import tensorflow as tf import random import pandas as pd from tensorflow import keras from import AUTOTUNE from keras import layers, losses, optimizers import requests class NotifyServerCallback(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback): def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, log, *args, **kwargs): {{ if .HeadId }} requests.get(f'http://localhost:8000//model/head/epoch/update?epoch={epoch + 1}&accuracy={log["accuracy"]}&head_id={{.HeadId}}') {{ else }} requests.get(f'http://localhost:8000/model/epoch/update?model_id={{.Model.Id}}&epoch={epoch + 1}&accuracy={log["accuracy"]}&definition={{.DefId}}') {{end}} DATA_DIR = "{{ .DataDir }}" image_size = ({{ .Size }}) df = pd.read_csv("{{ .RunPath }}/train.csv", dtype=str) keys = tf.constant(df['Id'].dropna()) values = tf.constant(list(map(int, df['Index'].dropna()))) table = tf.lookup.StaticHashTable( initializer=tf.lookup.KeyValueTensorInitializer( keys=keys, values=values, ), default_value=tf.constant(-1), name="Indexes" ) DATA_DIR_PREPARE = DATA_DIR + "/" #based on def pathToLabel(path): path = tf.strings.regex_replace(path, DATA_DIR_PREPARE, "") {{ if eq .Model.Format "png" }} path = tf.strings.regex_replace(path, ".png", "") {{ else if eq .Model.Format "jpeg" }} path = tf.strings.regex_replace(path, ".jpeg", "") {{ else }} ERROR {{ end }} return table.lookup(tf.strings.as_string([path])) def decode_image(img): {{ if eq .Model.Format "png" }} img =, channels={{.ColorMode}}) {{ else if eq .Model.Format "jpeg" }} img =, channels={{.ColorMode}}) {{ else }} ERROR {{ end }} return tf.image.resize(img, image_size) def process_path(path): label = pathToLabel(path) img = img = decode_image(img) return img, label def configure_for_performance(ds:, size: int) -> #ds = ds.cache() ds = ds.shuffle(buffer_size=size) ds = ds.batch(batch_size) ds = ds.prefetch(AUTOTUNE) return ds def prepare_dataset(ds:, size: int) -> ds =, num_parallel_calls=AUTOTUNE) ds = configure_for_performance(ds, size) return ds def filterDataset(path): path = tf.strings.regex_replace(path, DATA_DIR_PREPARE, "") {{ if eq .Model.Format "png" }} path = tf.strings.regex_replace(path, ".png", "") {{ else if eq .Model.Format "jpeg" }} path = tf.strings.regex_replace(path, ".jpeg", "") {{ else }} ERROR {{ end }} return tf.reshape(table.lookup(tf.strings.as_string([path])), []) != -1 seed = random.randint(0, 100000000) batch_size = 64 # Read all the files from the direcotry list_ds ='{DATA_DIR}/*'), shuffle=False) list_ds = list_ds.filter(filterDataset) image_count = len(list(list_ds.as_numpy_iterator())) list_ds = list_ds.shuffle(image_count, seed=seed) val_size = int(image_count * 0.3) train_ds = list_ds.skip(val_size) val_ds = list_ds.take(val_size) dataset = prepare_dataset(train_ds, image_count) dataset_validation = prepare_dataset(val_ds, val_size) track = 0 def addBlock( b_size: int, filter_size: int, kernel_size: int = 3, top: bool = True, pooling_same: bool = False, pool_func=layers.MaxPool2D ): global track model = keras.Sequential(name=f"{track}-{b_size}-{filter_size}-{kernel_size}") track += 1 for _ in range(b_size): model.add(layers.Conv2D( filter_size, kernel_size, padding="same" )) model.add(layers.ReLU()) if top: if pooling_same: model.add(pool_func(padding="same", strides=(1, 1))) else: model.add(pool_func()) model.add(layers.BatchNormalization()) model.add(layers.LeakyReLU()) model.add(layers.Dropout(0.4)) return model {{ if .LoadPrev }} model = tf.keras.saving.load_model('{{.LastModelRunPath}}') {{ else }} model = keras.Sequential() {{- range .Layers }} {{- if eq .LayerType 1}} model.add(layers.Rescaling(1./255)) {{- else if eq .LayerType 2 }} model.add(layers.Dense({{ .Shape }}, activation="sigmoid")) {{- else if eq .LayerType 3}} model.add(layers.Flatten()) {{- else if eq .LayerType 4}} model.add(addBlock(2, 128, 3, pool_func=layers.AveragePooling2D)) {{- else }} ERROR {{- end }} {{- end }} {{ end }} model.compile( loss=losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(), optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(), metrics=['accuracy']) his =, validation_data= dataset_validation, epochs={{.EPOCH_PER_RUN}}, callbacks=[ NotifyServerCallback(), tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping("loss", mode="min", patience=5)], use_multiprocessing = True) acc = his.history["accuracy"] f = open("accuracy.val", "w") f.write(str(acc[-1])) f.close(), "{{ .SaveModelPath }}/model")"{{ .SaveModelPath }}/model.keras")