defmodule Paxos do def start(name, processes) do IO.puts("Starting paxos for #{name}") pid = spawn(Paxos, :init, [name, name, processes]) Utils.register_name(name, pid, false) end # Init event must be the first # one after the component is created def init(name, parent, processes) do EventualLeaderElector.start(name, processes) EagerReliableBroadcast.start(name, processes) state = %{ name: name, parent: parent, processes: processes, leader: nil, instmap: %{}, other_values: %{}, decided: %{} } run(state) end def add_inst_map(state, inst, value, pid_to_inform, action) do IO.puts("#{} SET BALLOT VALUE 3 nil") instmap = Map.put(state.instmap, inst, %{ value: value, ballot: 0, ballot_value: nil, prepared_values: [], accepted: 0, accepted_ballot: nil, accepted_value: nil, pid_to_inform: pid_to_inform, has_sent_accept: false, action: action, }) %{state | instmap: instmap} end def has_or_create(state, inst) do if Map.has_key?(state.instmap, inst) do state else add_inst_map(state, inst, nil, nil, nil) end end def has_finished(state, inst) do Map.has_key?(state.decided, inst) end def run(state) do run( receive do {:ele_trust, proc} -> IO.puts("#{} - #{proc} is leader") Enum.reduce(Map.keys(state.instmap), %{state | leader: proc}, fn inst, st -> # IO.puts("#{} - looping after leader: #{inst}") prepare(st, inst) end) {:propose, inst, value, t, pid_to_inform, action} -> IO.puts("#{} - Propose #{inspect(inst)} with action #{inspect(action)}") cond do has_finished(state, inst) -> IO.puts("#{} - Has already decided for #{inspect(inst)} sending #{inspect(state.decided[inst])}") send(pid_to_inform, {:decision, inst, state.decided[inst]}) state not Map.has_key?(state.instmap, inst) -> EagerReliableBroadcast.broadcast(, {:other_propose, inst, value}) state = add_inst_map(state, inst, value, pid_to_inform, action) Process.send_after(self(), {:timeout, inst}, t) prepare(state, inst) state.instmap[inst].value == nil -> EagerReliableBroadcast.broadcast(, {:other_propose, inst, value}) Process.send_after(self(), {:timeout, inst}, t) prepare( set_instmap(state, inst, %{ state.instmap[inst] | value: value, pid_to_inform: pid_to_inform, action: action, }), inst ) true -> prepare(state, inst) end {:rb_deliver, proc, {:other_propose, inst, value}} -> state = %{state | other_values: Map.put(state.other_values, inst, value)} cond do Map.has_key?(state.decided, inst) -> EagerReliableBroadcast.broadcast(, {:decide, inst, state.decided[inst]} ) state true -> state = has_or_create(state, inst) prepare(state, inst) end {:rb_deliver, proc, {:prepare, proc, inst, ballot}} -> IO.puts("#{} - prepare from #{proc}") cond do has_finished(state, inst) -> state not Map.has_key?(state.instmap, inst) -> IO.puts("I think that is the cause") state = has_or_create(state, inst) Utils.unicast( {:prepared, inst, ballot, state.instmap[inst].accepted_ballot, state.instmap[inst].accepted_value}, proc ) set_instmap(state, inst, %{ state.instmap[inst] | ballot: ballot }) ballot > state.instmap[inst].ballot -> Utils.unicast( {:prepared, inst, ballot, state.instmap[inst].accepted_ballot, state.instmap[inst].accepted_value}, proc ) set_instmap(state, inst, %{ state.instmap[inst] | ballot: ballot }) true -> Utils.unicast({:nack, inst, ballot}, proc) state end {:timeout, inst} -> if not has_finished(state, inst) do send(state.instmap[inst].pid_to_inform, {:timeout, inst}) end state {:nack, inst, ballot} -> IO.puts("#{} - nack #{inspect(inst)} #{inspect(ballot)}") cond do has_finished(state, inst) -> state state.leader == and state.instmap[inst].ballot == ballot -> if Map.has_key?(state.instmap, inst) and state.instmap[inst].pid_to_inform != nil do send(state.instmap[inst].pid_to_inform, {:abort, inst}) end set_instmap(state, inst, %{ state.instmap[inst] | has_sent_accept: false }) true -> state end {:prepared, inst, ballot, accepted_ballot, accepted_value} -> IO.puts( "#{} - prepared #{inspect(inst)} #{inspect(ballot)} #{inspect(accepted_ballot)} #{inspect(accepted_value)}" ) cond do has_finished(state, inst) -> state ballot == state.instmap[inst].ballot -> state = set_instmap(state, inst, %{ state.instmap[inst] | prepared_values: state.instmap[inst].prepared_values ++ [{accepted_ballot, accepted_value}] }) IO.puts("#{} Try to run prepared") prepared(state, inst) ballot > state.instmap[inst].ballot -> IO.puts("Probably recieved this before preare came to self sending with delay") Process.send_after(self(), {:prepared, inst, ballot, accepted_ballot, accepted_value}, 100) state true -> state end {:rb_deliver, proc, {:accept, inst, ballot, value}} -> cond do has_finished(state, inst) -> state true -> state = has_or_create(state, inst) if ballot >= state.instmap[inst].ballot do IO.puts("#{} - accept #{inspect(inst)} #{inspect(ballot)} #{inspect(value)}") Utils.unicast({:accepted, inst, ballot}, proc) set_instmap(state, inst, %{ state.instmap[inst] | ballot: ballot, accepted_value: value, accepted_ballot: ballot }) else IO.puts("#{} -> #{proc} nack") Utils.unicast({:nack, inst, ballot}, proc) state end end {:accepted, inst, ballot} -> IO.puts("#{} accepted #{inspect(inst)} #{inspect(ballot)}") if has_finished(state, inst) do state else if state.leader == and state.instmap[inst].ballot == ballot do accepted( set_instmap(state, inst, %{ state.instmap[inst] | accepted: state.instmap[inst].accepted + 1 }), inst ) else state end end {:get_value, inst, pid_to_inform, t} -> # IO.puts("#{} get_value") cond do t < 0 -> send(pid_to_inform, {:get_value_res, inst}) has_finished(state, inst) -> send(pid_to_inform, {:get_value_res_actual, inst, state.decided[inst]}) true -> Process.send_after(self(), {:get_value, inst, pid_to_inform, t - 500}, 500) end state {:rb_deliver, _, {:decide, inst, value}} -> IO.puts("#{} decided #{inspect(inst)} #{inspect(value)}") if has_finished(state, inst) do state else if Map.has_key?(state.instmap, inst) != nil and state.instmap[inst].pid_to_inform != nil do send(state.instmap[inst].pid_to_inform, {:decision, inst, value}) end %{ state | decided: Map.put(state.decided, inst, value), instmap: Map.delete(state.instmap, inst) } end end ) end def set_instmap(state, inst, instmap) do new_instmap = Map.put(state.instmap, inst, instmap) %{state | instmap: new_instmap} end # # Puts process in the preapre state # def prepare(state, _) when state.leader !=, do: state def prepare(state, inst) do cond do Map.get(state.instmap, inst) == nil and Map.get(state.other_values, inst) == nil -> state Map.get(state.instmap, inst) != nil and state.instmap[inst].has_sent_accept -> state true -> ballot = state.instmap[inst].ballot + 1 IO.puts("#{} sending all prepare #{inst} #{ballot}") EagerReliableBroadcast.broadcast(, {:prepare,, inst, ballot}) IO.puts("#{} SET BALLOT VALUE 2 nil") set_instmap(state, inst, %{ state.instmap[inst] | prepared_values: [], accepted: 0, ballot_value: nil, has_sent_accept: false }) end end # # Process the prepared responses # def prepared(state, _) when state.leader !=, do: state def prepared(state, inst) do IO.puts("#{} #{length(state.processes)} #{length(state.instmap[inst].prepared_values)} #{state.instmap[inst].has_sent_accept}") if length(state.instmap[inst].prepared_values) >= floor(length(state.processes) / 2) + 1 and not state.instmap[inst].has_sent_accept do {_, a_val} = Enum.reduce(state.instmap[inst].prepared_values, {0, nil}, fn {bal, val}, {a_bal, a_val} -> if a_bal > bal do {a_bal, a_val} else {bal, val} end end) a_val = if a_val == nil do if state.instmap[inst].value == nil do state.other_values[inst] else state.instmap[inst].value end else a_val end EagerReliableBroadcast.broadcast(, {:accept, inst, state.instmap[inst].ballot, a_val} ) IO.puts("#{} SET BALLOT VALUE #{inspect(a_val)}") set_instmap(state, inst, %{ state.instmap[inst] | ballot_value: a_val, has_sent_accept: true }) else state end end # # Process the accepted responses # def accepted(state, _) when state.leader !=, do: state def accepted(state, inst) do if state.instmap[inst].accepted >= floor(length(state.processes) / 2) + 1 do value = state.instmap[inst].ballot_value if state.instmap[inst].action == :kill_before_decision do IO.puts("#{} - Leader has action to die before decision #{inspect({:decide, inst, value})}") Process.exit(self(), :kill) end EagerReliableBroadcast.broadcast(, {:decide, inst, value} ) if state.instmap[inst].pid_to_inform != nil do send(state.instmap[inst].pid_to_inform, {:decision, inst, value}) end %{ state | decided: Map.put(state.decided, inst, value), instmap: Map.delete(state.instmap, inst) } else state end end def propose_action(pid, inst, value, t, action) do # Utils.unicast({:propose, value}, name) send(pid, {:propose, inst, value, t, self(), action}) propose_loop(inst) end def propose(pid, inst, value, t) do # Utils.unicast({:propose, value}, name) send(pid, {:propose, inst, value, t, self(), nil}) propose_loop(inst) end def propose_loop(inInst) do receive do {:timeout, inst} -> if inInst == inst do {:timeout} else propose_loop(inInst) end {:abort, inst} -> if inInst == inst do {:abort} else propose_loop(inInst) end {:decision, inst, d} -> if inInst == inst do {:decision, d} else propose_loop(inInst) end x -> Process.send_after(self(), x, 500) propose_loop(inInst) end end def get_decision(pid, inst, t) do send(pid, {:get_value, inst, self(), t}) get_decision_loop(inst) end def get_decision_loop(inInst) do receive do {:get_value_res, inst} -> if inst == inInst do nil else get_decision_loop(inInst) end {:get_value_res_actual, inst, v} -> if inst == inInst do v else get_decision_loop(inInst) end x -> Process.send_after(self(), x, 500) get_decision_loop(inInst) end end end