feat(sysinfo): added sysinfo helper

This commit is contained in:
sugarme 2020-07-08 20:03:34 +10:00
parent 8107d429b6
commit 787734f624
3 changed files with 167 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ func convBn(p nn.Path, cIn, cOut int64) (retVal nn.SequentialT) {
func layer(p nn.Path, cIn, cOut int64) (retVal nn.FuncT) {
pre := convBn(p.Sub("pre"), cIn, cOut)
block1 := convBn(p.Sub("b1"), cOut, cOut)
block2 := convBn(p.Sub("b2"), cOut, cOut)
@ -101,9 +100,16 @@ func main() {
fmt.Printf("TestLabel shape: %v\n", ds.TestLabels.MustSize())
fmt.Printf("Number of labels: %v\n", ds.Labels)
cuda := gotch.CudaBuilder(0)
device := cuda.CudaIfAvailable()
// device := gotch.CPU
var si *gotch.SI
si = gotch.GetSysInfo()
fmt.Printf("Total RAM (MB):\t %8.2f\n", float64(si.TotalRam)/1024)
fmt.Printf("Used RAM (MB):\t %8.2f\n", float64(si.TotalRam-si.FreeRam)/1024)
startRAM := si.TotalRam - si.FreeRam
// cuda := gotch.CudaBuilder(0)
// device := cuda.CudaIfAvailable()
device := gotch.CPU
vs := nn.NewVarStore(device)
@ -122,8 +128,8 @@ func main() {
iter := ts.MustNewIter2(ds.TrainImages, ds.TrainLabels, int64(64))
iter = iter.ToDevice(device)
// iter.Shuffle()
// iter = iter.ToDevice(device)
for {
item, ok := iter.Next()
@ -134,26 +140,25 @@ func main() {
// bimages := vision.Augmentation(item.Data, true, 4, 8)
// logits := net.ForwardT(bimages, true)
bImages := item.Data.MustTo(vs.Device(), true)
bLabels := item.Label.MustTo(vs.Device(), true)
// // logits := net.ForwardT(item.Data, true)
logits := net.ForwardT(bImages, true)
// // loss := logits.CrossEntropyForLogits(item.Label)
loss := logits.CrossEntropyForLogits(bLabels)
logits := net.ForwardT(item.Data, false)
loss := logits.CrossEntropyForLogits(item.Label)
lossVal = loss.Values()[0]
// logits.MustDrop()
fmt.Printf("Epoch:\t %v\tLoss: \t %.2f\n", epoch, lossVal)
si = gotch.GetSysInfo()
fmt.Printf("Epoch %v\t Used: [%8.2f MiB]\n", epoch, (float64(si.TotalRam-si.FreeRam)-float64(startRAM))/1024)
testAcc := ts.BatchAccuracyForLogits(net, ds.TestImages, ds.TestLabels, vs.Device(), 512)

sysinfo.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
// A wrapper around the linux syscall sysinfo(2).
package gotch
// helper to debug memory blow-up
import (
// Go-ized http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/sysinfo.2.html
type SI struct {
Uptime time.Duration // time since boot
Loads [3]float64 // 1, 5, and 15 minute load averages, see e.g. UPTIME(1)
Procs uint64 // number of current processes
TotalRam uint64 // total usable main memory size [kB]
FreeRam uint64 // available memory size [kB]
SharedRam uint64 // amount of shared memory [kB]
BufferRam uint64 // memory used by buffers [kB]
TotalSwap uint64 // total swap space size [kB]
FreeSwap uint64 // swap space still available [kB]
TotalHighRam uint64 // total high memory size [kB]
FreeHighRam uint64 // available high memory size [kB]
mu sync.Mutex // ensures atomic writes; protects the following fields
var sis = &SI{}
// Get the linux sysinfo data structure.
// Useful links in the wild web:
// http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/sysinfo.2.html
// http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/uptime.1.html
// https://github.com/capnm/golang/blob/go1.1.1/src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go#L1050
// https://github.com/capnm/golang/blob/go1.1.1/src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_linux_amd64.go#L528
// https://github.com/capnm/golang/blob/go1.1.1/src/pkg/syscall/ztypes_linux_arm.go#L502
func GetSysInfo() *SI {
// Note: uint64 is uint32 on 32 bit CPUs
type Sysinfo_t struct {
Uptime int64 // Seconds since boot
Loads [3]uint64 // 1, 5, and 15 minute load averages
Totalram uint64 // Total usable main memory size
Freeram uint64 // Available memory size
Sharedram uint64 // Amount of shared memory
Bufferram uint64 // Memory used by buffers
Totalswap uint64 // Total swap space size
Freeswap uint64 // swap space still available
Procs uint16 // Number of current processes
Pad uint16
Pad_cgo_0 [4]byte
Totalhigh uint64 // Total high memory size
Freehigh uint64 // Available high memory size
Unit uint32 // Memory unit size in bytes
X_f [0]byte
Pad_cgo_1 [4]byte // Padding to 64 bytes
// ~1kB garbage
si := &syscall.Sysinfo_t{}
// XXX is a raw syscall thread safe?
err := syscall.Sysinfo(si)
if err != nil {
panic("Commander, we have a problem. syscall.Sysinfo:" + err.Error())
scale := 65536.0 // magic
defer sis.mu.Unlock()
unit := uint64(si.Unit) * 1024 // kB
sis.Uptime = time.Duration(si.Uptime) * time.Second
sis.Loads[0] = float64(si.Loads[0]) / scale
sis.Loads[1] = float64(si.Loads[1]) / scale
sis.Loads[2] = float64(si.Loads[2]) / scale
sis.Procs = uint64(si.Procs)
sis.TotalRam = uint64(si.Totalram) / unit
sis.FreeRam = uint64(si.Freeram) / unit
sis.BufferRam = uint64(si.Bufferram) / unit
sis.TotalSwap = uint64(si.Totalswap) / unit
sis.FreeSwap = uint64(si.Freeswap) / unit
sis.TotalHighRam = uint64(si.Totalhigh) / unit
sis.FreeHighRam = uint64(si.Freehigh) / unit
return sis
// Make the "fmt" Stringer interface happy.
func (si SI) String() string {
// XXX: Is the copy of SI done atomic? Not sure.
// Without an outer lock this may print a junk.
return fmt.Sprintf("uptime\t\t%v\nload\t\t%2.2f %2.2f %2.2f\nprocs\t\t%d\n"+
"ram total\t%d kB\nram free\t%d kB\nram buffer\t%d kB\n"+
"swap total\t%d kB\nswap free\t%d kB",
//"high ram total\t%d kB\nhigh ram free\t%d kB\n"
si.Uptime, si.Loads[0], si.Loads[1], si.Loads[2], si.Procs,
si.TotalRam, si.FreeRam, si.BufferRam,
si.TotalSwap, si.FreeSwap,
// archaic si.TotalHighRam, si.FreeHighRam
Convert to string in a thread safe way.
uptime 279h6m21s
load 0.12 0.04 0.05
procs 143
ram total 383752 kB
ram free 254980 kB
ram buffer 7640 kB
swap total 887800 kB
swap free 879356 kB
func (si *SI) ToString() string {
defer si.mu.Unlock()
return si.String()

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@ -43,9 +43,23 @@ func NewIter2(xs, ys Tensor, batchSize int64) (retVal Iter2, err error) {
return retVal, err
xsClone, err := xs.ZerosLike(false)
if err != nil {
ysClone, err := ys.ZerosLike(false)
if err != nil {
retVal = Iter2{
xs: xs.MustShallowClone(),
ys: ys.MustShallowClone(),
// xs: xs.MustShallowClone(),
// ys: ys.MustShallowClone(),
xs: xsClone,
ys: ysClone,
batchIndex: 0,
batchSize: batchSize,
totalSize: totalSize,
@ -134,3 +148,8 @@ func (it *Iter2) Next() (item Iter2Item, ok bool) {
}, true
func (it Iter2) Drop() {