package ts import ( "bytes" "fmt" "log" "reflect" "strconv" "" ) func (ts *Tensor) ValueGo() interface{} { return ts.Vals() } func shapeToSize(shape []int64) int { n := 1 for _, v := range shape { if v == 0 { continue } n = n * int(v) } return n } func shapeToNumels(shape []int) int { n := 1 for _, d := range shape { n *= int(d) } return n } func shapeToStrides(shape []int) []int { numel := shapeToNumels(shape) var strides []int for _, v := range shape { numel /= int(v) strides = append(strides, numel) } return strides } func toSliceInt(in []int64) []int { out := make([]int, len(in)) for i := 0; i < len(in); i++ { out[i] = int(in[i]) } return out } func maxInt(a, b int) int { if a >= b { return a } return b } func minInt(a, b int) int { if a < b { return a } else { return b } } func toSlice(input interface{}) []interface{} { vlen := reflect.ValueOf(input).Len() out := make([]interface{}, vlen) for i := 0; i < vlen; i++ { out[i] = reflect.ValueOf(input).Index(i).Interface() } return out } func sliceInterface(data interface{}, start, end int) []interface{} { return toSlice(data)[start:end] } // Implement Format interface for Tensor: // ====================================== var ( fmtByte = []byte("%") precByte = []byte(".") fmtFlags = [...]rune{'+', '-', '#', ' ', '0'} ufVec = []byte("Vector") ufMat = []byte("Matrix") ufTensor = []byte("Tensor") ) // fmtState is a custom formatter for Tensor that implements fmt.State interface type fmtState struct { fmt.State verb rune // format verb flat bool // whether to print tensor in flatten format meta bool // whether to print out meta data ext bool // whether to print full tensor data (no truncation) pad []byte // padding space w int // width - total calculated space to print out tensor values p int // precision for float dtype base int // integer counting base for integer dtype cases htrunc []byte // horizontal truncation symbol space vtrunc []byte // vertical truncation symbol space rows int // total rows cols int // total columns printRows int // rows to print printCols int // columns to print shape []int // shape of tensor to print out buf *bytes.Buffer // memory to hold formated tensor data to print } func newFmtState(s fmt.State, verb rune, shape []int) *fmtState { w, _ := s.Width() p, _ := s.Precision() return &fmtState{ State: s, verb: verb, flat: s.Flag('-'), meta: s.Flag('+'), ext: s.Flag('#'), w: w, p: p, htrunc: []byte("..., "), vtrunc: []byte("...,\n"), shape: shape, buf: bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0)), } } // originalFmt returns original format. func (f *fmtState) originalFmt() string { // write format symbol and verbs buf := bytes.NewBuffer(fmtByte) // '%' for _, flag := range fmtFlags { if f.Flag(int(flag)) { buf.WriteRune(flag) } } // write width format if w, ok := f.Width(); ok { buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(w)) } // write precision verb if p, ok := f.Precision(); ok { buf.Write(precByte) buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(p)) } buf.WriteRune(f.verb) return buf.String() } // cleanFmt returns a start of the format. func (f *fmtState) initFmt() string { buf := bytes.NewBuffer(fmtByte) // write width format if w, ok := f.Width(); ok { buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(w)) } // write precision verb if p, ok := f.Precision(); ok { buf.Write(precByte) buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(p)) } buf.WriteRune(f.verb) return buf.String() } // cast casts tensor data to the formatter. func (f *fmtState) cast(ts *Tensor) { // rows and columns if ts.Dim() == 1 { f.rows = 1 f.cols = int(ts.Numel()) } else { shape := ts.MustSize() f.rows = int(shape[len(shape)-2]) f.cols = int(shape[len(shape)-1]) } // printRows and printCols switch { case f.flat && f.ext: f.printCols = int(ts.Numel()) case f.flat: f.printCols = 10 case f.ext: f.printCols = f.cols f.printRows = f.rows default: f.printCols = minInt(f.cols, 6) f.printRows = minInt(f.rows, 6) } } // fmtVerb formats verbs. func (f *fmtState) fmtVerb(ts *Tensor) { if f.verb == 'H' { // print out only header. f.meta = true return } // var typ T typ := ts.DType() switch typ { case gotch.Half, gotch.BFloat16, gotch.Float, gotch.Double: switch f.verb { case 'f', 'e', 'E', 'G', 'b': // accepted. Do nothing default: f.verb = 'g' } case gotch.Uint8, gotch.Int8, gotch.Int16, gotch.Int, gotch.Int64: switch f.verb { case 'b': f.base = 2 case 'd': f.base = 10 case 'o': f.base = 8 case 'x', 'X': f.base = 16 default: f.base = 10 f.verb = 'd' } case gotch.Bool: f.verb = 't' default: f.verb = 'v' } } // computeWidth computes a width that can fit for every element. func (f *fmtState) computeWidth(values interface{}) { format := f.initFmt() vlen := reflect.ValueOf(values).Len() f.w = 0 for i := 0; i < vlen; i++ { val := reflect.ValueOf(values).Index(i) w, _ := fmt.Fprintf(f.buf, format, val) if w > f.w { f.w = w } f.buf.Reset() } } // makePad prepares white spaces for print-out format. func (f *fmtState) makePad() { f.pad = make([]byte, maxInt(f.w, 2)) for i := range f.pad { f.pad[i] = ' ' // one white space } } func (f *fmtState) writeHTrunc() { f.Write(f.htrunc) } func (f *fmtState) writeVTrunc() { f.Write(f.vtrunc) } // Format implements fmt.Formatter interface so that we can use // fmt.Print... and verbs to print out Tensor value in different formats. func (ts *Tensor) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) { shape := toSliceInt(ts.MustSize()) strides := shapeToStrides(shape) device := ts.MustDevice() dtype := ts.DType() defined := ts.MustDefined() if verb == 'i' { fmt.Fprintf( s, "\nTENSOR INFO:\n\tShape:\t\t%v\n\tDType:\t\t%v\n\tDevice:\t\t%v\n\tDefined:\t%v\n", shape, dtype, device, defined, ) return } data := ts.ValueGo() f := newFmtState(s, verb, shape) f.computeWidth(data) f.makePad() f.cast(ts) // Tensor meta data if f.meta { switch ts.Dim() { case 1: f.Write(ufVec) case 2: f.Write(ufMat) default: f.Write(ufTensor) fmt.Fprintf(f, ": Dim=%d, ", ts.Dim()) } fmt.Fprintf(f, "Shape=%v, Strides=%v\n", shape, strides) } if f.verb == 'H' { return } if f.flat { // TODO. // writeFlatTensor() log.Printf("WARNING: f.writeFlatTensor() NotImplemedted.\n") return } // 0d (scalar) if len(shape) == 0 { fmt.Printf("%v", data) } // 1d (slice) if len(shape) == 1 { values := sliceInterface(data, 0, shape[0]) f.writeVector(values) return } // 2d (matrix) if len(shape) == 2 { vlen := shape[0] * shape[1] values := sliceInterface(data, 0, vlen) f.writeMatrix(values, shape) return } // >= 3d (tensor) f.Write([]byte("\n")) f.writeTensor(ts, data) } // writeTensor writes input tensor in specified format. func (f *fmtState) writeTensor(ts *Tensor, values interface{}) { shape := toSliceInt(ts.MustSize()) strides := shapeToStrides(shape) size := shapeToNumels(shape) mSize := shape[len(shape)-1] * shape[len(shape)-2] var ( offset int printOne = false ) for i := 0; i < size; i += int(mSize) { dims := make([]int, len(strides)-2) for n := 0; n < len(strides[:len(strides)-2]); n++ { stride := strides[n] var dim int = offset for _, s := range strides[:n] { dim = dim % s } dim = dim / stride dims[n] = dim } var ( vlimit = f.printCols shouldPrint = true printVTrunc bool conds []bool ) for i, val := range dims { maxDim := shape[i] if (val < vlimit/2) || (val >= maxDim-vlimit/2) { conds = append(conds, true) shouldPrint = shouldPrint && true } else { conds = append(conds, false) shouldPrint = shouldPrint && false printVTrunc = true } } // inner for if shouldPrint { dimsLabel := "(" for _, d := range dims { dimsLabel += fmt.Sprintf("%v, ", d) } dimsLabel += ".,.) =\n" f.Write([]byte(dimsLabel)) // Print matrix [H, W] data := sliceInterface(values, offset, offset+mSize) f.writeMatrix(data, shape[len(shape)-2:]) printOne = false } if printVTrunc && !printOne { // NOTE. vertical truncation at > 2D level vtrunc := fmt.Sprintf("...,\n\n") f.Write([]byte(vtrunc)) printOne = true } offset += mSize } // outer for } func (f *fmtState) writeMatrix(data []interface{}, shape []int) { n := shapeToNumels(shape) dataLen := len(data) if dataLen != n { log.Fatalf("mismatched: slice data has %v elements - shape: %v\n", dataLen, n) } if len(shape) != 2 { log.Fatal("Shape must have length of 2.\n") } stride := int(shape[1]) currIdx := 0 nextIdx := stride truncatedRows := shape[0] - f.printCols for row := 0; row < int(shape[0]); row++ { var slice []interface{} switch { case row < f.printCols/2: // First part slice = data[currIdx:nextIdx] f.writeVector(slice) currIdx = nextIdx nextIdx += stride case row == f.printCols/2: // Truncated sign if f.printCols != f.cols { // truncated mode f.writeVTrunc() } else { // full mode // Do nothing } currIdx = nextIdx nextIdx += stride case row > f.printCols/2 && row < f.printCols/2+truncatedRows: // Skip part currIdx = nextIdx nextIdx += stride case row >= f.printCols/2+truncatedRows: // Second part slice = data[currIdx:nextIdx] f.writeVector(slice) currIdx = nextIdx nextIdx += stride } } // 1 line between matrix f.Write([]byte("\n")) } func (f *fmtState) writeVector(data []interface{}) { format := f.initFmt() vlen := len(data) for col := 0; col < vlen; col++ { if f.cols <= f.printCols || (col < f.printCols/2 || (col >= f.cols-f.printCols/2)) { el := data[col] // TODO: more format options here w, _ := fmt.Fprintf(f.buf, format, el) f.Write(f.buf.Bytes()) f.Write(f.pad[:f.w-w]) // prepad f.Write(f.pad[:2]) // pad f.buf.Reset() } else if col == f.printCols/2 { f.writeHTrunc() } } f.Write([]byte("\n")) } // Print prints tensor meta data to stdout. func (ts *Tensor) Info() { fmt.Printf("%i", ts) }