
584 lines
14 KiB

package utils
import (
dbtypes "git.andr3h3nriqu3s.com/andr3/fyp/logic/db_types"
type AnyMap = map[string]interface{}
type Error struct {
Code int
data any
type HandleFunc struct {
path string
fn func(c *Context) *Error
type Handler interface {
Get(fn func(c *Context) *Error)
Post(fn func(c *Context) *Error)
type Handle struct {
Db db.Db
gets []HandleFunc
posts []HandleFunc
deletes []HandleFunc
DataMap map[string]interface{}
Config Config
validate *validator.Validate
func handleError(err *Error, c *Context) {
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Warn("Responded with error", "code", err.Code, "data", err.data)
var e *Error
if err.data != nil {
e = c.SendJSON(err.data)
} else {
e = c.SendJSON(500)
if e != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Something went very wrong while trying to send and error message", "stack", string(debug.Stack()))
// This group of functions defines some endpoints
func (x *Handle) Get(path string, fn func(c *Context) *Error) {
x.gets = append(x.gets, HandleFunc{path, fn})
func (x *Handle) GetAuth(path string, authLevel dbtypes.UserType, fn func(c *Context) *Error) {
inner_fn := func(c *Context) *Error {
if !c.CheckAuthLevel(authLevel) {
return nil
return fn(c)
x.gets = append(x.gets, HandleFunc{path, inner_fn})
func (x *Handle) Post(path string, fn func(c *Context) *Error) {
x.posts = append(x.posts, HandleFunc{path, fn})
func (x *Handle) PostAuth(path string, authLevel dbtypes.UserType, fn func(c *Context) *Error) {
inner_fn := func(c *Context) *Error {
if !c.CheckAuthLevel(authLevel) {
return nil
return fn(c)
x.posts = append(x.posts, HandleFunc{path, inner_fn})
func PostAuthJson[T interface{}](x *Handle, path string, authLevel dbtypes.UserType, fn func(c *Context, dat *T) *Error) {
inner_fn := func(c *Context) *Error {
if !c.CheckAuthLevel(authLevel) {
return nil
obj := new(T)
if err := c.ToJSON(obj); err != nil {
return err
return fn(c, obj)
x.posts = append(x.posts, HandleFunc{path, inner_fn})
func PostAuthFormJson[T interface{}](x *Handle, path string, authLevel dbtypes.UserType, fn func(c *Context, dat *T, file []byte) *Error) {
inner_fn := func(c *Context) *Error {
if !c.CheckAuthLevel(1) {
return nil
read_form, err := c.R.MultipartReader()
if err != nil {
return c.JsonBadRequest("Please provide a valid form data request!")
var json_data string
var file []byte
for {
part, err_part := read_form.NextPart()
if err_part == io.EOF {
} else if err_part != nil {
return c.JsonBadRequest("Please provide a valid form data request!")
if part.FormName() == "json_data" {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
json_data = buf.String()
if part.FormName() == "file" {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
file = buf.Bytes()
if !c.CheckAuthLevel(authLevel) {
return nil
dat := new(T)
decoder := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(json_data))
if err := c.decodeAndValidade(decoder, dat); err != nil {
return err
return fn(c, dat, file)
x.posts = append(x.posts, HandleFunc{path, inner_fn})
func (x *Handle) Delete(path string, fn func(c *Context) *Error) {
x.deletes = append(x.deletes, HandleFunc{path, fn})
func (x *Handle) DeleteAuth(path string, authLevel dbtypes.UserType, fn func(c *Context) *Error) {
inner_fn := func(c *Context) *Error {
if !c.CheckAuthLevel(authLevel) {
return nil
return fn(c)
x.posts = append(x.posts, HandleFunc{path, inner_fn})
func DeleteAuthJson[T interface{}](x *Handle, path string, authLevel dbtypes.UserType, fn func(c *Context, obj *T) *Error) {
inner_fn := func(c *Context) *Error {
if !c.CheckAuthLevel(authLevel) {
return nil
obj := new(T)
if err := c.ToJSON(obj); err != nil {
return err
return fn(c, obj)
x.deletes = append(x.deletes, HandleFunc{path, inner_fn})
// This function handles loop of a list of possible handler functions
func handleLoop(array []HandleFunc, context *Context) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
context.Logger.Error("Something went very wrong", "Error", r, "stack", string(debug.Stack()))
handleError(&Error{500, "500"}, context)
for _, s := range array {
if s.path == context.R.URL.Path {
handleError(s.fn(context), context)
context.ShowMessage = false
handleError(&Error{404, "Endpoint not found"}, context)
func (c *Context) CheckAuthLevel(authLevel dbtypes.UserType) bool {
if authLevel > 0 {
if c.User == nil {
return false
if c.User.UserType < int(authLevel) {
e := c.SendJSON("Not Authorized")
if e != nil {
c.Writer.Write([]byte("You can not access this resource!"))
return false
return true
type Context struct {
Token *string
User *dbtypes.User
Logger *log.Logger
Db db.Db
Writer http.ResponseWriter
R *http.Request
Tx pgx.Tx
ShowMessage bool
Handle *Handle
// This is required for this to integrate simealy with my orl
func (c Context) GetDb() db.Db {
return c.Db
func (c Context) GetLogger() *log.Logger {
return c.Logger
func (c Context) GetHost() string {
return c.Handle.Config.Hostname
func (c Context) Query(query string, args ...any) (pgx.Rows, error) {
if c.Tx == nil {
return c.Db.Query(query, args...)
return c.Tx.Query(context.Background(), query, args...)
func (c Context) Exec(query string, args ...any) (pgconn.CommandTag, error) {
if c.Tx == nil {
return c.Db.Exec(query, args...)
return c.Tx.Exec(context.Background(), query, args...)
func (c Context) Begin() (pgx.Tx, error) {
return c.Db.Begin()
var TransactionAlreadyStarted = errors.New("Transaction already started")
var TransactionNotStarted = errors.New("Transaction not started")
func (c *Context) StartTx() error {
if c.Tx != nil {
return TransactionAlreadyStarted
var err error = nil
c.Tx, err = c.Begin()
return err
func (c *Context) CommitTx() error {
if c.Tx == nil {
return TransactionNotStarted
err := c.Tx.Commit(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return err
c.Tx = nil
return nil
func (c *Context) RollbackTx() error {
if c.Tx == nil {
return TransactionNotStarted
err := c.Tx.Rollback(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return err
c.Tx = nil
return nil
* Parse and vailidates the json
func (c Context) ParseJson(dat any, str string) *Error {
decoder := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(str))
return c.decodeAndValidade(decoder, dat)
func (c Context) ToJSON(dat any) *Error {
decoder := json.NewDecoder(c.R.Body)
return c.decodeAndValidade(decoder, dat)
func (c Context) decodeAndValidade(decoder *json.Decoder, dat any) *Error {
err := decoder.Decode(dat)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Failed to decode json", "dat", dat, "err", err)
return c.JsonBadRequest("Bad Request! Invalid json passed!")
err = c.Handle.validate.Struct(dat)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Failed invalid json passed", "dat", dat, "err", err)
return c.JsonBadRequest("Bad Request! Invalid json passed!")
return nil
func (c Context) SendJSON(dat any) *Error {
c.Writer.Header().Add("content-type", "application/json")
text, err := json.Marshal(dat)
if err != nil {
return c.Error500(err)
if _, err = c.Writer.Write(text); err != nil {
return c.Error500(err)
return nil
func (c Context) SendJSONStatus(status int, dat any) *Error {
c.Writer.Header().Add("content-type", "application/json")
text, err := json.Marshal(dat)
if err != nil {
return c.Error500(err)
if _, err = c.Writer.Write(text); err != nil {
return c.Error500(err)
return nil
func (c Context) JsonBadRequest(dat any) *Error {
c.Logger.Warn("Request failed with a bad request", "dat", dat)
return c.ErrorCode(nil, 404, dat)
func (c Context) JsonErrorBadRequest(err error, dat any) *Error {
c.Logger.Error("Error while processing request", "err", err, "dat", dat)
return c.SendJSONStatus(http.StatusBadRequest, dat)
func (c *Context) GetModelFromId(id_path string) (*dbtypes.BaseModel, *Error) {
id, err := GetIdFromUrl(c, id_path)
if err != nil {
return nil, c.SendJSONStatus(http.StatusNotFound, "Model not found")
model, err := dbtypes.GetBaseModel(c.Db, id)
if err == dbtypes.ModelNotFoundError {
return nil, c.SendJSONStatus(http.StatusNotFound, "Model not found")
} else if err != nil {
return nil, c.Error500(err)
return model, nil
func ModelUpdateStatus(c dbtypes.BasePack, id string, status int) {
_, err := c.GetDb().Exec("update models set status=$1 where id=$2;", status, id)
if err != nil {
c.GetLogger().Error("Failed to update model status", "err", err)
c.GetLogger().Warn("TODO Maybe handle better")
func (c Context) SetReportCaller(report bool) {
if report {
} else {
func (c Context) ErrorCode(err error, code int, data any) *Error {
if code == 400 {
c.Logger.Warn("When returning BadRequest(400) please use context.Error400\n")
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("Something went wrong returning with:", "Error", err)
return &Error{code, data}
// Deprecated: Use the E500M instead
func (c Context) Error500(err error) *Error {
return c.ErrorCode(err, http.StatusInternalServerError, nil)
func (c Context) E500M(msg string, err error) *Error {
return c.ErrorCode(err, http.StatusInternalServerError, msg)
var LogoffError = errors.New("Invalid token!")
func (x Handle) createContext(handler *Handle, r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter) (*Context, error) {
var token *string
logger := log.NewWithOptions(os.Stdout, log.Options{
ReportCaller: true,
ReportTimestamp: true,
TimeFormat: time.Kitchen,
Prefix: r.URL.Path,
t := r.Header.Get("token")
if t != "" {
token = &t
// TODO check that the token is still valid
if token == nil {
return &Context{
Logger: logger,
Db: handler.Db,
Writer: w,
R: r,
ShowMessage: true,
Handle: &x,
}, nil
user, err := dbtypes.UserFromToken(x.Db, *token)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Join(err, LogoffError)
return &Context{token, user, logger, handler.Db, w, r, nil, true, &x}, nil
func contextlessLogoff(w http.ResponseWriter) {
w.Write([]byte("\"Not Authorized\""))
func (x Handle) ReadTypesFilesApi(pathTest string, baseFilePath string, fileTypes []string, contentTypes []string) {
http.HandleFunc("/api"+pathTest, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
r.URL.Path = strings.Replace(r.URL.Path, "/api", "", 1)
user_path := r.URL.Path[len(pathTest):]
found := false
index := -1
for i, fileType := range fileTypes {
if strings.HasSuffix(user_path, fileType) {
found = true
index = i
if !found {
w.Write([]byte("File not found"))
bytes, err := os.ReadFile(path.Join(baseFilePath, pathTest, user_path))
if err != nil {
w.Write([]byte("Failed to load file"))
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", contentTypes[index])
func NewHandler(db db.Db, config Config) *Handle {
var gets []HandleFunc
var posts []HandleFunc
var deletes []HandleFunc
validate := validator.New()
x := &Handle{db, gets, posts, deletes, map[string]interface{}{}, config, validate}
http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
w.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*")
w.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "*")
// Decide answertype
/* if !(r.Header.Get("content-type") == "application/json" || r.Header.Get("response-type") == "application/json") {
w.Write([]byte("Please set content-type to application/json or set response-type to application/json\n"))
if !strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/api") {
w.Write([]byte("Path not found"))
r.URL.Path = strings.Replace(r.URL.Path, "/api", "", 1)
//Login state
context, err := x.createContext(x, r, w)
if err != nil {
// context.Logger.Info("Parsing", "path", r.URL.Path)
if r.Method == "GET" {
handleLoop(x.gets, context)
} else if r.Method == "POST" {
handleLoop(x.posts, context)
} else if r.Method == "DELETE" {
handleLoop(x.deletes, context)
} else if r.Method == "OPTIONS" {
// do nothing
} else {
panic("TODO handle method: " + r.Method)
if context.ShowMessage {
context.Logger.Info("Processed", "method", r.Method, "url", r.URL.Path)
return x
func (x Handle) Startup() {
log.Info("Starting up!\n")
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", x.Config.Port), nil))