
This commit is contained in:
sugarme 2020-07-14 13:41:18 +10:00
parent f16ab429c9
commit 9ce34e697a
4 changed files with 329 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -5,76 +5,78 @@ import (
ts "github.com/sugarme/gotch/tensor"
type block struct {
blockType *string // optional
parameters map[string]string
type Block struct {
BlockType *string // optional
Parameters map[string]string
func (b block) get(key string) (retVal string) {
val, ok := b.parameters[key]
func (b *Block) get(key string) (retVal string) {
val, ok := b.Parameters[key]
if !ok {
log.Fatalf("Cannot find %v in net parameters.\n", key)
log.Fatalf("Cannot find %v in Block parameters.\n", key)
return val
type Darknet struct {
blocks []block
parameters map[string]string
Blocks []Block
Parameters map[string]string
func (d Darknet) get(key string) (retVal string) {
val, ok := d.parameters[key]
val, ok := d.Parameters[key]
if !ok {
log.Fatalf("Cannot find %v in net parameters.\n", key)
log.Fatalf("Cannot find %v in Darknet parameters.\n", key)
return val
type accumulator struct {
parameters map[string]string
net Darknet
blockType *string // optional
type Accumulator struct {
Parameters map[string]string
Net Darknet
BlockType *string // optional
func newAccumulator() (retVal accumulator) {
func newAccumulator() (retVal Accumulator) {
return accumulator{
blockType: nil,
parameters: make(map[string]string, 0),
net: Darknet{
blocks: make([]block, 0),
parameters: make(map[string]string, 0),
return Accumulator{
BlockType: nil,
Parameters: make(map[string]string, 0),
Net: Darknet{
Blocks: make([]Block, 0),
Parameters: make(map[string]string, 0),
func (acc *accumulator) finishBlock() {
if acc.blockType != nil {
if *acc.blockType == "net" {
acc.net.parameters = acc.parameters
func (acc *Accumulator) finishBlock() {
if acc.BlockType != nil {
if *acc.BlockType == "net" {
acc.Net.Parameters = acc.Parameters
} else {
block := block{
blockType: acc.blockType,
parameters: acc.parameters,
block := Block{
BlockType: acc.BlockType,
Parameters: acc.Parameters,
acc.net.blocks = append(acc.net.blocks, block)
acc.Net.Blocks = append(acc.Net.Blocks, block)
// clear parameters
acc.parameters = make(map[string]string, 0)
acc.Parameters = make(map[string]string, 0)
acc.blockType = nil
acc.BlockType = nil
func ParseConfig(path string) (retVal Darknet) {
@ -101,24 +103,24 @@ func ParseConfig(path string) (retVal Darknet) {
for _, line := range lines {
for _, ln := range lines {
line := ln
if line == "" || strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") {
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
line = strings.TrimSpace(line) // trim all spaces before and after
line = strings.ReplaceAll(line, " ", "") // trim all space in between
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "[") {
// make sure line ends with "]"
if !strings.HasSuffix(line, "]") {
log.Fatalf("Line doesn't end with ']'\n")
line = strings.TrimPrefix(line, "[")
line = strings.TrimSuffix(line, "]")
acc.blockType = &line
acc.BlockType = &line
} else {
var keyValue []string
keyValue = strings.Split(line, "=")
@ -131,14 +133,13 @@ func ParseConfig(path string) (retVal Darknet) {
// log.Fatalf("Multiple values for key - %v\n", line)
// }
acc.parameters[keyValue[0]] = keyValue[1]
acc.Parameters[keyValue[0]] = keyValue[1]
} // end of for
return acc.net
return acc.Net
type (
@ -146,17 +147,17 @@ type (
Route = []uint
Shortcut = uint
Yolo struct {
Val1 int64
V2 []int64
Classes int64
Anchors []int64
Param struct {
Val1 int64
Val2 interface{}
ChannelsBl struct {
Channels int64
Bl interface{}
func conv(vs nn.Path, index uint, p int64, b block) (retVal1 int64, retVal2 interface{}) {
func conv(vs nn.Path, index uint, p int64, b Block) (retVal1 int64, retVal2 interface{}) {
activation := b.get("activation")
@ -190,7 +191,7 @@ func conv(vs nn.Path, index uint, p int64, b block) (retVal1 int64, retVal2 inte
bn *nn.BatchNorm
bias bool
if pStr, ok := b.parameters["batch_normalize"]; ok {
if pStr, ok := b.Parameters["batch_normalize"]; ok {
p, err := strconv.ParseInt(pStr, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
@ -288,7 +289,7 @@ func uintOfIndex(index uint, i int64) (retVal uint) {
func route(index uint, p []Param, blk block) (retVal1 int64, retVal2 interface{}) {
func route(index uint, p []ChannelsBl, blk Block) (retVal1 int64, retVal2 interface{}) {
intLayers := intListOfString(blk.get("layers"))
var layers []uint
@ -298,13 +299,13 @@ func route(index uint, p []Param, blk block) (retVal1 int64, retVal2 interface{}
var channels int64
for _, l := range layers {
channels += p[l].Val1
channels += p[l].Channels
return channels, layers
func shortcut(index uint, p int64, blk block) (retVal1 int64, retVal2 interface{}) {
func shortcut(index uint, p int64, blk Block) (retVal1 int64, retVal2 interface{}) {
fromStr := blk.get("from")
from, err := strconv.ParseInt(fromStr, 10, 64)
@ -315,13 +316,14 @@ func shortcut(index uint, p int64, blk block) (retVal1 int64, retVal2 interface{
return p, uintOfIndex(index, from)
func yolo(p int64, blk block) (retVal1 int64, retVal2 interface{}) {
func yolo(p int64, blk Block) (retVal1 int64, retVal2 interface{}) {
classesStr := blk.get("classes")
classes, err := strconv.ParseInt(classesStr, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
// anchorsStr := blk.get("anchors")
flat := intListOfString(blk.get("anchors"))
if (len(flat) % 2) != 0 {
@ -336,12 +338,12 @@ func yolo(p int64, blk block) (retVal1 int64, retVal2 interface{}) {
intMask := intListOfString(blk.get("mask"))
var retAnchors [][]int64
var retAnchors []int64
for _, i := range intMask {
retAnchors = append(retAnchors, anchors[i])
retAnchors = append(retAnchors, anchors[i]...)
return p, retAnchors
return p, Yolo{Classes: classes, Anchors: retAnchors}
// Apply f to a slice of tensor xs and replace xs values with f output.
@ -355,7 +357,166 @@ func sliceApplyAndSet(xs ts.Tensor, start int64, len int64, f func(ts.Tensor) ts
// slice.MustDrop()
// TODO: continue
// func detect(xs ts.Tensor, imageHeight int64, classes int64, anchors
// [][]int64) (retVal ts.Tensor){
// }
func detect(xs ts.Tensor, imageHeight int64, classes int64, anchors []int64) (retVal ts.Tensor) {
size4, err := xs.Size4()
if err != nil {
bsize := size4[0]
height := size4[2]
stride := imageHeight / height
gridSize := imageHeight / stride
bboxAttrs := classes + 5
nanchors := int64(len(anchors))
tmp1 := xs.MustView([]int64{bsize, bboxAttrs * nanchors, gridSize * gridSize}, false)
tmp2 := tmp1.MustTranspose(1, 2, true)
tmp3 := tmp2.MustContiguous(true)
xsTs := tmp3.MustView([]int64{bsize, bboxAttrs * gridSize * nanchors, bboxAttrs}, true)
grid := ts.MustArange(ts.IntScalar(gridSize), gotch.Float, gotch.CPU)
a := grid.MustRepeat([]int64{gridSize, 1}, false)
bTmp := a.MustT(false)
b := bTmp.MustContiguous(true)
xOffset := a.MustView([]int64{-1, 1}, false)
yOffset := b.MustView([]int64{-1, 1}, false)
xyOffsetTmp1 := ts.MustCat([]ts.Tensor{xOffset, yOffset}, 1, false)
xyOffsetTmp2 := xyOffsetTmp1.MustRepeat([]int64{1, nanchors}, true)
xyOffsetTmp3 := xyOffsetTmp2.MustView([]int64{-1, 2}, true)
xyOffset := xyOffsetTmp3.MustUnsqueeze(0, true)
anchorsTmp1 := ts.MustOfSlice(anchors)
anchorsTmp2 := anchorsTmp1.MustView([]int64{-1, 2}, true)
anchorsTmp3 := anchorsTmp2.MustRepeat([]int64{gridSize * gridSize, 1}, true)
anchorsTs := anchorsTmp3.MustUnsqueeze(0, true)
sliceApplyAndSet(xsTs, 0, 2, func(xs ts.Tensor) (res ts.Tensor) {
tmp := xs.MustSigmoid(false)
res = tmp.MustAdd(xyOffset, true)
return res
sliceApplyAndSet(xsTs, 4, classes+1, func(xs ts.Tensor) (res ts.Tensor) {
return xs.MustSigmoid(false)
sliceApplyAndSet(xsTs, 2, 2, func(xs ts.Tensor) (res ts.Tensor) {
tmp := xs.MustExp(false)
res = tmp.MustMul(anchorsTs, true)
return res
sliceApplyAndSet(xsTs, 0, 4, func(xs ts.Tensor) (res ts.Tensor) {
return xs.MustMul1(ts.IntScalar(stride), false)
// TODO: delete all middle tensors.
return xsTs
func (dn *Darknet) Height() (retVal int64) {
imageHeightStr := dn.get("height")
retVal, err := strconv.ParseInt(imageHeightStr, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return retVal
func (dn *Darknet) Width() (retVal int64) {
imageWidthStr := dn.get("width")
retVal, err := strconv.ParseInt(imageWidthStr, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return retVal
func (dn *Darknet) BuildModel(vs nn.Path) (retVal nn.FuncT) {
var blocks []ChannelsBl // Param is a struct{int64, interface{}}
var prevChannels int64 = 3
for index, blk := range dn.Blocks {
var channels int64
var bl interface{}
switch *blk.BlockType {
case "convolutional":
channels, bl = conv(vs.Sub(fmt.Sprintf("%v", index)), uint(index), prevChannels, blk)
case "upsample":
channels, bl = upsample(prevChannels)
case "shortcut":
channels, bl = shortcut(uint(index), prevChannels, blk)
case "route":
channels, bl = route(uint(index), blocks, blk)
case "yolo":
channels, bl = yolo(prevChannels, blk)
log.Fatalf("Unsupported block type: %v\n", *blk.BlockType)
prevChannels = channels
blocks = append(blocks, ChannelsBl{channels, bl})
imageHeight := dn.Height()
retVal = nn.NewFuncT(func(xs ts.Tensor, train bool) (res ts.Tensor) {
var prevYs []ts.Tensor = make([]ts.Tensor, 0)
var detections []ts.Tensor = make([]ts.Tensor, 0)
for _, b := range blocks {
blkTyp := reflect.TypeOf(b.Bl)
var ysTs ts.Tensor
switch blkTyp.Name() {
case "Layer": // Layer type
layer := b.Bl.(Layer)
xsTs := xs
if len(prevYs) > 0 {
xsTs = prevYs[len(prevYs)-1] // last prevYs element
ysTs = layer.ForwardT(xsTs, train)
case "Route":
layerIdxs := b.Bl.(Route)
var layers []ts.Tensor
for _, i := range layerIdxs {
layers = append(layers, prevYs[int(i)])
ysTs = ts.MustCat(layers, 1, true)
case "Shortcut":
from := b.Bl.(Shortcut)
addTs := prevYs[int(from)]
last := prevYs[len(prevYs)-1]
ysTs = last.MustAdd(addTs, false) // TODO: Should we delete it?
case "Yolo":
classes := b.Bl.(Yolo).Classes
anchors := b.Bl.(Yolo).Anchors
last := xs
if len(prevYs) > 0 {
last = prevYs[len(prevYs)-1]
dt := detect(last, imageHeight, classes, anchors)
detections = append(detections, dt)
ysTs = ts.NewTensor()
log.Fatalf("Unsupported block type: %v\n", blkTyp.Name())
} // end of Switch
prevYs = append(prevYs, ysTs)
} // end of For loop
return ts.MustCat(detections, 1, true)
return retVal

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ package main
import (
// "flag"
@ -22,6 +24,11 @@ func main() {
var darknet Darknet = ParseConfig(configPath)
fmt.Printf("darknet number of parameters: %v\n", len(darknet.parameters))
fmt.Printf("darknet number of blocks: %v\n", len(darknet.blocks))
fmt.Printf("darknet number of parameters: %v\n", len(darknet.Parameters))
fmt.Printf("darknet number of blocks: %v\n", len(darknet.Blocks))
vs := nn.NewVarStore(gotch.CPU)
model := darknet.BuildModel(vs.Root())
fmt.Printf("Model: %v\n", model)

View File

@ -709,3 +709,25 @@ func AtgUpsampleNearest2d(ptr *Ctensor, self Ctensor, outputSizeData []int64, ou
C.atg_upsample_nearest2d(ptr, self, coutputSizeDataPtr, coutputSizeLen, cscalesH, cscalesW)
// void atg_repeat(tensor *, tensor self, int64_t *repeats_data, int repeats_len);
func AtgRepeat(ptr *Ctensor, self Ctensor, repeatData []int64, repeatLen int) {
crepeatDataPtr := (*C.int64_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&repeatData[0]))
crepeatLen := *(*C.int)(unsafe.Pointer(&repeatLen))
C.atg_repeat(ptr, self, crepeatDataPtr, crepeatLen)
// void atg_contiguous(tensor *, tensor self);
func AtgContiguous(ptr *Ctensor, self Ctensor) {
C.atg_contiguous(ptr, self)
// void atg_transpose(tensor *, tensor self, int64_t dim0, int64_t dim1);
func AtgTranspose(ptr *Ctensor, self Ctensor, dim0 int64, dim1 int64) {
cdim0 := *(*C.int64_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&dim0))
cdim1 := *(*C.int64_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&dim1))
C.atg_transpose(ptr, self, cdim0, cdim1)

View File

@ -2163,3 +2163,82 @@ func (ts Tensor) MustUpsampleNearest2d(outputSize []int64, scalesH, scalesW floa
return retVal
func (ts Tensor) Repeat(repeatData []int64, del bool) (retVal Tensor, err error) {
if del {
defer ts.MustDrop()
ptr := (*lib.Ctensor)(unsafe.Pointer(C.malloc(0)))
lib.AtgRepeat(ptr, ts.ctensor, repeatData, len(repeatData))
err = TorchErr()
if err != nil {
return retVal, err
retVal = Tensor{ctensor: *ptr}
return retVal, nil
func (ts Tensor) MustRepeat(repeatData []int64, del bool) (retVal Tensor) {
retVal, err := ts.Repeat(repeatData, del)
if err != nil {
return retVal
func (ts Tensor) Contiguous(del bool) (retVal Tensor, err error) {
if del {
defer ts.MustDrop()
ptr := (*lib.Ctensor)(unsafe.Pointer(C.malloc(0)))
lib.AtgContiguous(ptr, ts.ctensor)
err = TorchErr()
if err != nil {
return retVal, err
retVal = Tensor{ctensor: *ptr}
return retVal, nil
func (ts Tensor) MustContiguous(del bool) (retVal Tensor) {
retVal, err := ts.Contiguous(del)
if err != nil {
return retVal
func (ts Tensor) Transpose(dim0, dim1 int64, del bool) (retVal Tensor, err error) {
if del {
defer ts.MustDrop()
ptr := (*lib.Ctensor)(unsafe.Pointer(C.malloc(0)))
lib.AtgTranspose(ptr, ts.ctensor, dim0, dim1)
err = TorchErr()
if err != nil {
return retVal, err
retVal = Tensor{ctensor: *ptr}
return retVal, nil
func (ts Tensor) MustTranspose(dim0, dim1 int64, del bool) (retVal Tensor) {
retVal, err := ts.Transpose(dim0, dim1, del)
if err != nil {
return retVal