
1718 lines
44 KiB

package nn
import (
// "fmt"
type SchedulerOptions struct {
// Metrics map[string]interface{}
Loss float64 // Usually metrics is loss value
LastEpoch int
type SchedulerOption func(*SchedulerOptions)
func defaultSchedulerOptions() *SchedulerOptions {
return &SchedulerOptions{
// Metrics: make(map[string]interface{}, 0),
Loss: math.Inf(1),
LastEpoch: -1,
func DefaultSchedulerOptions() *SchedulerOptions {
return defaultSchedulerOptions()
func WithLastEpoch(epoch int) SchedulerOption {
return func(o *SchedulerOptions) {
o.LastEpoch = epoch
func WithLoss(loss float64) SchedulerOption {
return func(o *SchedulerOptions) {
o.Loss = loss
type scheduler interface {
SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption)
Build() *LRScheduler
// LRScheduler is a scheduler to update optimizer learning rates.
type LRScheduler struct {
scheduler scheduler
func NewLRScheduler(s scheduler) *LRScheduler {
return &LRScheduler{s}
// Step updates optimizer learning rate.
func (s *LRScheduler) Step(opts ...SchedulerOption) {
type LambdaFn func(in interface{}) float64
// LamdaLR calculates new learning rate for each parameter group by applying
// Lambda function to the corresponding INITIAL learning rate.
type LambdaLR struct {
opt *Optimizer
lrLambdas []LambdaFn // length should be 1 or equal to length of optimizer param groups.
initialLRs []float64
stepCount int
lastEpoch int
// NewLambdaLRS creates a new LambdaLRS.
func NewLambdaLR(opt *Optimizer, ldFns []LambdaFn) *LambdaLR {
ngroup := opt.ParamGroupNum()
initialLRs := opt.GetLRs()
var funcs []LambdaFn = make([]LambdaFn, ngroup)
switch len(ldFns) {
case 1:
// Apply Lambda function to all param groups
for i := 0; i < ngroup; i++ {
funcs[i] = ldFns[0]
case ngroup:
funcs = ldFns
log.Fatalf("Number of lambda functions (%d) is not equal to number of optimizer groups (%d)", len(ldFns), ngroup)
return &LambdaLR{
opt: opt,
lrLambdas: ldFns,
initialLRs: initialLRs,
stepCount: 0,
lastEpoch: -1,
// Build implements scheduler interface.
func (l *LambdaLR) Build() *LRScheduler {
s := &LRScheduler{l}
return s
// SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
func (l *LambdaLR) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption) {
options := defaultSchedulerOptions()
for _, o := range opts {
switch options.LastEpoch {
case -1:
l.lastEpoch += 1
l.lastEpoch = options.LastEpoch
var newLRs []float64
switch l.lastEpoch {
case 0:
newLRs = l.initialLRs
for i, lr := range l.initialLRs {
lambda := l.lrLambdas[i](l.lastEpoch)
newLR := lr * lambda
newLRs = append(newLRs, newLR)
l.stepCount += 1
// MultiplicativeLR calculates new learning rates for each optimizer para groups
// by applying corresponding Lambda function to the CURRENT learning rate.
type MultiplicativeLR struct {
opt *Optimizer
lrLambdas []LambdaFn // length should be 1 or equal to length of optimizer param groups.
initialLRs []float64
stepCount int
lastEpoch int
// NewMultiplicativeLR creates a new MultiplicativeLR.
func NewMultiplicativeLR(opt *Optimizer, ldFns []LambdaFn) *MultiplicativeLR {
ngroup := opt.ParamGroupNum()
initialLRs := opt.GetLRs()
var funcs []LambdaFn = make([]LambdaFn, ngroup)
switch len(ldFns) {
case 1:
// Apply Lambda function to all param groups
for i := 0; i < ngroup; i++ {
funcs[i] = ldFns[0]
case ngroup:
funcs = ldFns
log.Fatalf("Number of lambda functions (%d) is not equal to number of optimizer groups (%d)", len(ldFns), ngroup)
return &MultiplicativeLR{
opt: opt,
lrLambdas: ldFns,
initialLRs: initialLRs,
stepCount: 0,
lastEpoch: -1,
// Build implements scheduler interface.
func (m *MultiplicativeLR) Build() *LRScheduler {
s := &LRScheduler{m}
return s
// SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
func (m *MultiplicativeLR) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption) {
options := defaultSchedulerOptions()
for _, o := range opts {
switch options.LastEpoch {
case -1:
m.lastEpoch += 1
m.lastEpoch = options.LastEpoch
var newLRs []float64
lrs, err := m.opt.opt.GetLearningRates()
if err != nil {
switch m.lastEpoch {
case 0:
newLRs = m.initialLRs
for i, lr := range lrs {
lambda := m.lrLambdas[i](m.lastEpoch)
newLR := lr * lambda
newLRs = append(newLRs, newLR)
// StepLR decays the learning rates of each optimizer parameter group by gamma every
// step size epochs.
// NOTE. Such decay can happen simultaneously with other changes to the learning rate
// from outside this scheduler.
type StepLR struct {
opt *Optimizer
stepSize int
gamma float64
initialLRs []float64
stepCount int
lastEpoch int
// NewStepLR creates a new StepLR.
func NewStepLR(opt *Optimizer, stepSize int, gamma float64) *StepLR {
initialLRs := opt.GetLRs()
return &StepLR{
opt: opt,
stepSize: stepSize,
gamma: gamma,
initialLRs: initialLRs,
stepCount: 0,
lastEpoch: -1,
// Build implements scheduler interface.
func (s *StepLR) Build() *LRScheduler {
sc := &LRScheduler{s}
return sc
// SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
func (s *StepLR) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption) {
options := defaultSchedulerOptions()
for _, o := range opts {
switch options.LastEpoch {
case -1:
s.lastEpoch += 1
s.lastEpoch = options.LastEpoch
var newLRs []float64
lrs, err := s.opt.opt.GetLearningRates()
if err != nil {
switch {
case s.lastEpoch == 0, s.lastEpoch%s.stepSize != 0:
newLRs = lrs
for _, lr := range lrs {
newLR := floatRound(lr*s.gamma, 10)
newLRs = append(newLRs, newLR)
// floatRound rounds float64 value to a specified precision.
// Modified from:
func floatRound(input float64, precision int) float64 {
roundFactor := math.Pow(10, float64(precision))
up := input * roundFactor
round := int(up + math.Copysign(0.5, up))
return float64(round) / roundFactor
// StepLR decays the learning rates of each optimizer parameter group by gamm once
// the number of epochs reaches one of the milestones.
// NOTE. Such decay can happen simultaneously with other changes to the learning rate
// from outside this scheduler.
type MultiStepLR struct {
opt *Optimizer
milestones []int
gamma float64
initialLRs []float64
stepCount int
lastEpoch int
// NewStepLR creates a new StepLR.
func NewMultiStepLR(opt *Optimizer, milestones []int, gamma float64) *MultiStepLR {
initialLRs := opt.GetLRs()
return &MultiStepLR{
opt: opt,
milestones: milestones,
gamma: gamma,
initialLRs: initialLRs,
stepCount: 0,
lastEpoch: -1,
// Build implements scheduler interface.
func (ms *MultiStepLR) Build() *LRScheduler {
s := &LRScheduler{ms}
return s
// SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
func (ms *MultiStepLR) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption) {
options := defaultSchedulerOptions()
for _, o := range opts {
switch options.LastEpoch {
case -1:
ms.lastEpoch += 1
ms.lastEpoch = options.LastEpoch
var newLRs []float64
lrs, err := ms.opt.opt.GetLearningRates()
if err != nil {
switch {
case !contain(ms.lastEpoch, ms.milestones):
newLRs = lrs
for _, lr := range lrs {
newLR := floatRound(lr*ms.gamma, 10)
newLRs = append(newLRs, newLR)
func contain(item int, list []int) bool {
for _, i := range list {
if i == item {
return true
return false
// ExponentialLR decays the learning rates of each optimizer parameter group by gamma every
// epochs.
type ExponentialLR struct {
opt *Optimizer
gamma float64
initialLRs []float64
stepCount int
lastEpoch int
// NewExponentialLR creates a new ExponentialLR.
func NewExponentialLR(opt *Optimizer, gamma float64) *ExponentialLR {
initialLRs := opt.GetLRs()
return &ExponentialLR{
opt: opt,
gamma: gamma,
initialLRs: initialLRs,
stepCount: 0,
lastEpoch: -1,
// Build implements scheduler interface.
func (e *ExponentialLR) Build() *LRScheduler {
s := &LRScheduler{e}
return s
// SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
func (e *ExponentialLR) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption) {
options := defaultSchedulerOptions()
for _, o := range opts {
switch options.LastEpoch {
case -1:
e.lastEpoch += 1
e.lastEpoch = options.LastEpoch
var newLRs []float64
lrs, err := e.opt.opt.GetLearningRates()
if err != nil {
switch {
case e.lastEpoch == 0:
newLRs = lrs
for _, lr := range lrs {
newLR := floatRound(lr*e.gamma, 10)
newLRs = append(newLRs, newLR)
// CosineAnnealingLR set the learning rates of each optimizer parameter group by using
// a cosine annealing schedule where eta max is set to initial learning rate and Tcur
// is the number of epochs since the last restart in SGDR (Stochastic Gradient Descent with Warm Restarts).
// NOTE. this implements only the cosine annealing part of SGDR, and not the starts.
// Ref.
// -
// -
type CosineAnnealingLR struct {
opt *Optimizer
tmax int // maximal number of iteration
etaMin float64 // Minimum learning rate. Default = 0
initialLRs []float64
stepCount int
lastEpoch int
// NewConsineAnnealingLR creates a new ConsineAnnealingLR.
func NewCosineAnnealingLR(opt *Optimizer, tmax int, etaMin float64) *CosineAnnealingLR {
initialLRs := opt.GetLRs()
return &CosineAnnealingLR{
opt: opt,
tmax: tmax,
etaMin: etaMin,
initialLRs: initialLRs,
stepCount: 0,
lastEpoch: -1,
// Build implements scheduler interface.
func (ca *CosineAnnealingLR) Build() *LRScheduler {
s := &LRScheduler{ca}
return s
// SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
func (ca *CosineAnnealingLR) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption) {
options := defaultSchedulerOptions()
for _, o := range opts {
switch options.LastEpoch {
case -1:
ca.lastEpoch += 1
ca.lastEpoch = options.LastEpoch
var newLRs []float64
lrs, err := ca.opt.opt.GetLearningRates()
if err != nil {
switch {
case ca.lastEpoch == 0:
newLRs = ca.initialLRs
case (ca.lastEpoch-1-ca.tmax)%(2*ca.tmax) == 0:
for i, lr := range lrs {
// group['lr'] + (base_lr - self.eta_min) * (1 - math.cos(math.pi / self.T_max)) / 2
newLR := lr + (ca.initialLRs[i]-ca.etaMin)*(1-math.Cos(math.Pi/float64(ca.tmax)))/2
newLRs = append(newLRs, newLR)
for _, lr := range lrs {
//(1 + math.cos(math.pi * self.last_epoch / self.T_max))
dividend := 1 + math.Cos(math.Pi*float64(ca.lastEpoch)/float64(ca.tmax))
// (1 + math.cos(math.pi * (self.last_ca.lastEpoch - 1) / self.T_max)) * (group['lr'] - self.eta_min) + self.eta_min
divisor := (1 + math.Cos(math.Pi*(float64(ca.lastEpoch-1)/float64(ca.tmax))))
newLR := (dividend/divisor)*(lr-ca.etaMin) + ca.etaMin
newLRs = append(newLRs, newLR)
ca.stepCount += 1
// ReduceLROnPlateau reduces learning rate when a metric has stopped improving.
// Models often benefit from reducing the learning rate by a factor
// of 2-10 once learning stagnates. This scheduler reads a metrics
// quantity and if no improvement is seen for a 'patience' number
// of epochs, the learning rate is reduced.
type ReduceLROnPlateau struct {
opt *Optimizer
// One of `min` or `max`. In `min` mode, lr will be reduced
// when the quantiy monitored has stopped DECREASING. In `max`
// mode, it will be reduced when the quantity mornitored has stopped
// INCREASING. Default = "min"
mode string
// Factor by which the learning rate will be reduced (new LR = lr * factor).
// Default = 0.1
factor float64
// Number of epochs with no improvement after which learning rate
// will be reduced. E.g., if patience = 2, then we will ignore the first
// 2 epochs with no improvement, and wil only decrease the LR after the 3rd epoch
// if the loss still hasn't improved then.
// Default: 10
patience int
// If "true", prints a message to stdout for each update.
// Default = false
verbose bool
// Threshold for measuring the new optimum to only focus on
// significant changes.
// Default = 1e-4
threshold float64
// One of `rel`, `abs`
// - `rel`: dynamicThreshold = best * (1 + threshold) in `max` mode
// or bet * (1 - threshold) in `min` mode
// - `abs`: dynamicThreshold = best + threshold in `max` mode or
// best - threshold in `min` mode.
// Default = `rel`
thresholdMode string
// Number of epochs to wait before resuming normal operation after
// LR has been reduced.
// Default = 0
cooldown int
// Default = 0
cooldownCounter int
// A lower bound on the learning rate of all optimizer param groups.
// If length = 1, it applies to all param groups, otherwise, it should
// have the same legnth as optimizer learning groups.
// Default = []float64{0}
minLRs []float64
// Minimal decay applied to LR. If the difference between new and old LR
// is smaller than eps, then update is ignored.
// Default = 1e-8
eps float64
// Default = modeWorse (either inf or -inf)
best float64
// Default = 0
numBadEpochs int
// The worse value for the chosen mode
// Default = inf if mode="min" or -inf if mode="max"
modeWorse float64
// Default = 0
lastEpoch int
type ReduceLROnPlateauOptions struct {
Mode string
Factor float64
Patience int
Verbose bool
Threshold float64
ThresholdMode string
MinLRs []float64
Cooldown int
Eps float64
type ReduceLROnPlateauOption func(*ReduceLROnPlateauOptions)
func defaultReduceLROnPlateauOptions() *ReduceLROnPlateauOptions {
return &ReduceLROnPlateauOptions{
Mode: "min",
Factor: 0.1,
Patience: 10,
Verbose: false,
Threshold: 1e-4,
ThresholdMode: "rel",
Cooldown: 0,
MinLRs: []float64{0.0},
Eps: 1e-8,
func WithReduceOnPlateauMode(mode string) ReduceLROnPlateauOption {
return func(o *ReduceLROnPlateauOptions) {
o.Mode = mode
func WithReduceOnPlateauFactor(factor float64) ReduceLROnPlateauOption {
return func(o *ReduceLROnPlateauOptions) {
o.Factor = factor
func WithReduceOnPlateauPatience(patience int) ReduceLROnPlateauOption {
return func(o *ReduceLROnPlateauOptions) {
o.Patience = patience
func WithReduceOnPlateauVerbose(verbose bool) ReduceLROnPlateauOption {
return func(o *ReduceLROnPlateauOptions) {
o.Verbose = verbose
func WithReduceOnPlateauThreshold(threshold float64) ReduceLROnPlateauOption {
return func(o *ReduceLROnPlateauOptions) {
o.Threshold = threshold
func WithReduceOnPlateauThresholdMode(thresholdMode string) ReduceLROnPlateauOption {
return func(o *ReduceLROnPlateauOptions) {
o.ThresholdMode = thresholdMode
func WithReduceOnPlateauEps(eps float64) ReduceLROnPlateauOption {
return func(o *ReduceLROnPlateauOptions) {
o.Eps = eps
func WithReduceOnPlateauMinLRs(minLRs []float64) ReduceLROnPlateauOption {
return func(o *ReduceLROnPlateauOptions) {
o.MinLRs = minLRs
func WithReduceOnPlateauCooldown(cooldown int) ReduceLROnPlateauOption {
return func(o *ReduceLROnPlateauOptions) {
o.Cooldown = cooldown
func NewReduceLROnPlateau(opt *Optimizer, opts ...ReduceLROnPlateauOption) *ReduceLROnPlateau {
options := defaultReduceLROnPlateauOptions()
for _, o := range opts {
// Validate input parameters
if options.Mode != "min" && options.Mode != "max" {
log.Fatalf("Invalid 'mode'. Mode should be either 'min' or 'max', got %v\n", options.Mode)
if options.Factor >= 1.0 {
log.Fatalf("Factor should be < 1.0. Got %v\n", options.Factor)
if options.ThresholdMode != "rel" && options.ThresholdMode != "abs" {
log.Fatalf("Invalide threshold mode. Should be 'rel' or 'abs'. Got %v\n", options.ThresholdMode)
var modeWorse float64
switch options.Mode {
case "min":
modeWorse = math.Inf(1) // inf
case "max":
modeWorse = math.Inf(-1) // -inf
ngroup := opt.ParamGroupNum()
var minLRs []float64 = make([]float64, ngroup)
switch len(options.MinLRs) {
case 1:
for i := 0; i < ngroup; i++ {
minLRs[i] = options.MinLRs[0]
case ngroup:
minLRs = options.MinLRs
log.Fatalf("MinLRs should have length of 1 or the same length as optimizer param groups. Got %v\n", len(options.MinLRs))
return &ReduceLROnPlateau{
opt: opt,
mode: options.Mode,
factor: options.Factor,
patience: options.Patience,
verbose: options.Verbose,
threshold: options.Threshold,
thresholdMode: options.ThresholdMode,
cooldown: options.Cooldown,
cooldownCounter: 0,
minLRs: minLRs,
eps: options.Eps,
best: modeWorse,
numBadEpochs: 0,
modeWorse: modeWorse,
lastEpoch: 0,
// Reset number of bad epochs counter and cooldown counter
func (s *ReduceLROnPlateau) reset() { = s.modeWorse
s.cooldownCounter = 0
s.numBadEpochs = 0
func (s *ReduceLROnPlateau) inCooldown() bool {
return s.cooldownCounter > 0
// Evaluates whether the metrics (loss) is better than current (best) value.
func (s *ReduceLROnPlateau) isBetter(a, best float64) bool {
switch {
case s.mode == "min" && s.thresholdMode == "rel":
relEpsilon := 1.0 - s.threshold
return a < best*relEpsilon
case s.mode == "min" && s.thresholdMode == "abs":
return a < best-s.threshold
case s.mode == "max" && s.thresholdMode == "rel":
relEpsilon := s.threshold + 1
return a > best*relEpsilon
default: // mode == "max" && thresholdMode == "abs"
return a > best+s.threshold
func (s *ReduceLROnPlateau) reduceLRs(epoch int) {
oldLRs := s.opt.GetLRs()
var newLRs []float64 = oldLRs
for i, oldLR := range oldLRs {
newLR := floatMax(oldLR*s.factor, s.minLRs[i])
if oldLR-newLR > s.eps {
newLRs[i] = newLR
if s.verbose {
fmt.Printf("Epoch %06d: Reducing learning rate of param groups %d to %0.4e\n", epoch, i, newLR)
// SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
func (s *ReduceLROnPlateau) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption) {
options := defaultSchedulerOptions()
for _, o := range opts {
switch options.LastEpoch {
case -1:
s.lastEpoch += 1
s.lastEpoch = options.LastEpoch
switch s.isBetter(options.Loss, {
case true: = options.Loss
s.numBadEpochs = 0
case false:
s.numBadEpochs += 1
if s.inCooldown() {
s.cooldownCounter -= 1
s.numBadEpochs = 0 // ignore any bad epochs in cooldown
if s.numBadEpochs > s.patience {
s.cooldownCounter = s.cooldown
s.numBadEpochs = 0
// Build implements scheduler interface.
func (s *ReduceLROnPlateau) Build() *LRScheduler {
return &LRScheduler{s}
func floatMax(v1, v2 float64) float64 {
if v1 >= v2 {
return v1
return v2
// CyclicLR sets the learning rate of each parameter group according to
// cyclical learning rate policy (CLR). The policy cycles the learning
// rate between two boundaries with a constant frequency, as detailed in
// the paper `Cyclical Learning Rates for Training Neural Networks`_.
// The distance between the two boundaries can be scaled on a per-iteration
// or per-cycle basis.
// Cyclical learning rate policy changes the learning rate after every batch.
// `Step()` should be called after a batch has been used for training.
// This class has three built-in policies, as put forth in the paper:
// - "triangular": A basic triangular cycle without amplitude scaling.
// - "triangular2": A basic triangular cycle that scales initial amplitude by half each cycle.
// - "exp_range": A cycle that scales initial amplitude by :math:`\text{gamma}^{\text{cycle iterations}}`
// at each cycle iteration.
// Source:
// - Cyclical Learning Rates for Training Neural Networks:
// - bckenstler/CLR:
type CyclicLR struct {
// optimizer (Optimizer): Wrapped optimizer.
opt *Optimizer
// Initial learning rate which is the
// lower boundary in the cycle for each parameter group.
initialLRs []float64
// Upper learning rate boundaries in the cycle
// for each parameter group. Functionally,
// it defines the cycle amplitude (max_lr - base_lr).
// The lr at any cycle is the sum of base_lr
// and some scaling of the amplitude; therefore
// max_lr may not actually be reached depending on
// scaling function.
maxLRs []float64
// Number of training iterations in the
// increasing half of a cycle.
// Default: 2000
stepSizeUp int
// Number of training iterations in the
// decreasing half of a cycle. If stepSizeDown is -1,
// it is set to stepSizeUp.
// Default: -1
stepSizeDown int
// One of {triangular, triangular2, exp_range}.
// Values correspond to policies detailed above.
// If scaleFn is not None, this argument is ignored.
// Default: 'triangular'
mode string
// Constant in 'expRange' scaling function:
// gamma**(cycle iterations)
// Default: 1.0
gamma float64
// Custom scaling policy defined by a single
// argument lambda function, where
// 0 <= scaleFn(x) <= 1 for all x >= 0.
// If specified, then 'mode' is ignored.
// Default: nil
scaleFn func(x float64) float64
// One of {'cycle', 'iterations'}.
// Defines whether scale_fn is evaluated on
// cycle number or cycle iterations (training
// iterations since start of cycle).
// Default: 'cycle'
scaleMode string
// If `true`, momentum is cycled inversely
// to learning rate between 'baseMomentum' and 'maxMomentum'.
// Default: true
cycleMomentum bool
// Lower momentum boundaries in the cycle
// for each parameter group. Note that momentum is cycled inversely
// to learning rate; at the peak of a cycle, momentum is
// 'baseMomentum' and learning rate is 'maxLR'.
// Default: 0.8
baseMomentums []float64
// Upper momentum boundaries in the cycle
// for each parameter group. Functionally,
// it defines the cycle amplitude (maxMomentum - baseMomentum).
// The momentum at any cycle is the difference of maxMomentum
// and some scaling of the amplitude; therefore
// baseMomentum may not actually be reached depending on
// scaling function. Note that momentum is cycled inversely
// to learning rate; at the start of a cycle, momentum is 'maxMomentum'
// and learning rate is 'baseLR'
// Default: 0.9
maxMomentums []float64
// The index of the last batch. This parameter is used when
// resuming a training job. Since `Step()` should be invoked after each
// batch instead of after each epoch, this number represents the total
// number of *batches* computed, not the total number of epochs computed.
// When lastEpoch=-1, the schedule is started from the beginning.
// Default: -1
lastEpoch int
totalSize int
stepRatio float64
type CyclicOptions struct {
StepSizeUp int // 2000
StepSizeDown int // -1
Mode string // "triangular"
Gamma float64 // 1.0
ScaleFn func(x float64) float64 // nil
ScaleMode string // "cycle"
CycleMomentum bool // true
BaseMomentum float64 // 0.8
MaxMomentum float64 // 0.9
LastEpoch int // -1
type CyclicOption func(*CyclicOptions)
func defaultCyclicOptions() *CyclicOptions {
return &CyclicOptions{
StepSizeUp: 2000,
StepSizeDown: -1,
Mode: "triangular",
Gamma: 1.0,
ScaleFn: nil,
ScaleMode: "cycle",
CycleMomentum: true,
BaseMomentum: 0.8,
MaxMomentum: 0.9,
LastEpoch: -1,
func WithCyclicStepSizeUp(v int) CyclicOption {
return func(o *CyclicOptions) {
o.StepSizeUp = v
func WithCyclicStepSizeDown(v int) CyclicOption {
return func(o *CyclicOptions) {
o.StepSizeDown = v
func WithCyclicMode(v string) CyclicOption {
return func(o *CyclicOptions) {
o.Mode = v
func WithCyclicGamma(v float64) CyclicOption {
return func(o *CyclicOptions) {
o.Gamma = v
func WithCyclicScaleFn(v func(x float64) float64) CyclicOption {
return func(o *CyclicOptions) {
o.ScaleFn = v
func WithCyclicScaleMode(v string) CyclicOption {
return func(o *CyclicOptions) {
o.ScaleMode = v
func WithCyclicCycleMomentum(v bool) CyclicOption {
return func(o *CyclicOptions) {
o.CycleMomentum = v
func WithCyclicBaseMomentum(v float64) CyclicOption {
return func(o *CyclicOptions) {
o.BaseMomentum = v
func WithCyclicMaxMomentum(v float64) CyclicOption {
return func(o *CyclicOptions) {
o.MaxMomentum = v
func WithCyclicLastEpoch(v int) CyclicOption {
return func(o *CyclicOptions) {
o.LastEpoch = v
func NewCyclicLR(opt *Optimizer, baseLRs, maxLRs []float64, opts ...CyclicOption) *CyclicLR {
options := defaultCyclicOptions()
for _, o := range opts {
var cyc *CyclicLR = new(CyclicLR)
initialLRs := formatParam(opt, baseLRs, "baseLRs")
if options.LastEpoch == -1 {
cyc.initialLRs = initialLRs
cyc.opt = opt
cyc.maxLRs = formatParam(opt, maxLRs, "maxLRs")
var stepSizeDown int
switch options.StepSizeDown {
case -1:
stepSizeDown = options.StepSizeUp
stepSizeDown = options.StepSizeDown
cyc.stepSizeUp = options.StepSizeUp
cyc.stepSizeDown = stepSizeDown
totalSize := stepSizeDown + options.StepSizeUp
stepRatio := float64(options.StepSizeUp) / float64(totalSize)
cyc.totalSize = totalSize
cyc.stepRatio = stepRatio
if !strContain([]string{"triangular", "triangular2", "exp_range"}, options.Mode) && options.ScaleFn == nil {
log.Fatalf("Invalide 'mode': %v and scale function is nil\n", options.Mode)
cyc.mode = options.Mode
cyc.gamma = options.Gamma
switch options.ScaleFn {
case nil:
switch cyc.mode {
case "triangular":
cyc.scaleFn = func(x float64) float64 {
return 1.0
cyc.scaleMode = "cycle"
case "triangular2":
cyc.scaleFn = func(x float64) float64 {
return 1 / (math.Pow(2.0, (x - 1.0)))
cyc.scaleMode = "cycle"
case "ex_range":
cyc.scaleFn = func(x float64) float64 {
return math.Pow(cyc.gamma, x)
cyc.scaleMode = "iterations"
cyc.scaleFn = options.ScaleFn
cyc.scaleMode = options.ScaleMode
cyc.cycleMomentum = options.CycleMomentum
if cyc.cycleMomentum {
// if optimizer doesn't have momentum, throw error
// TODO. type casting optimizer.config and check
cyc.baseMomentums = formatParam(opt, []float64{options.BaseMomentum}, "baseMomentum")
if options.LastEpoch == -1 {
cyc.maxMomentums = formatParam(opt, []float64{options.MaxMomentum}, "maxMomentum")
return cyc
func strContain(items []string, item string) bool {
for _, i := range items {
if i == item {
return true
return false
func formatParam(opt *Optimizer, param []float64, paramName string) []float64 {
ngroup := opt.ParamGroupNum()
var paramOut []float64 = make([]float64, ngroup)
switch len(param) {
case 1:
for i := 0; i < ngroup; i++ {
paramOut[i] = param[0]
case ngroup:
paramOut = param
log.Fatalf("Length of %s should be either 1 or equal to number of param groups. Got %v\n", paramName, len(param))
return paramOut
// SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
// It calculates the learning rate at batch index. This function treats
// `lastEpoch` as the last batch index.
// NOTE. If `cycleMomentum` is ``true``, this function has a side effect of
// updating the optimizer's momentum.
func (cyc *CyclicLR) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption) {
options := defaultSchedulerOptions()
for _, o := range opts {
switch options.LastEpoch {
case -1:
cyc.lastEpoch += 1
cyc.lastEpoch = options.LastEpoch
cycle := math.Floor(1.0 + float64(cyc.lastEpoch)/float64(cyc.totalSize))
x := 1.0 + float64(cyc.lastEpoch)/float64(cyc.totalSize) - cycle
var scaleFactor float64
switch {
case x <= cyc.stepRatio:
scaleFactor = x / cyc.stepRatio
scaleFactor = (x - 1.0) / (cyc.stepRatio - 1.0)
ngroup := cyc.opt.ParamGroupNum()
var newLRs []float64 = make([]float64, ngroup)
for i := 0; i < ngroup; i++ {
baseLR := cyc.initialLRs[i]
maxLR := cyc.maxLRs[i]
baseHeight := (maxLR - baseLR) * scaleFactor
var newLR float64
switch cyc.scaleMode {
case "cycle":
newLR = baseLR + baseHeight*cyc.scaleFn(cycle)
newLR = baseLR + baseHeight*cyc.scaleFn(float64(cyc.lastEpoch))
newLRs[i] = newLR
// Update optimizer learning rates.
// Update optimizer momentum.
// NOTE. for now, we just assuming there's 1 param group and will update momentum for such param group.
if cyc.cycleMomentum {
var momentum float64
baseMomentum, maxMomentum := cyc.baseMomentums[0], cyc.maxMomentums[0]
baseHeight := (maxMomentum - baseMomentum) * scaleFactor
switch cyc.scaleMode {
case "cycle":
momentum = maxMomentum - baseHeight*cyc.scaleFn(cycle)
momentum = maxMomentum - baseHeight*cyc.scaleFn(float64(cyc.lastEpoch))
// Build implements scheduler interface.
func (cyc *CyclicLR) Build() *LRScheduler {
return &LRScheduler{cyc}
// CosineAnnealingWarmRestart sets the learning rate of each parameter group
/// using a cosine annealing schedule.
// Source:
// Stochastic Gradient Descent with Warm Restarts:
type CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts struct {
opt *Optimizer
// Number of iterations for the first restart.
t0 int
// Number of epochs between 2 warm restarts.
ti int
// A factor increases Ti after a restart.
tMult int // Default = 1
// Minimum learning rate.
etaMin float64 // Default = 0.0
// Number of epochs since last restart.
tcur int
// The index of last epoch. Default: -1.
lastEpoch int // Default = -1
initialLRs []float64
stepCount int
type CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOptions struct {
TMult int
EtaMin float64
LastEpoch int
type CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOption func(*CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOptions)
func defaultCosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOptions() *CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOptions {
return &CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOptions{
TMult: 1,
EtaMin: 0.0,
LastEpoch: -1,
func WithTMult(v int) CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOption {
return func(o *CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOptions) {
o.TMult = v
func WithEtaMin(v float64) CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOption {
return func(o *CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOptions) {
o.EtaMin = v
func WithCosineAnnealingLastEpoch(v int) CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOption {
return func(o *CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOptions) {
o.LastEpoch = v
func NewCosineAnnealingWarmRestarts(opt *Optimizer, t0 int, opts ...CosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOption) *CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts {
options := defaultCosineAnnealingWarmRestartsOptions()
for _, o := range opts {
if t0 <= 0 {
log.Fatalf("T0 expected to be positive. Got %v\n", t0)
if options.TMult < 1 {
log.Fatalf("Expected TMult >= 1. Got %v\n", options.TMult)
initialLRs := opt.GetLRs()
return &CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts{
opt: opt,
t0: t0,
ti: t0,
tMult: options.TMult,
etaMin: options.EtaMin,
tcur: options.LastEpoch,
lastEpoch: options.LastEpoch,
stepCount: 0,
initialLRs: initialLRs,
// SetLRs implements scheduler interface.
// NOTE. scheduler.Step(epoch) could be called after every batch update
func (s *CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption) {
options := defaultSchedulerOptions()
for _, o := range opts {
var epoch int = options.LastEpoch
if options.LastEpoch == -1 && s.lastEpoch < 0 {
epoch = 0
switch {
case epoch == -1:
epoch = s.lastEpoch + 1
s.tcur = s.tcur + 1
if s.tcur >= s.ti {
s.tcur = s.tcur - s.ti
s.ti = s.ti * s.tMult
case epoch < 0:
log.Fatalf("Expected non-negative epoch, got %v\n", epoch)
case epoch >= s.t0:
switch s.tMult {
case 1:
s.tcur = epoch % s.t0
// n = int(math.log((epoch / self.T_0 * (self.T_mult - 1) + 1), self.T_mult))
n := int(math.Log(float64((epoch/s.t0)*(s.tMult-1)+1)) / math.Log(float64(s.tMult)))
// self.T_cur = epoch - self.T_0 * (self.T_mult ** n - 1) / (self.T_mult - 1)
s.tcur = epoch - (s.t0*int(math.Pow(float64(s.tMult), float64(n-1))))/(s.tMult-1)
// self.T_i = self.T_0 * self.T_mult ** (n)
s.ti = s.t0 * int(math.Pow(float64(s.tMult), float64(n)))
s.ti = s.t0
s.tcur = epoch
s.lastEpoch = epoch
var newLRs []float64
// [self.eta_min + (base_lr - self.eta_min) * (1 + math.cos(math.pi * self.T_cur / self.T_i)) / 2
// for base_lr in self.base_lrs]
for _, baseLR := range s.initialLRs {
newLR := s.etaMin + (baseLR-s.etaMin)*(1+math.Cos(math.Pi*float64(s.tcur)/float64(s.ti)))/2
newLRs = append(newLRs, newLR)
// Build implement scheduler interface
func (s *CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts) Build() *LRScheduler {
scheduler := &LRScheduler{s}
return scheduler
// OneCycleLR sets the learning rate of each parameter group according to the
// 1cycle learning rate policy. The 1cycle policy anneals the learning
// rate from an initial learning rate to some maximum learning rate and then
// from that maximum learning rate to some minimum learning rate much lower
// than the initial learning rate.
// This policy was initially described in the paper `Super-Convergence:
// Very Fast Training of Neural Networks Using Large Learning Rates`_.
// The 1cycle learning rate policy changes the learning rate after every batch.
// `step` should be called after a batch has been used for training.
// This scheduler is not chainable.
// Note also that the total number of steps in the cycle can be determined in one
// of two ways (listed in order of precedence):
// - A value for total_steps is explicitly provided.
// - A number of epochs (epochs) and a number of steps per epoch
// (steps_per_epoch) are provided.
// In this case, the number of total steps is inferred by
// total_steps = epochs * steps_per_epoch
// You must either provide a value for total_steps or provide a value for both
// epochs and steps_per_epoch.
// Source:
// Super-Convergence: Very Fast Training of Neural Networks Using Large Learning Rates
type OneCycleLR struct {
opt *Optimizer
// Upper learning rate boundaries in the cycle
// for each parameter group.
maxLRs []float64
minLRs []float64
// The total number of steps in the cycle. Note that
// if a value is provided here, then it must be inferred by providing
// a value for epochs and stepsPerEpoch.
// Default: -1
totalSteps int
// The number of epochs to train for. This is used along
// with stepsPerEpoch in order to infer the total number of steps in the cycle
// if a value for totalSteps is not provided.
// Default: -1
// epochs int
// The number of steps per epoch to train for. This is
// used along with epochs in order to infer the total number of steps in the
// cycle if a value for totalSteps is not provided.
// Default: -1
// stepsPerEpoch int
// The percentage of the cycle (in number of steps) spent
// increasing the learning rate.
// Default: 0.3
// pctStart float64
// Specifies the annealing strategy: one of ["cos", "linear"].
// - "cos" for cosine annealing,
// - "linear" for linear annealing.
// Default: 'cos'
// annealStrategy string
// If "true", momentum is cycled inversely
// to learning rate between "baseMomentum" and "maxMomentum".
// Default: true
cycleMomentum bool
// Lower momentum boundaries in the cycle
// for each parameter group. Note that momentum is cycled inversely
// to learning rate; at the peak of a cycle, momentum is
// 'base_momentum' and learning rate is 'max_lr'.
// Default: 0.85
baseMomentums []float64
// Upper momentum boundaries in the cycle for each parameter group. Functionally,
// it defines the cycle amplitude (max_momentum - base_momentum).
// Note that momentum is cycled inversely to learning rate; at the start of a cycle,
// momentum is "maxMomentum" and learning rate is "baseLR"
// Default: 0.95
maxMomentums []float64
// Determines the initial learning rate via initialLR = maxLR/divFactor
// Default: 25
// divFactor float64
// Determines the minimum learning rate via
// minLR = initialLR/finalDivFactor
// Default: 1e4
// finalDivFactor float64
// The index of the last batch. This parameter is used when
// resuming a training job. Since `step()` should be invoked after each
// batch instead of after each epoch, this number represents the total
// number of *batches* computed, not the total number of epochs computed.
// When lastEpoch=-1, the schedule is started from the beginning.
// Default: -1
lastEpoch int
initialLRs []float64
// Number of training iterations in the
// increasing half of a cycle.
stepSizeUp int
// Number of training iterations in the
// decreasing half of a cycle. If stepSizeDown is -1,
// it is set to stepSizeUp.
stepSizeDown int
annealFn func(start, end, pct float64) float64
type OneCycleOptions struct {
TotalSteps int
Epochs int
StepsPerEpoch int
PctStart float64
AnnealStrategy string
CycleMomentum bool
BaseMomentum float64
MaxMomentum float64
DivFactor float64
FinalDivFactor float64
LastEpoch int
type OneCycleOption func(*OneCycleOptions)
func defaultOneCycleOptions() *OneCycleOptions {
return &OneCycleOptions{
TotalSteps: -1,
Epochs: -1,
StepsPerEpoch: -1,
PctStart: 0.3,
AnnealStrategy: "cos",
CycleMomentum: true,
BaseMomentum: 0.85,
MaxMomentum: 0.95,
DivFactor: 25.0,
FinalDivFactor: 1e4,
LastEpoch: -1,
func WithOneCycleTotalSteps(v int) OneCycleOption {
return func(o *OneCycleOptions) {
o.TotalSteps = v
func WithOneCycleEpochs(v int) OneCycleOption {
return func(o *OneCycleOptions) {
o.Epochs = v
func WithOneCycleStepsPerEpoch(v int) OneCycleOption {
return func(o *OneCycleOptions) {
o.StepsPerEpoch = v
func WithOneCyclePctStart(v float64) OneCycleOption {
return func(o *OneCycleOptions) {
o.PctStart = v
func WithOneCycleAnnealStrategy(v string) OneCycleOption {
return func(o *OneCycleOptions) {
o.AnnealStrategy = v
func WithOneCycleCycleMomentum(v bool) OneCycleOption {
return func(o *OneCycleOptions) {
o.CycleMomentum = v
func WithOneCycleBaseMomentum(v float64) OneCycleOption {
return func(o *OneCycleOptions) {
o.BaseMomentum = v
func WithOneCycleMaxMomentum(v float64) OneCycleOption {
return func(o *OneCycleOptions) {
o.MaxMomentum = v
func WithOneCycleDivFactor(v float64) OneCycleOption {
return func(o *OneCycleOptions) {
o.DivFactor = v
func WithOneCycleFinalDivFactor(v float64) OneCycleOption {
return func(o *OneCycleOptions) {
o.FinalDivFactor = v
func WithOneCycleLastEpoch(v int) OneCycleOption {
return func(o *OneCycleOptions) {
o.LastEpoch = v
func NewOneCycleLR(opt *Optimizer, maxLR float64, opts ...OneCycleOption) *OneCycleLR {
options := defaultOneCycleOptions()
for _, o := range opts {
oc := new(OneCycleLR)
oc.opt = opt
oc.lastEpoch = options.LastEpoch
// validate pctStart
if options.PctStart < 0 || options.PctStart > 1 {
log.Fatalf("Expected float between 0 and 1 pct_start, but got %v\n", options.PctStart)
// validate totalSteps
switch {
case options.TotalSteps == -1 && options.Epochs == -1 && options.StepsPerEpoch == -1:
log.Fatal("You must define either total_steps OR (epochs AND steps_per_epoch)")
case options.TotalSteps != -1:
if options.TotalSteps <= 0 {
log.Fatalf("Expected non-negative integer totalSteps, but got %v", options.TotalSteps)
oc.totalSteps = options.TotalSteps
switch {
case options.Epochs <= 0:
log.Fatalf("Expected non-negative integer epochs, but got %v\n", options.Epochs)
case options.StepsPerEpoch <= 0:
log.Fatalf("Expected non-negative integer stepsPerEpoch, but got %v\n", options.StepsPerEpoch)
oc.totalSteps = options.Epochs * options.StepsPerEpoch
oc.stepSizeUp = int(options.PctStart*float64(oc.totalSteps)) - 1
oc.stepSizeDown = oc.totalSteps - oc.stepSizeUp - 1
// validate annealStrategy
switch {
case !strContain([]string{"cos", "linear"}, options.AnnealStrategy):
log.Fatalf("anneal_strategy must by one of 'cos' or 'linear', instead got %v\n", options.AnnealStrategy)
case options.AnnealStrategy == "cos":
oc.annealFn = func(start, end, pct float64) float64 {
// "Cosine anneal from `start` to `end` as pct goes from 0.0 to 1.0."
cosOut := math.Cos(math.Pi*pct) + 1
return end + (start-end)/2.0*cosOut
case options.AnnealStrategy == "linear":
oc.annealFn = func(start, end, pct float64) float64 {
return (end-start)*pct + start
// Initialize learning rate variables
maxLRs := formatParam(opt, []float64{maxLR}, "maxLR")
ngroup := opt.ParamGroupNum()
var initialLRs []float64 = make([]float64, ngroup)
var minLRs []float64 = make([]float64, ngroup)
if options.LastEpoch == -1 {
for i := 0; i < ngroup; i++ {
initialLR := maxLRs[i] / options.DivFactor
initialLRs[i] = initialLR
minLRs[i] = initialLR / options.FinalDivFactor
// Set initial learning rate for optimizer
// Keep maxLRs and minLRs in scheduler as we don't have these fields in optimizer as Python.
oc.maxLRs = maxLRs
oc.minLRs = minLRs
oc.initialLRs = initialLRs
// Initialize momentum
oc.cycleMomentum = options.CycleMomentum
if oc.cycleMomentum {
// NOTE.
// Optimizer must support momentum with `cycle_momentum` option enabled
// Assumming we have "momentum" and "betas" in optimizer
// In Python, implementation as follow:
self.use_beta1 = 'betas' in self.optimizer.defaults
max_momentums = self._format_param('max_momentum', optimizer, max_momentum)
base_momentums = self._format_param('base_momentum', optimizer, base_momentum)
if last_epoch == -1:
for m_momentum, b_momentum, group in zip(max_momentums, base_momentums, optimizer.param_groups):
if self.use_beta1:
_, beta2 = group['betas']
group['betas'] = (m_momentum, beta2)
group['momentum'] = m_momentum
group['max_momentum'] = m_momentum
group['base_momentum'] = b_momentum
// TODO. work on Optimizer to fully implement
oc.maxMomentums = formatParam(opt, []float64{options.MaxMomentum}, "maxMomentum")
oc.baseMomentums = formatParam(opt, []float64{options.BaseMomentum}, "baseMomentum")
if options.LastEpoch == -1 {
return oc
func (oc *OneCycleLR) SetLRs(opts ...SchedulerOption) {
options := defaultSchedulerOptions()
for _, o := range opts {
switch options.LastEpoch {
case -1:
oc.lastEpoch += 1
oc.lastEpoch = options.LastEpoch
var newLRs []float64
var newMomentums []float64
stepNum := oc.lastEpoch
if stepNum > oc.totalSteps {
log.Fatalf("Tried to step %v times. The specified number of total steps is %v", stepNum, oc.totalSteps)
ngroup := oc.opt.ParamGroupNum()
for i := 0; i < ngroup; i++ {
var computedLR float64
var computedMomentum float64
initialLR := oc.initialLRs[i]
maxLR := oc.maxLRs[i]
minLR := oc.minLRs[i]
maxMomentum := oc.maxMomentums[i]
baseMomentum := oc.baseMomentums[i]
switch {
case stepNum <= oc.stepSizeUp:
computedLR = oc.annealFn(initialLR, maxLR, float64(stepNum)/float64(oc.stepSizeUp))
if oc.cycleMomentum {
computedMomentum = oc.annealFn(maxMomentum, baseMomentum, float64(stepNum)/float64(oc.stepSizeUp))
downStepNum := stepNum - oc.stepSizeUp
computedLR = oc.annealFn(maxLR, minLR, float64(downStepNum)/float64(oc.stepSizeDown))
if oc.cycleMomentum {
computedMomentum = oc.annealFn(baseMomentum, maxMomentum, float64(downStepNum)/float64(oc.stepSizeDown))
newLRs = append(newLRs, computedLR)
newMomentums = append(newMomentums, computedMomentum)
// For now, just use first momentum.
func (oc *OneCycleLR) Build() *LRScheduler {
s := &LRScheduler{oc}
return s