2021-06-30 21:39:40 +10:00

230 lines
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package dutil
import (
// Sampler represents an interface to draw sample
// from a dataset by implementing `Sample` method to
// generate a slice of indices of data samples.
type Sampler interface {
Sample() []int
BatchSize() int
// SequentialSampler represents a method to
// draw sample by its order in the dataset.
type SequentialSampler struct {
n int // number of samples
batchSize int // always = 1
// NewSequentialSampler create a new SequentialSampler
// n : number of samples in dataset
func NewSequentialSampler(n int) *SequentialSampler {
return &SequentialSampler{n, 1}
// Sample implements Sampler interface.
func (s *SequentialSampler) Sample() []int {
var indices []int
for i := 0; i < s.n; i++ {
indices = append(indices, i)
return indices
func (s *SequentialSampler) BatchSize() int {
return s.batchSize
// RandomSampler represents a method to draw
// a sample randomly from dataset.
type RandomSampler struct {
n int // number of samples
size int // size of sampling
replacement bool // whether replacement or not
batchSize int // always = 1
type RandOptions struct {
Size int
Replacement bool
type RandOption func(*RandOptions)
func NewRandOptions(options ...RandOption) RandOptions {
opts := RandOptions{
Size: 0,
Replacement: false,
for _, o := range options {
return opts
func WithSize(size int) RandOption {
return func(o *RandOptions) {
o.Size = size
func WithReplacement(replacement bool) RandOption {
return func(o *RandOptions) {
o.Replacement = replacement
// NewRandomSampler creates a new RandomSampler.
// n : number of samples in dataset
// size: Optional (default=n). Size of sampling.
// replacement: Optional (default=false). Whether not repeated or repeated samples.
func NewRandomSampler(n int, opt ...RandOption) (*RandomSampler, error) {
opts := NewRandOptions(opt...)
if opts.Size > n {
err := fmt.Errorf("Sampling size can not be greater than number of samples.")
return nil, err
size := n // default sampling size = all samples
if opts.Size != 0 {
size = opts.Size
return &RandomSampler{
n: n,
size: size,
replacement: opts.Replacement,
batchSize: 1,
}, nil
// Sample implements Sampler interface.
func (s *RandomSampler) Sample() []int {
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
var indices []int
if !s.replacement {
for i := 0; i < s.size; i++ {
idx := r.Intn(s.n)
indices = append(indices, idx)
return indices
if s.size == s.n {
indices = r.Perm(s.n)
return indices
// Random range with fixed length
var max, min int
for {
max = r.Intn(s.n)
min = max - s.size
if min >= 0 {
// Random permutation in a range [min, max)
// ref.
indices = r.Perm(max - min)
for i := range indices {
indices[i] += min
return indices
// BatchSize implements Sampler interface.
// It's always return 1.
func (s *RandomSampler) BatchSize() int {
return s.batchSize
func intRange(n int) []int {
var r []int
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
r = append(r, i)
return r
// BatchSampler constructs a way to draw batches of samples.
type BatchSampler struct {
n int
batchSize int
shuffle bool
dropLast bool
// NewBatchSampler creates a new BatchSampler.
func NewBatchSampler(n, batchSize int, dropLast bool, shuffleOpt ...bool) (*BatchSampler, error) {
if batchSize > n || batchSize < 1 {
err := fmt.Errorf("Invalid batch size: batch size must be equal or greater than 1 and less or equal to number of samples(%v). Got %v", n, batchSize)
return nil, err
shuffle := false
if len(shuffleOpt) > 0 {
shuffle = shuffleOpt[0]
return &BatchSampler{
n: n,
batchSize: batchSize,
shuffle: shuffle,
dropLast: dropLast,
}, nil
// Sample implements Sampler interface
func (s *BatchSampler) Sample() []int {
var (
batch []int
batches []int
var indices []int
switch s.shuffle {
case false:
for i := 0; i < s.n; i++ {
indices = append(indices, i)
case true:
// random permutation
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
indices = r.Perm(s.n)
for _, i := range indices {
batch = append(batch, i)
if len(batch) == s.batchSize {
batches = append(batches, batch...)
batch = []int{}
if !s.dropLast {
batches = append(batches, batch...)
return batches
// BatchSize returns batch size.
func (s *BatchSampler) BatchSize() int {
return s.batchSize