
1962 lines
51 KiB

package models_train
import (
model_classes "git.andr3h3nriqu3s.com/andr3/fyp/logic/models/classes"
. "git.andr3h3nriqu3s.com/andr3/fyp/logic/models/utils"
. "git.andr3h3nriqu3s.com/andr3/fyp/logic/utils"
const EPOCH_PER_RUN = 20
const MAX_EPOCH = 100
func shapeToSize(shape string) string {
split := strings.Split(shape, ",")
return strings.Join(split[:len(split)-1], ",")
func getDir() string {
dir, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return dir
// This function creates a new model_definition
func MakeDefenition(db *sql.DB, model_id string, target_accuracy int) (id string, err error) {
id = ""
rows, err := db.Query("insert into model_definition (model_id, target_accuracy) values ($1, $2) returning id;", model_id, target_accuracy)
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
if !rows.Next() {
return id, errors.New("Something wrong!")
err = rows.Scan(&id)
func ModelDefinitionUpdateStatus(c *Context, id string, status ModelDefinitionStatus) (err error) {
_, err = c.Db.Exec("update model_definition set status = $1 where id = $2", status, id)
func MakeLayer(db *sql.DB, def_id string, layer_order int, layer_type LayerType, shape string) (err error) {
_, err = db.Exec("insert into model_definition_layer (def_id, layer_order, layer_type, shape) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)", def_id, layer_order, layer_type, shape)
func MakeLayerExpandable(db *sql.DB, def_id string, layer_order int, layer_type LayerType, shape string, exp_type int) (err error) {
_, err = db.Exec("insert into model_definition_layer (def_id, layer_order, layer_type, shape, exp_type) values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)", def_id, layer_order, layer_type, shape, exp_type)
func generateCvs(c *Context, run_path string, model_id string) (count int, err error) {
var co struct {
Count int `db:"count(*)"`
err = GetDBOnce(c, &co, "model_classes where model_id=$1;", model_id)
if err != nil {
count = co.Count
data, err := c.Db.Query("select mdp.id, mc.class_order, mdp.file_path from model_data_point as mdp inner join model_classes as mc on mc.id = mdp.class_id where mc.model_id = $1 and mdp.model_mode=$2;", model_id, model_classes.DATA_POINT_MODE_TRAINING)
if err != nil {
defer data.Close()
f, err := os.Create(path.Join(run_path, "train.csv"))
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
for data.Next() {
var id string
var class_order int
var file_path string
if err = data.Scan(&id, &class_order, &file_path); err != nil {
if file_path == "id://" {
f.Write([]byte(id + "," + strconv.Itoa(class_order) + "\n"))
} else {
return count, errors.New("TODO generateCvs to file_path " + file_path)
func setModelClassStatus(c *Context, status ModelClassStatus, filter string, args ...any) (err error) {
_, err = c.Db.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("update model_classes set status=%d where %s", status, filter), args...)
func generateCvsExp(c *Context, run_path string, model_id string, doPanic bool) (count int, err error) {
var co struct {
Count int `db:"count(*)"`
err = GetDBOnce(c, &co, "model_classes where model_id=$1 and status=$2;", model_id, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TRAINING)
if err != nil {
count = co.Count
if count == 0 {
err = setModelClassStatus(c, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TRAINING, "model_id=$1 and status=$2;", model_id, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TO_TRAIN)
if err != nil {
if doPanic {
return 0, errors.New("No model classes available")
return generateCvsExp(c, run_path, model_id, true)
data, err := c.Db.Query("select mdp.id, mc.class_order, mdp.file_path from model_data_point as mdp inner join model_classes as mc on mc.id = mdp.class_id where mc.model_id = $1 and mdp.model_mode=$2 and mc.status=$3;", model_id, model_classes.DATA_POINT_MODE_TRAINING, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TRAINING)
if err != nil {
defer data.Close()
f, err := os.Create(path.Join(run_path, "train.csv"))
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
for data.Next() {
var id string
var class_order int
var file_path string
if err = data.Scan(&id, &class_order, &file_path); err != nil {
if file_path == "id://" {
f.Write([]byte(id + "," + strconv.Itoa(class_order) + "\n"))
} else {
return count, errors.New("TODO generateCvs to file_path " + file_path)
func trainDefinition(c *Context, model *BaseModel, definition_id string, load_prev bool) (accuracy float64, err error) {
c.Logger.Warn("About to start training definition")
accuracy = 0
layers, err := c.Db.Query("select layer_type, shape from model_definition_layer where def_id=$1 order by layer_order asc;", definition_id)
if err != nil {
defer layers.Close()
type layerrow struct {
LayerType int
Shape string
LayerNum int
got := []layerrow{}
i := 1
for layers.Next() {
var row = layerrow{}
if err = layers.Scan(&row.LayerType, &row.Shape); err != nil {
row.Shape = shapeToSize(row.Shape)
row.LayerNum = 1
got = append(got, row)
i = i + 1
// Generate run folder
run_path := path.Join("/tmp", model.Id, "defs", definition_id)
err = os.MkdirAll(run_path, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
classCount, err := generateCvs(c, run_path, model.Id)
if err != nil {
// Create python script
f, err := os.Create(path.Join(run_path, "run.py"))
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
tmpl, err := template.New("python_model_template.py").ParseFiles("views/py/python_model_template.py")
if err != nil {
// Copy result around
result_path := path.Join("savedData", model.Id, "defs", definition_id)
if err = tmpl.Execute(f, AnyMap{
"Layers": got,
"Size": got[0].Shape,
"DataDir": path.Join(getDir(), "savedData", model.Id, "data"),
"RunPath": run_path,
"ColorMode": model.ImageMode,
"Model": model,
"DefId": definition_id,
"LoadPrev": load_prev,
"LastModelRunPath": path.Join(getDir(), result_path, "model.keras"),
"SaveModelPath": path.Join(getDir(), result_path),
"Depth": classCount,
"StartPoint": 0,
"Host": (*c.Handle).Config.Hostname,
}); err != nil {
// Run the command
out, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && python run.py", run_path)).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Info("Python finished running")
if err = os.MkdirAll(result_path, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
accuracy_file, err := os.Open(path.Join(run_path, "accuracy.val"))
if err != nil {
defer accuracy_file.Close()
accuracy_file_bytes, err := io.ReadAll(accuracy_file)
if err != nil {
accuracy, err = strconv.ParseFloat(string(accuracy_file_bytes), 64)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Info("Model finished training!", "accuracy", accuracy)
func generateCvsExpandExp(c *Context, run_path string, model_id string, offset int, doPanic bool) (count_re int, err error) {
var co struct {
Count int `db:"count(*)"`
err = GetDBOnce(c, &co, "model_classes where model_id=$1 and status=$2;", model_id, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TRAINING)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Info("test here", "count", co)
count_re = co.Count
count := co.Count
if count == 0 {
err = setModelClassStatus(c, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TRAINING, "model_id=$1 and status=$2;", model_id, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TO_TRAIN)
if err != nil {
} else if doPanic {
return 0, errors.New("No model classes available")
return generateCvsExpandExp(c, run_path, model_id, offset, true)
data, err := c.Db.Query("select mdp.id, mc.class_order, mdp.file_path from model_data_point as mdp inner join model_classes as mc on mc.id = mdp.class_id where mc.model_id = $1 and mdp.model_mode=$2 and mc.status=$3;", model_id, model_classes.DATA_POINT_MODE_TRAINING, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TRAINING)
if err != nil {
defer data.Close()
f, err := os.Create(path.Join(run_path, "train.csv"))
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
count = 0
for data.Next() {
var id string
var class_order int
var file_path string
if err = data.Scan(&id, &class_order, &file_path); err != nil {
if file_path == "id://" {
f.Write([]byte(id + "," + strconv.Itoa(class_order-offset) + "\n"))
} else {
return count, errors.New("TODO generateCvs to file_path " + file_path)
count += 1
// This is to load some extra data so that the model has more things to train on
data_other, err := c.Db.Query("select mdp.id, mc.class_order, mdp.file_path from model_data_point as mdp inner join model_classes as mc on mc.id = mdp.class_id where mc.model_id = $1 and mdp.model_mode=$2 and mc.status=$3 limit $4;", model_id, model_classes.DATA_POINT_MODE_TRAINING, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TRAINED, count * 10)
if err != nil {
defer data_other.Close()
for data_other.Next() {
var id string
var class_order int
var file_path string
if err = data_other.Scan(&id, &class_order, &file_path); err != nil {
if file_path == "id://" {
f.Write([]byte(id + "," + strconv.Itoa(-1) + "\n"))
} else {
return count, errors.New("TODO generateCvs to file_path " + file_path)
func trainDefinitionExpandExp(c *Context, model *BaseModel, definition_id string, load_prev bool) (accuracy float64, err error) {
accuracy = 0
c.Logger.Warn("About to retrain model")
// Get untrained models heads
type ExpHead struct {
Id string
Start int `db:"range_start"`
End int `db:"range_end"`
// status = 2 (INIT) 3 (TRAINING)
heads, err := GetDbMultitple[ExpHead](c, "exp_model_head where def_id=$1 and (status = 2 or status = 3)", definition_id)
if err != nil {
} else if len(heads) == 0 {
log.Error("Failed to get the exp head of the model")
} else if len(heads) != 1 {
log.Error("This training function can only train one model at the time")
err = errors.New("This training function can only train one model at the time")
exp := heads[0]
c.Logger.Info("Got exp head", "head", exp)
if err = UpdateStatus(c, "exp_model_head", exp.Id, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_TRAINING); err != nil {
layers, err := c.Db.Query("select layer_type, shape, exp_type from model_definition_layer where def_id=$1 order by layer_order asc;", definition_id)
if err != nil {
defer layers.Close()
type layerrow struct {
LayerType int
Shape string
ExpType int
LayerNum int
got := []layerrow{}
i := 1
var last *layerrow = nil
got_2 := false
var first *layerrow = nil
for layers.Next() {
var row = layerrow{}
if err = layers.Scan(&row.LayerType, &row.Shape, &row.ExpType); err != nil {
// Keep track of the first layer so we can keep the size of the image
if first == nil {
first = &row
row.LayerNum = i
row.Shape = shapeToSize(row.Shape)
if row.ExpType == 2 {
if !got_2 {
got = append(got, *last)
got_2 = true
got = append(got, row)
last = &row
i += 1
got = append(got, layerrow{
Shape: fmt.Sprintf("%d", exp.End-exp.Start+1),
ExpType: 2,
LayerNum: i,
c.Logger.Info("Got layers", "layers", got)
// Generate run folder
run_path := path.Join("/tmp", model.Id+"-defs-"+definition_id+"-retrain")
err = os.MkdirAll(run_path, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
classCount, err := generateCvsExpandExp(c, run_path, model.Id, exp.Start, false)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Info("Generated cvs", "classCount", classCount)
// TODO update the run script
// Create python script
f, err := os.Create(path.Join(run_path, "run.py"))
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
c.Logger.Info("About to run python!")
tmpl, err := template.New("python_model_template_expand.py").ParseFiles("views/py/python_model_template_expand.py")
if err != nil {
// Copy result around
result_path := path.Join("savedData", model.Id, "defs", definition_id)
if err = tmpl.Execute(f, AnyMap{
"Layers": got,
"Size": first.Shape,
"DataDir": path.Join(getDir(), "savedData", model.Id, "data"),
"HeadId": exp.Id,
"RunPath": run_path,
"ColorMode": model.ImageMode,
"Model": model,
"LoadPrev": load_prev,
"BaseModel": path.Join(getDir(), result_path, "base", "model.keras"),
"LastModelRunPath": path.Join(getDir(), result_path, "head", exp.Id, "model.keras"),
"SaveModelPath": path.Join(getDir(), result_path, "head", exp.Id),
"Depth": classCount,
"StartPoint": 0,
"Host": (*c.Handle).Config.Hostname,
}); err != nil {
// Run the command
out, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && python run.py", run_path)).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Warn("Python failed to run", "err", err, "out", string(out))
c.Logger.Info("Python finished running")
if err = os.MkdirAll(result_path, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
accuracy_file, err := os.Open(path.Join(run_path, "accuracy.val"))
if err != nil {
defer accuracy_file.Close()
accuracy_file_bytes, err := io.ReadAll(accuracy_file)
if err != nil {
accuracy, err = strconv.ParseFloat(string(accuracy_file_bytes), 64)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Info("Model finished training!", "accuracy", accuracy)
func trainDefinitionExp(c *Context, model *BaseModel, definition_id string, load_prev bool) (accuracy float64, err error) {
accuracy = 0
c.Logger.Warn("About to start training definition")
// Get untrained models heads
type ExpHead struct {
Id string
Start int `db:"range_start"`
End int `db:"range_end"`
// status = 2 (INIT) 3 (TRAINING)
heads, err := GetDbMultitple[ExpHead](c, "exp_model_head where def_id=$1 and (status = 2 or status = 3)", definition_id)
if err != nil {
} else if len(heads) == 0 {
log.Error("Failed to get the exp head of the model")
} else if len(heads) != 1 {
log.Error("This training function can only train one model at the time")
err = errors.New("This training function can only train one model at the time")
exp := heads[0]
if err = UpdateStatus(c, "exp_model_head", exp.Id, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_TRAINING); err != nil {
layers, err := c.Db.Query("select layer_type, shape, exp_type from model_definition_layer where def_id=$1 order by layer_order asc;", definition_id)
if err != nil {
defer layers.Close()
type layerrow struct {
LayerType int
Shape string
ExpType int
LayerNum int
got := []layerrow{}
i := 1
for layers.Next() {
var row = layerrow{}
if err = layers.Scan(&row.LayerType, &row.Shape, &row.ExpType); err != nil {
row.LayerNum = i
row.Shape = shapeToSize(row.Shape)
got = append(got, row)
i += 1
got = append(got, layerrow{
Shape: fmt.Sprintf("%d", exp.End-exp.Start+1),
ExpType: 2,
LayerNum: i,
// Generate run folder
run_path := path.Join("/tmp", model.Id+"-defs-"+definition_id)
err = os.MkdirAll(run_path, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
classCount, err := generateCvsExp(c, run_path, model.Id, false)
if err != nil {
// TODO update the run script
// Create python script
f, err := os.Create(path.Join(run_path, "run.py"))
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
tmpl, err := template.New("python_model_template.py").ParseFiles("views/py/python_model_template.py")
if err != nil {
// Copy result around
result_path := path.Join("savedData", model.Id, "defs", definition_id)
if err = tmpl.Execute(f, AnyMap{
"Layers": got,
"Size": got[0].Shape,
"DataDir": path.Join(getDir(), "savedData", model.Id, "data"),
"HeadId": exp.Id,
"RunPath": run_path,
"ColorMode": model.ImageMode,
"Model": model,
"LoadPrev": load_prev,
"LastModelRunPath": path.Join(getDir(), result_path, "model.keras"),
"SaveModelPath": path.Join(getDir(), result_path),
"Depth": classCount,
"StartPoint": 0,
"Host": (*c.Handle).Config.Hostname,
}); err != nil {
// Run the command
out, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && python run.py", run_path)).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Info("Python finished running")
if err = os.MkdirAll(result_path, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
accuracy_file, err := os.Open(path.Join(run_path, "accuracy.val"))
if err != nil {
defer accuracy_file.Close()
accuracy_file_bytes, err := io.ReadAll(accuracy_file)
if err != nil {
accuracy, err = strconv.ParseFloat(string(accuracy_file_bytes), 64)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Info("Model finished training!", "accuracy", accuracy)
func remove[T interface{}](lst []T, i int) []T {
lng := len(lst)
if i >= lng {
return []T{}
if i+1 >= lng {
return lst[:lng-1]
if i == 0 {
return lst[1:]
return append(lst[:i], lst[i+1:]...)
type TrainModelRow struct {
id string
target_accuracy int
epoch int
acuracy float64
type TraingModelRowDefinitions []TrainModelRow
func (nf TraingModelRowDefinitions) Len() int { return len(nf) }
func (nf TraingModelRowDefinitions) Swap(i, j int) { nf[i], nf[j] = nf[j], nf[i] }
func (nf TraingModelRowDefinitions) Less(i, j int) bool {
return nf[i].acuracy < nf[j].acuracy
type ToRemoveList []int
func (nf ToRemoveList) Len() int { return len(nf) }
func (nf ToRemoveList) Swap(i, j int) { nf[i], nf[j] = nf[j], nf[i] }
func (nf ToRemoveList) Less(i, j int) bool {
return nf[i] < nf[j]
func trainModel(c *Context, model *BaseModel) {
definitionsRows, err := c.Db.Query("select id, target_accuracy, epoch from model_definition where status=$1 and model_id=$2", MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_INIT, model.Id)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Failed to train Model! Err:")
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_TRAINING)
defer definitionsRows.Close()
var definitions TraingModelRowDefinitions = []TrainModelRow{}
for definitionsRows.Next() {
var rowv TrainModelRow
rowv.acuracy = 0
if err = definitionsRows.Scan(&rowv.id, &rowv.target_accuracy, &rowv.epoch); err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Failed to train Model Could not read definition from db!Err:")
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_TRAINING)
definitions = append(definitions, rowv)
if len(definitions) == 0 {
c.Logger.Error("No Definitions defined!")
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_TRAINING)
firstRound := true
finished := false
for {
var toRemove ToRemoveList = []int{}
for i, def := range definitions {
ModelDefinitionUpdateStatus(c, def.id, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_TRAINING)
accuracy, err := trainDefinition(c, model, def.id, !firstRound)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Failed to train definition!Err:", "err", err)
ModelDefinitionUpdateStatus(c, def.id, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_FAILED_TRAINING)
toRemove = append(toRemove, i)
def.epoch += EPOCH_PER_RUN
accuracy = accuracy * 100
def.acuracy = float64(accuracy)
definitions[i].epoch += EPOCH_PER_RUN
definitions[i].acuracy = accuracy
if accuracy >= float64(def.target_accuracy) {
c.Logger.Info("Found a definition that reaches target_accuracy!")
_, err = c.Db.Exec("update model_definition set accuracy=$1, status=$2, epoch=$3 where id=$4", accuracy, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_TRANIED, def.epoch, def.id)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Failed to train definition!Err:\n", "err", err)
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_TRAINING)
_, err = c.Db.Exec("update model_definition set status=$1 where id!=$2 and model_id=$3 and status!=$4", MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_CANCELD_TRAINING, def.id, model.Id, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_FAILED_TRAINING)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Failed to train definition!Err:\n", "err", err)
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_TRAINING)
finished = true
if def.epoch > MAX_EPOCH {
fmt.Printf("Failed to train definition! Accuracy less %f < %d\n", accuracy, def.target_accuracy)
ModelDefinitionUpdateStatus(c, def.id, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_FAILED_TRAINING)
toRemove = append(toRemove, i)
_, err = c.Db.Exec("update model_definition set accuracy=$1, epoch=$2, status=$3 where id=$4", accuracy, def.epoch, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_PAUSED_TRAINING, def.id)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Failed to train definition!Err:\n", "err", err)
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_TRAINING)
firstRound = false
if finished {
c.Logger.Info("Round done", "toRemove", toRemove)
for _, n := range toRemove {
definitions = remove(definitions, n)
len_def := len(definitions)
if len_def == 0 {
if len_def == 1 {
acc := definitions[0].acuracy - 20.0
c.Logger.Info("Training models, Highest acc", "acc", definitions[0].acuracy, "mod_acc", acc)
toRemove = []int{}
for i, def := range definitions {
if def.acuracy < acc {
toRemove = append(toRemove, i)
c.Logger.Info("Removing due to accuracy", "toRemove", toRemove)
for _, n := range toRemove {
c.Logger.Warn("Removing definition not fast enough learning", "n", n)
ModelDefinitionUpdateStatus(c, definitions[n].id, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_FAILED_TRAINING)
definitions = remove(definitions, n)
rows, err := c.Db.Query("select id from model_definition where model_id=$1 and status=$2 order by accuracy desc limit 1;", model.Id, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_TRANIED)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("DB: failed to read definition")
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_TRAINING)
defer rows.Close()
if !rows.Next() {
// TODO Make the Model status have a message
c.Logger.Error("All definitions failed to train!")
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_TRAINING)
var id string
if err = rows.Scan(&id); err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Failed to read id:")
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_TRAINING)
if _, err = c.Db.Exec("update model_definition set status=$1 where id=$2;", MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_READY, id); err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Failed to update model definition")
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_TRAINING)
to_delete, err := c.Db.Query("select id from model_definition where status != $1 and model_id=$2", MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_READY, model.Id)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Failed to select model_definition to delete")
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_TRAINING)
defer to_delete.Close()
for to_delete.Next() {
var id string
if err = to_delete.Scan(&id); err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Failed to scan the id of a model_definition to delete")
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_TRAINING)
os.RemoveAll(path.Join("savedData", model.Id, "defs", id))
// TODO Check if returning also works here
if _, err = c.Db.Exec("delete from model_definition where status!=$1 and model_id=$2;", MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_READY, model.Id); err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Failed to delete model_definition")
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_TRAINING)
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, READY)
type TrainModelRowUsable struct {
Id string
TargetAccuracy int `db:"target_accuracy"`
Epoch int
Acuracy float64 `db:"0"`
type TrainModelRowUsables []*TrainModelRowUsable
func (nf TrainModelRowUsables) Len() int { return len(nf) }
func (nf TrainModelRowUsables) Swap(i, j int) { nf[i], nf[j] = nf[j], nf[i] }
func (nf TrainModelRowUsables) Less(i, j int) bool {
return nf[i].Acuracy < nf[j].Acuracy
func trainModelExp(c *Context, model *BaseModel) {
var err error = nil
failed := func(msg string) {
c.Logger.Error(msg, "err", err)
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_TRAINING)
var definitions TrainModelRowUsables
definitions, err = GetDbMultitple[TrainModelRowUsable](c, "model_definition where status=$1 and model_id=$2", MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_INIT, model.Id)
if err != nil {
failed("Failed to get definitions")
if len(definitions) == 0 {
failed("No Definitions defined!")
firstRound := true
finished := false
for {
var toRemove ToRemoveList = []int{}
for i, def := range definitions {
ModelDefinitionUpdateStatus(c, def.Id, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_TRAINING)
accuracy, err := trainDefinitionExp(c, model, def.Id, !firstRound)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Failed to train definition!Err:", "err", err)
toRemove = append(toRemove, i)
def.Epoch += EPOCH_PER_RUN
accuracy = accuracy * 100
def.Acuracy = float64(accuracy)
definitions[i].Epoch += EPOCH_PER_RUN
definitions[i].Acuracy = accuracy
if accuracy >= float64(def.TargetAccuracy) {
c.Logger.Info("Found a definition that reaches target_accuracy!")
_, err = c.Db.Exec("update model_definition set accuracy=$1, status=$2, epoch=$3 where id=$4", accuracy, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_TRANIED, def.Epoch, def.Id)
if err != nil {
failed("Failed to train definition!")
_, err = c.Db.Exec("update model_definition set status=$1 where id!=$2 and model_id=$3 and status!=$4", MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_CANCELD_TRAINING, def.Id, model.Id, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_FAILED_TRAINING)
if err != nil {
failed("Failed to train definition!")
_, err = c.Db.Exec("update exp_model_head set status=$1 where def_id=$2;", MODEL_HEAD_STATUS_READY, def.Id)
if err != nil {
failed("Failed to train definition!")
finished = true
if def.Epoch > MAX_EPOCH {
fmt.Printf("Failed to train definition! Accuracy less %f < %d\n", accuracy, def.TargetAccuracy)
toRemove = append(toRemove, i)
_, err = c.Db.Exec("update model_definition set accuracy=$1, epoch=$2, status=$3 where id=$4", accuracy, def.Epoch, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_PAUSED_TRAINING, def.Id)
if err != nil {
failed("Failed to train definition!")
firstRound = false
if finished {
c.Logger.Info("Round done", "toRemove", toRemove)
for _, n := range toRemove {
definitions = remove(definitions, n)
len_def := len(definitions)
if len_def == 0 {
} else if len_def == 1 {
acc := definitions[0].Acuracy - 20.0
c.Logger.Info("Training models, Highest acc", "acc", definitions[0].Acuracy, "mod_acc", acc)
toRemove = []int{}
for i, def := range definitions {
if def.Acuracy < acc {
toRemove = append(toRemove, i)
c.Logger.Info("Removing due to accuracy", "toRemove", toRemove)
for _, n := range toRemove {
c.Logger.Warn("Removing definition not fast enough learning", "n", n)
ModelDefinitionUpdateStatus(c, definitions[n].Id, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_FAILED_TRAINING)
definitions = remove(definitions, n)
var dat JustId
err = GetDBOnce(c, &dat, "model_definition where model_id=$1 and status=$2 order by accuracy desc limit 1;", model.Id, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_TRANIED)
if err == NotFoundError {
// Set the class status to trained
err = setModelClassStatus(c, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TO_TRAIN, "model_id=$1 and status=$2;", model.Id, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TRAINING)
if err != nil {
failed("All definitions failed to train! And Failed to set class status")
failed("All definitions failed to train!")
} else if err != nil {
failed("DB: failed to read definition")
if _, err = c.Db.Exec("update model_definition set status=$1 where id=$2;", MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_READY, dat.Id); err != nil {
failed("Failed to update model definition")
to_delete, err := GetDbMultitple[JustId](c, "model_definition where status!=$1 and model_id=$2", MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_READY, model.Id)
if err != nil {
failed("Failed to select model_definition to delete")
for _, d := range to_delete {
os.RemoveAll(path.Join("savedData", model.Id, "defs", d.Id))
// TODO Check if returning also works here
if _, err = c.Db.Exec("delete from model_definition where status!=$1 and model_id=$2;", MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_READY, model.Id); err != nil {
failed("Failed to delete model_definition")
if err = splitModel(c, model); err != nil {
err = setModelClassStatus(c, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TO_TRAIN, "model_id=$1 and status=$2;", model.Id, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TRAINING)
if err != nil {
failed("Failed to split the model! And Failed to set class status")
failed("Failed to split the model")
// Set the class status to trained
err = setModelClassStatus(c, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TRAINED, "model_id=$1 and status=$2;", model.Id, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TRAINING)
if err != nil {
failed("Failed to set class status")
// There should only be one def availabale
def := JustId{}
if err = GetDBOnce(c, &def, "model_definition where model_id=$1", model.Id); err != nil {
// Remove the base model
c.Logger.Warn("Removing base model for", "model", model.Id, "def", def.Id)
os.RemoveAll(path.Join("savedData", model.Id, "defs", def.Id, "model"))
os.RemoveAll(path.Join("savedData", model.Id, "defs", def.Id, "model.keras"))
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, READY)
func splitModel(c *Context, model *BaseModel) (err error) {
def := JustId{}
if err = GetDBOnce(c, &def, "model_definition where model_id=$1", model.Id); err != nil {
head := JustId{}
if err = GetDBOnce(c, &head, "exp_model_head where def_id=$1", def.Id); err != nil {
// Generate run folder
run_path := path.Join("/tmp", model.Id+"-defs-"+def.Id+"-split")
err = os.MkdirAll(run_path, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
// Create python script
f, err := os.Create(path.Join(run_path, "run.py"))
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
tmpl, err := template.New("python_split_model_template.py").ParseFiles("views/py/python_split_model_template.py")
if err != nil {
// Copy result around
result_path := path.Join(getDir(), "savedData", model.Id, "defs", def.Id)
// TODO maybe move this to a select count(*)
// Get only fixed lawers
layers, err := c.Db.Query("select exp_type from model_definition_layer where def_id=$1 and exp_type=$2 order by layer_order asc;", def.Id, 1)
if err != nil {
defer layers.Close()
type layerrow struct {
ExpType int
count := -1
for layers.Next() {
count += 1
if count == -1 {
err = errors.New("Can not get layers")
log.Warn("Spliting model", "def", def.Id, "head", head.Id, "count", count)
basePath := path.Join(result_path, "base")
headPath := path.Join(result_path, "head", head.Id)
if err = os.MkdirAll(basePath, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
if err = os.MkdirAll(headPath, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
if err = tmpl.Execute(f, AnyMap{
"SplitLen": count,
"ModelPath": path.Join(result_path, "model.keras"),
"BaseModelPath": basePath,
"HeadModelPath": headPath,
}); err != nil {
out, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && python run.py", run_path)).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Info("Python finished running")
func removeFailedDataPoints(c *Context, model *BaseModel) (err error) {
rows, err := c.Db.Query("select mdp.id from model_data_point as mdp join model_classes as mc on mc.id=mdp.class_id where mc.model_id=$1 and mdp.status=-1;", model.Id)
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
base_path := path.Join("savedData", model.Id, "data")
for rows.Next() {
var dataPointId string
err = rows.Scan(&dataPointId)
if err != nil {
p := path.Join(base_path, dataPointId+"."+model.Format)
c.Logger.Warn("Removing image", "path", p)
err = os.RemoveAll(p)
if err != nil {
_, err = c.Db.Exec("delete from model_data_point as mdp using model_classes as mc where mdp.class_id = mc.id and mc.model_id=$1 and mdp.status=-1;", model.Id)
// This generates a definition
func generateDefinition(c *Context, model *BaseModel, target_accuracy int, number_of_classes int, complexity int) *Error {
var err error = nil
failed := func() *Error {
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_PREPARING_TRAINING)
// TODO improve this response
return c.Error500(err)
def_id, err := MakeDefenition(c.Db, model.Id, target_accuracy)
if err != nil {
return failed()
order := 1
// Note the shape of the first layer defines the import size
if complexity == 2 {
// Note the shape for now is no used
width := int(math.Pow(2, math.Floor(math.Log(float64(model.Width))/math.Log(2.0))))
height := int(math.Pow(2, math.Floor(math.Log(float64(model.Height))/math.Log(2.0))))
c.Logger.Warn("Complexity 2 creating model with smaller size", "width", width, "height", height)
err = MakeLayer(c.Db, def_id, order, LAYER_INPUT, fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d,1", width, height))
if err != nil {
return failed()
} else {
err = MakeLayer(c.Db, def_id, order, LAYER_INPUT, fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d,1", model.Width, model.Height))
if err != nil {
return failed()
if complexity == 0 {
err = MakeLayer(c.Db, def_id, order, LAYER_FLATTEN, "")
if err != nil {
return failed()
loop := int(math.Log2(float64(number_of_classes)))
for i := 0; i < loop; i++ {
err = MakeLayer(c.Db, def_id, order, LAYER_DENSE, fmt.Sprintf("%d,1", number_of_classes*(loop-i)))
if err != nil {
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_PREPARING_TRAINING)
// TODO improve this response
return c.Error500(err)
} else if complexity == 1 || complexity == 2 {
loop := int((math.Log(float64(model.Width)) / math.Log(float64(10))))
if loop == 0 {
loop = 1
for i := 0; i < loop; i++ {
err = MakeLayer(c.Db, def_id, order, LAYER_SIMPLE_BLOCK, "")
if err != nil {
return failed()
err = MakeLayer(c.Db, def_id, order, LAYER_FLATTEN, "")
if err != nil {
return failed()
loop = int((math.Log(float64(number_of_classes)) / math.Log(float64(10))) / 2)
if loop == 0 {
loop = 1
for i := 0; i < loop; i++ {
err = MakeLayer(c.Db, def_id, order, LAYER_DENSE, fmt.Sprintf("%d,1", number_of_classes*(loop-i)))
if err != nil {
return failed()
} else {
c.Logger.Error("Unkown complexity", "complexity", complexity)
return failed()
err = ModelDefinitionUpdateStatus(c, def_id, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_INIT)
if err != nil {
return failed()
return nil
func generateDefinitions(c *Context, model *BaseModel, target_accuracy int, number_of_models int) *Error {
cls, err := model_classes.ListClasses(c, model.Id)
if err != nil {
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_PREPARING_TRAINING)
// TODO improve this response
return c.Error500(err)
err = removeFailedDataPoints(c, model)
if err != nil {
return c.Error500(err)
cls_len := len(cls)
if number_of_models == 1 {
if model.Width < 100 && model.Height < 100 && cls_len < 30 {
generateDefinition(c, model, target_accuracy, cls_len, 0)
} else if model.Width > 100 && model.Height > 100 {
generateDefinition(c, model, target_accuracy, cls_len, 2)
} else {
generateDefinition(c, model, target_accuracy, cls_len, 1)
} else if number_of_models == 3 {
for i := 0; i < number_of_models; i++ {
generateDefinition(c, model, target_accuracy, cls_len, i)
} else {
// TODO handle incrisea the complexity
for i := 0; i < number_of_models; i++ {
generateDefinition(c, model, target_accuracy, cls_len, 0)
return nil
func CreateExpModelHead(c *Context, def_id string, range_start int, range_end int, status ModelDefinitionStatus) (id string, err error) {
rows, err := c.Db.Query("insert into exp_model_head (def_id, range_start, range_end, status) values ($1, $2, $3, $4) returning id", def_id, range_start, range_end, status)
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
if !rows.Next() {
c.Logger.Error("Could not get status of model definition")
err = errors.New("Could not get status of model definition")
err = rows.Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
func ExpModelHeadUpdateStatus(db *sql.DB, id string, status ModelDefinitionStatus) (err error) {
_, err = db.Exec("update model_definition set status = $1 where id = $2", status, id)
// This generates a definition
func generateExpandableDefinition(c *Context, model *BaseModel, target_accuracy int, number_of_classes int, complexity int) *Error {
c.Logger.Info("Generating expandable new definition for model", "id", model.Id, "complexity", complexity)
var err error = nil
failed := func() *Error {
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_PREPARING_TRAINING)
// TODO improve this response
return c.Error500(err)
if complexity == 0 {
return failed()
def_id, err := MakeDefenition(c.Db, model.Id, target_accuracy)
if err != nil {
return failed()
order := 1
width := model.Width
height := model.Height
// Note the shape of the first layer defines the import size
if complexity == 2 {
// Note the shape for now is no used
width := int(math.Pow(2, math.Floor(math.Log(float64(model.Width))/math.Log(2.0))))
height := int(math.Pow(2, math.Floor(math.Log(float64(model.Height))/math.Log(2.0))))
c.Logger.Warn("Complexity 2 creating model with smaller size", "width", width, "height", height)
err = MakeLayerExpandable(c.Db, def_id, order, LAYER_INPUT, fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d,1", width, height), 1)
// handle the errors inside the pervious if block
if err != nil {
return failed()
// Create the blocks
loop := int((math.Log(float64(model.Width)) / math.Log(float64(10))))
if model.Width < 50 && model.Height < 50 {
loop = 0
log.Info("Size of the simple block", "loop", loop)
//loop = max(loop, 3)
for i := 0; i < loop; i++ {
err = MakeLayerExpandable(c.Db, def_id, order, LAYER_SIMPLE_BLOCK, "", 1)
if err != nil {
return failed()
// Flatten the blocks into dense
err = MakeLayerExpandable(c.Db, def_id, order, LAYER_FLATTEN, "", 1)
if err != nil {
return failed()
// Flatten the blocks into dense
err = MakeLayerExpandable(c.Db, def_id, order, LAYER_DENSE, fmt.Sprintf("%d,1", number_of_classes*2), 1)
if err != nil {
return failed()
loop = int((math.Log(float64(number_of_classes)) / math.Log(float64(10))) / 2)
log.Info("Size of the dense layers", "loop", loop)
// loop = max(loop, 3)
for i := 0; i < loop; i++ {
err = MakeLayer(c.Db, def_id, order, LAYER_DENSE, fmt.Sprintf("%d,1", number_of_classes*(loop-i)))
if err != nil {
return failed()
_, err = CreateExpModelHead(c, def_id, 0, number_of_classes-1, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_INIT)
if err != nil {
return failed()
err = ModelDefinitionUpdateStatus(c, def_id, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_INIT)
if err != nil {
return failed()
return nil
// TODO make this json friendy
func generateExpandableDefinitions(c *Context, model *BaseModel, target_accuracy int, number_of_models int) *Error {
cls, err := model_classes.ListClasses(c, model.Id)
if err != nil {
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_PREPARING_TRAINING)
// TODO improve this response
return c.Error500(err)
err = removeFailedDataPoints(c, model)
if err != nil {
return c.Error500(err)
cls_len := len(cls)
if number_of_models == 1 {
if model.Width > 100 && model.Height > 100 {
generateExpandableDefinition(c, model, target_accuracy, cls_len, 2)
} else {
generateExpandableDefinition(c, model, target_accuracy, cls_len, 1)
} else if number_of_models == 3 {
for i := 0; i < number_of_models; i++ {
generateExpandableDefinition(c, model, target_accuracy, cls_len, i)
} else {
// TODO handle incrisea the complexity
for i := 0; i < number_of_models; i++ {
generateExpandableDefinition(c, model, target_accuracy, cls_len, 1)
return nil
func ResetClasses(c *Context, model *BaseModel) {
_, err := c.Db.Exec("update model_classes set status=$1 where status=$2 and model_id=$3", MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TO_TRAIN, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TRAINING, model.Id)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Error while reseting the classes", "error", err)
func trainExpandable(c *Context, model *BaseModel) {
var err error = nil
failed := func(msg string) {
c.Logger.Error(msg, "err", err)
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, FAILED_TRAINING)
ResetClasses(c, model)
var definitions TrainModelRowUsables
definitions, err = GetDbMultitple[TrainModelRowUsable](c, "model_definition where status=$1 and model_id=$2", MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_READY, model.Id)
if err != nil {
failed("Failed to get definitions")
if len(definitions) != 1 {
failed("There should only be one definition available!")
firstRound := true
def := definitions[0]
epoch := 0
for {
acc, err := trainDefinitionExp(c, model, def.Id, !firstRound)
if err != nil {
failed("Failed to train definition!")
epoch += EPOCH_PER_RUN
if float64(acc*100) >= float64(def.Acuracy) {
c.Logger.Info("Found a definition that reaches target_accuracy!")
_, err = c.Db.Exec("update exp_model_head set status=$1 where def_id=$2 and status=$3;", MODEL_HEAD_STATUS_READY, def.Id, MODEL_HEAD_STATUS_TRAINING)
if err != nil {
failed("Failed to train definition!")
} else if def.Epoch > MAX_EPOCH {
failed(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to train definition! Accuracy less %f < %d\n", acc*100, def.TargetAccuracy))
// Set the class status to trained
err = setModelClassStatus(c, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TRAINED, "model_id=$1 and status=$2;", model.Id, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TRAINING)
if err != nil {
failed("Failed to set class status")
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, READY)
func trainRetrain(c *Context, model *BaseModel, defId string) {
var err error
failed := func() {
ResetClasses(c, model)
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, READY_RETRAIN_FAILED)
c.Logger.Error("Failed to retrain", "err", err)
// This is something I have to check
acc, err := trainDefinitionExpandExp(c, model, defId, false)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Failed to retrain the model", "err", err)
c.Logger.Info("Retrained model", "accuracy", acc)
// TODO check accuracy
err = UpdateStatus(c, "models", model.Id, READY)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Info("model updaded")
_, err = c.Db.Exec("update model_classes set status=$1 where status=$2 and model_id=$3", MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TRAINED, MODEL_CLASS_STATUS_TRAINING, model.Id)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Error while updating the classes", "error", err)
func handleRetrain(c *Context) *Error {
var err error = nil
if !c.CheckAuthLevel(1) {
return nil
var dat JustId
if err_ := c.ToJSON(&dat); err_ != nil {
return err_
if dat.Id == "" {
return c.JsonBadRequest("Please provide a id")
model, err := GetBaseModel(c.Db, dat.Id)
if err == ModelNotFoundError {
return c.JsonBadRequest("Model not found")
} else if err != nil {
return c.Error500(err)
} else if model.Status != READY && model.Status != READY_RETRAIN_FAILED && model.Status != READY_ALTERATION_FAILED {
return c.JsonBadRequest("Model in invalid status for re-training")
c.Logger.Info("Expanding definitions for models", "id", model.Id)
classesUpdated := false
failed := func() *Error {
if classesUpdated {
ResetClasses(c, model)
ModelUpdateStatus(c, model.Id, READY_RETRAIN_FAILED)
c.Logger.Error("Failed to retrain", "err", err)
// TODO improve this response
return c.Error500(err)
var def struct {
Id string
TargetAccuracy int `db:"target_accuracy"`
err = GetDBOnce(c, &def, "model_definition where model_id=$1;", model.Id)
if err != nil {
return failed()
type C struct {
Id string
ClassOrder int `db:"class_order"`
err = c.StartTx()
if err != nil {
return failed()
classes, err := GetDbMultitple[C](
"model_classes where model_id=$1 and status=$2 order by class_order asc",
if err != nil {
_err := c.RollbackTx()
if _err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Two errors happended rollback failed", "err", _err)
return failed()
if len(classes) == 0 {
c.Logger.Error("No classes are available!")
_err := c.RollbackTx()
if _err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Two errors happended rollback failed", "err", _err)
return failed()
//Update the classes
stmt, err2 := c.Prepare("update model_classes set status=$1 where status=$2 and model_id=$3")
err = err2
if err != nil {
_err := c.RollbackTx()
if _err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Two errors happended rollback failed", "err", _err)
return failed()
defer stmt.Close()
if err != nil {
_err := c.RollbackTx()
if _err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Two errors happended rollback failed", "err", _err)
return failed()
err = c.CommitTx()
if err != nil {
_err := c.RollbackTx()
if _err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Two errors happended rollback failed", "err", _err)
return failed()
classesUpdated = true
_, err = CreateExpModelHead(c, def.Id, classes[0].ClassOrder, classes[len(classes)-1].ClassOrder, MODEL_DEFINITION_STATUS_INIT)
if err != nil {
return failed()
go trainRetrain(c, model, def.Id)
_, err = c.Db.Exec("update models set status=$1 where id=$2;", READY_RETRAIN, model.Id)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Failed to update model status")
// TODO improve this response
return c.Error500(err)
return c.SendJSON(model.Id)
func handleTrain(handle *Handle) {
handle.Post("/models/train", func(c *Context) *Error {
if !c.CheckAuthLevel(1) {
return nil
var dat struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
ModelType string `json:"model_type"`
NumberOfModels int `json:"number_of_models"`
Accuracy int `json:"accuracy"`
if err_ := c.ToJSON(&dat); err_ != nil {
return err_
if dat.Id == "" {
return c.JsonBadRequest("Please provide a id")
modelTypeId := 1
if dat.ModelType == "expandable" {
modelTypeId = 2
} else if dat.ModelType != "simple" {
return c.JsonBadRequest("Invalid model type!")
model, err := GetBaseModel(c.Db, dat.Id)
if err == ModelNotFoundError {
return c.JsonBadRequest("Model not found")
} else if err != nil {
return c.Error500(err)
if model.Status != CONFIRM_PRE_TRAINING {
return c.JsonBadRequest("Model in invalid status for training")
if modelTypeId == 2 {
full_error := generateExpandableDefinitions(c, model, dat.Accuracy, dat.NumberOfModels)
if full_error != nil {
return full_error
} else {
full_error := generateDefinitions(c, model, dat.Accuracy, dat.NumberOfModels)
if full_error != nil {
return full_error
if modelTypeId == 2 {
go trainModelExp(c, model)
} else {
go trainModel(c, model)
_, err = c.Db.Exec("update models set status = $1, model_type = $2 where id = $3", TRAINING, modelTypeId, model.Id)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Failed to update model status")
// TODO improve this response
return c.Error500(err)
return c.SendJSON(model.Id)
handle.Post("/model/train/retrain", handleRetrain)
handle.Get("/model/epoch/update", func(c *Context) *Error {
f := c.R.URL.Query()
accuracy := 0.0
if !CheckId(f, "model_id") || !CheckId(f, "definition") || CheckEmpty(f, "epoch") || !CheckFloat64(f, "accuracy", &accuracy) {
return c.JsonBadRequest("Invalid: model_id or definition or epoch or accuracy")
accuracy = accuracy * 100
model_id := f.Get("model_id")
def_id := f.Get("definition")
epoch, err := strconv.Atoi(f.Get("epoch"))
if err != nil {
return c.JsonBadRequest("Epoch is not a number")
rows, err := c.Db.Query("select md.status from model_definition as md where md.model_id=$1 and md.id=$2", model_id, def_id)
if err != nil {
return c.Error500(err)
defer rows.Close()
if !rows.Next() {
c.Logger.Error("Could not get status of model definition")
return c.Error500(nil)
var status int
err = rows.Scan(&status)
if err != nil {
return c.Error500(err)
if status != 3 {
c.Logger.Warn("Definition not on status 3(training)", "status", status)
return c.JsonBadRequest("Definition not on status 3(training)")
c.Logger.Debug("Updated model_definition!", "model", model_id, "progress", epoch, "accuracy", accuracy)
_, err = c.Db.Exec("update model_definition set epoch_progress=$1, accuracy=$2 where id=$3", epoch, accuracy, def_id)
if err != nil {
return c.Error500(err)
c.ShowMessage = false
return nil
handle.Get("/model/head/epoch/update", func(c *Context) *Error {
f := c.R.URL.Query()
accuracy := 0.0
if !CheckId(f, "head_id") || CheckEmpty(f, "epoch") || !CheckFloat64(f, "accuracy", &accuracy) {
return c.JsonBadRequest("Invalid: model_id or definition or epoch or accuracy")
accuracy = accuracy * 100
head_id := f.Get("head_id")
epoch, err := strconv.Atoi(f.Get("epoch"))
if err != nil {
return c.JsonBadRequest("Epoch is not a number")
rows, err := c.Db.Query("select hd.status from exp_model_head as hd where hd.id=$1;", head_id)
if err != nil {
return c.Error500(err)
defer rows.Close()
if !rows.Next() {
c.Logger.Error("Could not get status of model head")
return c.Error500(nil)
var status int
err = rows.Scan(&status)
if err != nil {
return c.Error500(err)
if status != 3 {
c.Logger.Warn("Head not on status 3(training)", "status", status)
return c.JsonBadRequest("Head not on status 3(training)")
c.Logger.Debug("Updated model_head!", "head", head_id, "progress", epoch, "accuracy", accuracy)
_, err = c.Db.Exec("update exp_model_head set epoch_progress=$1, accuracy=$2 where id=$3", epoch, accuracy, head_id)
if err != nil {
return c.Error500(err)
c.ShowMessage = false
return nil