defmodule Utils do @min_print_level 0 def safecast(p, m) when p == nil, do: IO.puts('Trying to safecast #{m} with p as nil') def safecast(p, m) when is_pid(p), do: send(p, m) def safecast(p, m) do case :global.whereis_name(p) do pid when is_pid(pid) -> send(pid, m) :undefined -> :ok end end def alter_name(name, part) do String.to_atom(Atom.to_string(name) <> part) end def beb_broadcast(m, dest), do: for(p <- dest, do: safecast(p, m)) def register_name(name, pid, link \\ true) do case :global.re_register_name(name, pid) do :yes -> # Note this is running on the parent so we are linking the parent to the rb # so that when we close the parent the rb also dies if link do end pid :no -> Process.exit(pid, :kill) :error end end defmacro create_log(level) do quote do def log(msg) do Utils._log(msg, unquote(level)) end end end def _log(msg, level) do if (@min_print_level < level) do IO.puts(msg) end end defmacro or_state(val, do: expr) do quote do case unquote(val) do true -> unquote(expr) _ -> var!(state) end end end defmacro runfn(do: expr) do quote do def run(s) do var!(state) = s run(receive do unquote(expr) end) end end end end # # # Possible actions # :kill_before_decision # :increase_ballot_number - this makes it so that it does not propose but jump simply increases the number of the current ballot # this is usefull when forcing a nack # defmodule Paxos do require Utils import Utils create_log 0 defmacro set_instmap(do: expr) do quote do var!(map) = var!(state).instmap[var!(inst)] new_instmap = Map.put(var!(state).instmap, var!(inst), unquote(expr)) var!(state) = %{var!(state) | instmap: new_instmap } end end # Starts the Paxos replica with a specific name and some processes def start(name, processes, link \\ false) do log("Starting paxos for #{name}") pid = spawn(Paxos, :init, [name, processes]) register_name(name, pid, link) end # Init event must be the first # one after the component is created def init(name, processes) do EventualLeaderElector.start(name, processes) EagerReliableBroadcast.start(name, processes) state = %{ name: name, processes: processes, leader: nil, instmap: %{}, decided: %{} } run(state) end # Guarantees that a specific state exists def has_or_create(state, inst, value \\ nil, pid_to_inform \\ nil, action \\ nil) do or_state state.instmap[inst] == nil do instmap = Map.put(state.instmap, inst, %{ value: value, other_value: nil, ballot: Ballot.init(, 0), aborted: false, ballot_value: nil, prepared_values: [], accepted: 0, accepted_ballot: nil, accepted_value: nil, pid_to_inform: pid_to_inform, has_sent_accept: false, action: action, has_sent_prepare: false, }) %{state | instmap: instmap} end end def has_finished(state, inst, ignore_aborted \\ false) do cond do Map.has_key?(state.decided, inst) -> true ignore_aborted -> false Map.has_key?(state.instmap, inst) -> state.instmap[inst].aborted true -> false end end runfn do {:ele_trust, proc} -> log("#{} - #{proc} is leader") Enum.reduce(Map.keys(state.instmap), %{state | leader: proc}, fn inst, st -> prepare(st, inst) end) {:propose, inst, value, pid_to_inform, action} -> log("#{} - Propose #{inspect(inst)} with action #{inspect(action)}") cond do has_finished(state, inst, true) -> log("#{} - Has already decided for #{inspect(inst)} sending #{inspect(state.decided[inst])}") send(pid_to_inform, {:decision, inst, state.decided[inst]}) state action == :increase_ballot_number -> log("#{} - Got request to increase ballot number for inst #{inst}") state = has_or_create(state, inst) set_instmap do %{map| ballot:} end not Map.has_key?(state.instmap, inst) -> EagerReliableBroadcast.broadcast(, {:other_propose, inst, value}) state = has_or_create(state, inst, value, pid_to_inform, action) prepare(state, inst) state.instmap[inst].value == nil -> EagerReliableBroadcast.broadcast(, {:other_propose, inst, value}) set_instmap do %{ map | value: value, pid_to_inform: pid_to_inform, action: action, } end prepare(state, inst) true -> EagerReliableBroadcast.broadcast(, {:other_propose, inst, value}) prepare(state, inst) end {:rb_deliver, proc, {:other_propose, inst, value}} -> cond do has_finished(state, inst, true) -> EagerReliableBroadcast.broadcast(, {:decide, inst, state.decided[inst]} ) state true -> state = has_or_create(state, inst) set_instmap do %{map | other_value: value} end prepare(state, inst) end {:rb_deliver, proc, {:prepare, proc, inst, ballot}} -> log("#{} - prepare from #{proc}") cond do has_finished(state, inst) -> state not Map.has_key?(state.instmap, inst) -> state = has_or_create(state, inst) safecast(proc, {:prepared, inst, ballot, state.instmap[inst].accepted_ballot, state.instmap[inst].accepted_value}); set_instmap do %{ map | ballot: ballot } end, &>/2, state.instmap[inst].ballot) -> safecast(proc, {:prepared, inst, ballot, state.instmap[inst].accepted_ballot, state.instmap[inst].accepted_value} ) set_instmap do %{ map | ballot: ballot } end true -> safecast(proc, {:nack, inst, ballot}) state end {:nack, inst, ballot} -> log("#{} - nack #{inspect(inst)} #{inspect(ballot)}") cond do has_finished(state, inst) -> state state.leader == and[inst].ballot, &==/2, ballot) -> if Map.has_key?(state.instmap, inst) and state.instmap[inst].pid_to_inform != nil do send(state.instmap[inst].pid_to_inform, {:abort, inst}) end EagerReliableBroadcast.broadcast(, {:abort, inst, ballot}) set_instmap do %{ map | has_sent_accept: false, has_sent_prepare: false, ballot:, aborted: true, } end true -> state end {:rb_deliver, _proc, {:abort, inst, ballot}} -> cond do has_finished(state, inst) -> state true -> log("#{} - got information to send abort") if Map.has_key?(state.instmap, inst) and state.instmap[inst].pid_to_inform != nil do send(state.instmap[inst].pid_to_inform, {:abort, inst}) end state end {:prepared, inst, ballot, accepted_ballot, accepted_value} -> log( "#{} - prepared #{inspect(inst)} #{inspect(ballot)} #{inspect(accepted_ballot)} #{inspect(accepted_value)}" ) cond do has_finished(state, inst) -> state, &==/2, state.instmap[inst].ballot) -> set_instmap do %{ map | prepared_values: map.prepared_values ++ [{accepted_ballot, accepted_value}] } end prepared(state, inst), &>/2, state.instmap[inst].ballot) -> log("#{} - Probably recieved this before preare came to self sending with delay") Process.send_after(self(), {:prepared, inst, ballot, accepted_ballot, accepted_value}, 100) state true -> state end {:rb_deliver, proc, {:accept, inst, ballot, value}} -> cond do has_finished(state, inst) -> state true -> state = has_or_create(state, inst) if, &>=/2, state.instmap[inst].ballot) do log("#{} - accept #{inspect(inst)} #{inspect(ballot)} #{inspect(value)}") safecast(proc, {:accepted, inst, ballot}) set_instmap do %{ map | ballot: ballot, accepted_value: value, accepted_ballot: ballot } end else log("#{} -> #{proc} nack") safecast(proc, {:nack, inst, ballot}) state end end {:accepted, inst, ballot} -> log("#{} - accepted #{inspect(inst)} #{inspect(ballot)}") cond do has_finished(state, inst) -> state state.leader == and state.instmap[inst].ballot == ballot -> set_instmap do %{ map | accepted: map.accepted + 1 } end accepted( state, inst) true -> state end {:get_value, inst, pid_to_inform} -> # log("#{} get_value") if has_finished(state, inst, true) do safecast(pid_to_inform, {:get_value_res, inst, state.decided[inst]}) end state {:rb_deliver, _, {:decide, inst, value}} -> log("#{} - decided #{inspect(inst)} #{inspect(value)}") or_state not has_finished(state, inst) do if Map.has_key?(state.instmap, inst) != nil and state.instmap[inst].pid_to_inform != nil do safecast(state.instmap[inst].pid_to_inform, {:decision, inst, value}) end %{ state | decided: Map.put(state.decided, inst, value), instmap: Map.delete(state.instmap, inst) } end end # # Puts process in the preapre state # def prepare(state, _) when state.leader !=, do: state def prepare(state, inst) do cond do state.instmap[inst] == nil -> state state.instmap[inst].value == nil and state.instmap[inst].other_value == nil -> state state.instmap[inst] != nil and state.instmap[inst].has_sent_prepare -> state state.instmap[inst] != nil and state.instmap[inst].has_sent_accept -> state true -> ballot =[inst].ballot) log("#{} - sending all prepare #{inst} #{inspect(ballot)}") EagerReliableBroadcast.broadcast(, {:prepare,, inst, ballot}) set_instmap do %{ map | prepared_values: [], accepted: 0, aborted: false, ballot_value: nil, has_sent_prepare: true, has_sent_accept: false } end end end # # Process the prepared responses # def prepared(state, _) when state.leader !=, do: state def prepared(state, inst) do if length(state.instmap[inst].prepared_values) >= floor(length(state.processes) / 2) + 1 and not state.instmap[inst].has_sent_accept do {_, a_val} = Enum.reduce(state.instmap[inst].prepared_values, {Ballot.init(, 0), nil}, fn {bal, val}, {acc_bal, acc_val} -> cond do val == nil -> {acc_bal, acc_val}, &>/2, bal) -> {acc_bal, acc_val} true -> {bal, val} end end) a_val = if a_val == nil do if state.instmap[inst].value == nil do state.instmap[inst].other_value else state.instmap[inst].value end else a_val end EagerReliableBroadcast.broadcast(, {:accept, inst, state.instmap[inst].ballot, a_val} ) set_instmap do %{ map | ballot_value: a_val, has_sent_accept: true } end else state end end # # Process the accepted responses # def accepted(state, _) when state.leader !=, do: state def accepted(state, inst) do if state.instmap[inst].accepted >= floor(length(state.processes) / 2) + 1 do value = state.instmap[inst].ballot_value if state.instmap[inst].action == :kill_before_decision do log("#{} - Leader has action to die before decision #{inspect({:decide, inst, value})}") Process.exit(self(), :kill) end EagerReliableBroadcast.broadcast(, {:decide, inst, value} ) if state.instmap[inst].pid_to_inform != nil do send(state.instmap[inst].pid_to_inform, {:decision, inst, value}) end %{ state | decided: Map.put(state.decided, inst, value), instmap: Map.delete(state.instmap, inst) } else state end end def propose(pid, inst, value, t, action \\ nil) do send(pid, {:propose, inst, value, self(), action}) propose_loop({inst, t}) end def propose_loop(input) do {_, t} = input receive do {:timeout, inst} -> check_and_apply({:timeout}, inst, input, &propose_loop/1) {:abort, inst} -> check_and_apply({:abort}, inst, input, &propose_loop/1) {:decision, inst, d} -> check_and_apply({:decision, d}, inst, input, &propose_loop/1) x -> Process.send_after(self(), x, 500) propose_loop(input) after t -> {:timeout} end end def get_decision(pid, inst, t) do send(pid, {:get_value, inst, self()}) get_decision_loop({inst, t}) end def get_decision_loop(input) do {_, t} = input receive do {:get_value_res, inst, v} -> check_and_apply(v, inst, input, &get_decision_loop/1) x -> Process.send_after(self(), x, 500) get_decision_loop(input) after t -> nil end end def check_and_apply(v, inst, input, fun) do {inInst, _} = input if inst == inInst do v else fun.(input) end end end defmodule Ballot do def init(name, number \\ 0), do: {name, number} def inc(b, name \\ nil) do {old_name, number} = b { if name == nil do old_name else name end, number + 1 } end defp lexicographical_compare(a, b) do cond do a == b -> 0 a > b -> 1 true -> -1 end end defp diff({name1, number1}, {name2, number2}) do diff = number1 - number2 if diff == 0 do lexicographical_compare(name1, name2) else diff end end def compare(b1, operator, b2), do: operator.(diff(b1, b2), 0) end defmodule EagerReliableBroadcast do require Utils import Utils def get_non_rb_name(name) do String.to_atom(String.replace(Atom.to_string(name), "_rb", "")) end def start(name, processes) do pid = spawn(EagerReliableBroadcast, :init, [name, processes]) register_name(alter_name(name, "_rb"), pid) end # Init event must be the first # one after the component is created def init(parent, processes) do state = %{ name: alter_name(parent, "_rb"), parent: parent, processes:, fn name -> alter_name(name, "_rb") end), # Use this data structure to remember IDs of the delivered messages delivered: %{}, # Use this variable to remember the last sequence number used to identify a message seq_no: 0 } run(state) end runfn do # Handle the broadcast request event {:broadcast, m} -> data_msg = {:data,, state.seq_no, m} beb_broadcast(data_msg, state.processes) %{state | seq_no: state.seq_no + 1} {:data, proc, seq_no, m} -> if not Map.has_key?(state.delivered, {proc, seq_no, m}) do data_msg = {:data, proc, seq_no, m} beb_broadcast(data_msg, state.processes) safecast(state.parent, {:rb_deliver, get_non_rb_name(proc), m}) %{state | delivered: Map.put(state.delivered, {proc, seq_no, m}, 1)} else val = Map.get(state.delivered, {proc, seq_no, m}) if val < Enum.count(state.processes) do %{state | delivered: Map.put(state.delivered, {proc, seq_no, m}, val + 1)} else %{state | delivered: Map.delete(state.delivered, {proc, seq_no, m})} end end end ############# # Interface # ############# def broadcast(name, m), do: safecast(alter_name(name, "_rb"), {:broadcast, m}) end # # Emits {:ele_trust, proc } # defmodule EventualLeaderElector do require Utils import Utils def start(name, processes) do new_name = alter_name(name, "_ele") pid = spawn(EventualLeaderElector, :init, [new_name, name, processes]) register_name(new_name, pid) end # Init event must be the first # one after the component is created def init(name, parent, processes) do processes =, fn name -> alter_name(name, "_ele") end) state = %{ name: name, parent: parent, processes: processes, timeout: 1000, heard_back:, seq: 0, last_trust: nil } run(request_heartbeats(state)) end def request_heartbeats(state) do state = %{state | heard_back:, seq: state.seq + 1} beb_broadcast({:heartbeat_request,, state.seq}, state.processes) Process.send_after(self(), {:timeout}, state.timeout) state end runfn do {:heartbeat_request, name, seq} -> safecast(name, {:heartbeat, state.parent, seq}) state {:heartbeat, name, seq} -> or_state seq == state.seq do %{state | heard_back: MapSet.put(state.heard_back, name)} end {:timeout} -> state = or_state MapSet.size(state.heard_back) >= floor(length(state.processes)/2) + 1 do to_trust =, 0) or_state state.last_trust != to_trust do safecast(state.parent, {:ele_trust, to_trust}) %{state | last_trust: to_trust} end end request_heartbeats(state) end end