package main import ( "fmt" "" "" "" ) const ( ImageDim int64 = 784 Label int64 = 10 epochs = 200 ) func runLinear() { var ds *vision.Dataset ds = vision.LoadMNISTDir(MnistDirNN) trainImages := ds.TrainImages.MustTo(device, true) trainLabels := ds.TrainLabels.MustTo(device, true) testImages := ds.TestImages.MustTo(device, true) testLabels := ds.TestLabels.MustTo(device, true) dtype := gotch.Float ws := ts.MustZeros([]int64{ImageDim, Label}, dtype, device).MustSetRequiresGrad(true, false) bs := ts.MustZeros([]int64{Label}, dtype, device).MustSetRequiresGrad(true, false) // NOTE(TT). if initiating with random float, result is worse. // ws := ts.MustRandn([]int64{ImageDim, Label}, dtype, device) // bs := ts.MustRandn([]int64{Label}, dtype, device) // ws.MustRequiresGrad_(true) // bs.MustRequiresGrad_(true) for epoch := 0; epoch < epochs; epoch++ { weight := ts.NewTensor() reduction := int64(1) // Mean of loss ignoreIndex := int64(-100) logits := trainImages.MustMm(ws, false).MustAdd(bs, true) loss := logits.MustLogSoftmax(-1, dtype, true).MustNllLoss(trainLabels, weight, reduction, ignoreIndex, true) ws.ZeroGrad() bs.ZeroGrad() loss.MustBackward() ts.NoGrad(func() { ws.Add_(ws.MustGrad(false).MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(-1.0), true)) bs.Add_(bs.MustGrad(false).MustMulScalar(ts.FloatScalar(-1.0), true)) }, 100) // 100 msec sleeping time. Adjustable to available GPU RAM. testLogits := testImages.MustMm(ws, false).MustAdd(bs, true) testAccuracy := testLogits.MustArgmax([]int64{-1}, false, true).MustEqTensor(testLabels, true).MustTotype(gotch.Float, true).MustMean(gotch.Float, true).MustView([]int64{-1}, true).MustFloat64Value([]int64{0}) fmt.Printf("Epoch: %v - Loss: %.3f - Test accuracy: %.2f%%\n", epoch, loss.Float64Values()[0], testAccuracy*100) } }