From 4c5320b9e8410d4a4347194efb13c1bf31f1ec1b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andre Henriques Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 18:21:12 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] chore: fixed some spelling mistakes --- report/report.tex | 36 ++++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) diff --git a/report/report.tex b/report/report.tex index 1d84dd3..234d8fc 100644 --- a/report/report.tex +++ b/report/report.tex @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ \addbibresource{../main.bib} % Write the approved title of your dissertation -\title{Automated image classification service} +\title{Automated Image Classification Service} % Write your full name, as in University records \author{Andre Henriques, 6644818} @@ -83,14 +83,14 @@ \section{Literature and Technical Review} This section reviews existing technologies in the market that do image classification. It also reviews current image classification technologies, which meet the requirements for the project. This review also analyses methods that are used to distribute the learning between various physical machines, and how to spread the load so minimum reloading of the models is required when running the model. - \subsection{Existing classification platforms} + \subsection{Existing Classification Platforms} There are currently some existing software as a service (SaaS) platforms that do provide similar services to the ones this will project will be providing. %Amazon provides bespoque machine learning services that if were contacted would be able to provide image classification services. Amazon provides general machine learning services \cite{amazon-machine-learning}. Amazon provides an image classification service called ``Rekognition'' \cite{amazon-rekognition}. This service provides multiple services from face recognition, celebrity recognition, object recognition and others. One of these services is called custom labels \cite{amazon-rekognition-custom-labels} that provides the most similar service, to the one this project is about. The custom labels service allows the users to provide custom datasets and labels and using AutoML the Rekognition service would generate a model that allows the users to classify images according to the generated model. - The models generated using Amazon's Rekognition do not provide ways to update the number of labels that were created without generating a new project which will involve retraining a large part of the model which would involve large downtime between being able to add new classes. Training models also could take 30 minutes to 24 hours \cite{amazon-rekognition-custom-labels-training}, which could result in up to 24 hours of lag between the need of creating a new label and being able to classify that label. A problem also arrises when the uses need to add more than one label at the same time, for example, the user sees the need to create a new label and starts a new model training, but while the model is training a new label is also needed the user now either stops the training of the new model and retrains a new one or waits until the one currently running stops and trains a new one. If new classification classes are required with frequency, this might not be the best platform to choose. + The models generated using Amazon's Rekognition do not provide ways to update the number of labels that were created, without generating a new project. This will involve retraining a large part of the model, which would involve large downtime between being able to add new classes. Training models also could take 30 minutes to 24 hours \cite{amazon-rekognition-custom-labels-training}, which could result in up to 24 hours of lag between the need of creating a new label and being able to classify that label. A problem also arises when the uses need to add more than one label at the same time. For example, the user sees the need to create a new label and starts a new model training, but while the model is training a new label is also needed. The user now either stops the training of the new model and retrains a new one or waits until the one currently running stops and trains a new one. If new classification classes are required with frequency, this might not be the best platform to choose. % @@ -98,45 +98,45 @@ Similarly, Google also has ``Cloud Vision API'' \cite{google-vision-api} which provides similar services to Amazon's Rekognition. But Google's Vision API appears to be more targeted at videos than images, as indicated by their price sheet \cite{google-vision-price-sheet}. They have tag and product identifiers, where every image only has one tag or product. The product identifier system seams to work differently than the Amazon's Rekognition and worked based on K neighbouring giving the user similar products on not classification labels \cite{google-vision-product-recognizer-guide}. - This method is more effective at allowing users to add new types of products, but as it does not give defined classes as the output the system does not give the target functionality that this project is aming to achieve. + This method is more effective at allowing users to add new types of products, but as it does not give defined classes as the output, the system does not give the target functionality that this project is aiming to achieve. - \subsection{Requirements of the Image Classification Models} + \subsection{Requirements of Image Classification Models} - The of the main objectives of this project are to be able to create models that can give a class given an image for any dataset. Which means that there will be no ``one solution fits all to the problem''. While the most complex way to solve a problem would most likely result in success, it might not be the most efficient way to achieve the problem this porject is trying to achieve. + The of the main objectives of this project are to be able to create models that can give a class given an image for any dataset. Which means that there will be no ``one solution fits all to the problem''. While the most complex way to solve a problem would most likely result in success, it might not be the most efficient way to achieve the problem this project is trying to achieve. This section will analyse possible models that would obtain the best results. The models for this project have to be the most efficient as possible while resulting in the best accuracy as possible. - A classical example is the MNIST Dataset \cite{mnist}. Models for the classification of the MNIST dataset can be both very simple or extremely complex and achieve different levels of complexity. - For example, in \cite{mist-high-accuracy} an accuracy $99.91\%$, by combining 3 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), with different kernel sizes and by changing hyperparameters, augmenting the data, and in \cite{lecun-98} an accuracy of $95\%$ was achieved using a 2 layer neural network with 300 hidden nodes. Both these models achieve the accuracy that is required for this project but \cite{mist-high-accuracy} is more way more expensive to run. There when deciding when to choose what models they create the system should choose to create the model that can achieve the required accuracy while taking the leas amount of effort to train. + A classical example is the MNIST Dataset \cite{mnist}. Models for the classification of the MNIST dataset can be both simple or extremely complex and achieve different levels of complexity. + For example, in \cite{mist-high-accuracy} an accuracy $99.91\%$, by combining 3 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), with different kernel sizes and by changing hyperparameters, augmenting the data, and in \cite{lecun-98} an accuracy of $95\%$ was achieved using a 2 layer neural network with 300 hidden nodes. Both these models achieve the accuracy that is required for this project but \cite{mist-high-accuracy} is more expensive to run. There when deciding when to choose what models they create, the system should choose to create the model that can achieve the required accuracy while taking the leas amount of effort to train. % TODO fix the inglish in these sentance The models for this system to work as indented should be as small as possible while obtaining the required accuracy required to achieve the task of classification of the classes. - \subsection{Method of image classification models} + \subsection{Method of Image Classification Models} - There are all multiple ways of creating of achieving image classification, the requirements of the system are that the system should return the class that an image that belongs to. Which means that we will be using supervised classification methods, as these ones are the ones that meet the requirements of the system. + There are all multiple ways of creating of achieving image classification, the requirements of the system are that the system should return the class that an image that belongs to. Which means that we will be using supervised classification methods, as these are the ones that meet the requirements of the system. % TODO find some papers to proff this The system will use supervised models to classify images, using a combination of different types of models, using neural networks, convolution neural networks, deed neural networks and deep convolution neural networks. - These types were decided as they have had a large success in past in other image classification chanalges, for example in the ImageNet chanllage \cite{imagenet}, which has ranked different models in classifying a 14 million images. The contest has been running since 2010 to 2017. + These types were decided as they have had a large success in the past in other image classification chanlleges, for example in the ImageNet chanlleges \cite{imagenet}, which has ranked different models in classifying a 14 million images. The contest has been running since 2010 to 2017. - The models that participated in the contest tended to use more and more Deep convolution neural networks, out of various models that were generated there are a few landmark models that were able to achieve high accuracies, including AlexNet \cite{krizhevsky2012imagenet}, ResNet-152 \cite{resnet-152}, EfficientNet \cite{efficientnet}. + The models that participated in the contest tended to use more and more Deep convolution neural networks, out of various the models that were generated there are a few landmark models that were able to achieve high accuracies, including AlexNet \cite{krizhevsky2012imagenet}, ResNet-152 \cite{resnet-152}, EfficientNet \cite{efficientnet}. % TODO find vgg to cite These models can be used in two ways in the system, they can be used to generate the models via transfer learning and by using the model structure as a basis to generate a complete new model. - \subsection{Models as a basis} + \subsection{Current Known Models} % TODO compare the models This section will compare the different models that did well in the image net challenge. - AlexNet \cite{krizhevsky2012imagenet} is a deep convolution neural network that participated in the ImageNet ILSVRC-2010 contest, it achieved a top-1 error rate of $37.5\%$, and a top-5 error rate of $37.5\%$. A variant of this model participated in the ImageNet LSVRC-2012 contest and achieved top-5 error rate of $15.3\%$. The architecture of AlexNet consists of 5 convolution layers that are run separately followed by 3 dense layers, some layers are followed by Max pooling. The training the that was done using multiple GPUs, one GPU would run the part of each layer, and some layers are connected between GPUs. The model during training also contained data argumentation techniques such as label preserving data augmentation and dropout. + AlexNet \cite{krizhevsky2012imagenet} is a deep convolution neural network that participated in the ImageNet ILSVRC-2010 contest, it achieved a top-1 error rate of $37.5\%$, and a top-5 error rate of $37.5\%$. A variant of this model participated in the ImageNet LSVRC-2012 contest and achieved a top-5 error rate of $15.3\%$. The architecture of AlexNet consists of 5 convolution layers that are run separately followed by 3 dense layers, some layers are followed by Max pooling. The training the that was done using multiple GPUs, one GPU would run the part of each layer, and some layers are connected between GPUs. The model during training also contained data argumentation techniques such as label preserving data augmentation and dropout. While using AlexNet would probably yield desired results, it would complicate the other parts of the service. As a platform as a service, the system needs to manage the number of resources available, and requiring to use 2 GPUs to train a model would limit the number of resources available to the system by 2-fold. % TODO talk more about this - ResNet \cite{resnet} is a deep convolution neural network that participated in the ImageNet ILSVRC-2015 contest, it achived a top-1 error rate of $21.43\%$ and a top-5 error rate of $5.71\%$. + ResNet \cite{resnet} is a deep convolution neural network that participated in the ImageNet ILSVRC-2015 contest, it achieved a top-1 error rate of $21.43\%$ and a top-5 error rate of $5.71\%$. % RestNet-152 @@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ % There are also unsupervised learning methods that do not have a fixed number of classes. While this method would work as an expandable model method, it would not work for the purpose of this project. This project requires that the model has a specific set of labels which does not work with unsupervised learning which has unlabelled data. Some technics that are used for unsupervised learning might be useful in the process of creating expandable models. - \section{Problem analysis \& design choices} + \section{Problem Analysis \& Design Choices} - \subsection{Structure of the service} + \subsection{Structure of the Service} The system needs to manage: \begin{itemize} @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ % TODO add diagram! \includegraphics[height=\textheight]{expandable_models_simple} - \subsection{Generation models} + \subsection{Generation Models} The system requires the generation of models. Generating all models based on one single model would decrease the complexity of the system, but it would not guarantee success. The system needs to generate successful models, to achieve this, the system will be performing two approaches: