Goncalves Henriques, Andre (UG - Computer Science) 9257404edd Move the name of the module
2024-04-21 15:15:00 +01:00

192 lines
4.3 KiB

package ts_test
import (
func TestTensorInit(t *testing.T) {
tensor := ts.MustArange(ts.IntScalar(5), gotch.Int64, gotch.CPU)
want := []float64{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
got := tensor.Float64Values()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
t.Errorf("Expected tensor values: %v\n", want)
t.Errorf("Got tensor values: %v\n", got)
func TestInplaceAssign(t *testing.T) {
tensor := ts.MustOfSlice([]int64{3, 1, 4, 1, 5})
want := []int64{7, 3, 9, 3, 11}
got := tensor.Vals()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
t.Errorf("Expected tensor values: %v\n", want)
t.Errorf("Got tensor values: %v\n", got)
func TestConstantOp(t *testing.T) {
tensor := ts.MustOfSlice([]int64{3, 9, 3, 11})
resTs1 := tensor.MustMulScalar(ts.IntScalar(-1), true)
want1 := []int64{-3, -9, -3, -11}
got1 := resTs1.Vals()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(want1, got1) {
t.Errorf("Expected tensor values: %v\n", want1)
t.Errorf("Got tensor values: %v\n", got1)
// TODO: more ops
func TestIter(t *testing.T) {
tensor := ts.MustOfSlice([]int64{3, 9, 3, 11})
iter, err := tensor.Iter(gotch.Int64)
if err != nil {
want := []int64{3, 9, 3, 11}
var got []int64
for {
item, ok := iter.Next()
if !ok {
got = append(got, item.(int64))
if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
t.Errorf("Expected tensor values: %v\n", want)
t.Errorf("Got tensor values: %v\n", got)
tensor1 := ts.MustOfSlice([]float64{3.14, 15.926, 5.3589, 79.0})
iter1, err := tensor1.Iter(gotch.Double)
want1 := []float64{3.14, 15.926, 5.3589, 79.0}
var got1 []float64
for {
item, ok := iter1.Next()
if !ok {
got1 = append(got1, item.(float64))
if !reflect.DeepEqual(want1, got1) {
t.Errorf("Expected tensor values: %v\n", want1)
t.Errorf("Got tensor values: %v\n", got1)
func TestOnehot(t *testing.T) {
xs := ts.MustOfSlice([]int64{0, 1, 2, 3}).MustView([]int64{2, 2}, true)
onehot := xs.Onehot(4)
want := []float64{1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}
got := onehot.Float64Values()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
t.Errorf("Expected onehot tensor values: %v\n", want)
t.Errorf("Got onehot tensor values: %v\n", got)
* let xs = Tensor::of_slice(&[0, 1, 2, 3]);
* let onehot = xs.onehot(4);
* assert_eq!(
* Vec::<f64>::from(&onehot),
* vec![1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
* );
* assert_eq!(onehot.size(), vec![4, 4]) */
func TestOfSlice(t *testing.T) {
data := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
x := ts.MustOfSlice(data)
want := gotch.Int
got := x.DType()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
t.Errorf("Expected dtype: %v\n", want)
t.Errorf("Got dtype: %v\n", got)
func TestCudaCurrentDevice(t *testing.T) {
cudaIdx, err := ts.CudaCurrentDevice()
if err != nil {
t.Logf("current CUDA index: %v\n", cudaIdx) // should be 0 if having 1 GPU device
x := ts.MustZeros([]int64{2, 3, 4}, gotch.Float, gotch.CudaIfAvailable())
currentCudaIndex := x.MustDevice().Value
t.Logf("x current cuda index: %v\n", currentCudaIndex) // 0
previousCudaIndex, err := ts.CudaSetDevice(currentCudaIndex)
if err != nil {
t.Logf("Cuda index BEFORE set: %v\n", previousCudaIndex) // 0
cudaIdxAfter, err := ts.CudaCurrentDevice()
if err != nil {
t.Logf("Cuda index AFTER set: %v\n", cudaIdxAfter) // 0
func TestTensor_Stride(t *testing.T) {
shape := []int64{2, 3, 4}
x := ts.MustRand(shape, gotch.Float, gotch.CPU)
got := x.MustStride()
want := []int64{12, 4, 1}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
t.Errorf("want %v, got %v\n", want, got)
func TestTensor_IsContiguous(t *testing.T) {
shape := []int64{2, 3, 4}
x := ts.MustRand(shape, gotch.Float, gotch.CPU)
got := x.MustIsContiguous()
want := true
if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
t.Errorf("want %v, got %v\n", want, got)
func TestTensor_IsMkldnn(t *testing.T) {
shape := []int64{2, 3, 4}
x := ts.MustRand(shape, gotch.Float, gotch.CPU)
got := x.MustIsMkldnn()
want := false
if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
t.Errorf("want %v, got %v\n", want, got)