2022-02-24 12:43:39 +11:00

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package pickle
import (
// This file contains custom types and interfaces for casting Python data types from Pickle.
// Custom Types:
// =============
// 1. ByteArray
// 2. Dict
// 3. Tuple
// 4. OrderedDict
// 5. List
// 6. Set
// 7. FrozenSet
// 8. Object
// 9. Reconstructor
// 10. GenericClass
// Interfaces:
// ===========
// Callable is implemented by any value that can be directly called to get a
// new value.
// It is usually implemented by Python-like functions (returning a value
// given some arguments), or classes (typically returning an instance given
// some constructor arguments).
type Callable interface {
// Call mimics a direct invocation on a Python value, such as a function
// or class (constructor).
Call(args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
// PyNewable is implemented by any value that has a Python-like
// "__new__" method.
// It is usually implemented by values representing Python classes.
type PyNewable interface {
// PyNew mimics Python invocation of the "__new__" method, usually
// provided by classes.
// See:
PyNew(args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
// PyStateSettable is implemented by any value that has a Python-like
// "__setstate__" method.
type PyStateSettable interface {
// PySetState mimics Python invocation of the "__setstate__" method.
// See:
PySetState(state interface{}) error
// PyDictSettable is implemented by any value that can store dictionary-like
// key/value pairs. It reflects Python behavior of setting a key/value pair on
// an object's "__dict__" attribute.
type PyDictSettable interface {
// PyDictSet mimics the setting of a key/value pair on an object's
//"__dict__" attribute.
// See:
PyDictSet(key, value interface{}) error
// PyAttrSettable is implemented by any value on which an existing or new
// Python-like attribute can be set. In Python this is done with "setattr"
// builtin function.
type PyAttrSettable interface {
// PySetAttr mimics the setting of an arbitrary value to an object's
// attribute.
// In Python this is done with "setattr" function, to which object,
// attribute name, and value are passed. For an easy and clear
// implementation, here instead we require this method to be implemented
// on the "object" itself.
// See:
PySetAttr(key string, value interface{}) error
// ByteArray:
// ByteArray simulates Python bytearray.
type ByteArray []byte
func NewByteArray() *ByteArray {
arr := make(ByteArray, 0)
return &arr
func NewByteArrayFromSlice(slice []byte) *ByteArray {
arr := ByteArray(slice)
return &arr
func (a *ByteArray) Get(i int) byte {
return (*a)[i]
func (a *ByteArray) Len() int {
return len(*a)
// Dict:
// DictSetter is implemented by any value that exhibits a dict-like behaviour,
// allowing arbitrary key/value pairs to be set.
type DictSetter interface {
Set(key, value interface{})
// Dict represents a Python "dict" (builtin type).
// It is implemented as a slice, instead of a map, because in Go not
// all types can be map's keys (e.g. slices).
type Dict []*DictEntry
type DictEntry struct {
Key interface{}
Value interface{}
// NewDict makes and returns a new empty Dict.
func NewDict() *Dict {
d := make(Dict, 0)
return &d
// Set sets into the Dict the given key/value pair.
func (d *Dict) Set(key, value interface{}) {
*d = append(*d, &DictEntry{
Key: key,
Value: value,
// Get returns the value associated with the given key (if any), and whether
// the key is present or not.
func (d *Dict) Get(key interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
for _, entry := range *d {
if reflect.DeepEqual(entry.Key, key) {
return entry.Value, true
return nil, false
// MustGet returns the value associated with the given key, if if it exists,
// otherwise it panics.
func (d *Dict) MustGet(key interface{}) interface{} {
value, ok := d.Get(key)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("key not found in Dict: %#v", key))
return value
// Len returns the length of the Dict, that is, the amount of key/value pairs
// contained by the Dict.
func (d *Dict) Len() int {
return len(*d)
var _ DictSetter = &Dict{}
// Tuple:
// ======
type Tuple []interface{}
func NewTupleFromSlice(slice []interface{}) *Tuple {
t := Tuple(slice)
return &t
func (t *Tuple) Get(i int) interface{} {
return (*t)[i]
func (t *Tuple) Len() int {
return len(*t)
// OrderedDict:
// ============
// OrderedDictClass represent Python "collections.OrderedDict" class.
// This class allows the indirect creation of OrderedDict objects.
type OrderedDictClass struct{}
var _ Callable = &OrderedDictClass{}
// Call returns a new empty OrderedDict. It is equivalent to Python
// constructor "collections.OrderedDict()".
// No arguments are supported.
func (*OrderedDictClass) Call(args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
if len(args) != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"OrderedDictClass.Call args not supported: %#v", args)
return NewOrderedDict(), nil
// OrderedDict is a minimal and trivial implementation of an ordered map,
// which represent a Python "collections.OrderedDict" object.
// It is composed by a simple unordered Map, and a List to keep the order of
// the entries. The former is useful for direct key lookups, the latter for
// iteration.
type OrderedDict struct {
// Map associates a key of any type (interface{}) to OrderedDictEntry
// pointer values. These values are shared with List.
Map map[interface{}]*OrderedDictEntry
// List is an ordered list of OrderedDictEntry pointers, which are
// also shared with Map.
List *list.List
// PyDict represents Python "object.__dict__" dictionary of attributes.
PyDict map[string]interface{}
var _ DictSetter = &OrderedDict{}
var _ PyDictSettable = &OrderedDict{}
// OrderedDictEntry is a single key/value pair stored in an OrderedDict.
// A pointer to an OrderedDictEntry is always shared between OrderedDict's Map
// and List.
type OrderedDictEntry struct {
// Key of a single OrderedDict's entry.
Key interface{}
// Value of a single OrderedDict's entry.
Value interface{}
// ListElement is a pointer to the OrderedDict's List Element which
// contains this very OrderedDictEntry.
ListElement *list.Element
// NewOrderedDict makes and returns a new empty OrderedDict.
func NewOrderedDict() *OrderedDict {
return &OrderedDict{
Map: make(map[interface{}]*OrderedDictEntry),
List: list.New(),
PyDict: make(map[string]interface{}),
// Set sets into the OrderedDict the given key/value pair. If the key does not
// exist yet, the new pair is positioned at the end (back) of the OrderedDict.
// If the key already exists, the existing associated value is replaced with the
// new one, and the original position is maintained.
func (o *OrderedDict) Set(k, v interface{}) {
if entry, ok := o.Map[k]; ok {
entry.Value = v
entry := &OrderedDictEntry{
Key: k,
Value: v,
entry.ListElement = o.List.PushBack(entry)
o.Map[k] = entry
// Get returns the value associated with the given key (if any), and whether
// the key is present or not.
func (o *OrderedDict) Get(k interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
entry, ok := o.Map[k]
if !ok {
return nil, false
return entry.Value, true
// MustGet returns the value associated with the given key, if if it exists,
// otherwise it panics.
func (o *OrderedDict) MustGet(key interface{}) interface{} {
value, ok := o.Get(key)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("key not found in OrderedDict: %#v", key))
return value
// Len returns the length of the OrderedDict, that is, the amount of key/value
// pairs contained by the OrderedDict.
func (o *OrderedDict) Len() int {
return len(o.Map)
// PyDictSet mimics the setting of a key/value pair on Python "__dict__"
// attribute of the OrderedDict.
func (o *OrderedDict) PyDictSet(key, value interface{}) error {
sKey, keyOk := key.(string)
if !keyOk {
return fmt.Errorf(
"OrderedDict.PyDictSet() requires string key: %#v", key)
o.PyDict[sKey] = value
return nil
// List:
// =====
// ListAppender is implemented by any value that exhibits a list-like
// behaviour, allowing arbitrary values to be appended.
type ListAppender interface {
Append(v interface{})
// List represents a Python "list" (builtin type).
type List []interface{}
var _ ListAppender = &List{}
// NewList makes and returns a new empty List.
func NewList() *List {
l := make(List, 0)
return &l
// NewListFromSlice makes and returns a new List initialized with the elements
// of the given slice.
// The new List is a simple type cast of the input slice; the slice is _not_
// copied.
func NewListFromSlice(slice []interface{}) *List {
l := List(slice)
return &l
// Append appends one element to the end of the List.
func (l *List) Append(v interface{}) {
*l = append(*l, v)
// Get returns the element of the List at the given index.
// It panics if the index is out of range.
func (l *List) Get(i int) interface{} {
return (*l)[i]
// Len returns the length of the List.
func (l *List) Len() int {
return len(*l)
// Set:
// ====
// SetAdder is implemented by any value that exhibits a set-like behaviour,
// allowing arbitrary values to be added.
type SetAdder interface {
Add(v interface{})
// Set represents a Python "set" (builtin type).
// It is implemented in Go as a map with empty struct values; the actual set
// of generic "interface{}" items is thus represented by all the keys.
type Set map[interface{}]setEmptyStruct
var _ SetAdder = &Set{}
type setEmptyStruct struct{}
// NewSet makes and returns a new empty Set.
func NewSet() *Set {
s := make(Set)
return &s
// NewSetFromSlice makes and returns a new Set initialized with the elements
// of the given slice.
func NewSetFromSlice(slice []interface{}) *Set {
s := make(Set, len(slice))
for _, item := range slice {
s[item] = setEmptyStruct{}
return &s
// Len returns the length of the Set.
func (s *Set) Len() int {
return len(*s)
// Add adds one element to the Set.
func (s *Set) Add(v interface{}) {
(*s)[v] = setEmptyStruct{}
// Has returns whether the given value is present in the Set (true)
// or not (false).
func (s *Set) Has(v interface{}) bool {
_, ok := (*s)[v]
return ok
// FrozenSet:
// FrozenSet represents a Python "frozenset" (builtin type).
// It is implemented in Go as a map with empty struct values; the actual set
// of generic "interface{}" items is thus represented by all the keys.
type FrozenSet map[interface{}]frozenSetEmptyStruct
type frozenSetEmptyStruct struct{}
// NewFrozenSetFromSlice makes and returns a new FrozenSet initialized
// with the elements of the given slice.
func NewFrozenSetFromSlice(slice []interface{}) *FrozenSet {
f := make(FrozenSet, len(slice))
for _, item := range slice {
f[item] = frozenSetEmptyStruct{}
return &f
// Len returns the length of the FrozenSet.
func (f *FrozenSet) Len() int {
return len(*f)
// Has returns whether the given value is present in the FrozenSet (true)
// or not (false).
func (f *FrozenSet) Has(v interface{}) bool {
_, ok := (*f)[v]
return ok
// Object:
type ObjectClass struct{}
var _ PyNewable = &ObjectClass{}
func (o *ObjectClass) PyNew(args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
if len(args) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ObjectClass.PyNew called with no arguments")
switch class := args[0].(type) {
case PyNewable:
return class.PyNew()
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"ObjectClass.PyNew unprocessable args: %#v", args)
// Reconstructor:
type Reconstructor struct{}
var _ Callable = &Reconstructor{}
func (r *Reconstructor) Call(args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
if len(args) < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Reconstructor: invalid arguments: %#v", args)
class := args[0]
switch base := args[1].(type) {
case PyNewable:
return base.PyNew(class)
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"Reconstructor: unprocessable arguments: %#v", args)
// GenericClass:
type GenericClass struct {
Module string
Name string
var _ PyNewable = &GenericClass{}
type GenericObject struct {
Class *GenericClass
ConstructorArgs []interface{}
func NewGenericClass(module, name string) *GenericClass {
return &GenericClass{Module: module, Name: name}
func (g *GenericClass) PyNew(args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return &GenericObject{
Class: g,
ConstructorArgs: args,
}, nil
// getThnnFunctionBackend is for historical pickle deserilaization, it is not used otherwise
type getThnnFunctionBackend struct{}
var _ Callable = &getThnnFunctionBackend{}
func (getThnnFunctionBackend) Call(_ ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return nil, nil