatchNorm2D(p.Sub("_bn0"), oup, bn2d))
expansion.AddFn(nn.NewFuncT(func(xs *ts.Tensor, train bool) *ts.Tensor {
return xs.Swish()
depthwiseConv := enConv2d(p.Sub("_depthwise_conv"), oup, oup, args.KernelSize, depthwiseConvConfig, false)
depthwiseBn := nn.BatchNorm2D(p.Sub("_bn1"), oup, bn2d)
// NOTE: args.SeRatio is optional float64. Default = 0
var se *nn.SequentialT // se will be nil if args.SeRatio == 0
if args.SeRatio > 0 {
var nsc int64 = 1
if (float64(inp) * args.SeRatio) > 1 {
nsc = int64(float64(inp) * args.SeRatio)
se = nn.SeqT()
se.Add(enConv2d(p.Sub("_se_reduce"), oup, nsc, 1, nn.DefaultConv2DConfig(), false))
se.AddFn(nn.NewFuncT(func(xs *ts.Tensor, train bool) *ts.Tensor {
return xs.Swish()
se.Add(enConv2d(p.Sub("_se_expand"), nsc, oup, 1, nn.DefaultConv2DConfig(), false))
projectConv := enConv2d(p.Sub("_project_conv"), oup, finalOup, 1, convConfigNoBias, false)
projectBn := nn.BatchNorm2D(p.Sub("_bn2"), finalOup, bn2d)
return nn.NewFuncT(func(xs *ts.Tensor, train bool) *ts.Tensor {
var ys *ts.Tensor
if args.ExpandRatio == 1 {
ys = xs.MustShallowClone()
} else {
ys = xs.ApplyT(expansion, train)
ys1 := ys.ApplyT(depthwiseConv, false)
ys2 := ys1.ApplyT(depthwiseBn, train)
ys3 := ys2.Swish()
var ys4 *ts.Tensor
// NOTE: args.SeRatio is optional value.
if args.SeRatio == 0 {
ys4 = ys3.MustShallowClone()
} else {
tmp1 := ys3.MustAdaptiveAvgPool2d([]int64{1, 1}, false)
tmp2 := tmp1.ApplyT(se, train)
tmp3 := tmp2.MustSigmoid(true)
ys4 = ys3.MustMul(tmp3, true)
ys5 := ys4.ApplyT(projectConv, false)
ys6 := ys5.ApplyT(projectBn, train)
if args.Stride == 1 && inp == finalOup {
return ys6.MustAdd(xs, true)
} else {
return ys6
func efficientnet(p *nn.Path, params *params, nclasses int64) ts.ModuleT {
args := blockArgs()
bn2dConfig := nn.DefaultBatchNormConfig()
bn2dConfig.Momentum = 1.0 - batchNormMomentum
bn2dConfig.Eps = batchNormEpsilon
convConfigNoBias := nn.DefaultConv2DConfig()
convConfigNoBias.Bias = false
convS2Config := nn.DefaultConv2DConfig()
convS2Config.Stride = []int64{2, 2}
convS2Config.Bias = false
outC := params.roundFilters(32)
convStem := enConv2d(p.Sub("_conv_stem"), 3, outC, 3, convS2Config, false)
bn0 := nn.BatchNorm2D(p.Sub("_bn0"), outC, bn2dConfig)
blocks := nn.SeqT()
blockP := p.Sub("_blocks")
blockIdx := 0
for _, arg := range args {
a1 := arg
a1.InputFilters = params.roundFilters(arg.InputFilters)
a1.OutputFilter = params.roundFilters(arg.OutputFilter)
blocks.Add(block(blockP.Sub(fmt.Sprintf("%v", blockIdx)), a1))
blockIdx += 1
a2 := a1
a2.InputFilters = a1.OutputFilter
a2.Stride = 1
for i := 1; i < int(params.roundRepeats(a2.NumRepeat)); i++ {
blocks.Add(block(blockP.Sub(fmt.Sprintf("%v", blockIdx)), a2))
blockIdx += 1
lastArg := args[len(args)-1]
inChannels := params.roundFilters(lastArg.OutputFilter)
outC = params.roundFilters(1280)
convHead := enConv2d(p.Sub("_conv_head"), inChannels, outC, 1, convConfigNoBias, false)
bn1 := nn.BatchNorm2D(p.Sub("_bn1"), outC, bn2dConfig)
classifier := nn.SeqT()
classifier.AddFnT(nn.NewFuncT(func(xs *ts.Tensor, train bool) *ts.Tensor {
return ts.MustDropout(xs, 0.2, train)
classifier.Add(nn.NewLinear(p.Sub("_fc"), outC, nclasses, nn.DefaultLinearConfig()))
return nn.NewFuncT(func(xs *ts.Tensor, train bool) *ts.Tensor {
tmp1 := xs.ApplyT(convStem, false)
tmp2 := tmp1.ApplyT(bn0, train)
tmp3 := tmp2.Swish()
tmp4 := tmp3.ApplyT(blocks, train)
tmp5 := tmp4.ApplyT(convHead, false)
tmp6 := tmp5.ApplyT(bn1, train)
tmp7 := tmp6.Swish()
tmp8 := tmp7.MustAdaptiveAvgPool2d([]int64{1, 1}, false)
tmp9 := tmp8.MustSqueezeDim(-1, true)
tmp10 := tmp9.MustSqueezeDim(-1, true)
res := tmp10.ApplyT(classifier, train)
return res
func EfficientNetB0(p *nn.Path, nclasses int64) ts.ModuleT {
return efficientnet(p, b0(), nclasses)
func EfficientNetB1(p *nn.Path, nclasses int64) ts.ModuleT {
return efficientnet(p, b1(), nclasses)
func EfficientNetB2(p *nn.Path, nclasses int64) ts.ModuleT {
return efficientnet(p, b2(), nclasses)
func EfficientNetB3(p *nn.Path, nclasses int64) ts.ModuleT {
return efficientnet(p, b3(), nclasses)
func EfficientNetB4(p *nn.Path, nclasses int64) ts.ModuleT {
return efficientnet(p, b4(), nclasses)
func EfficientNetB5(p *nn.Path, nclasses int64) ts.ModuleT {
return efficientnet(p, b5(), nclasses)
func EfficientNetB6(p *nn.Path, nclasses int64) ts.ModuleT {
return efficientnet(p, b6(), nclasses)
func EfficientNetB7(p *nn.Path, nclasses int64) ts.ModuleT {
return efficientnet(p, b7(), nclasses)