2022-03-12 18:20:20 +11:00

117 lines
2.5 KiB

package ts_test
import (
func roundTrip(v interface{}, t *testing.T) {
val := ts.NewIValue(v)
cval, err := val.ToCIValue()
if err != nil {
t.Logf("Error while converting to CIValue from Go\n")
val2, err := ts.IValueFromC(cval)
if err != nil {
t.Logf("Error while converting to IValue from C: %v\n", err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(val, val2) {
t.Errorf("Expected ivalue (%v) equal to ivalue2 (%v)\n", val, val2)
// NOTE: comment out for Travis CI
// Uncomment to test locally
* func TestIValue(t *testing.T) {
* roundTrip(nil, t)
* roundTrip(int64(45), t)
* roundTrip(false, t)
* roundTrip(true, t)
* roundTrip([]bool{true, false}, t)
* roundTrip("Hello", t)
* roundTrip([]int64{3, 4}, t)
* roundTrip([]float64{3.1, 4.1}, t)
* roundTrip([]string{"Abc", "DEF"}, t)
* // roundTrip([]int{23, 32}, t)
* roundTrip(map[int64]int64{12: 3, 14: 5}, t)
* // roundTrip(map[float32]float64{12.3: 3.3, 14.3: 5.3}, t)
* }
* */
func TestModuleForwardTs(t *testing.T) {
foo, err := ts.ModuleLoad("")
if err != nil {
ts1 := ts.TensorFrom([]int64{42})
ts2 := ts.TensorFrom([]int64{1337})
res, err := foo.ForwardTs([]ts.Tensor{*ts1, *ts2})
if err != nil {
got := int(res.Float64Values()[0])
want := 1421
if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
t.Errorf("Expected value: %v\n", want)
t.Errorf("Got value: %v\n", got)
func TestModuleForwardIValue(t *testing.T) {
foo, err := ts.ModuleLoad("")
if err != nil {
ts1 := ts.TensorFrom([]int64{42})
ts2 := ts.TensorFrom([]int64{1337})
iv1 := ts.NewIValue(*ts1)
iv2 := ts.NewIValue(*ts2)
got, err := foo.ForwardIs([]ts.IValue{*iv1, *iv2})
if err != nil {
expectedTs1 := ts.TensorFrom([]int64{1421})
expectedTs2 := ts.TensorFrom([]int64{-1295})
want := ts.NewIValue([]ts.Tensor{*expectedTs1, *expectedTs2})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(want.Name(), got.Name()) {
t.Errorf("Expected Ivalue Name: %v\n", want.Name())
t.Errorf("Got Ivalue Name: %v\n", got.Name())
if !reflect.DeepEqual(want.Kind(), got.Kind()) {
t.Errorf("Expected Ivalue Kind: %v\n", want.Kind())
t.Errorf("Got Ivalue Kind: %v\n", got.Kind())
// TODO: compare IValue value
// NOTE: due to their different pointer values so we need to
// extract their value and compare
/* if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
* t.Errorf("Expected value: %v\n", want)
* t.Errorf("Got value: %v\n", got)
* } */